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Old 27-01-2009, 02:25 PM #1
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Default Brekkies\' CELEBRITY Big Brother 2009 (Full series plan now posted (and updated))

I didn't get round to this before Christmas, but it is something I've intended to do. So wipe your memory clean of the last month, and indeed BB9, and enjoy Brekkie's Celebrity Big Brother 2009.

This is the follow up to my BB9 plan from last year, so if you haven't read that it might be an idea to take a look first, as the idea of this series is it's a continuation from that, which obviously was hugely successful and hence Celebrity Big Brother is back and will develop naturally from that.

I'm not going to repeat myself too much as alot of the set up is largely the same, but I'll outline the key changes before going ahead with a more detailed plan for how the series will pan out.

Firstly, the Schedule.
I'm knocking a couple of days off and starting on the Sunday instead of the Friday, with a 90-minute launch show from 9pm. The show will continue nightly at 9pm with hour-long shows, but there will be 90-minute shows on Tuesdays and Fridays for evictions, with the possibility (if required) of 90-minute shows on Sundays for additional live shows.

It goes without saying I would not have axed the live stream. BBLB would air in it's usual Sunday to Friday slots (though I think 7.30pm rather than 6pm during the week).

Big Mouth would air four nights a week - Sun/Mon and Wed/Thu, straight after the C4 show. On Tuesday and Friday E4 concentrates on live streaming from the house following the eviction, though in the first week though the show would air Monday to Thursday as there is no Tuesday night eviction, and on the Sunday we want to get straight into the live streaming after the launch show.

Diary Room Uncut would air once a week on Saturdays at 10pm, including on the day after the finale.

Ad Campaign
The ad campaign is a continuation of the theme I used for the summer series - The Mark of Big Brother. The idea then was that people were disappearing from all sorts of places, with only an etching of the BB eye left behind as an indication of their disappearance.

That idea is now reworked for celebs, so rather than workplaces etc. we have celebrities disappearing from the red carpet, the middle of a concert, a movie set etc. with only "the mark of Big Brother" left behind to indicate where they've gone.

The titles
Not quite as lazy as slapping a star on the eye - we've also changed the colour from a boring old blue to a starry pink. I think Celeb BB2 left an impression on all of us because even though it's not been used since, alot of us seem to still associate the colour pink with Celeb BB.

That's about it for now while I decide which direction I want to go with the show, which will impact on how many celebs I require and if I need to make any major changes to the house.
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Old 31-01-2009, 10:41 PM #2
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This is proving harder than I thought, probably because we've already seen CBB this year so it's difficult not too link the two. For example, my house isn't exactly dwarf proof, but then again I'm not going to redesign it just for Verne Troyer as that suggests I'm designing it for the last series specifically, and I'm not!

I'm still unsure of how the format will pan out, hence why I've taken a bit to post the houseplan as I was mulling over an idea which needed more of a tweak, but I've decided against that now. Also, I kind of felt I should be changing more - but in the end to Celeb-proof my BB9 house didn't really require much change at all. I was happy with the original so it's only a couple of tweaks really. The house (and series) is designed for 10 people.


As with my BB9 house (link in opening post), housemates enter on the first floor on to the balcony over looking the living area. Just a minor change here with the gym now placed on the balcony - the bathroom remains on the left, with a glass wall overlooking the living area - though of course the shower is more private for the celebs. A slight change in the sleeping arrangements on the right - the upper bedroom has just three double beds and is the more luxurious sleeping quarters.

The main living area is unchanged, but the lower bedroom has also been redecorated and is much more basic than the BB9 version, with seven single beds.

Outside is where there is more of a change, with a new pool house to ensure it can be used in the winter. The gym is removed from the luxury area and replaces with a chill-out seating area, making the area a focal point of the house even for the celebs who don't fancy a dip in the pool.

As a result the garden is made slightly smaller too, while leading from the garden is a new task area, though I'm unsure if it would be required yet. It's there if Big Brother needs it though.

The format is to follow when I've thought it through!
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Old 01-02-2009, 02:38 PM #3
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Just a quick request to read and reply please. I'd rather have pages of comments telling me my ideas are **** than absolute silence. But hey, as nobody has told me it's all ****, I'll assume it's the best idea you've ever read and plough on regardless!

Remember this series is a spin-off from my previously posted BB9 series plan, where the main idea was about re-establishing Big Brother, not revolutionising it. There were a few twists along the way, but the aim was to do what we did well - and that's the idea here too.

Therefore this series won't be revolutionary - the twists are relatively simple, and the main launch twist is nicked from the USA - a twist that while I'm not sure would work too well for the main series, I think for Celebrity Big Brother it's perfect.

The original format is therefore the basic mechanics of this show, but unlike the current producers I'll be taking into account that this series only lasts three weeks, hence using a half-week cycle rather than pretending it's a regular series and then realising in the last week you've got to kick 8 people out in 4 days.

It's also worth remembering my BB9 plan was based on what I thought the show needed after BB8, so what we actually saw on TV in the last year needs to be wiped from your minds. My BB9 didn't have Heaven and Hell or Head of House!

10 housemates will enter on launch night. There will be no late arrivals.

Nominations are the traditional format of nominating two people each, with the top two up for eviction. Nominations and evictions take place twice a week.

There will be tasks twice a week for the food budget, with additional individual and group challenges for further luxuries and prizes.

And like with my BB9, all food must be made from scratch - there will be no ready made pizzas etc. on the shopping list! If housemates fail to win their food for the week they will live on the Tin Can Lottery - unmarked tins of food supplied by BB.

Finally, Big Brother will stay out of the running of the house - that's down to the celebs to arrange. Big Brother is only concerned with enforcing the rules of the game unless someone seriously oversteps the mark.

Week 1 to follow...
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Old 01-02-2009, 02:48 PM #4
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Love the house plan. The tin can lottery is a great idea too. I also think it's better having two nomination rounds a week. Well done
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Old 01-02-2009, 05:49 PM #5
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Ooh, a reply! I guess I'll continue then...

As I said before I'm launching on the Sunday rather than the Friday - firstly as I thought the 2nd Jan was too soon after New Year, and secondly as I believe it's easier to hold on to the launch night viewers on a weeknight than over the weekend.

Day 1 - Sunday 4th Jan 2009
Live Launch Show:
A retrospective of the first five series, a sneak peak at this years housemates and a tour of the house kick things off before the ten celebrity housemates move in one by one.

At the end of the show Davina reveals to viewers the big twist of the series - and it's one unashamedly nicked from BBUSA - the "Celebrity Coup d'etat". The (secret) winner will have the power to use the "Coup d'etat" during one of the first three rounds of nominations. By using it they will void the houses nominations and choose the two nominees themselves, thus ensuring immunity for that eviction. The other housemates will be made aware when the Coup d'etat is used, but won't know who used it.

Davina will be back on Tuesday with a live special to reveal the winner - and discover if it's used during the first nominations.

Day 1... continued
Later in the evening the celebrities get their first task to unlock the luxury room - with the food for the week also at stake.

Big Brother will make the housemates up to three offers:

The first offer is that Big Brother will unlock the luxury room immediately if five housemates volunteer to live on the tin can lottery until the first eviction. The other five housemates will have access to the food from the shopping list.

If that offer is not accept, the second offer is that Big Brother will unlock the luxury room in 24 hours if four housemates volunteer to live on the tin can lottery until the first eviction. The other six housemates will have access to the food from the shopping list.

If the housemates have rejected both offers, the third and final offer is that Big Brother will unlock the luxury room in 72 hours if three housemates volunteer to live on the tin can lottery until the first eviction. The other seven housemates will have access to the food from the shopping list.

If however the housemates reject all three offers from Big Brother, they will all live on the tin-can lottery until the first eviction, with the luxury room remaining locked until then.

Day 2: Celebrity Coup d'etat
As outlined above, the winner of the Celebrity Coup d'etat will have the power to void the nominations during one of the first three rounds of nominations, with only the housemates they nominate facing eviction instead.

On Monday they will compete for this - but they won't know exactly what they're competing for, and only the winner will know they have won it - and discover what they have won.

The challenge takes place in the diary room and is relatively simple - answering true/false questions about the other housemates, with a further tie breaker question asked in event of a tie. The person with the most correct answers wins. Simple.

Sometime during the evening the winner will be called to the diary room and informed of the details of their prize.

Day 3: Tuesday
During the day the celebs would get a filler task to put on a Talent Showcase event, which will then give viewers a reason to watch on Wednesday.

Later on Tuesday night Davina hosts a live nominations show as the celebrities nominate for the first time. The Coup d'Etat winner is revealed to the viewers in the highlights from yesterday, and then during the nominations when they are called to the diary room they will be asked whether they want to use the power for this eviction or not. If they choose to use it, only their nominations will count - though to protect their identity the others still nominate. If they choose not to use it, they still have the option of using the power for the next two evictions.

At the end of the live show the nominees will be revealed, with the first eviction due on Friday.

Day 4 & 5: Wed/Thu - It's Raining Cats and Dogs
The next shopping task to win food from after Friday's eviction until early next week takes place from Wednesday, and it will be a continuous task which takes place over a 24-hour period. During that time stuffed cats and dogs will rain down on the BB garden over a 24-hour period. The celebs job is to catch them before they hit the ground and lock them in the pound. If more than 5 dogs or cats hit the ground they'll have failed.

Day 6: Eviction 1
It's the first eviction, live from 9pm on C4 with the all in one 90-minute eviction show, including the thoughts of friends and family plus a brief look back at the week too. It's an eviction show after all - not highlights and phone numbers!

And next we move onto week two, with the final opportunities to use the Coup d'Etat (assuming it wasn't used on Tuesday) plus another eviction twist too.

Last edited by Brekkie; 29-04-2010 at 04:26 PM.
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Old 01-02-2009, 08:25 PM #6
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Originally posted by Brekkie

Day 4 & 5: Wed/Thu - It's Raining Cats and Dogs
The next shopping task to win food from after Friday's eviction until early next week takes place from Wednesday, and it will be a continuous task which takes place over a 24-hour period. During that time stuffed cats and dogs will rain down on the BB garden over a 24-hour period. The celebs job is to catch them before they hit the ground and lock them in the pound. If more than 5 dogs or cats hit the ground they'll have failed.
I LOVE that task idea. Good thinking

It all sounds great and your floorplan is fantastic, well done!
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Old 01-02-2009, 08:27 PM #7
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A 2 Floor Gym <3

I love your ideas.

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Old 01-02-2009, 08:28 PM #8
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OMFG that is amazing. Someone should really turn that houseplan into reality..
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Old 01-02-2009, 08:29 PM #9
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Originally posted by DoubleTrouble
OMFG that is amazing. Someone should really turn that houseplan into reality..
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:46 PM #10
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Ooh, comments... Thanks

Originally posted by 30stone
A 2 Floor Gym <3

I love your ideas.

Will you still love it when I tell you the gym is only on one floor - upstairs. Not sure where you got the 2 floor idea form?

Originally posted by Matt
Originally posted by DoubleTrouble
OMFG that is amazing. Someone should really turn that houseplan into reality..
Builders hey!
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:47 PM #11
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Originally posted by Brekkie

Builders hey!
Maybe you should have gone for that Polish builder....
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:56 PM #12
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The coup d'etat thing is fantastic and the raining cats and dogs task is brilliant to.
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Old 01-02-2009, 09:57 PM #13
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Originally posted by Brekkie
Originally posted by Matt
Originally posted by DoubleTrouble
OMFG that is amazing. Someone should really turn that houseplan into reality..
Builders hey!
Ooooooooo cannot wait for this!!!

OI! And no, PLEASE NO POLISH BUILDERS. If we have polish builders please keep it a british design.
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:02 PM #14
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Originally posted by Sam1994
The coup d'etat thing is fantastic and the raining cats and dogs task is brilliant to.
You've got the snow to thank for that idea. I put all of 30 seconds thought into it!
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Old 02-02-2009, 07:56 PM #15
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Week 2

Day 7: Saturday
It's nominations day, with another round of regular noms. Assuming it's not been used, the Coup d'Etat winner has the option to void today's nominations and put their own two nominees up for Tuesday's eviction instead.

Day 8/9: Sun/Mon - Nine Lives
This shopping task, to win food for Tuesday-Friday, sees the housemates tested individually. Any housemate who passes their task has access to the food budget, with any housemate who fails living on the Tin Can Lottery.

Big Brother will give cryptic clues to the nine challenges, with housemates then having to choose which challenge they will complete. At least one of these challenges will see two housemates competing against each other - for example an object will be placed in the house, with one housemate given the secret challenge to protect the object, while another is secretly given the challenge to remove the object without detection.

At the end of the nine challenges Big Brother will reveal who has passed and who has failed. They will then be given the chance to gamble by spinning a wheel. The wheel will be divided into nine parts in relation to the number of challenges passed - so if five HMs passed their challenges, five parts of the wheel will show "win".

Day 10: Tuesday - Eviction 2
A routine eviction.

Day 11: Wednesday - Nominations
The third nominations is the final opportunity for the Coup d'etat winner to exercise their power. However, if having not used the power for the first two evictions they choose not to use it this time, they will be automatically nominated for Fridays' eviction.

Day 11/12: Wed/Thu - Ping Pong
I couldn't nick it when I did my BB9 plan as they hadn't done it then, but for this weeks task, to win food for the first half of next week, would be that Japanese Puppetry thing in the black room - which after the individual nature of the last task brings the housemates together as a group.

Day 13: Friday - Eviction 3... and 4
With one week to go it's time to kick out the third evictee - something the housemates will be expecting.

And then it's a surprise snap second eviction. After the third evictee is revealed the lines will open for 20 minutes for viewers to nominate two of the remaining seven housemates for eviction. You know how it works by now - but celebs are stupid so won't be expecting it. Davina interrupts the housemates post-eviction blues and informs them of the two nominees, with the other five then called one by one to the diary room to evict them. Any housemate who refuses to vote is automatically nominated for the next eviction.

And that's week two - again nothing flash, but having the midweek eviction gives it a decent structure, and it's unashamedly Big Brother with a couple of simple twists in play.

I'll post the final week either tomorrow or Wednesday - I've got another simple but I believe quite effective trick up my sleeve!
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Old 03-02-2009, 08:52 PM #16
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love it <3
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Old 04-02-2009, 12:49 PM #17
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And now to wrap things up:

Day 14/15: Sat/Sun: The 24-Hour Race
A tough challenge considering just six HMs remain, but the celebs will have to compete in BB's version of the 24 hour Le Mans Race, keeping a go-kart moving around a track for 24 hours. Only one housemate will peddle the car at any one time, but a co-driver must also be in the task room to change drivers every few laps. If the celebs keep the car moving and don't give up, they'll get food for the final week.

Day 15: Sunday LIVE Nominations
Later on Sunday the housemates will nominate for the final time - LIVE. However, they won't be nominating to evict - they'll be nominating who they want to win. The three or more with the least votes are up for eviction.

Day 16: Monday - Messages from home
The housemates will get a performance based task (e.g. creating a song), which BB will inevitably deem satisfactory and reward the HMs with messages from home.

Day 17: Tuesday - LIVE Double Eviction
The fifth and sixth eviction, leaving four in the final.

Day 18: Wed - The Final Task
A final luxury challenge (for a takeaway) would see the HMs being tested on what has happened during the series, with tasks such as what's happened next and putting events into chronological order.

Day 19: Thursday - The Last Supper
No challenge - just the reward of a farewell banquet, which of course they have to spend the day cooking themselves. They will also be having a guest at the banquet - Big Brother himself.

Day 20: The Final
Four remain, one wins. A two-hour finale from 9pm, including highlights from the final day in the house too.

And that's it - nothing flash, but simple enough twists to make the series work. This, along with my BB9 plan, I believe would have put the show in a good position to move forward for BB10 and overhaul things further, allowing the show to move into a new chapter and survive for at least a few more years. Having re-established the show, now would be the opportunity to redevelop it.

I'd probably go down the rich/poor route for my BB10 - I think that's where my BB9 plan was kind of leading too - and I've an idea of evolving the "Mark of Big Brother" promo campaign to have scenes where people are, for example, enjoying a banquet- and then BB interferes with things and suddenly they're in the pouring rain eating baked beans around a camp fire, with that pesky little eye showing Big Brother is responsible.

However, the reality is my series didn't air last year - C4's did, and what I think the show needs now is completely different to what I think the show would need if my series had aired.
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Old 07-02-2009, 04:32 PM #18
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As nobody cared to comment on my final week I've tweaked it (very) slightly and made it look like I've put a little bit more effort into it. Any thoughts welcome... please!!!!
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Old 07-02-2009, 04:46 PM #19
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Love the last 2 weeks. The final task on Day 18 is really good.
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Old 07-02-2009, 04:50 PM #20
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It's becomes an issue when a fans CBB is better than the real thing...
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Old 07-02-2009, 08:30 PM #21
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To be fair PJ I've always thought I could do a better job than the producers - it's not a new thing!
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