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Old 04-02-2011, 07:45 PM #1
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Post The Mystical Realms Sagas - Season Eleven - The Duties of the State


Note contains spoilers from previous seasons and tales

This follows on from Tales From and Around the Mystical Realms Volume Four



Q. If it was in the interest of national security, would the state, break the law?

In the days following World War Two, many Nazi scientists, who had been responsible for crimes against humanity, were spirited away by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, a branch of the US Government. These scientists were considered far too useful in the Cold War against the soviets that was to follow, to be allowed to stand trial at Nuremberg. In order to get round an injunction by the then US president that those steeped in Nazi war crimes were excluded from relocation to the US; the biographies of these scientists were amended and sanitised.

This operation by the US Government was called Operation Paperclip the name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new political persona to their “US Government Scientist” JIOA personnel files.

They were of course dark and troublesome times back then, and so their crimes were glossed over as they worked for their new masters.

In fact the success of the Apollo programme to land a man on the Moon was down to one of these scientists, one Wernher von Braun

The question is, would a governments today act in such a manner?

There is of course the old Latin saying, Inter arma enim silent leges attributed to Cicero from the first century BCE, which literally says "For among [times of] arms, the laws fall mute," although it is more popularly rendered as "In times of war, the law falls silent."

Would a state once again dispense with justice for the sake of expediency and gaining a military advantage over their enemies?


Previously in the Mystical Realms Sagas and Tales


Three years ago
An office over Looking the River Thames
London, England

Instinctively the elderly business man thrust the Shears of Atropos into The Spirit of Lust. She screamed from the shock of the pain and the fire balls just vanished. Then to elderly business man’s surprise, she laughed as she pulled the shears from her body and tossed them on the floor and grabbed the elderly business man and held him in her arms. “You fool” She shouted, “By stabbing me with a magical item, you have just started to spread my essence of lust through out this universe and as I have you, you will be spread through out the cosmos with me and fully aware”
The elderly business man tried to push the Spirit of lust away, but she held on with a vice like grip as the two of them started to glow with white light

“Take cover you fools” Yelled the Spirit of Lust to Samuel and Mark, so Samuel and Mark dived behind the desk in the office. The teenager scrambled round to be right next to him behind the desk.
“I’m Celeste” She told him, “I’m sorry I was involved in the bosses plot to kill you sir, I was wrong”
“I’m glad you failed” Samuel replied
“So am I sir” Celeste told him

Just then there was a massive flash of light and a violent wind emanating from where the Spirit of Lust had been, shattering the thick glass windows and setting alight some of the furniture.

Celeste stood up and saw that the Spirit of Lust and the elderly businessman were gone, but there had been a lot of damage and some items were on fire.

+ + +


Three Years previously in the alternate timeline where Earth had been defeated
A wilderness cave
The Walong Mountains
The Mystical Realms

Colonel Samuel Peters eyed the figure in white, bearing a flaming sword who had approached him

“You may regret what you are about to do mortal” the figure in white said in an intimidating tone, “The rolling back of time has consequences. Are you sure you really want to do this”
“Given what your lot have done to our world” Samuel countered, “I see no other option”

“Remember Mortal” The figure in white growled, “Consequences” he added menacingly. At that he faded away

“What do you think he means by consequences” Celeste nervously asked

+ + +


Three Years ago in the revised timeline
National Naval Medical Center
Bethesda, Maryland USA

Celeste the former spirit of second chances and daughter of the Spirit of Death and Lachesis was lying in a hospital bed whilst Simon Hargreaves, the love of her life sat with her.

Pete Smith came back in with the doctor and the Colonel Samuel Peters. Celeste again tried to sit up, but the doctor would not let her and ordered her to rest as she had had quite a severe concussion.

“When do you want me back at work sir” Celeste asked the Colonel.

The colonel looked up at Pete and then Simon.
“She only came round a moment ago, she doesn’t know” Pete said to the colonel

“Whatever I’ve done wrong I’m sorry” Celeste said in distress, worried that for some reason she had been dismissed.

“You haven’t done anything wrong Celeste” Samuel said quietly. Then he stopped and then spoke up again, “When that hydrogen bomb detonated between our two universes it seems to have some how stopped passage between Earth and the Mystical Realms”
“I tried to stop her” Celeste went on
“You couldn’t have stopped her” the colonel interrupted, “nobody could have, there is no way anyone could have.”
“So what happens now sir?” Celeste asked
“As all the entities from there have left Earth and all the humans with one exception are back here on Earth, it has been decided to shut the IDEC down” the colonel explained.

“I’m going to work for the NSA” Simon suddenly said to Celeste, “Miss Cooper got me a job there”
“Sue-Lim and I will be returning back to England as soon as she’s discharged from here in a week or so time” Pete interrupted.
“And your coming home with me” Simon said gleefully, “Mum and Dad want to meet my new wife”

+ + +


An office building over looking the River Thames
London, England

Some time after the link to the Mystical Realms was severed in the revised timeline

The office building had been abandoned for a long time since the collapse of the empire of the person who once owned it. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light which exploded silently followed by an electrical discharge that crackled all across the room.

Suddenly a man in his fifties and what looked like a woman in her forties or fifties who had been stabbed appeared from nowhere and both were thrown to the floor.

The woman placed her hand over the stab wound and looked up in surprise, “What magic is this” she screeched as she gasped in pain as she started to smoulder

“I’ve no idea” the man replied as he got up off the floor, “But I still have my own thread and now I’m back and this time all the others thought they had defeated me will pay!”

+ + +


The Reflecting Pool
Washington DC
United States of America

(One Month previously)

Kathryn Cooper watched as Brigadier General Samuel Peters walked away after a frosty encounter with her. There had been a lot of water under the bridge since the closing down of Inter Dimensional Entity Control, and relations between the two were not what they once were. She had got a senior position with the National Security Agency. Although Samuel had received a promotion, he had ended up retiring, angry at how some of his former team had been treated.

Kathryn waited until he was out of sight and then pulled out her mobile and turned around and started walking. She dialled a number and started walking

The mobile was answered

“Sorry sir” Kathryn said into the phone, “He didn’t say where the girl is”

Someone responded on the phone

“No sir, I really don’t think she’s a threat to national security.” She said into the phone, “I have experience of former minor spirits of virtue sir, especially with Mazy Schneider and Rebecca Sands. Even your own people have assessed them as minimal risk if that.”

A further reply came over the mobile

“Well if you want to put a tail on the Brigadier General, that of course is your prerogative but I think you are wasting your time, plus I have to point out that whoever you pick has to be damn good. He can spot a tail a mile off.”

A further reply came over the mobile

“Yes sir” the lady replied and closed her phone, shaking her head as she headed for a black sedan that was waiting for her.

+ + +

Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008

Last edited by Sticks; 29-07-2011 at 07:01 PM. Reason: Correct a name of a link
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Old 04-02-2011, 07:47 PM #2
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Episode I –Reckonings


A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

The Present day

Charlene Henshaw sat alone in her glass cell. It had everything for her physical needs including an en-suite bathroom. Periodically food would be delivered by a red wormhole.

She had lost track of how long she had been there. She had not been told why she was being detained and by whom

Suddenly just outside the cell she saw the tell tale sign of a red wormhole developing. Someone was coming into this artificial universe she was being held prisoner.

The wormhole grew and became full size.

Charlene saw a man in a suit coming through to speak to her.

As Charlene looked at him, a cold chill went down her spine. She had seen a photograph of this man. He was the nearest she had heard in recent times of evil personified and there was no way he should be here.

“Greetings Doctor Henshaw” the man said to Charlene in a public school British accent, “Sorry for the delay, but I was busy running my new empire on the QT. I do hope we can come to some accommodation”

Charlene looked straight at this man, “But you’re supposed to be dead” she said with horror

“As you can see Doctor Henshaw” the man continued, “In spite of your friend’s best efforts I am very much alive, and I have been busy recently. I mean for some it is their time of reckoning for what they did to me and my empire three or so years ago”

+ + +

J Edgar Hoover Building
Washington DC
United States of America

Twenty four hours earlier

Kathryn walked in the underground parking lot of the FBI headquarters with her old mentor at the National Security Agency, Walter Quentin. It was the first time that she had seen him in his military uniform for a long time, and she thought he looked good in it

Walter, like all the other directors of United States most secret agency, was high ranking in the military, having risen through the ranks of naval intelligence to Vice Admiral. Unlike most of the previous directors, in his normal day to day work, he rarely wore the uniform, even at Fort Meade in Maryland, the headquarters of the NSA.

Today was different, and a bitter sweet day. Walter was retiring.

He had already had his farewell ceremony at the NSA headquarters, but before he left the organisation, he had wanted to say a few farewells to some of his old comrades in the intelligence community in back DC.

Kathryn Cooper once the chairman and then director of the ultra secret Inter Dimensional Entity Control agency but now an assistant director in the NSA had been accompanying him, and was due to return to Fort Meade that evening.

The venue for Walter’s retirement presentation had been the FBI building, even though his long time sparring partner Jack Maddox was still director there. It had been just over three years since Walter had had to brow beat the FBI director into releasing one of Kathryn’s people from custody. It had been even more galling for Jack at that time, when he had been presented evidence that the person his agency had arrested had been innocent all along and the FBI had been played for fools. And if that was not bad enough, the woman that had been arrested, had very nearly committed suicide while she was being held in FBI custody, causing a long inquiry by the department of justice, which had highlighted procedural failings.

Jack had come close to having to resign, but in the end Kathryn had persuaded the Department of Justice who oversaw the FBI of certain extenuating factors, leaving Jack in her debt as well. Something Jack resented.

Needless to say that Walter and Jack’s relationship had been strained at the time, but it all seemed like water under the bridge now as Jack had the good grace to allow his building to be used for Walter’s presentation, and had given a half decent goodbye speech.

“Kathryn” Walter opened with as they walked across the parking lot
“Yes Walter?” Kathryn replied
“You know the deputy director is retiring next month as well” Walter let on
“He had mentioned it to me” Kathryn answered, “any idea who his successor will be?”

Walter stopped and turned round to Kathryn, “I’m recommending you Kathryn” he told Kathryn.

Kathryn stopped, shocked at the news, “well thanks, I don’t know what to say” she uttered

“Well it have to be confirmed Kathryn” Walter went on, “Hopefully it will be a mere formality, after all you were the chairman come director of Inter Dimensional Entity Control before it was canned”

“That might count against me Walter” Kathryn replied, “I mean since then most of the old team were definitely not flavour of the month with the current administration”

Walter sighed, “I heard the Secretary of State’s office were giving you a hard time”

“Well Samuel certainly didn’t help matters” Kathryn countered
“The Bentley girl” Walter sighed again

“Exactly” Kathryn went on, “You know there have been voices raised in Homeland Security about letting these former minor spirits of virtue breed”
“But they’re harmless Kathryn” Walter objected, “We both know that”
“But it doesn’t stop those voices Walter” Kathryn went on, “There are some still calling for them to be interned or at least sterilised just in case”

Walter shook his head in disbelief, “The spirit of Mr Blue and the Master Race lives on at Capitol Hill”. Walter sighed again, “So that was why Matthew Sands and his family moved to Toronto”

Kathryn nodded her head, “Somehow he got a heads up that they were going to put an implant in Rebecca that would leave her permanently sterile. I heard they got out the day before the court order was due to be served on them to force Rebecca to have that operation”

“I wonder who gave him that head’s up” Walter asked pointedly
“I wouldn’t know Walter” Kathryn replied with mock innocence

“I heard that Mazy Schneider is staying with the Sand’s family now as well” Walter added

Again in the same mocking tone Kathryn expressed surprise at that news.

“No wonder we had those problems with Mr Hargreaves when Celeste fell pregnant” Walter growled, “Where did they go to in the end?”

“San Francisco I believe Walter” Kathryn answered, “I believe they were in hiding for three months before we found him. Simon’s parents were totally distraught by that Walter, they still can’t get over how much he grew up in that alternative timeline. I was so glad you managed to persuade Jack not to put them on the FBI most wanted list” Kathryn told Walter with a genuine sense of relief.

“Well in one sense Celeste did help prevent Sue-Lim from committing suicide in the FBI’s custody so Jack owed me one” Walter responded. “As far as the NSA was concerned we wrote it off as an authorised leave of absence until Ashia was born. Once we had our medics prove that Celeste’s daughter was one hundred percent human with no powers, I think I managed to get them to back down”

“But didn’t they still want to have Celeste and her baby sterilised?” Kathryn asked
Walter nodded, “I was only just able to show them that as her first born was harmless, there wouldn’t be any point, just like the sterilisation of the Sands and Schneider girls would have been if they had not gone to Canada. Maybe the Brigadier General is right to withhold the whereabouts of the Bentley girl” Then after a pause, Walter went on accusingly, “But I suspect you already know where she is, so why ask?”
“The secretary of state never asked me if I knew” Kathryn grinned, “He just asked me to get Samuel to tell me where she is. I just hope he’s careful, since our secretary of state wanted him watched. He’s a hero Walter and they treat him like that, not to mention Colonel Mark Johnston”
“I’m kind of glad I’m going” Walter interrupted. “I would hate to be in office when someone brings back the old policy of the old IDEC of Incarcerate, Interrogate and Exterminate”.

“I hope we don’t go there either Walter” Kathryn said, and then changing the subject, “Anyway Walter I’m grateful for the nomination, even if it does get knocked back”

“They would be a fool to turn you down Kathryn” Walter told, “The NSA needs principled people like you”
“Thanks” Kathryn replied and pulled out her car keys and remotely unlocked her car. “Can I give you a lift down to Fort Meade?” she asked

Walter shook his head, “I have an invite from Senator Williams tonight at the Hotel Monaco

“Ugh” Kathryn winced, “Not more parties”

“Afraid so it seems” Walter mused, “At least it gives me an excuse to Miriam to get out of all those jobs around the house she wants me to do” Walter then thought for a moment, “You must come to dinner some time. See if you can bring Simon, Celeste and Ashia along”

“I’ll try Walter” Kathryn answered, “But I can’t promise anything”

Kathryn got in her car and closed the door. Walter waved and then turned around and headed back to the entrance into the FBI building

Suddenly there was a loud explosion and Walter was thrown to the floor by the force of the blast.

In shock and pain he was just able to sit up and look back to where the explosion had been.

It was in Kathryn Cooper’s car.

Kathryn had been murdered by a car bomb that had been planted and detonated in the underground parking lot of the FBI headquarters.

+ + +

St Stephen's green park
Republic of Ireland

Gregory O’Doyle the former head of the G2 Special section, the branch of the Irish military intelligence service that used to work with leprechauns sat down and watched the ducks on the lake. It was a beautiful morning in Dublin.

Ever since his wife died a year after his retirement when the weather was dry, as it was that day he would come here to sit and remember the old times.

Gregory would often reflect on the end of the G2 Special section, where leprechauns worked for the Irish intelligence service. It had been very rushed at the end, as the leprechauns did not have much notice to return to their home back on the Mystical Realms before passage way was blocked forever.

Staying on Earth was not seen as an option as they were not sure if they could exist if the link between the two worlds was broken.

According to the colonel at the time it was some hydrogen bomb going off between the two worlds, that was due to sever the link, It had been left there by the daughter of the Lord Low Troll as she had tried to send it to destroy Washington DC.

It had only been thwarted by the intervention by Celeste, the daughter of the Spirit of Death, and the Major Spirit of Second Chances. He had even heard that Celeste was living on Earth, somewhere in America, as she had acquired a human soul and lost all but one of her special powers.

As for the business of the severing of the connection between the two worlds, Gregory did not pretend to understand the complexities of these things, only that G2 Special section had come to an end. For a year after he had transferred to the normal G2, but with cut backs, he chose to take retirement early.

And now he just sat, looking at the ducks in a Dublin park.

“Mr O’Doyle”

The voice shattered his thoughts. It was of a strange European accent that he had heard before.

Gregory looked up at the young twenty year old woman who had dropped by.

It was Fidelity O’Docherty, the former Spirit of Fidelity, along with a young baby boy in a push chair.

“I never knew you had a child Fidelity” Gregory spoke up, stunned by this voice from his past.

Fidelity shook her head, “He’s gorgeous Mr O’Doyle, but I’m afraid he’s not mine” she admitted

“Oh sorry” Gregory said, suddenly embarrassed by his wild assumption, “Is he” he began to ask, but Fidelity anticipated his question

“He’s not Caer’s either” she interrupted, referring to her twin sister, the former Spirit of Fancying, “In fact here she is with this little boy’s sister”

As Gregory looked on, he saw Caer coming up behind, a push chair in one hand and leading what four year old girl in her other hand.

“They belong to a couple an agency sent us to work for at the moment” Fidelity explained.

Gregory stood up to greet Caer as she caught up with her sister Fidelity.

“Nice to see you Mr O’Doyle” Caer said as she arrived, “I thought it would be nice to bring the children to see the ducks”

“So you’re working as nanny’s” Gregory asked

“Child minders” Caer corrected
“It’s helping us pay our way through Uni” Fidelity interrupted
“Both their parents are working this morning” Caer cut back in, “So we are looking after them”

“Well it’s nice to see you again” Gregory went on, “And in better circumstances than last time”

“Don’t remind me” Caer said sharply, “I still have nightmares about that. That b*****d tried to hang me for something that wasn’t our fault” she said angrily

“Ow” the young girl complained, “my hand”.

Instantly Caer let go of the child’s hand, mortified at the language she had used and that she might have hurt a little child. Caer knelt down and cuddled the child, “I’m sorry” she apologised to the child, “did I hurt your hand”

The little girl nodded and began to cry

Fidelity also knelt down in front of the little girl, while Gregory looked on, “Caer didn’t mean to hurt you sweetheart” she said to her, “Someone tried to hurt my sister a few years back to make me”

The words were then unable to come as Fidelity became choked over that day when she had seen her sister standing on a block of ice, with a rope around her neck with the ultimatum that Fidelity be delivered to one of the other Dublin parks all those years ago.

Ironically it had haunted Caer worse than would have been expected if it had been the other way around. Fidelity before she came to be adopted by the O’Docherty’s, had lived under a cruel drow posing as an elven lawyer so Fidelity expected to be treated that way and possibly would have coped better. Caer by contrast, had been left as a baby in a Dublin police station and she had subsequently been adopted by the O’Docherty. Caer had lived an idyllic life, and had never experienced such hate and cruelty before. It had been a severe culture shock for her.

“Who wants ice cream” Gregory called out, and pointed to an ice cream vendor.

Instantly the little girl stopped crying and forgot about how Caer had squeezed her hand and cried out “me”

Caer looked up at Gregory and told him that would be nice.

Gregory noticed a tear in Caer’s eye, Caer’s anger that someone long dead, had inadvertently caused her to inflict, albeit minor pain on a child.

Gregory lead the twins and their charged to the ice cream vendor and bought cones all round, except for himself, citing type two diabetes as a reason for not indulging.

As Fidelity ate her ice cream and tried to feed some to the baby boy, she asked Gregory if he still heard from the colonel.

Gregory shook his head, “I believe he was promoted to Brigadier General before he ended up retiring”

“I heard his friend got” Caer interrupted, regaining her composure, and then mouthed the word “shafted” so the children did not hear it.
“I hadn’t heard about the commander” Gregory replied, “Does this mean he left the Marine Corps”

“Yeah” Caer answered, “Last I heard is that he was working as some kind of security consultant”
“That sounds highly lucrative” Gregory replied.

“I heard from his wife Jenny” Fidelity cut in, “She’s expecting again”
“Where did you hear that?” Caer asked Fidelity

“She messaged me on Facebook” Fidelity replied
“She never messaged me” Caer retorted

“We worked together?” Fidelity said in a tone indicating that Caer should have remembered this fact, from the time when Fidelity had been rescued from the clutches of the drow and for three months worked in a coffee shop in north east England.

“Of course” Caer relented, “I forgot that. Anyway, I’m not on as often as you are Fid”

Fidelity glanced at her watch, “I think we better get the children home” she told her sister, “The Geoffrey’s will be home soon and we should be able to make the library this afternoon for that tutorial”

“Ok” Caer replied, and placed the little girl in her push chair as she had finished her ice cream.

Then the two twins with the two children headed off out of the park.

Gregory was about to sit down again on his bench, when he noticed what was obvious to him with his experience of the intelligence service, someone following the twins.

Gregory pulled out his camera phone and surreptitiously photographed the man following the twins, and started following him while he sent the message to his old friends back in G2. Maybe they could identify who this person was as the way he followed them indicated to Gregory that he must be from an intelligence agency.

It seemed unthinkable that it would be his side, after all the Irish government knew full well that former spirits of virtue like Caer and Fidelity were harmless and even ideal citizens. Because of the old G2 special section, and the former special diplomatic service, Ireland was the most experienced of the main countries in dealing with entities from the Mystical Realms before the link was severed.

The twins left the park and stopped briefly at the crossing on the corner of St Stephen’s Green and Grafton Street. Gregory saw that the man tailing them was looking on from the Fusiliers arch.

Gregory’s phone rang. Luckily Gregory had put it on to vibrate, an old habit from his days in intelligence, so the man he was tailing did not hear it. Gregory answered it, using it as a cover to disguise the fact he was tailing the man following Caer and Fidelity

“Gregory here” he whispered into the mobile phone, “Who is he?”

“We believe his name is Kurt Travers Sir, and he’s CIA, but what are you doing following him?” the voice on the phone asked with incredulity
“What is the CIA doing following the O’Docherty Twins” Gregory countered
“You’re retired sir” the voice on the phone replied, “Let us handle it sir”

The traffic lights turned to let pedestrians cross the road and the twins began crossing. The man resumed his tailing of them

“You’re not here” Gregory replied, “I’m putting a stop to it now, you handle the paper work. You have my phone on the GPS”.

With that Gregory closed his phone up and increased speed towards the man tailing the twins, as he did so he pulled out a leather glove

The man was just about to cross the road when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Excuse me” Gregory said to the man, “Is this yours?”

“I don’t think so buddy” the man replied in an American accent

Gregory held onto the man’s shoulder firmly, “For one thing Mr Travers, I’m not your buddy and secondly, you never had the decency to inform the Irish government of your operation”

The man appeared to go for some weapon, but Gregory was just that bit quicker and disarmed him and pinned him to the ground.

Predictably a number of people started to crowd around watching this spectacle, fortunately Caer and Fidelity were oblivious to it and disappeared into the throng.

The sound of a police car sounded near by

“I expect you will be sent home for actions incompatible with your status, Mr Travers” Gregory said to the man on the ground as he pulled out his old id badge to flash at passers by while the Garda arrived.

+ + +

George Washington University Hospital
Washington DC
United States of America

Walter Quentin sat on a bed waiting for a doctor to certify that what he had were really superficial injuries and he could be discharged. He had been waiting all evening and through the night.

It was now just coming up to six thirty in the morning, as it had been a busy night in the emergency room

Walter was still somewhat shell shocked at what he had seen the previous evening

Jack Maddox approached his bed, showing the nurses his ID. Jack also had a sense of incomprehension at what had happened. It just seemed so inconceivable that a bomber had struck right in the heart of the FBI headquarters, and yet it had happened.

Like Walter he had been up all night dealing with the consequences of the bombing

“You look like c**p Walter” Jack opened with
“You don’t look so hot yourself Jack” Walter reciprocated
“We think it must have been Al Qaeda” Jack continued, “I mean taking out the head of the NSA would be”

Walter interrupted Jack in mid flow. “No Jack, I don’t think I was the target” he said staring into the distance, “The paramedics when I got here let me call Senator Williams. I wanted to say what happened and that because I was here I would not make it to his function”

“And he didn’t know anything about it” Jack said in anticipation, given Walter’s tone.

Walter shook his head, “Williams never knew anything about an invite Jack. Who this b*****d was, Jack, must have been after Kathryn”

“But she’s only an assistant director” Jack protested, “You would have been a bigger target.”

“I wondered” Walter went on before turning to face Jack, “if it was because I was going to recommend her to the position of the new NSA deputy director, but I hadn’t posted the letter yet” he said pulling out a letter in plain white envelope”

“Did you tell anyone else Walter?” Jack asked.

Walter shook his head, “Only Kathryn. I wanted her to be the first to know”

“Then why?” Jack asked accusingly

“Maybe because she was Chair of the old IDEC agency and effectively its director” Walter suggested

“Ancient history Walter” Jack answered back, “That organisation was wound up three years ago”

“How about rouge elements from the previous administration?” Walter suggested, “When the UK lost control to us there were quite a few who saw the new policies she pursued as a betrayal of the human race. It’s the only motive I can think of Jack. Let’s not forget the Sarah Bentley case in England, that was IDEC related”

“I don’t think I got the briefing on that Walter” Jack replied

“You wouldn’t have Jack” Walter answered back, “It was an overseas mission and out of your jurisdiction. Kathryn brought Brigadier General Samuel Peters back out of retirement for that one. She got him to look in to the reactivation of a clean up squad in England that went after a teenager called Sarah Bentley. Kathryn didn’t want to trust this mission to the CIA as the teenager in question was probably the last of the minor spirits of virtue. Unfortunately Samuel had to shoot one of the main players to save the girl before he could find out the brains behind it. That makes it look more like revenge on the one who ordered in the Brigadier General by rouge IDEC officers”

“Well if that’s who it was Walter” Jack went on, “I will put on every agent to hunt them down”

“You’ll have a hard job doing that Jack” Walter replied, “A lot of them were picked from the cream of special forces. They were trained to be ghosts. The question is why did they wait so long? I mean with the link severed to IDW01 they effectively got their wish”

“Well” Jack went on, “either way you look at it Walter, someone planted bomb at the FBI head quarters and killed a federal officer. It’s a matter of honour; we’re not going to rest until we get the dirt bags that did this”

Walter sighed, “I’m going to have to tell her family Jack”

Jack sat down on the bed next to Walter, “I know what you mean Walter. It’s always sucks when I have to inform the family when an FBI agent is killed in the line of duty”

“Damn it Jack she wasn’t a field operative” Walter said angrily, “She was an administrator, capable of running any federal agency here in DC. They were going to can her after they shut the IDEC down until I managed to get her appointed to the NSA” Then after a moments thought, Walter continued. “You need to check up on Pete and Sue Lim, especially with Doctor Henshaw’s disappearance as well a month or so back in that same operation Samuel was involved with”

“I thought those two went back to England Walter” Jack asked
“They were persuaded to stay in DC” Walter replied, “We got them a job as CSI’s for Metro PD”

“Ok Walter, I’ll get someone to check on them” Jack agreed, “But with the bombing at the Hoover building we are spread pretty thin”

“And Simon and Celeste down in Fort Mede” Walter added, “You may need to check on them as well. Simon and Kathryn’s family were close”

“She was the one who made the mess of my interrogation room” Jack remarked
“She was the one who saved you’re a**e back then” Walter countered before adding, “She also saved DC if I recall”

“We’ll have to get the local LEO’s down there look in on them Walter” Jack replied, “It’s the best we can do at the moment”

Walter nodded and then with his fist hit the bed “Kathryn was my protégé Jack. She would have been my chosen successor if the head of the NSA could be a civilian” Walter then said, “and some b*****d’s going to pay for this”

+ + +

Outer suburbs of Washington DC

Sue-Lim waited downstairs in her kitchen waiting for Pete to come down for breakfast.

It was going to be odd not going into work with Pete, but as she felt her large stomach and the child growing in her, it would be making life easier, sort of, as she was now on maternity leave. She was not far off her due date.

There was the sound of the doorbell, which due to the early hour of the morning made Sue-Lim jump slightly. Pete was most likely still in the shower, so Sue Lim pulled herself up off of her chair and headed for the front door.

“Who is it?” she nervously called out from behind the front door

“Federal Express” came back the reply

Sue Lim looked at the clock in the hall. It seemed quite early for a private courier and instinctively Sue-Lim sensed something was not quite right.

“Hang on” she called out, “I need to get the front door key” she lied

“Ok” the man called from behind the door.

Sue-Lim started to head up the stairs to reach Pete, but she met him coming down.

“Federal express at this time?” she mouthed to Pete

Pete directed Sue-Lim back to the kitchen and closed the kitchen door. At least Sue-Lim could get out through the back door if need be, and nervously opened the front door, expecting the worse.

Outside on the front porch was a man in his thirties carrying a package and wearing the uniform of Federal Express. Pete glanced down the drive at the van.

It seemed legitimate enough

“I’m Sue-Lim’s husband” Pete opened with “You’re early”
“Yeah” he replied, “Sorry about that sir, but we got a specific delivery instruction to call at this time. The client said that was the only time we would catch you in. Can you sign here please?”

For a brief moment Pete was stunned, Who would know that?. Still in a daze Pete took the electronic pad and pen and signed for the package.

The courier took back the pen and electronic pad and passed him the package, and then he turned around and walked back to the van.

Pete closed the door and examined the package. It was addressed to Sue-Lim and seemed soft. No obvious sign that it could be something like a parcel bomb, but even then he knew from his experience with the IDEC and working as a CSI that some explosives could be as thin as paper. There was no obvious clue as to who it came from and what it contained. If Mr Vee, Sue-Lim’s estranged father had not passed away last fall from a sudden brain aneurism, he would have thought it would have been from him.

Again, what was really unsettling was that whoever sent it, knew their routine.

Something was not right here.

He could not take the risk, especially with his wife and unborn child

Pete carefully placed the package on the hall table and retreated to the kitchen, where Sue-Lim stood waiting.

“We need to get out through the back door” he told Sue-Lim

“What is it Pete?” she asked, fear creeping into her voice.
“I’m not sure” Pete replied, “That was Fedex alright, but they were told our morning routine so we would be in”
“Someone’s been watching us” Sue-Lim said as colour drained from her face.

Pete moved quickly to the back door. He did not want Sue-Lim going out first, in case the package was designed to make them do just that into the arc of fire of something worse.

The coast seemed clear and so he took Sue-Lim’s hand and led her out of the house, continuously looking around.

Pete pulled out his cell phone and dialled his supervisor at Metro PD. The phone connected, but before he could speak, his supervisor told him that he was just about to ring him.

“Why?” Pete asked suspiciously
“The FBI are coming round to talk with you” his supervisor told him over the phone.

Pete glanced at Sue-Lim as she stood there in the back garden. He did not want to worry her as the last time the FBI came for Sue-Lim, she had been arrested on trumped up charges of assisting terrorists.

“Pete” Sue-Lim asked, “What is it” she pressed.

Pete stuck a finger in the ear that was not pressed to the cell phone. “What’s going on sir” he asked.

“Your old boss Miss Cooper was murdered last night” Pete’s supervisor told him, “The FBI are looking into it. Miss Coopers boss the director of the NSA asked them to check up on you”

Pete took the phone away and swore, then went back to the phone, ignoring Sue-Lim’s request for information.

“Tell them to be careful” Pete told his supervisor, “We had a suspicious package delivered this morning by Federal Express. From what the courier told us it seems someone has been stalking us as they were instructed to deliver it very early before we normally leave for work”

“Where’s the package now” the supervisor asked over the phone
“On the hall table by the front door” Pete replied

“Ok I tell them to send the bomb squad” Pete’s supervisor informed him, “That was how they killed Miss Cooper. It was a bomb in her car”
“I’ll go and open the door” Pete suggested
“You’ll do no such thing” his supervisor ordered, “Don’t go anywhere near it! Wait for the bomb squad, I’ll get on to Federal Express to see if we can trace who sent it”

“Yes sir” Pete replied and hung up

“What’s going on?” Sue-Lim pressed

Pete sighed. “The FBI are investigating and their sending the bomb squad to look at that package. We have to leave the house now”

At the thought of the FBI coming round Sue-Lim started shaking her head and repeating the word “No”
It seemed obvious to Pete that sue-Lim was remembering her last brush with the FBI, so Pete took her in his arms, “It not like back then” he said in reassurance, “There here to protect us.

+ + +

G2 Offices
Dublin, Ireland

Gregory O’Doyle sat in the interview room waiting for someone to show up. He had been kept waiting for about an hour since he had arrived back at G2 headquarters.

A woman in her late thirties entered the room

“Kelly McLaughlin isn’t it?” Gregory asked

“Yes Mr O’Doyle” Kelly replied
“So are you deporting that yank” Gregory asked in a defiant tone
“We haven’t decided yet” Kelly replied in an authoritative manner
“Come on Kelly, what’s there to decide” Gregory went on, “A foreign agent following two Irish lasses who had the misfortune to have a mother who was a major spirit of virtue, who gave up their special abilities, going about their lawful business. Plus we were not informed as a sheer act of courtesy”

“We only have your word that is what he was doing sir” Kelly said with a little venom
“So you’re calling me a liar then” Gregory snapped back, “I was in counter intelligence before you were born”
“We have to follow protocol Mr O’Doyle” Kelly asserted, “A lot has happened since you were in G2 Special section”
“And not all of it for the better” Gregory retaliated

“You don’t understand the wider politics” Kelly countered

“Oh I understand perfectly” Gregory interrupted, “Just like the UK we are to be the yanks lapdog. Always coming to heel whenever they say”

“America” Kelly went on with determination, “Is a partner in the War on Terror”

“BULL” Gregory shouted, “That agent was following two innocent girls, that the Irish government gave sanctuary to, both of whom, need I remind you Kelly are daughters of an Irish G2 officer who was killed by US friendly fire after he had saved their necks in Afghanistan”

“You’re retired sir” Kelly went on, “You have no business getting involved”

Before Gregory replied there was a knock on the door and a male officer opened it and called Kelly across.

Gregory could not hear what was being said, but could see an expression of shock form on Kelly’s face.

“How” she demanded to know of the male officer
“We don’t know” the male officer replied

“What’s happened” Gregory asked
Kelly shook her head in disbelief. “That CIA agent” she said with an ashen face, “He’s been shot dead in the holding cell”

+ + +

Outer suburbs of Washington DC

Pete had his right arm around Sue-Lim as he stood out in the street with his supervisor from the Metro police department CSI lab.

They were watching from behind the safety tape as the bomb squad official left their house.

A garbled communication came over a police radio, but Pete’s supervisor was able to make out what was being said.

“Sounds like their giving the all clear” his super visor told the couple

“We’re sorry sir if we have caused a false alarm” Sue-Lim nervously said as she suspiciously eyed the various people running around in FBI jackets.

“Don’t be, the fact that Federal Express were given your movements indicates someone may have been stalking you” Pete’s supervisor responded, “Have you ever told anyone your movements?

Both Pete and Sue-Lim shook their heads

“When we worked for our old agency back in England we were meticulous about that sir” Sue-Lim responded

“Yes sir” Pete confirmed, “Plus that was the case when we were relocated to DC. We always mad sure we changed routes for security reasons”
“Maybe we got careless Pete” Sue-Lim suggested.
“I don’t think so Sue-Lim” Pete replied, “We’ve been out of that game ever since we joined Metro PD. Why should we be any different from the other CSIs?”
“Pete’s right” Pete’s supervisor cut in, “Given the number of CSI and other law enforcement officers who work across DC you would have no reason to maintain the strict security protocols at that agency whatever it was you use to work for. I’m getting someone to try and track that parcel back to its source”
“But what if it turns out to be innocent” Sue-Lim asked.
“Then no harm done” Pete’s supervisor replied, “It doesn’t harm to be cautious, and given what happened to your former boss last night” the supervisor said to Pete and Sue-Lim

“Yeah I know” Pete agreed

“What happened?” Sue-Lim interrupted, confused by what her supervisor and her husband Pete had been saying about their former boss

“You haven’t told Sue-Lim then” the supervisor said with a hint of surprise in his voice.
“Why, what happened Pete?” Sue-Lim pressed, “What are you not telling me?”
“I’m sorry love” Pete apologised to Sue-Lim, “I should have told you, but with what I was told, the package, I was so hung up on getting you to safety, I forgot to say what had happened”
“What?” Kathryn asked Pete, “Pete, what’s happened to Miss Cooper?”
Before Pete could answer the supervisor told Sue-Lim in a matter of fact manner “Mrs Smith Kathryn Cooper was murdered last night. Someone planted a bomb in her car and detonated it when she was leaving the parking lot of the J Edgar Hoover building”

“Oh no, not Miss Cooper” Sue-Lim cried out and started to feel faint.

Instantly Pete and his supervisor grabbed Sue-Lim and held her so she did not fall on the ground, while Pete’s supervisor yelled for one of the paramedics that had been standing by.

Two paramedics came instantly wheeling out a gurney with which they insisted Sue-Lim sat on, while they gave her oxygen

The supervisor then turned back to Pete and Sue-Lim, “I have no idea what top secret stuff you did in that agency of yours, but it’s believed that Miss Cooper’s murder may have been linked to your work there, so the FBI will be assigning you both a protection detail until this is resolved”

Pete had barely time to respond when a member of the bomb squad brought over the remains of the package.

“It was clean” the bomb squad man told them, “No trace of explosive devices”, and then he pulled out of the package with his gloved hand a silk scarf and added “This was all that was inside”

Sue-Lim looked up at the silk scarf in terror. It was identical to the enchanted scarf that Celeste had been tricked into bringing her that one time she had been arrested by the FBI. It was that enchanted scarf back then that caused Sue-Lim to lose all hope and hang herself with it. It had only been the intervention of Celeste, that had saved her from death by asphyxiation.

“No” Sue-Lim kept repeating and trying to shake her head

Pete’s supervisor was about to take the scarf when Pete intervened and stopped him, “Careful sir” he yelled, “You don’t want to touch that. Sue-Lim was sent one just like that just over three years ago and it was trapped to make her to try and kill herself with it, and they almost succeeded”

“What was on it” his supervisor asked as he with drew his hand and started to put on gloves, “Some kind of psychotropic drug?”

“I would love to tell you sir” Pete replied, “But you would have to be read in to what our agency did back then, but I can tell you that it causes whoever handles it to loose hope and become suicidal”
“Ok so is it something like theat Chantix case a while back then?” Pete’s supervisor asked referring to a drug that had reported to have the effect of users getting suicidal tendencies

“More like Chantix on speed” Pete responded as he sat down beside Sue-Lim who was now sobbing and put an arm around her. “I have no idea if that is trapped like the one Sue-Lim received back then” Pete went on, “But when you have it processed, even if the usual tests we do, do not show anything, make sure whoever does that does not do it alone and they are kept under medical supervision for at least twenty four hours”
“It’s that dangerous?” Pete’s supervisor asked
“Sir if this is booby trapped like the first one Sue-Lim got, yes it definitely is” Pete confirmed

Pete’s supervisor took from his bag an evidence bag and motioned for the member of the bomb squad to place it in there, taking care not to touch it.

“Mr Smith” Pete’s supervisor went on, “I respect national security as a former air force officer, but I wish you could let me in on what sort of secrets you dealt at that agency you were part of, especially if they effect the safety of the rest of the team”

“Believe me sir” Pete replied, “I wish I could sir, but it’s not up to us”

There was a cough behind Pete and he and Sue-Lim turned around to see who it was.

For a moment anger burned through Pete as he recognised the man who had turned up, and forgetting what his supervisor told him earlier stood up to confront the man who had just arrived. It was the man who had been convinced that Sue-Lim had given IDEC secrets to loyalist terrorists in Northern Ireland, even when he had been forced to release her into Kathryn’s custody three years earlier.

“What are you doing here Maddox? You’re not laying a finger on my wife this time” Pete spat out as Jack approached

Jack Maddox took a step back and put up his hands, “Hey easy there Mr Smith, we know that your wife is innocent this time”
“She was innocent back then” Jack retorted

“That’s ancient history Mr Smith, get over it” another voice came from another man who had walked up to where Sue-Lim and Pete were. It was Walter Quentin, Kathryn’s old mentor. “We’re here to take over the investigation” he told Pete’s supervisor

“On what grounds” Pete’s supervisor objected.
“National Security plus the murder of a federal employee carried out at a federal building which could be related, makes it our jurisdiction” Jack replied, “And as this is looking like a targeted campaign against those from her old agency”
“An agency that I’m still to be kept in the dark about” Pete’s supervisor interrupted
Walter seemed to ignore the dig at him and Jack and pointed to the evidence bag “What’s in the bag” Walter asked.

“Just a silk scarf” Pete’s supervisor replied, “Why?”
“Just like the one Celeste delivered three years ago” Pete chipped in

“Then we’ll process that” Jack told Pete’s supervisor as he called over an FBI agent and motioned to collect the bag. “We have experience”

“Mr Smith here says it might be coated with something like Chantix” Pete’s supervisor said as he handed the evidence bag over.

“You could say that” Walter replied

“So any chance you can read me in on what the Sam Hill is going on?” Pete’s supervisor asked Walter, “Are we dealing with high end chemical weapons?”

“We’ll have to discuss whether we can do that” Walter said in a brusque manner, “There are national security considerations.”

Walter then turned to the bomb squad member and told him that he needed to report to Bethesda for observation and that they had alerted them what to watch out for. The bomb squad member looked at Jack for confirmation and Jack nodded.

“You better report to the medical section as soon as you get that to Quantico” Jack instructed the FBI agent before collecting the evidence bag, adding, “Make sure you don’t go alone”

Pete’s supervisor looked irritated that the FBI were taking over the investigation and not telling him why, beyond playing the National security card. “Should we be evacuating the other houses and getting a hazmat team in?” he asked in an angry tone, “I also have the address of the Fed Express depot that package came from, should we not be evacuating their distribution hub if this is so dangerous”

“That won’t be necessary” Walter retorted, “If it’s what we think it is, it will have been a point attack anti personnel weapon and not an area attack weapon, there will not have been a wider area contamination”

Just then there was the sound of a mobile phone’s ring tone. Pete realised it was his phone, which was odd because hardly anyone called him apart from his supervisor and Sue-Lim.

Pete looked at the number calling; it was not one he had heard from for a few months. It was the former lab technician at the old IDEC, Simon Hargreaves.

Pete got up and left his supervisor to continue to argue jurisdiction with the FBI and the NSA and answered the phone.

“Long time, no see” Jack said into his cell, “Look, can I call you back Simon, I’m kind of busy right now?”

“Have Celeste and Ashia arrived there yet then?” Simon said over the phone

“What?” Pete said in confusion, “when were they supposed to be coming?”
“But Celeste got an invite from you and Sue-Lim to come visit and show off our daughter” Simon said over the phone, equally confused, “They were due to arrive at your place last night Mr Smith. I saw them on to the bus you sent us the tickets for. They should be with you Mr Smith. I thought they were going to phone when they got there? Can I speak to Celeste Please?”

“Can I get back to you Simon?” Pete said as a cold realisation crept through him and he hung up.

“Mr Quentin” Pete interrupted the argument between his supervisor, Jack Maddox and Walter Quentin, “I think this has all been a decoy”

“What do you mean” Walter spoke up

“That was Simon Hargreaves on the phone” Pete went on, “Someone forged an invite from us for Celeste and her daughter to come up and see us. I think Celeste and her daughter may have been kidnapped”

“And since everyone was busy dealing with the explosion at the J Edgar Hoover building” Jack began
“All our officers were concentrating on that” Pete’s supervisor chipped in
“In that confusion and this morning’s alert, it would have been easy to kidnap a young woman and her baby” Walter finished.

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

The Present

The man smiled at Charlene with an evil grin. “So now I have time to speak with you Doctor Henshaw, you are going to assist me in a little project I have in mind. You might even find it interesting as it is right up your street, so to speak”

Charlene glowered at this man on the other side of the glass

“You can just go to Hell” Charlene spat back, “There is no way I will ever help you after what you did to my friend”

The man grunted in disapproval and pulled out some remote control box, “I’m so disappointed that you have this attitude Doctor Henshaw”

Suddenly to the left of her glass cell, a new glass cell materialised.

In it was Celeste, who was hammering on an internal glass wall. On the other side of the glass wall, out of reach from Celeste was a young baby lying on the floor, naked and, crying because it was cold or probably hungry or both.

Charlene had heard that Celeste had had a baby and also that she was going to nurse her daughter naturally, and this b*****d had separated them?

“Please” Celeste pleaded at the business man, “Boss, I my baby needs me”

The businessman callously ignored her and spoke to Charlene, “Doctor Henshaw” he continued, pointing at Celeste and her daughter, “Here is someone you know. How would she and her daughter take your lack of co-operation? The temperature room where the child is kept is being taken down to a couple of degrees above the freezing point of water. I will keep mother and daughter separate until the baby dies either of the cold or hunger, I don’t care which. After the baby is dead, I will then remove all the air from Celeste’s cell, which as she is now human, will kill her too.”

The business man then brought up the remote control again, “In fact, I think I’ll remove the air from both cells right now and save time”

The business man pressed a button, and Charlene heard a hissing sound, as the air from the other glass cells started to be pumped out.

Then the business man pressed another button and the hissing stopped, “But then again my dear Doctor Henshaw, that would be too quick, don’t you think. I’ll remove the air from Celeste’s cell after her daughter has died. Then both mother and child will be dead and it will be all your entire fault Doctor Henshaw” the business man went on, “unless of course you work for me and do exactly as I say. The choice is entirely yours”

To be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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Old 19-02-2011, 04:50 PM #3
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Episode II –Shades of Darkness


Ever heard of the expression, between a rock and a hard place? It tends to mean that you are faced with at least two unpalatable choices, with no third option as a way of escape.

Doctor Charlene Henshaw who has been kept captive in an artificial universe for over a month since her capture at CERN has been given a stark choice. Watch Celeste, the daughter of the Spirit of Death and former Spirit of Second Chances, and her baby daughter die, or co-operate with her captor in whatever evil scheme he has in mind

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Charlene winced as she heard Celeste’s baby daughter scream and as Celeste fruitlessly banged on the wall of her glass cell, trying to break it down to get to her baby daughter as it lay starving and cold in the next cell.

This businessman, as he liked to portray himself, was nothing short of a psychopathic killer in a suit and tie. Charlene recognised him from the case file. His name was Sidney Gerald, although he had at one time been seen as a respectable member of British society. He had even been granted a knighthood for services to British Industry. Before that he had served in the British counter intelligence agency, MI5.

What Charlene had been told, was that in his time Sidney Gerald had ordered his minions to kill on his behalf. This man had even convinced Celeste herself to act as his henchman, although the two individuals he had tricked Celeste into thinking she had killed, had in fact been murdered by others at his behest. He had needed some form of hold over Celeste back then, until she had outlived her usefulness.

His first plan had been to capture the shears of Atropos, so he could kill anyone anywhere by cutting the thread of their life.

This was of course after he had tricked the Spirit of Death, with Celeste’s help and stolen his own life thread rendering himself immortal

Ultimately Sidney Gerald had been thwarted by members of the Inter Dimensional Entity Control agency special task force, and in a small way, by Celeste herself.

But what was he doing here? The last report was that he, along with the Spirit off Lust, had had his essence scattered across the universe, meaning that for all intents and purposes, he was supposed to be dead!

No wonder Sidney had it in for Celeste and her baby, Celeste had participated in his downfall. Mother and child were here so he could exact his revenge on Celeste for his defeat.

“But you’re going kill them anyway aren’t you, you b*****d” Charlene said slowly and deliberately, “Why should I believe you”

Celeste seemed to hear this exchange and turned to face Charlene. “Doctor Henshaw?” she said with tears in her eyes. “Please, my baby’s dying” Celeste wept

“So you never did bury the hatchet then Doctor Henshaw” Sidney scoffed and pressed some other buttons on a control pad

Suddenly a red vortex started to grow

“Have fun watching little Ashia die followed by Celeste” Sidney retorted, “Maybe I can locate the Sands child in Toronto for when Celeste and her child are dead. Maybe you will be more compliant then”

“No!!” Celeste screamed hysterically

At this Sidney finally acknowledged Celeste’s presence, “I’m sorry my dear” he went on, “But the uncooperative Doctor here really wants to see your baby freeze and you asphyxiate, which is so unfortunate”

Celeste sank to the bottom of the cell, overcome with grief as the screams of her baby became too hard to bare

“What do you want you b*****d” Charlene shouted out

Sidney stopped and grinned, “First of all, doctor” he went on, “Just like you have a title, so do I, and I would be grateful if you used it when addressing me”
“I would have thought they’d stripped you of that knighthood” Charlene spat back
“Au contraire mon cher” Sidney replied, “If they were to have done that, then they would have had to have given a reason to Debrett’s, which would have been a tad embarrassing for the establishment, but as they thought I was dead anyway, they never bothered, along with a number of things concerning my empire”

“What do you want” Charlene pressed.

“So you are prepared to cooperate and work for me then?” Sidney asked in his smarmy manner
“Like I have a choice?” Charlene retaliated
“Not if you want to keep Celeste and her child alive you don’t” Sidney replied
“What’s the project you want me to do Sir Sidney” Charlene asked with venom

“All in good time my dear Doctor Henshaw” Sidney went on, “But as a sign of good faith on my part” he added in a sarcastic tone. Sidney pressed a few buttons on his remote control device and instantly the partition separating Celeste from her daughter vanished.

Celeste scrambled over and picked up her child, “She’s freezing” Celeste wailed and pulled off her top revealing she had nothing on underneath it and wrapped her top around her daughter before putting her daughter to her right breast to feed it.

“I will go and bring back details of the venture you will be assisting me on later” Sidney told Charlene pointedly, “But I do not need to remind you, that the welfare of Celeste and her daughter are entirely reliant on your full and complete co-operation”

Charlene glowered at Sidney, using an innocent mother and child to further his ends, whatever they were, there were no depths to his depravity it seemed. Even though he looked immaculate in his business suit, he was no better than the thug who would beat up an elderly lady for her meagre pension to get his next fix of drugs. What was worse, Charlene would have to do what he said in order to keep Celeste and her baby daughter alive.

Sidney then turned and walked out through the red vortex, leaving Charlene, and Celeste and her daughter in the artificial universe which held them prisoner.

+ + +

A Hotel in Witicha
United States of America

Brigadier General Samuel Peters had just got in to his hotel room from his morning jog when he heard his cell phone go.

Samuel looked at it puzzled, who could be calling him here? Not Mark or Jenny, their number would show up on it, but this one was number withheld.

Samuel rarely gave out this number now, not even to his old boss at Inter Dimensional Entity Control.

A lot of water had flowed under that bridge. His mission to Europe had been the last time he had dealt with her, although he had last spoken with her at the reflecting pool in DC.

Against his better judgement, Samuel answered it.

“Brigadier General Peters” an unfamiliar voice came over the phone

“Who’s asking” Samuel replied curtly
“This is Walter Quentin” the voice on the phone replied.

This name was familiar to Samuel, and it was a name that instinctively made him want to hang up and it took all his self control to resist it.

“What do you want” Samuel asked bluntly, “I’m visiting friends”

“We need you back in DC” Walter replied, “You need to take the first plane from Wichita Mid continental. We’ve made you a reservation”

“No Deal” Samuel spat back, “Your goons made it quite clear three years ago that me and my people were not wanted. Why don’t you get your trained assistant director to do your bidding? I told her after that one of mission to Europe I wasn’t interested in working for the NSA. I mean what has happened to the investigation into Charlene’s abduction? Zip that’s what, why, because someone in the State Department canned that as well, or are you ringing to tell Mark and I that we’re not to go looking for her ourselves”

“Kathryn’s dead” Walter said coldly over the phone

A chill went through Samuel’s spine; something told him that if it had been something like an accident or something simple, the director of the National Security Agency would not have bothered him.

“And Celeste and her daughter have been abducted” Walter added.
“How?” Samuel asked
“Kathryn was killed by a car bomb last night Brigadier General. I was there” Walter went on, “Celeste and her daughter we tricked in to coming to DC by someone posing as the Smiths. Whoever planted that bomb made use of the diversion to take Celeste and her daughter from the bus station. And Get this Brigadier General, one witness reported a red swirling light, looking like a Catherine wheel in mid air. Luckily Metro PD have assumed he was hallucinating as he was one of the local winos”

“But we’ve came across that sight before” Samuel whispered into the phone

“Exactly Brigadier General, that’s why we called you” Walter replied and then corrected himself, “That’s why I called you, only Maddox knows I’m calling you. Now I know what happened to you and Mark, but believe me Brigadier General, I did what I could to protect your people, but I could not be seen to be doing so openly, which I deeply regret. What happened to Mark was out of my hands”
“But I thought you and Homeland Security worked for the same team” Samuel said acidly
“Just get on that plane” Walter ordered.

“Do I bring Mark?” Samuel asked

“Not this time Brigadier General” Walter replied, “I know the Johnston’s have a certain overseas house guest at the moment and we would not want to disturb her”

Again Samuel felt a shiver go down his spine, they had located where he had secreted Sarah Bentley from England, the former minor spirit of luck, now living with Mark and Jenny, and like Jenny also expecting a baby.

“Don’t worry” Walter went on, “I have no intention of passing her details on to Homeland Security, we know she’s harmless”

Samuel pulled the phone away from his mouth and mouthed the words, “just yet” expecting this revelation from Walter to be leverage to bring him back to DC. Samuel thought for a moment and then went back to the phone, “Why don’t you just get the Smiths to investigate this, their competent investigators and they have the tech skills. I’m sure Metro PD could…”

“They were targeted as well” Walter interrupted.

Samuel swore briefly, “Are they dead too?” he asked fearing the worse

“Not this time, their fine and they are now under government witness protection” Walter replied, “But someone sent them a scarf by Federal Express this morning, an identical one to the one Sue-Lim received when she was held by the FBI three years ago”
“That was sent by Sir Sidney Gerald” Samuel said into the phone after swearing briefly.
“Someone was either sending a message or diverting us from Celeste’s abduction” Walter went on, “We’re trying to investigate as best we can any connection to London, but the new administration in England was never read in on IDW01 operations. After the separation of our two worlds, the State Department in its infinite wisdom decided there was no need” Walter continued.

Samuel shook his head, “I need to warn Mark and Jenny”

“You better be quick” Walter responded, “Your flight leaves in three hours” and then he hung up on Samuel

+ + +

Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Washington DC
United States of America

Walter pocketed his phone and looked straight at Jack Maddox, “its done” he told Jack

“What was that business about a red swirling dot?” Jack asked
“There was a British industrialist and former MI5 officer a few years back who had created some kind of artificial universe” Walter explained, “I’m not sure of the technical details Jack, but it was somehow replicated that field that formed IDW01 to create it inside a super computer”

“So what’s that got to do with the sighting of a red dot?” Jack pressed
“When the IDE’s came here using their magical orbs, the vortexes they travelled through were blue, our artificial ones were green”
“And the ones to go to this artificial universe are red?” Jack asked
“You got it Jack” Walter responded, “Whoever has Celeste and her daughter has got hold of that technology. It sounds similar to what grabbed Doctor Henshaw at CERN a month or so ago. It looks like it could have been an inside job from someone in one of the agencies that was supposed to have wound down his operation after that industrialist was finally taken down”
“Well I could try our Cyber Crime division to try and track down any rouge super computers” Jack suggested
“It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack Jack” Walter replied, “And who’s to say that since that original one they haven’t updated the technology, maybe using a network of home computers say, just like some criminals create zombie pc’s to send out spam”

Jack shook his head, Walter was right. Whoever had created this artificial universe thing Walter spoke of, would probably be skilled at hiding the computer power needed to pull that off. Plus there was the possibility, that the computers generating it were outside the United States and thus outside the jurisdiction of the FBI

“Changing the subject Walter” Jack then said, “Do you think our Brigadier General will be on that flight?” he asked
“I doubt it” Walter replied, “He’ll come, but I suspect he will make his own arrangements, especially if we’ve been compromised again, and who could blame him”

“I wish you would let me run this investigation through the agency Walter” Jack then said as he peered out over the lake by the memorial, “we still have a few agents left who were read in on the old IDEC”

“We can’t take the risk Jack” Walter replied, “Whoever snatched Celeste, planted that bomb and sent that scarf had inside information on the IDEC, not to mention like I said the ability to generate an artificial universe. The only other people who could have pulled this off from that industrialist’s former empire are either dead or in jail”
“You suspect a mole in the FBI then?” Jack asked
“It’s nothing personal Jack, I daren’t even trust my open people at this point” Walter answered back, “The mole could just as easily be in the NSA, CIA or Homeland Security, anyone who was redeployed from the old IDEC. Samuel is the only person we can trust and the only person available”
“What about that former technician who married Celeste?” Jack asked, “If we are dealing as you said earlier with a variant of those artificial wormhole devices, wouldn’t it be better if…”

Walter interrupted Jack, “Not a good idea Jack, I know he would never be mixed up in anything like this but from what I heard this morning, Simon Hargreaves is in pieces at the moment, so we can’t trust him either not to mess things up. Jack he would be a loose cannon, which we could do without. It’s best to keep him out of the loop this time”

“This mole you suspect Walter” Jack then asked, “What do you think his motives would be?”

“I have no idea Jack” Walter replied, “Ever since our world was cut off from the Mystical Realms, I thought we were done with of all this”

“Do you think this is related to what happened in England, with regards to those former IDEC UK agents and whoever activated the clean up squads you mentioned?” Jack asked
“It’s looking that way” Walter replied, “But if they are playing around with artificial universes and the means to enter it, then it seems that somehow someone has supplied them with that technology which wasn’t developed until after we took over, ergo we must have a mole”, then after a few seconds added, “And before you get ideas I don’t think it was Sue-Lim either,”

+ + +

G2 Offices
Dublin, Ireland

Gregory O’Doyle followed Kelly McLaughlin as she headed to the cell where the CIA man that Gregory had apprehended had been found shot dead in his holding cell

Kelly turned around and spoke to Gregory, “What do you think you’re doing sir” she asked him point blank, “This is none of your concern now, you’re retired”
“Of course it’s my concern Kelly” Gregory retorted, “Someone murdered a prisoner in your custody, at G2 headquarters. It has to be an inside job, so who can you trust to root out a possible traitor”
“I’m sure we can find someone” Kelly objected

“You don’t like me do you Kelly” Gregory accused
“You’re a relic from the past sir” Kelly replied, “Your old fashioned and a lot of your ways when you were in the special section were anachronistic, and your track record after special section closed was hardly exemplary”
“Because you all wanted me sidelined” Gregory countered, “I served all my working life with G2 with the leprechauns, unable to tell other members of G2 what I did. When the link to the Mystical Realms was severed I became an embarrassment to you because of some bean counters at the Oireachtas and because my presence reminded you all that you had to rely on our leprechaun guests when the human agents couldn’t get the job done. I was placed in a section that was set up to fail, so you could get rid of me and call it early retirement”

“Well that’s your view of how things were” Kelly retorted

“Look Kelly” Gregory pressed, “I caught that CIA agent tailing two young women who were once from the Mystical Realms, one of them had left it as a baby never to return. Those two young women became fully human and were given sanctuary here, and haven’t put a foot wrong. If we had not had the separation of our two worlds what this Yank did would have made it G2 Special section business”
“Which no longer exists” Kelly interrupted

“Something is up” Gregory insisted, “And you’re too stubborn to see it Miss McLaughlin. Now the Garda are going to want to investigate this, and my guess is that some politician is going to want someone’s head to roll to pacify the yanks, that one of theirs died in our custody”

Kelly glowered at Gregory

“Let me at least see the cell he died in” Gregory asked, “I was in G2 before you were born, I know a few things, even if I am not up to date on what you lot do on those portable devices you have plugged into your ears”

“You are not to touch anything in there” Kelly said slowly, deliberately and with a little venom, “You are to leave the investigations to the current G2 members and internal affairs”
“Fine” Gregory said in equal venom in his voice.

The two made their way to the interrogation room where the CIA officer had been found shot dead and entered the room. There were other members of G2 in the room with the dead body, all in white suits to avoid contaminating evidence.

Gregory sniffed the air; there was something horrifyingly familiar with the smell. “Do you smell that” Gregory asked the people in the room, and for clarification added, “A smell of ozone similar to what you get near one of those electrically powered railways”

“Yeah” one of the other G2 officers confirmed, “I noticed that too”

“Check this room for electromagnetic anomalies of any kind” Gregory ordered, “Like anything suddenly being magnetic, or for static charges”

“Err we give the orders sir” Kelly interrupted

“Word in your shell like outside” Gregory said in an earnest tone to Kelly and then left the interrogation room.

Kelly followed him to a quiet part of the corridor. “What’s this about?” Kelly asked, “Why the tests”
“Because I recognise that smell” Gregory whispered, “It’s the residue left behind when you use one of those old artificial wormhole devices the Brits made to cross to the Mystical Realms”

“But that’s impossible” Kelly objected, “You can’t get to the Mystical Realms either with those generators or the old orbs of dimension jumping”
“Because of the radiation barrier” Gregory interrupted, “I know all that, you don’t have to tell me that Kelly, but I know that smell, and it is created by the vortex of those devices. Someone used one to get to that CIA agent and kill him”

“Assuming” Kelly pressed, “Someone did use one of those devices, “Why?”
“To prevent him talking” Gregory suggested, “Or perhaps to quote from an old Bond film, that was the price of failure”

“Failure?” Kelly questioned

“Yes Kelly” Gregory persisted, “He was following the O’Docherty twins for a reason, and he got caught by me, which means that whoever sent him, and whoever killed him could still be going after those two lasses.”
“Why?” Kelly asked, still sceptical at what this old controller was saying, “As you pointed out, they are fully human now and they have no powers and it has been over three years since at least one of them went to the Mystical Realms”
“I have no idea Kelly” Gregory admitted, “But those two lasses could still be in danger and even if your not I intend to do something about it”
“Like what?” Kelly asked.

Before Gregory could answer a female G2 officer came up to them clutching a piece of paper, “I’m sorry marm” she told them, “But this item of news has come from the US, we were told you and former director O’Doyle ought to know this” she added as she handed over the piece of paper to Kelly

Kelly read the message and looked puzzled, “Who was this Kathryn Cooper?” she asked the G2 officer
“I don’t know marm” the G2 officer replied, “I was told that either you or former director O’Doyle would know her”

“She was head of the American agency that did something similar to my old department” Gregory explained, “She was effectively my opposite number over there. What about her?”

Kelly looked at Gregory, with a look of incomprehension, “They are saying she’s been killed in a car bomb attack in Washington DC”

“Oh My” Gregory said in shock at the news, “Someone has been targeting those with a connection to that other place we mentioned. Add that to how this CIA agent was murdered and who he was tailing, there has to be a connection, which means Miss McLaughlin, I have to come back. You need me”

Kelly turned to the G2 officer, “You’re dismissed officer Paisley”
The G2 officer took this as an order to leave, so Kelly and Gregory could talk in private, and left

“No sir” Kelly told Gregory, “Your retired sir, let us handle it”
“No way Kelly” Gregory objected, “If they went after her, they probably will be coming after me as well”
“In which case” Kelly interrupted, “We will assign you a protection detail”

“But I have experience relating to the Mystical Realm” Gregory pleaded
“But as the link to that world has been severed” Kelly went on, “I don’t think we will be dealing with fairies and elves you used to manage”
“Leprechauns” Gregory countered
“Whatever” Kelly said dismissively, “The point is that we will be dealing with humans now and that if I need remind you is what the main part of G2 and not special section has always dealt with. We will handle it. If you are concerned about being targeted, like I said we can arrange a protection detail”

“Don’t bother” Gregory said angrily, “I’m still licensed to handle a gun and I have a fair idea what to look out for. I’ll do a better job of protecting myself”

With that Gregory turned and left, heading for the exit.

Kelly glowered as she watched him leave, Then Kelly went back to her own office and picked up a phone to contact one of her trusted G2 officers, to order them to put a tail on Gregory O’Doyle just in case he went rogue”

+ + +

Wichita Mid Continent Airport
United States of America

Samuel got out of the taxi and walked through the front door. They had arranged for tickets to be left for him, but if his former boss had been assassinated, collecting them would mark him out, but anyone targeting him would easily spot him. The fact the tickets were from this airport would alert them to where he was.

He was just glad that when he phoned his former right hand man, Mark Johnston, he had got through to him, and not his voicemail. If anyone was coming for him and his family, hopefully he would be ready. The person he felt sorry for was Sarah Bentley, the former minor spirit of luck from England, she would have move to somewhere else in the US, especially if the director of the National Security Agency knew where she was. Even if he had no plans to go after her, the fact he knew raised the question, who else would know?

Samuel had instructed Mark to see to her relocation, and keep it secret, especially from Homeland Security as there seemed to be changes to policy under the new administration regarding minor spirits of virtue. The call for their sterilisation just in case had appalled him. Yet again politicians refusing to listen to experts, just so they could grab headlines, even though the existence of said minor spirits of virtue was still classed as “Ultra Secret”.

With regards to Sarah Bentley, also Samuel could not be sure if the US State Department would not decide to acquiesce to any extradition requests for her from the UK. Samuel had been angry that after he had spirited her out of Switzerland and into the US, they had refused to make clear to the UK authorities that she had been cleared of involvement in the deaths of her brother and a number of police officers. This had been because the new administration in the UK, had never been read in about the Mystical Realms, and to prove Sarah’s innocence would have required this. The State department saw no reason that the UK should be read in about what had happened, even though originally it had been the UK who had led on Inter Dimensional affairs, albeit during the old policy of incarcerate, interrogate and exterminate.

“Colonel Samuel Peters?” a female said behind him

Samuel jumped and then turned around to see a young woman in her mid twenties.

“I can’t believe its It’s you, here in Wichita” she added

“I’m sorry” Samuel said in a state of confusion, “Do I know you?”
“It’s Rachel” she told Samuel, “Sergeant Guthrie’s girl”

Again Samuel could not placer her and still looked confused.

“Sergeant Karl Guthrie, my father, he served with you in Iraq?” the woman said in a questioning tone, “He must have mentioned me?”

Samuel racked his brain, trying to remember that far back. It had seemed several lifetimes ago when they were part of a team sent in to help liberate Iraq from Saddam Husain and seek out his weapons of mass destruction. His recent exploits in dealing with Inter Dimensional World oh one, or the Mystical Realms as some called it, had all but wiped out his memory of what could be termed more simpler times. But he could just about remember a Sergeant Guthrie in the unit he was in.

“I’m sorry” Samuel replied, “That seems a lifetime time ago”
“You mean he never mentioned me?” the woman said with an air of disappointment
“He may have Rachel” Samuel responded, “But a lot of those I served with talked about their families back home, and I’ve been involved in other theatres since then”
“Like Afghanistan and Colombia?” the woman ventured
“And an attachment in England” Samuel added

“You’re right sir” the woman sighed, “I guess dad was kind of private, when they called him a war hero when he got back and offered to give him a welcome back party he turned it down. Dad always said he wasn’t any such thing, he was just out there doing a job like countless others”
“Yeah” Samuel sighed, “There were quite a few of us back then”

“Anyway” the young woman said, changing the subject, “Where are you headed Colonel?” she asked

“It’s Brigadier General actually, I got a promotion before I retired from the corps” Samuel corrected, “I have to return to Washington. Something came up” he added in a non committal manner
“Wow that cool” the young woman went on, “I’m headed to DC to visit my father’s grave at Arlington”
“I’m sorry” Samuel replied a little thrown by the revelation that his former marine buddy was dead, “I didn’t realise he had died” Samuel told her, “How?” he asked

“It was cancer Brigadier General” the young woman answered, “He found he had it after his last tour in Iraq ended in oh five. He died a year later”

Samuel shook his head, “I never knew”
“Yeah” the young woman said sympathetically, Like I said, he was a private man and Dad kept a lot of things to himself”

It was becoming obvious, that what seemed to be a blast from his past, as it were, was going to be on the same flight as him back to DC. He did not want to say anything to say where in DC he was going and why, but something did not seem right, although he could not put his finger on it.

“I’m headed to DC as well” Samuel decided to tell her and predictably she suggested seeing if they could get seats next to one another on the plane.

Samuel agreed, it would help him keep better tabs on her, as something in the back of his mind made him feel suspicious about this young woman claiming to be the daughter of an old colleague from the US Marine Corps.

The two then entered the airport together and Samuel went up to the appropriate desk and collected the ticket that had been reserved for him. He expected that those who had paid for it, assumed he would not be using it, to hide the fact he was coming to DC. Samuel did not want them to work out any of the false names he had been using since he had retired, and what would be the point, they probably knew he was coming; maybe this young woman was here to keep tabs on him. The only reason someone would want him on a specific flight would be to make sure he would be liquidated, should they want to make sure that the plane with him on never landed safely.

But would supposedly his own government really commit cold blooded murder of other innocent citizens?

Such thinking would put him in the same grouping of the so called Nine-Eleven Truth movement, and that seemed an anathema to him

By using the ticket that they had purchased for him, and agreeing to sit with this woman claiming to be Sergeant Guthrie’s daughter he could be seen as walking into a trap, and if that were the case, then the edge he had, was that he knew it was a trap and was ready for them.

At least he hoped he was

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Charlene sat on the bed of her glass cell looking at Celeste as an awkward silence fell between them.

Just over three years earlier there had been tension between the two, although it was more one way traffic from Charlene.

Celeste had once worked for the man who kept them prisoner as a sort of enforcer, and it had been Celeste who had delivered to Sue-Lim an enchanted scarf, which caused Sue-Lim to try and hang herself with it. Even though Celeste had ultimately assisted in saving Sue-Lim’s life, Charlene had hated her for what could have been.

It had only been when they were in the alternate timeline where Earth had fallen to the Lord Low Troll’s daughter did Charlene realise that her hatred was really because she had felt guilty at her role in her own mother’s suicide. Charlene, when she was a child had given her mother a scarf as a birthday present, but because her father was abusive towards them both, Charlene’s mother had used it to commit suicide.

Charlene and Celeste, had both been part of the group that were to keep their memories when time had been rolled back by the Lord Low Troll, after he used an artefact. Both of them in this revised timeline, had “kissed and made up” three years earlier. But Charlene returned to her job at CERN whilst Celeste stayed with Simon and his parents in America and eventually married Simon and even had a daughter by him.

Somehow, the two of them lost contact and Charlene had only heard about Celeste second hand, via Sue-Lim.

“Sorry” Charlene spoke up

“Would you have watched her die?” Celeste asked accusingly
“No” Charlene admitted, “I couldn’t”
“That was how it came across to me” Celeste said back to Charlene

“Sorry, it just came out all wrong” Charlene said rather lamely, “I just don’t think any of us will get out of this alive. Not with him”

“You think he’s going to kill us?” Celeste asked
“I wouldn’t put it past him Celeste” Charlene replied, “According to Samuel he cut the life thread of one of his own associates just to demonstrate those shears of Atropos”

“He lied to me when we first met” Celeste admitted, “He said he had plans to make both worlds a better place. He said that he had a way to do that. I asked him what it was, but he said that it would be better if I didn’t know just in case I was captured. He was more of a father to me at the time than my real father seemed”

“He never trusted you did he” Charlene asked

Celeste shook her head and looked down at her baby daughter who was sleeping in her arms, wrapped up in Celeste’s top, and then looked up with tears in her eyes. “After I had outlived my usefulness to him he had me locked up in a place like this”

“I know, and from what I heard” Charlene went on, “that b*****d only trusted humans”

“And I’m not human” Celeste said in completion of what Charlene had not said.
“You are now” Charlene countered, “You have a human soul and you lost your powers”
“Except my ability to heal others” Celeste admitted

“As far as I’m concerned you’re human” Charlene said after a moment’s pause

“I wish the American government saw it that way” Celeste said wistfully, “did you know that when I got pregnant with her they actually said I had to get rid of her”

“They wanted you to have an abortion?” Charlene asked with horror in her voice.

Celeste nodded and then looked down at her daughter, “We had to go on the run just so I could keep my baby”

“But I thought that sort of policy ended with Mr Blue in England?” Charlene asked
“So did we” Celeste replied, “Even Miss Cooper started saying that I should have my first pregnancy terminated, as she put it. She told Simon and I that although she didn’t agree with what they were ordering us to do, if I got rid of my baby, then they could run tests on it which would show it was not a threat to their precious national security if I had children”
“That sounds so unlike her” Charlene asserted, “Giving in like that”

“I’m not lying Doctor Henshaw” Celeste protested, “She even persuaded Simon’s parents that it was best if my first pregnancy was terminated to show their Homeland Security that it was safe for me to have babies. She kept saying to us, how she was certain that once they discovered my aborted baby was human and was harmless, there would be no further objections to me getting pregnant again”
“So what happened?” Charlene pressed.
“They took me for an arranged appointment with an abortion clinic arranged by Miss Cooper, Doctor Henshaw” Celeste went on with her voice breaking with emotion. “His parents waited for Simon to go to work and then they forced me into their car and took me there. It was only because Miss Cooper’s PA Sophie had been asked to make the booking that Simon found out. Sophie told him and she resigned that day. Simon met me at the clinic and rescued me from there. Sophie took us to the airport to get away as far as we could on the first flight out we could get”

“Where did you go?” Charlene asked, still horrified at the tale Celeste was telling. This young woman had held her own against a demon and saved Washington DC, and had indeed saved countless lives in Northern Ireland, and they treated her like this?

“We went to a place on your world called San Francisco and lived there for a few months until Miss Cooper’s new PA Mr Travis tracked us down” Celeste explained
“Ouch” Charlene responded, “That sounds bad”

“He was actually very good Doctor Henshaw” Celeste admitted, “He must have persuaded Miss Cooper that she had been wrong to give in to those who wanted me to get rid of my baby. He even got the Mr Quentin, the head of the agency Simon works for to allow us to stay there until Ashia here was born. Also doctor Henshaw, Mr Quentin had the doctors run some kind of tests on Ashia to show she was just a harmless baby, and he stood up to the people from Homeland Security. Doctor Henshaw, you could not make this up, but even after Mr Quentin proved Ashia was not some kind of threat, they still wanted me and my baby sterilised. I thought when they took us, it was the government come to kill my…”

At this Celeste broke down, and was unable to speak

Charlene shook her head and put her head in her hands and then looked back up at Celeste in her glass cell. It was becoming all to clear to her, that all sides, even nominally hers, were as bad as each other.

When Charlene was a child, like all children she believed that things were black and white, after her mother’s suicide and later it became “shades of grey”, now the way that they had treated Celeste, and from what she had heard from the others, it was more like “Shades of darkness”

+ + + +

Residential area of the marine base at Quantico
Virginia, United States of America

Sue-Lim sighed as she looked round the living room of the house they had been moved to that afternoon at Quantico. By coincidence it was the one that they first stayed in when they came to the US, after the closure of the UK branch of Inter Dimensional Entity Control, and Sue-Lim hated it.

“Why this place Pete” Sue-Lim asked
“I suspect they thought we would like it, since we used to live here” Pete suggested
“But those listening devices they planted Pete, we were violated here” Sue-Lim objected

“I know” Pete answered as he too remembered how this apartment had been bugged by state of the art surveillance devices belonging to the National security Agency, some of which were not even approved for field use. “I’ve still got my old kit Sue-Lim, I’ll sweep it as soon as the base commander has been. Just watch what you say in the mean time”
“As if we had anything to hide Pete” Sue-Lim snapped back
“Sorry love” Pete apologised, “That came out wrong”

“Pete, I think our days with the Metro PD crime lab are numbered” Sue-Lim ventured, “Could you not see how angry Mr Davey was?”
“I know love” Pete agreed as he thought of his supervisor, angry at the FBI and the NSA for taking over the investigations and angry at Pete and Sue-Lim for not levelling with him, even though they could not, due to their former work with the IDEC still being classified.

“I almost wish dad were here Pete” Sue-Lim sighed, “I’m sure he would have straightened things out. I know he would have been thrilled to see our first child”

To Pete this sounded strange coming from Sue-Lim’s mouth, after all, her father, referred by others as Mr Vee had seemingly abandoned her and her mother in England when Sue-Lim was born, although behind the scenes he had claimed he had watched over her as she grew up.

“If we lose our jobs at Metro PD over this” Sue-Lim went on, “I don’t know what we’ll do. It’s bad enough that I’m on maternity. I just wish I could keep going until I dropped”
“And then put it on your back and got back to work like Mr’s Curry in our maths class used to say about women in Africa” Pete finished.
“We need the money Pete” Sue-Lim told him, “It’s expensive living in DC, I mean this little one is going to cost us a fortune” she added pointing to her stomach.
“Our health insurance will cover that Sue-Lim” Pete reassured her
“But what if we lose our jobs Pete?” Sue-Lim countered
“We’ll manage” Pete continued to reassure Sue-Lim, “If all else fails we can do what we should have done three years ago and returned back to England”
“But would they let me in Pete” Sue-Lim countered, “Especially as they decided I’m an American citizen”
“But didn’t your mother become a naturalised Brit?” Pete asked
Sue-Lim shook her head, “She just got indefinite leave to remain. I was never sure if they classed me as British or Vietnamese that was why I was so amazed I ever got to work at the IDEC UK annex in the beginning”
“But your dad got you that job” Pete replied

Sue-Lim just nodded, “He was always pulling strings from behind the scenes. Even down in Miami”

Pete picked up on the Miami reference, where Sue-Lim had once been raped by immigration detention guards out of revenge for the senior guard’s brother who had died in the Vietnam War. Pete did not like Sue-Lim dwelling on that, as that had led her to a nervous breakdown three years previously.

“Yeah” Pete cut in, “He may not have showed it much, but he loved you very much and he would have been thrilled to be a granddad. “I know my parents in England are”

“Any idea if they will let us know if they found anything on that scarf yet?” Sue-Lim then asked, “I can’t believe anyone would do that to me again.”

“I’ll try and find out” Pete replied, “But it won’t be that easy as Vice Admiral Quentin was supposedly retiring from the NSA yesterday and the feds have grabbed jurisdiction”

“Yeah ok, I suppose we better start unpacking then” Sue-Lim said as she headed for the suitcases in the hallway

“Don’t you dare touch them” Pete ordered, “Let me” he added as he pushed past Sue-Lim

Sue-Lim glowered at Pete for a moment, even though she loved him dearly and she was heavily pregnant with their first child, it was sometimes frustrating that he would not let her do anything remotely connected with lifting. It seemed that Pete was more excited about the prospect of becoming a father than she was of becoming a mother.

Just then Sue-Lim’s mobile went, and for a moment a terror went through her. She pulled her cell phone from her pocket and nervously looked at it. It said “number withheld”. Nervously she opened the phone and answered it.

“This is the front gate security Mam” the voice on the phone said, “Sorry to call you on this number, but your phone line has not been connected yet, and your visitor gave us this number to let you know they were coming”

“Visitor?” Sue-Lim queried as her blood ran cold.

This was supposed to be a secret location, so who knew where they were?

“Yes Mam” the voice replied, “The Vice Admiral is bringing him across”

“Who is he?” Sue-Lim asked

Pete, now aware that Sue-Lim was on the phone came across. “What’s wrong?” Pete asked

Sue-Lim looked up at Pete and mouthed, “We’ve got a visitor”.

“The Vice admiral said his name was Mr Hargreaves” the voice on the phone said.

“Ok” Sue-Lim said weakly into the phone and hung up. She turned to Pete, “its Simon” she said with an air of incomprehension.

“What’s he doing here” Pete asked with an air of irritation, but before he could say anymore, there was the sound of a car pulling up outside.

Pete motioned for Sue-Lim to stay in the house and went to the front door, expecting the worse, given what had happened already.

Outside getting out of the car were Walter and Simon.

Walter got out of the car first and approached Pete, “I’m sorry to bother you Mr Smith” he apologised, “But Simon arrived this afternoon at Union Station hoping to find his wife and child all by himself. His parents tipped me off. There’s no way we can have him running around DC on his own, and he needs a place to stay”
Pete sighed, “You better bring him in” he told Walter.

Walter returned to the car and spoke to Simon. Simon then got out of the car, looking bewildered and lost.

Pete shook his head in despair, it looked like he and Sue-Lim would obviously have to baby sit him, and perhaps somehow figure out how to find Celeste and her daughter, just to make sure Simon did not cause any more problems and make a bad situation worse.

+ + +

Samuel sauntered through the arrivals hall at Dullos international airport, with the young woman in tow who claimed to be the daughter of one of his former colleagues.

The woman, who called herself Rachel Guthrie, had been very talkative during the flight, which Samuel could tell were nerves about something, adding to his suspicions. A lot about what she had said was supposedly about her father, who Samuel had served with during the second Gulf War, but sometimes she had asked about what he had been doing in Wichita.

Samuel had been careful to deflect the questions, in numerous ways.

Both Samuel and the young woman skirted past baggage reclaim, Samuel had made it a habit to travel light, so all he had could be taken as carryon luggage. It seemed his travel companion had done the same. The only snag was that he could not carry a firearm, although as a retired marine, he was not really supposed to.

In the crowd of others who had come in from the flight, he thought he could see someone who looked like some kind of federal agent, but a moment later they were gone.

“Which hotel are you staying at?” the young woman asked
“I haven’t booked one” Samuel replied, “I usually stay at a friends place when I’m in DC, but I hear they have had to leave town”

“That’s a shame sir” the woman replied, “I know the name of a good hotel in DC. I use it all the time when I visit Arlington. We could even share a cab”

“Yep I bet” Samuel replied

The two of them reached the front door of the airport and the entrance to the main taxi rank. Samuel noticed a magazine, on a news stand. It was talking about some tragedy of how two parents had lost their teenage son.

Finally Samuel remembered his old marine buddy Karl Guthrie and what he could now recall showed that the woman claiming to be his daughter was a definite fraud.

“Now Rachel” Samuel said to the woman, “If that’s your real name, why don’t you tell me who you really are”

“Sir?” the woman responded in surprise

“Come one” don’t give me that, “Whoever you are, you got some things right but you really messed up with doing you home work”

“I don’t understand?” the woman protested.
“Sure you do” Samuel countered, “For one, I remember Karl now and he did talk about his daughter Rachel, a lot, because we had one thing in common. Both our daughters had died when they were children. My daughter Andrea was killed by a DUI and Karl’s daughter died when she was four years old from Meningitis

“Oh” the woman responded

Samuel continued, “And Two, my mission in Colombia was long after you said Karl had died, and even if he were alive, assuming that he is dead, he would not have known about it, as that was classified, which means you have to be working for one of the intelligence agencies. So what is it, CIA, FBI, NSA?”

The young woman glowered at him angrily, “They told us you were damn good”

“I don’t know about that, but with all these rookie mistakes, I’m guessing this is your first field assignment” Samuel retaliated, “A more senior agent would not have made such a fundamental error of assuming I would not remember conversations with my fellow marines”

“Well you’re right about one thing sir” The woman replied with unexpected venom and pulled out a badge and showed it to him.

At this two other men with suits and suspicious bulges indicated concealed fire arms emerged from the crowd. They had obviously been sent to meet them, as being undercover this woman would not have been able to take a fire arm on a plane.

“This was my first field assignment” the woman continued, “I’m Special Agent Anne Perkins of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and you’re under arrest Brigadier General”

“On what charge?” Samuel demanded to know as the other NCIS agents gathered around him

“Withholding information about the whereabouts of a wanted terrorist and fugitive with High Treason thrown in, for starters” she replied as Samuel was handcuffed by one of the male NCIS agents, “And possibly the homicide of a federal agent in Paris”

To be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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Old 23-03-2011, 03:11 PM #4
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Episode III –The price of saving face


It is said that no good deed goes unpunished, is this because it means the recipient feels beholden to the giver?

It was once said that France never forgave the Americans for liberating them at the end of World War II.

“Doing good”, as some people put it can seem a thankless task Even the expression “Do-Gooder” is seen as a pejorative description. Maybe this is because these people are just seen as meddlers and constantly interfering in other people’s lives? Maybe it is because others look at them and assume that they are thinking that they are “Holier than Thou”

Whatever the cause, those who serve others, sometimes are met with resentment and ingratitude.

That fate has befallen some of those who served with Inter Dimensional Entity control three years ago, before the separation of the worlds. Most members of the IDEC team scattered to the four winds and some like the former Commander Mark Johnston were forced out of previous careers they loved, to make a living in the private sector.

Meanwhile in their prison of an artificial universe, Celeste has told her former nemesis Doctor Charlene Henshaw how the US authorities following a change of policy attempted to force Celeste abort the baby she conceived with her husband Simon Hargreaves and how she and her husband had been forced to go on the run. Meanwhile the former commander of the IDEC Taskforce Brigadier General Samuel Peters has been arrested at Dullos Airport in DC, charged with what amount to be capital offences

+ + + +

Residential area of the marine base at Quantico
Virginia, United States of America

Simon nervously sat on the settee in the lounge looking at Sue-Lim, “You must be due any day Mrs Smith” he said trying to make conversation.

“I went on maternity leave today” Sue-Lim said in reply. Sue-Lim had long given up trying to get Simon to use her first name, which seemed odd as he had no problems using Pete’s first name and of course Celeste’s.

Simon looked down at the floor and then up at sue-Lim with tears in his eyes, “Celeste didn’t have to take maternity leave, because she was my wife and I supported her”

“She never got a job with the NSA?” Sue-Lim asked

Simon shook his head, “I don’t think they trusted her because she was the Spirit of Second chances and I think because she once worked for that evil man in England”

Sue-Lim briefly shook her head in despair at this news. She had heard through the grapevine about the problems Simon and Celeste had encountered when Celeste had fallen pregnant by Simon. She initially had thought it was because they did not think that Simon with his high functioning autism would not cope with becoming a father. She had thought his marriage to Celeste was just allowed to humour him, and keep tabs on the one who had captured his heart. Then she had heard about the change in policy regarding all former spirits of virtue and the sterilisation initiative.

Sue-Lim was so glad that she and her husband Pete were born as normal human beings so that this new oppressive policy did not apply to them

“I’m never going to see them again” Simon blurted out before breaking down into uncontrollable sobs.

Sue-Lim pulled herself from her chair and sat next to Simon to put an arm around him, to comfort him. Her fear was that Simon could be right. What if their own government had gone further than the sterilisation initiative and adopted the former British position of incarcerate, interrogate and exterminate?

“I’ve put Simon’s things in the spare room” Pete announced as he came in with Walter.

Sue-Lim pulled herself up and looked daggers at Walter, “Can we have a word in the Kitchen vice Admiral” she said with a hint of anger in her voice.

“Ok” Walter said in a worried tone

“What’s on your mind love?” Pete asked

Sue-Lim made a furious nodding motion towards Simon. Pete and Walter realised that she wanted to talk about Simon without him being present, if that were possible.

“Do you need me?” Simon asked as they headed out of the room.

“Just stay here Mr Hargreaves” Walter instructed
“Yes sir” Simon replied.

Pete, Walter and Sue-Lim entered the kitchen and closed the door. Then to make certain Sue-Lim headed for the back door and turned around to face Walter.

“Celeste’s disappearance with Ashia” Sue-Lim whispered, “Any chance this was an official action?” she asked with venom, “With the way Commander Johnston was treated and the way they persecuted Simon and Celeste during her pregnancy, I wouldn’t put it past them” then with her voice unexpectedly breaking with emotion, “They murdered Miss Cooper Vice Admiral, are we going to be next?” she sobbed, “Is that why they sent me that scarf?” she added accusingly, “Are they going to deep clean us like that aid of my father tried to do to Jenny and I at the Annexe that one time?” Sue-Lim went on

Pete rushed over and embraced his wife, he too remembered how a Mr Davies had ordered a clean up squad to kill Sue-Lim to cover his tracks when he tried to drag the IDEC back to the old ways. It had only been the intervention of the late Mr Vee that had saved her, “No dear” Pete whispered, “They’re not going to do that”

“Let’s get one thing straight” Walter cut in, “I am normally aware of the chatter regarding IDEs and as far as I’m concerned what happened to Celeste and her daughter was not an officially sanctioned operation”

“And the scarf?” Sue-Lim said through her tears, “They wanted me dead Vice Admiral, just like last time”

“Sue-Lim, there is no official action being taken against former members of the IDEC that I am aware of” Walter pressed, “The NSA was once a sponsoring organisation, and I have enough informants that would let me know if any of the other agencies got ideas”

“What about those rogue IDEC units from England?” Pete then asked, “They were never happy when America took over from the British after the Spirit of Fidelity incident”

Walter sighed. “With regard to Kathryn’s murder that is an avenue I’ll be pursuing, possibly with Jack Maddox of the FBI, but I am officially retiring, so what I can do is limited. I know you had your run in with Jack Sue-Lim, and I know what a stubborn mule headed fool he can be, but he’s the only one I can trust”

“But why after all this time Mr Quentin?” Pete asked, “It’s been three years since separation, so they effectively got what they wanted, an end to IDE involvement in our affairs. Celeste’s hardly been trying to get involved with anything”
“Unless it’s just revenge” Sue-Lim suggested, “They will just see her as an IDE like they did the minors spirits, even though they had human parents”
“But then they would have just killed Celeste and her baby” Pete objected, “Not abducted her, that doesn’t make sense”
“Unless their interrogating her” Sue-Lim countered

“There’s one thing about that abduction that’s worrying” Walter interrupted, “a witnesses, who luckily is classed as unreliable talked of a swirling red light”

“You mean like a vortex to an artificial universe?” Pete asked

Before Walter could reply, his cell phone went.

“Yeah” Walter said to Pete and pulled out his phone and answered it. After a few seconds Walter swore and closed up the phone.

“What’s the matter?” Pete asked

“It seems like our Brigadier General has run into some even more stubborn mule headed fools than the FBI” Walter answered

+ + +

Late evening

Gregory O’Doyle nervously looked around as he walked through the Dublin streets. He had finally managed to find the address where the O’Docherty twins were living in digs.

But if he could find them, so could the colleague of that dead American CIA agent and those who had hired and silenced him

Gregory spotted a car in the street that did not fit. It was not in the state of cleanliness that the other cars in the street were which was not very.

Gregory felt for his Glock he had concealed on him and approached the car

Sure enough there were two men inside.

Gregory was about to pull out his gun when he identified the men in the car, so he merely tapped on the window, expecting them to jump

“Sean and Jason” Gregory said to the two men, “Why are you staking out these to fine lasses, has Kelly McLaughlin seen sense at last?”

The driver rolled his window down, “We were expecting you an hour ago” he told Gregory, “Miss McLaughlin though you might come by here”

“So you’re not staking the O’Docherty twins out but waiting for me?” Gregory demanded to know

“The commander said you would spot a tail so she sent us here” the passenger added.
“Well she’s right about that” Gregory retorted, “And if I was still in charge I would send you two back to training school. You stand out like soar thumbs”

“You were meant to see us sir” the driver snapped back, “The Commander insists that you desist from going on any private missions. She sent us here because she knew you would come and visit the twins”

“So are you going to do something about protecting them then?” Gregory asked, “I mean the yanks have already sent one person after them”

“We’ve not been given any orders about them” the passenger told Gregory bluntly.
“We’re here to make sure you follow the commander’s wishes” the driver added

“I thought I had retired” Gregory replied, “I didn’t think I was under her thumb like you two are”
“Once a G2 officer” the driver replied
“Yeah right” Gregory retaliated, “Two young lasses are followed by a foreign intelligence service and all your commander cares about is that I don’t show her up by doing the job you are supposed to be doing”

“Please just get in the car sir” the driver said drolly, “And we’ll take you home”

Gregory shook his head, “Or what Sean?” he asked contemptuously
“You don’t want to find out” the front seat passenger told him

“And who may I ask will be protecting the O’Docherty twins?” Gregory demanded to know of the front seat passenger

“That is none of your concern” the front seat passenger told Gregory, “just do it”

“How dare you speak to me like that?” Gregory retorted angrily “I’ll have you know Jason I was a G2 officer before you were out of nappies, so show some respect”

“And you have become a loose cannon” the front seat passenger retaliated, “You were told not to get involved”

“Please sir” the driver repeated, “We need to keep things low key sir. We have been put in an awkward position already today by the death in custody of that CIA agent”
“Well that’s very rich I must say” Gregory replied, “He was the one tailing two innocent girls, on our soil without our permission”
“He was still murdered in G2 custody” the driver answered back.

“I hope you’re not blaming me for that Sean Johnson” Gregory said as he narrowed his eyes.

“I’ve had enough of this” the front seat passenger announced, opened the door and got out and looked at Gregory over the top of the car. “We have orders to bring you in should you turn up here” the man said angrily, “Now get in the car or we will have you arrested for obstruction”

“And you would have these fine lasses at the mercy of a foreign agent to save face Jason McDougal”

“Like we said” the front seat passenger said firmly, “It’s no longer any of your business, now get in” At this the man opened his coat up, just enough to show Gregory that he was armed with a standard issue G2 side arm.

Gregory shook his head in despair and climbed into the back seat of the car. The front seat passenger also got back in the car, and the driver drove it away from the flat.

+ + +

Central City
The Mystical Realms

Lachesis woke with a start and in a panic

The Spirit of Death stirred and sat up beside he in bed, “What is it my dear?” he asked as he put an arm around the fate.

Lachesis looked up at the ceiling of the house in Central City they had been living in since the trolls lifted the rule about major spirits having relationships.

“Something’s wrong with our daughter” she uttered, “I felt it in my dreams”

The Spirit of Death shook his head, “There is no way we can know this my love” he told her, “it has been a long time for us since our worlds were separated, and who knows how the flows of time between our two worlds have diverged. Maybe it’s your imagination playing tricks”

Lachesis shook her head, “I wish you were right my dear” she replied, “I just feels that something is wrong, but the barrier between our worlds will not let me see what ails our daughter”

“Look my dear” the Spirit of Death went on gently, “Even if our daughter is in trouble, she is beyond our assistance now, and besides, she is with the humans now and hopefully that Colonel Samuel Peters is an honourable man, he would sort this out”

“Oh how I hope you are right my dear” Lacheses replied, “but call it a mother’s intuition, I just can not shake a feeling that something is wrong and a feeling of what the humans call Déjà vu

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Celeste suddenly woke with a start and yelled out “Mum?”

She had not realised she had fallen asleep while cradling her baby daughter

Baby Ashia started to wail at being woken up.

Celeste sniffed the air

Ashia predictably had soiled the top Celeste had been forced to wrap her daughter in.

“No!” Celeste moaned slowly as she removed the top and rolled it up and tossed it to the other side of the glass cell.

There was nothing in the cell for her to change her baby with in the bare and empty glass cell. It was not enough that her former boss wanted her to suffer, but he wanted her child to suffer too.

Obviously repayment for her treachery when she switched sides after being released from his artificial universe he had trapped her in

Celeste was shivering slightly in this technological prison, so for her daughter it would become worse, but what could she do? Her jeans would not really be warm enough to wrap Ashia in, what would happen when she soiled that?

A dark thought started to cross her mind and it made her sick even contemplating it. This b*****d wanted her baby to suffer, so would the kindest thing be for Celeste to kill her own child so it would not have to suffer any more?

“Celeste?” Charlene called out, “You awake?”

Celeste looked across the way at her fellow prisoner, “Yeah” she answered weakly and stood up carrying Ashia in her arms.

“It’s just that you called out for your mother?” Charlene asked
“I had a strange dream” Celeste replied, “It seemed like my mother was calling out, trying to reach me”
“But she lives in the Mystical Realms Celeste” Charlene said shaking her head, “There is no way she could. Maybe it was because both of you were held here once”

“Yeah” Celeste agreed, “This little one has wet my top Doctor Henshaw” Celeste complained, “She’s going to get cold”

“They should be delivering food soon I hope” Charlene replied, “I wonder if he will deliver any fresh clothes or anything like that for you”

Celeste shook her head, “He hates me Doctor Henshaw. I swapped sides and betrayed him I mean you even have a bed in your cell, I don’t. Maybe you should have let us die Doctor Henshaw, like you said he’s going to kill us all anyway”

“He wants my co-operation Celeste” Charlene said from her cell, “He told me your welfare depended on it”

+ + +

Headquarters of the
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
Washington DC
United States of America

Brigadier Samuel Peters sat at the wrong side of the table in the interrogation room, his hands still cuffed behind his back.

He was not sure exactly what the charges were. They seemed vague at the time, withholding information on the whereabouts of a known terrorist? High Treason? Homicide of an agent in Paris

The only thing he could think of was his mission to Europe and the Sarah Bentley case, the former minor spirit of luck.

But she was harmless now she was fully human with a human soul and had got rid of her ability to affect probability. She was no longer a threat to anyone?

Samuel remembered how his own government had turned around and refused to clear Sarah of the involvement in the death of her brother and a number of British police officers. At first it seemed that they did not want to read in the new administration in on the former work of Inter Dimensional Entity Control, even if a large portion of it was originally carried out in England. Now it seemed that they wanted Sarah, to possibly extradite her to Britain to face charges, just to show that the extradition treaty between the two countries was fair.

But why describe her as a terrorist? – Was it because the teenager, a former minor spirit of virtue, whose biological father was an inter dimensional entity, was pregnant with her dead boyfriend’s baby? The change in policy under the new American administration to electronic tag monitoring and sterilisation seemed like a step towards the old UK policy piloted by the infamous Mr Blue of incarcerate, interrogate and exterminate, but only so slightly sanitised. To them a former hybrid entity who was having a baby was obviously a terrorist!

Unless the powers that be that wanted her had just described her as a terrorist to NCIS to get them to do their dirty work

As Samuel sat in the interrogation room thinking, it had been the very refusal of the US government to clear Sarah that had led to Samuel not telling his former boss where he had placed Sarah when he brought her out of Europe. Miss Cooper had appeared to have gone over to the dark side, and he could not risk even telling her. That would have to be the withholding part

Maybe it was all too late, they had sent an agent to Wichita to try and befriend him, the same place where his former right hand man, Mark Johnston lived with his wife Jenny, whom he had recruited to the IDEC in England after she proved herself against doppelganger assassins, and their young son. It would be obvious that would be where they were looking for her; he had no idea if Mark had got her out in time.

What about this homicide in Paris

That was a CIA agent he was working with who had been murdered by the former head of containment services at the UK IDEC, Mr Reed. So why were they charging him with that murder?

The door opened and in walked Anne Perkins, the female NCIS agent who had tried to pose as the daughter of one of Samuel’s former marine comrades.

“Let me guess” Samuel began, “Is this your first solo interrogation?”

Anne glowered at him and sat down, “I ask the questions” she told him bluntly

“I’ll take that as a yes” Samuel replied

“You take that anyway you want, you are still going down” Anne snapped back as she banged a file on the table.

“Did you think you could hide a wanted fugitive with your former marine buddy?” Anne asked, “We can have both him and his wife arrested on conspiracy charges and their son sent of to a foster home unless you co-operate”

Samuel glowered back, “Which wanted fugitive would that be?”

Anne banged on the table, “You know very well which fugitive” she shouted, “That Bentley girl who is wanted by the British for several murders and dealing in crystal meth”

Samuel paused for a moment before answering calmly, “Like I said, this must be your first time doing a solo interrogation Special Agent Perkins, so let me give you a tip, never loose your temper like that at the beginning of an interrogation”

Anne narrowed her eyes at him and then continued and then pulled out a number of photos and slammed them down on the table.

Samuel looked at them; they were of the front of Mark’s house in Wichita and they included shots of Sarah with Jenny and Mark

“This woman is a wanted fugitive by the British.” Anne went on pointing to the image of Sarah, “You were asked by a senior officer from the National Security agency to turn her location over and you refused. Yesterday this senior officer was murdered by a terrorist bomb”

“And you are linking the two?” Samuel asked incredulously

“We have you and your former marine buddy on harbouring a known fugitive” Anne retorted
“So have the British made a formal extradition request?” Samuel asked

“Like I said I ask the questions Brigadier General” Anne replied

The door opened and Anne looked up angrily, as someone was interrupting her interrogation.

It was a balding man in a dark blue suit accompanied by an African American.

“What’s going on?” Anne demanded to know

“Took your time Walter” Samuel remarked.

The balding man ignored the remark and spoke to Anne, “This one’s ours, so you’re being relieved, that’s what” he told her. The balding man then looked at Samuel and instructed Anne to remove the handcuffs.

“On whose authority” Anne challenged the balding man.

“Let me hazard a guess” Samuel interrupted with a sarcastic grin, “National Security”

The balding man briefly glanced at Samuel before showing the NCIS agent a badge.

Anne peered at it and looked up at the man with hate in her eyes, “NSA!” she exclaimed, “No way, this is my first collar and NCIS has jurisdiction so I’m taking him down”

“Sorry Special Agent Perkins, not this time” the balding man retorted, “You’ll have plenty of chances to take down others”

Anne then looked at the other man who had come in to the room, “Who is that, is he NSA as well?”

“Need to know basis” the balding man replied, “And you do not need to know”

“You have your orders Special Agent Perkins” the African American told Anne, “Now release the Brigadier General and leave, or do I need to get the director of NCIS to come down here?”

Anne glowered at all three men and took out the key to the handcuffs and unlocked them.

“We still have enough to go after former Colonel Johnston” she growled at Samuel

“I’m afraid they are currently off limits to NCIS as well” the balding man told Anne.

“But they are harbouring” Anne tried to object
“The Vice Admiral said they were off limits Special Agent Perkins” the African American reiterated before adding, “Now make sure those behind the glass leave as well”

“Yes Sir!” Anne spat out before leaving the room.

“Do you think we can talk in here?” the balding man asked the African American

The African American man shook his head, “I think we need to go to my office, it is more secure there, after all we don’t know what is going on behind the glass”

“Where are we going?” Samuel asked, “The NSA?”
“For the moment that’s on a need to know basis” The African American replied, “And I’m afraid Vice Admiral, you don’t need to know either, so we have to part company here”

This time the balding man glowered at the African American, “Look here John” he said angrily, “it was our agency that helped get your predecessor agency started”

“That was under the Department of Defence” the African American replied, “This operation comes under Homeland Security now”

“What are you talking about” Samuel interrupted, “The link to that other place was severed three years ago and we were canned almost immediately”

The African American turned to Samuel, “You are heard what I said Brigadier General, not until we get to my office”

Samuel looked at the balding man and then at the African American, something did not seem right, but he could not put his finger on it. NCIS came under the department of defence, just like the National Security Agency, so that was why the retiring director of it was drafted in, to get him out, he was from the navy and had clout, and now his usefulness was at an end, this mysterious African American was dispensing with him.

Samuel was now worried, it seemed that he had fallen from the frying pan of NCIS into the fire of Homeland Security, the very department that had instigated the persecution of former minor spirits of virtue, with the notorious sterilisation initiative.

+ + + +

Residential area of the marine base at Quantico
Virginia, United States of America

“But we need to be doing something” Simon protested, “They have my wife and baby”

“We know” Pete said in an exasperated tone, “As I said, whoever did this, murdered Miss Cooper and possibly tried to kill Sue-Lim here just to divert attention”

“That means she must be important to somebody Simon” Sue-Lim added, “otherwise they would have just killed her like Miss Cooper”

“I don’t have any money” Simon sobbed

Pete for a moment did a double take, and then worked out that Simon was also considering if this was a kidnapping for money.

“Maybe they’re not after money” Pete suggested, “Have you checked your emails, voicemail, facebook account or twitter?”

Simon shook his head

“Are you thinking that whoever did this are after NSA secrets?” Sue-Lim asked

Pete shrugged his shoulders, “Possibly” he mumbled before asking Simon, “I realise you may be privy to stuff you can’t tell us now, since we’re just CSI’s now, but could there be something your involved with that might be useful to an overseas interest?

Simon shook his head, “They just have me supporting the HR’s IT systems Pete” he replied

“What!” Sue-Lim exclaimed, “A man with your talents looking after the admin systems? That seems a waste”

“After we got back from San Francisco I was told I was lucky to get that” Simon whined, “In fact they started restricting me when Celeste and I got married”

Sue-Lim glanced at Pete, it seemed scandalous that a loyal worker such as Simon was treated with suspicion because his wife was not originally born on Earth, even though she had helped saved countless lives by preventing the detonation of a hydrogen bomb in the heart of Washington DC.

To Sue-Lim it seemed that she and Pete had after all got the better jobs as working as lowly CSIs for Metro PD, although she suspected that career was now over.

“So” Pete continued, “That might rule out extortion, but you still need to check email’s, twitter and Facebook.

“OK” Simon said in his characteristically abrupt manner and pulled out his Iphone and tapped on it.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Simon shook his head, “No” was all he could squeak out.

Pete swore, “If only it were something so simple as a kidnapping” he said angrily

“What about the red light” Sue-Lim asked

“An artificial universe” Pete replied, “I know Sue-Lim, but the last one was in England three years ago” he objected, “The people who set it up are dead”

“Maybe not” Sue-Lim replied, “There was that female PA who got life when Sir Sidney’s empire was brought down. I believe her name was Janine Dobson. Maybe we could use our contacts with the department to find out if she is still in prison”

“Well I’m not so sure we will be flavour of the month at Metro” Pete replied, “As you said, Iain Davy was not too chuffed that he had to be excluded when the feds claimed jurisdiction”

“But we need to do something” interrupted Simon, “They have my family”

“We could try and examine the location where Celeste was grabbed” Sue-Lim suggested, “Our old artificial wormholes leave some residual gamma radiation, which could be detected by Sky Guard, but it only lasts about a day before dropping back down to background levels, and that could be the case with wormholes to artificial universes”

Pete shook his head “Your forgetting something, we are supposedly in protective custody here at Quantico. If we leave they probably will start tailing us, or ask us what we are doing. Someone knew what our routines were Sue-Lim, which was why they instructed the courier to come so early with that scarf, so you can bet they will be wary of letting us out of here”

Sue-Lim looked at the floor, “You’re right” she sighed, “It’s like we are being held in a prison here. If only dad were still alive we could have got out of here no problem”

Then a thought struck Pete, “Your due date is just two weeks off isn’t it”

Sue-Lim nodded, “I would have worked up to birth Pete you know that, but departmental regulations”

“I know” Pete replied, “But if you were to go into labour early say, they would still take us to Bethesda wouldn’t they?”

“I don’t think we still have that medical plan Pete” Sue-Lim replied

“If they take us to a hospital, does it matter which one?” Pete asked

“You’re not having your baby now are you?” Simon asked Sue-Lim

“I haven’t started any contractions” Sue-Lim answered looking momentarily confused, “I thought that was two weeks off”.

“Then maybe it’s a false alarm” Pete smiled, “Better safe than sorry. How good are you at acting?”

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Charlene watched as the red swirling dot grew outside her glass cell

She stepped back, in case this vortex was going to deliver food by going through her cell wall, but no. it stayed outside.

Finally out stepped Sir Sidney Gerald, the hated industrialist who had imprisoned her Celeste and Celeste’s child.

“Good evening” Sir Sidney said with his characteristically smug voice, “Dinner will be slightly delayed tonight” he went on, “The pizza delivery boy seems to be encountering severe delays in London. Burst water main I believe”

“You came to tell us that” Charlene sneered angrily.

“I’m a bit understaffed at the moment” Sir Sidney replied, “So I thought I would pop down myself, and let you know. But you’re right Doctor Henshaw, I am here to discuss other things”

“Well before you do” Charlene interrupted, pointing to Celeste shivering naked in her cell, trying to somehow keep her daughter warm by wrapping her in Celeste’s trousers, “You said their welfare was dependent on my co-operation, well why don’t you give Celeste and her daughter her other clothes and baby stuff”

Sir Sidney looked at Charlene with contempt. “They’re alive, and that’s it” he sneered back, “Anything else, like their clothes and baby stuff, you have to earn, Doctor Henshaw”

“So this is not all about making me do your bidding is it Sir Sidney” Charlene snapped back, “You just want to see Celeste over there suffer because she happened to switch sides on you when you betrayed her first. You are nothing but a vindictive snivelling little man”

Sir Sidney took from his pocket a small black box and held it up, “Don’t forget Doctor, I have the power of life and death in this realm. This device gives me the ability to delete all the air from their cell if you do not start showing respect”

At this Celeste started pleading, “Please Doctor Henshaw, don’t upset the boss”

Charlene ignored Celeste’s pleas and glowered at Sir Sidney, “If you want respect Sir Sidney, you earn it. There’s a difference you know between fear and respect. Prove you’re not taking revenge on Celeste and her child”

“I don’t have to prove anything to you Doctor Henshaw” Sir Sidney retaliated, “Not while I am on this side of the glass. As for fear Doctor Henshaw, the Roman emperor Caligula had a favourite saying, Oderint dum metuant, do you know what that means Doctor Henshaw?”

Charlene continued to glower at Sir Sidney and growled, “Let them hate us, so long as they fear us”

“Close enough Doctor Henshaw, I see you know a bit of Latin as well” Sir Sidney said with an evil laugh and then with anger added, “As I said earlier, I can easily dispatch that traitor and her little brat here, and then bring in someone else to make you co-operate Doctor Henshaw”

“I don’t see why you need me” Charlene snapped back, “You seem to be quite adept at creating artificial universes if that was what you needed me for”

“You’re right” Sir Sidney replied, “I don’t need you to do that, my former associates left behind adequate plans on how to set this place up. I even improved on it so I can open up a portal to this place from anywhere on Earth. How else was I able to capture Celeste and bring her here and then dispatch a careless CIA agent who happened to get himself caught on a mission in Ireland?”

“Then why have you got me here?” Carlene asked, “If you wanted to take revenge on Celeste you could have just had her killed like you had that Bentley girl’s brother killed”

Sir Sidney stared at Charlene and then smiled in a disconcerting way, “Yes I could have done. I could have had her and her child terminated like I had that former head of Inter Dimensional Entity Control, who went over to the American’s National Security agency, terminated”

“Kathryn?” Charlene interrupted in horror
“You killed Miss Cooper?” Celeste chimed in.

For a brief moment Charlene saw a flash of hate in Sir Sidney’s eyes as he glanced at Celeste. She was right, Sir Sidney had imprisoned Celeste and her baby in a bare glass cell devoid of the amenities she had in her glass prison, because this pathetic excuse of a man wanted both mother and child to suffer.

“Yes I did” Sir Sidney snapped at Celeste, “I had her blown to kingdom come so those stupid Federal agents would be too busy investigating her death which allowed me to get you and your snivelling little brat here. I even made sure the local plods would be occupied by having a certain scarf sent to the home of a Mr and Mrs Pete Smith.”

Celeste shook her head, “No, not again” she whimpered, “I never would have taken that other scarf to her if I had known what it was”

“Yes I know my dear” Sir Sidney said in a quiet yet chilling voice, “I never realised she was the daughter of my former colleague James, but that’s by the by. He is long dead now, and it amazing what compounds you can find from our very own world here that can kill a man and make it look like a brain aneurism. As for his daughter, unfortunately the scarf was not enchanted, otherwise I could have got two for the price of one, as she is due to give birth to another screaming brat.”

Sir Sidney then turned back to Charlene, holding the black box in his hand “Maybe I should just delete Celeste and her brat out of existence and get your former colleague down here? What do you say Doctor Henshaw? Shall I get rid of this waste of space along with her brat and bring that other scientist down here. She might even help you our with our little project”

The colour drained from Charlene’s face. This former MI5 agent was clearly a sociopath, and thought nothing of cold blooded murder, even of supposed close friends. Nothing she could say it seemed would make this man treat Celeste or her child with any humanity.

“Just let Celeste or her baby go” she pleaded anyway, “I told you Sir Sidney I would do what you wanted; at least please let them have their clothes and baby things while you have them here”

“When you have earned them” Sir Sidney replied without flinching

“OK, so why don’t you kill them now and have your vengeance just like you really want” Carlene suddenly shouted, “It would be kinder and there is no way I will do what you want while you make an innocent child suffer the way you are doing here, and you obviously need me since you have kept me here for so long”

Sir Sidney once again stared at Charlene and slowly brought up his black box in his right hand and pressed a few buttons.

Suddenly the cell with Celeste and Ashia in glowed blue as small dots of light started tracing shapes in their cell. Celeste did her best to get out of the way and in seconds her cell was just as equipped as Charlene’s cell, along with a draw of clothes and baby items.

“Doctor Henshaw just to show I am not totally motivated by vengeance, but be warned, I can just as easily remove those items I have now placed in Celeste’s cell or her air.” Sir Sidney began with a smirk, “So are you still accusing me of being purely motivated by revenge?”

“Aren’t you?” Celeste responded, “You murdered our former boss because she was in charge of the one agency you never penetrated. You murdered your friend Mr Vee because he helped close you down, and until just now you were making Celeste and her daughter here suffer and calling her a traitor”

Sir Sidney shook his head, “My dear Doctor Henshaw, revenge may be sweet and best served cold, but I am a business man and I intend to make a lot of money.”

“How?” Charlene asked

“With your assistance Doctor Henshaw” Sir Sidney went on, “We are going to reunite Earth with the Mystical Realms. Not only is it an untapped market but foreign governments will pay handsomely for the ability to travel there and back. Some will pay to make sure others can not go there. Imagine Doctor Henshaw, it’s military potential available from my phoenix empire to the highest bidder”

“You’re mad” Charlene replied shaking her head, “It’s impossible, it can’t be done”

“Because of the radiation barrier” Sir Sidney interrupted, “I know all about that and how Celeste here caused that. From my unique vantage point I told you about Doctor Henshaw, I have seen it and I also saw the mother of all work arounds. You will give me back access to the Mystical Realms. I have already sent out my sales pitch to various governments and I would hate it if I were unable to deliver on what I have told them, and I suspect so will Mrs Hargreaves here”

Suddenly a bleeper went in Sir Sidney’s jacket pocket, it was a mobile phone. Sir Sidney took it out, looked at it and smiled.

It seems the pizza lad has arrived at last, so I will arrange delivery of dinner in the usual manner.” Sir Sidney told them, and then called up another red vortex and stepped out through it.

“He’s mad” Charlene whispered as the vortex vanished

+ + +

Late evening

Gregory O’Doyle stood in the hallway of his house fuming at his treatment. They had even taken his gun away, even though he was permitted to have one.

It was obvious that this Kelly McLaughlin did not care about the safety of the O’Docherty twins, or to think about it any of the former minor spirits of virtue. They represented a time when Ireland was also dependent on non humans in the form of leprechauns for its security. Oh how humiliating that must have seemed to them, no wonder they wanted him out the way they did and history of G2 Special section virtually erased.

Gregory suspected that a couple of officers would be staking his house out, to keep an eye on him.

He took his coat off, hung it on the coat rack and went into the living room and peered through the curtains.

He was right.

They were not even concealing what they were doing.

No point, Gregory would spot them a mile off anyway Kelly wanted to send him a message, he was not to cause any bother, and if anyone harmed the O’Docherty Twins, so be it, what was it to anyone now what happened to them?

“Oh Maria” Gregory muttered, “if only you were still here” he said sadly as he looked at a framed picture of his dead wife.

Gregory closed the curtain and wondered what to do; he did not feel like listening to the radio or watching the television, not while he knew that Fidelity and Caer were possibly in danger, that his own former service did not care and even worse prevented him from protecting or warning them.

Then he had an idea, if he could not go to their aid, he knew someone else in Ireland who might, and he had had experience of adventuring, even though he was now happily married with four children, the eldest being adopted. Unlike him, he had never worked for any of the security or intelligence services

Gregory picked up the land line phone from its cradle and went to dial the last number he had, assuming they were still at the last known location.

Then he stopped and listened to the line and the dialling tone

Something did not seem right about it, but only with his knowledge of signals intelligence and how they did things in his day, could he spot it.

His line was being monitored, most likely by Kelly McLaughlin and her sorry excuses for G2 officers.

“I know you’re listening Kelly, you don’t bloody care about them do you” he yelled into the phone, “What are you going to do next, have them extradited to the yanks on spec?” and then he slammed it down on the cradle, and thumped the wall

Gregory took out his mobile phone and went to dial the number on that, but spotted that it was now saying that the SIM was invalid.

Kelly McLaughlin again no doubt, wanting to send him a message, he was no longer to be a nuisance

They were determined that Gregory was going to behave himself that night. Kelly obviously cared more about the fact that a CIA agent, doing something he was not supposed to, had been murdered at G2 headquarters than the safety of those two lasses.

Now it was as if he was being held under house arrested without ever having committed a crime, just for showing his former agency up and possibly causing his former service G2 to loose face in the eyes of the Americans

For all he knew, his entire house might be bugged.

What a come down?

In former times he had been the human in charge of the elite squad of leprechauns, pledged to work for Ireland, and now he was being treated like a terrorist.

Gregory thought for a moment and then headed for his bedroom to find his “just in case” bag, a suitcase that had been pre-packed in case he had to leave his house with minimal notice.

There he also noticed his dead wife’s “just in case bag” He had never brought himself to unpack it when he disposed of her other items shortly after her funeral. He stopped for a moment and stared at it. Again it seemed so awful, that he a once loyal G2 officer was forced to go on the run like a common criminal

“You fool” Gregory swore and grabbed his wife’s “Just-in-case” bag and emptied it onto the bed.

Sure enough there in the packing was his dead wife’s emergency mobile phone. It was a simple pay as you go phone and was meant to be used should his phone have been compromised. It had been paid for in cash making tracing it almost impossible, well that had been the theory.

Slowly Gregory picked up the phone and tried to power it up.

It had only a few bars in power left, after all it had been a while since it had last been used.

Gregory wracked his brain to try and see if he could remember either Fidelity or Caer’s mobile number from the old case files, but it was fruitless. Even if he still had access to his normal mobile, he had never stored their number on that one either.

This seemed like a hopeless situation, who knows what other agents were out there to carry on the work that dead CIA officer had started, and he had no way to protect or warn them

+ + +

An office in a secret location in Washington DC

Samuel finally arrived at some office in Washington DC, where, he had not a clue as he was still handcuffed and blindfolded, as he sat in the office after being taken from the NCIS headquarters.

Samuel could still sense the two escorts standing either side of him. His escorts he noted before being blindfolded had been two heavily armed men, kitted out like secret service agents but with less personality. Neither had spoken to the Brigadier General.

This may be a highly secret office of Homeland Security, but blindfolds and handcuffs seemed so over the top, especially when he had once been entrusted with the secret of the existence of The Mystical Realms.

Maybe this was the price of falling out of favour

Samuel heard the door open and then the voice of the African American who had who had got him out of NCIS head quarters. The man instructed the escorts to remove the handcuffs and the blindfold and then leave.

The escorts were rough in complying; they did not like Samuel one bit!

Samuel looked up at the African American as he sat down behind his desk.

“May I know whom I’m addressing?” Samuel asked.
“For the moment I am to be referred to as Mr Doulble-You” the African American replied

“Oh come on” Samuel complained, “I thought we got past that crap when Mr Vee died”

“That is how I am to be addressed” the African American insisted, “Miss Cooper allowed her private life and identity be known and look what happened to her”

Samuel shook his head, “Ok Mr Double-You” Samuel asked, “What is this about? I assume it was you who had NCIS set on me”

“You’re right” the African American said abruptly, “We needed you and we needed to let you know that we knew all about your insubordination.

“Insubordination” Samuel snapped back with venom, “You mean my hiding her away because of your refusal to have an innocent girl cleared of murder with the British authorities for a crime we all know she did not commit”

“You were told to hand her over Brigadier General so she could be extradited” the African American replied with equal venom, “As far as the Brits are concerned she is a wanted murderer and drug dealer”

“She is an innocent girl” Samuel interrupted

The African American shook his head, “For the sake of national security she is to be considered guilty as sin and handed over”

“National Security my a**e” Samuel swore, “You just don’t want to tell the British administration what the previous one knew all about, the existence of IDW01”

“Exactly” the African American replied coldly

“And you don’t care if the person is innocent?” Samuel asked

“If it came to it Brigadier General” the African American persisted, “for the sake of National Security, I would hand over innocent men women or children over to be tortured and executed. It is the duty of the state to protect its citizens and it’s borders from threats both foreign and domestic”

Samuel found this incredulous, that their own government would even consider sacrificing innocent people for some twisted notion of “national security. It was obvious now, to clear Sarah Bentley or at least refuse to extradite her may have required explaining to the British Administration all about that strange other world, filled with creatures from folklore, myth legend and fantasy literature. Something, now that it was out of reach, some felt pointless, even if under the previous administration, the British once took the lead.

“Well your too late” Samuel said quietly, “I already warned those she was staying with to get her out of where she was staying and if they have the sense I believe they have, they would be gone too, so charge me with treason”

The African American picked up a file from his desk, opened it and handed a large photo to Samuel.

Samuel took it and looked at the photo.

“We’ve tracked them down to their current location” the African American told Samuel, “Our people are waiting orders to move in and make arrests using maximum force”

“Why don’t you?” Samuel asked, “Why are you telling me”

“Leverage” the African American said snidely, “We want you working for us”

“And you’re doing this because I turned down an offer to work for the NSA?” Samuel asked

“We need you because of your expertise with issues surrounding IDW01 among other things”

“What?” Samuel asked

The African American picked up another file and opened it and read through it before looking back up at the Brigadier General, “Do you remember a British industrialist by the name of Sir Sidney Gerald?”

“Yeah” Samuel answered, “He was responsible for the deaths of a number of people including a chairman of the old IDEC and he tried to kill one of my people as well. He’s effectively dead.”

“Well Sir Sidney is back” the African American abruptly replied

“No!” Samuel countered, “I was there, I saw him die, his essence spread throughout the universe when he tried to ice the Spirit of Lust”

The African American shook his head, “He is very much alive”

“Then have him arrested” Samuel insisted, “Not some innocent girl who was targeted because”

“No going to happen” the African American interrupted, “Especially with what he has to offer us

Samuel looked at the African American with incomprehension, “That dirt bag is a killer and you’re doing a deal with him?” he asked with astonishment.

“We have no choice Brigadier General” the African American replied, “He has proved to us that he has the capability to restore the link to IDW01 and he will be selling that ability to the highest bidder, including our enemies if it comes to that”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing” Samuel snapped back

“Believe it Brigadier General” the African American replied back, “And you are going to be leading the negotiating team to get us that ability and make sure it does not fall into the hands of a hostile power. Just think what could happen if a state friendly to organisations like Al Qaeda got hold of that technology?”

“Send a team in and shut that dirt bag down” Samuel pleaded

“No” The African American insisted, “He has made it known that he has a back up plan should anyone try and have him arrested. We can not risk that and so we will be playing it his way this time”

Again Samuel shook his head, “Then I resign, find another patsy”

The African American looked at Samuel sternly, “That is not an option either” he said with determination, “Sir Sidney has asked for you specifically, and any reluctance on your part will force us not only to have the Bentley girl arrested along with the Johnstons but we will use one of our special operations squads to extradite a certain Rebecca Sands and Mazy Schneider from Toronto, to ensure that they are sterilised, all in the name of National Security. It’s your call”

To be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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Old 17-04-2011, 06:50 PM #5
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Episode IV –Breaking Away


It is said that bad pennies have a habit of showing up, and that seems to be just what Brigadier Samuel Peters has found out. A former adversary, Sir Sidney Gerald, he thought effectively long dead is back, but that is not the worst of it. Samuel is being blackmailed by a mysterious figure from the US Homeland Security to be part of a negotiating team to do a deal with Sir Sidney, who claims to have the ability to reconnect with the Mystical Realms, which he is selling to the highest bidder.

Meanwhile in Ireland, the former chief who headed up the former G2 special section seems to be under virtual house arrest and prevented from warning the O’Dochery twins who were former Minor Spirits of Virtue, that someone from the CIA had been tailing them.

+ + +

An office in a secret location in Washington DC

“That is incredibly low Mr Double You” Brigadier Samuel Peters said with disgust, “Or is it John” he added

“You will forget what you heard the Vice Admiral call me” The African American ordered, “He had no business breaking protocol like that. And like I said, I am willing and able to bring in the Johnstons and have the Sands and the Schneider girls brought back from Toronto if you do not co-operate”

Samuel shook his head slightly, “You talk about the Duties of the State Mr whatever you want to call yourself, what about the obligation to protect the weak and the powerless against the dirt bags of the world, like Sir Sidney and his cohorts. My friend was forced out of the Marine Corps and you want to hand over an innocent young woman and sterilise two young girls who are no threat whatsoever”

“Where were you when the twin towers came down Brigadier General?” The African American asked calmly with determination

“Excuse me?” Samuel asked

“We lost a lot of good people that day Brigadier General because someone was asleep on the job” the African American went on, “You’re talking about seven people here, how many died on nine eleven”

Samuel shrugged his shoulders, “Just over three thousand” he answered

“It’s probably higher than that Brigadier General” the African American said with steel like resolve, “A number of the workers were undocumented”

“So you’re playing the numbers game then” Samuel accused

“If I have to” the African American replied, “To quote a former British Prime Minister, the game has changed. If we are ever to prevent the kind of threat to our interests that could be represented if the wrong hands get hold of that technology, we need to deal with this man on his terms”

“No” Samuel countered, “We need to take him out, so he can’t sell it to the terrorists”

“Like I said Brigadier General” the African American said with firm resolution, “The strategic ability to move to another world will put this country back to being top dog” he added before asking Samuel, “So do I make that call to bring in your friends”

Samuel eyed the African American with hatred. He had seen many abuses of power exposed during his career which had had the excuse of “National Security”. Now if he had heard right these duties of the state that this man had referred to seemed to mean trampling on individual freedoms all for the greater good of this so called and cherished national security.

“So where are we going to deal with Sir Sidney” Samuel said with venom

“You are to fly out to London” the African American explained, “And from there wait further instructions as Sir Sidney will contact you there”

Samuel sighed and stared at the African American who insisted on calling himself Mr Double You.

“One question” Samuel asked

“We have booked you into a hotel and your flight leaves in three hours” Mr Double-You replied

“No, not that” Samuel replied, “What have you got against the former minor spirits of virtue, their harmless, and their hard wired to be model citizens”

“That was not the opinion of the committee of Other Worlds Affairs” Mr Double-You said impassively, “Even if those individuals are model citizens, allowing them to breed could be too much of a risk. There could be some genetic factor which could turn any offspring into a threat”

“Now you know from Celeste’s child” Samuel replied, “That’s a load of hogwash”

“This is not up for debate” Mr Double-You said abruptly, “You have a flight to catch. We have a bag for you already packed and the rest of your team are at the airport”

+ + +

Late evening

Gregory went to the living room window again and looked out at the two G2 officers; sitting in their car to make sure that he did not go anywhere near the O’Docherty twins, so that he could not warn them that they had been of interest to the American CIA.

He had put his dead wife’s mobile phone on to charge, he did not know why, apart from the fact it was the only phone he could use, since the landline was bugged and the current administration of G2 had revoked the SIM on his own mobile.

It was so galling that he was being treated like a criminal

They should be protecting those lasses, especially as their biological father had been considered a hero of the Irish military because of the way he had served in Afghanistan. What was even more ironic about that particular case, was that he had been killed by US friendly fire shortly after saving the lives of American soldiers.

And now the daughters of this once decorated long dead hero were considered expendable for the sake of Irish American relationships. How could his own country stoop so low?

Gregory closed the curtain and went back into the bedroom. Without his wife, it seemed larger and emptier. Then his eye caught on something shiny.

He went over and picked it up.

It was a Talisman of Morpheus

He had been given it by the late Shamus McTuckle formally of the special diplomatic service.

He remembered being told how Shamus had been killed by some kind of magic missile that even defeated the healing abilities of the Spirit of Second Chances, Celeste, daughter of the Spirit of Death.

The talisman had the ability to cause others to sleep, very useful if a leprechaun had to go in to an area where humans were. He remembered Shamus saying how it was sometimes used against human children, especially minor spirits of virtue who lived with human families, so they could be watched over to keep them safe. Sometimes the leprechauns would watch over these half breeds of a major spirit of virtue and a human, even after the minor spirit had given up their spirit status and became fully human.

If you knew how, you could even use it to enter their dreams and speak to them. Shamus had said that power was too dangerous for a human to use, something about the human mind, but he did show Gregory once how to use it to make other humans fall into a deep sleep, with out the person knowing what was happening.

Gregory picked it up and wondered if it would still work even though the two worlds of Earth and the Mystical Realms were separate.

He had an idea.

Gregory slipped on the talisman and put on his coat and opened the door. Next he walked up to the car with the G2 officers.

They were new officers, and must have been recruited after he had “retired”, no matter.
Gregory tapped on the driver’s window.

The driver wound his window down

“Look lads” Gregory spoke to him, “I know Miss McLaughlin wants you to make sure I don’t go anywhere and wants me to know that”

“We have our orders sir” the driver replied

“I know son” Gregory replied, “But why don’t you both come inside, I mean what if someone who doesn’t know you called out the Garda, it would be quite embarrassing”

“I’m sure our liaison has dealt with that sir” the passenger replied

“Maybe” Gregory replied, “But you can be doing you job just as well if you come inside with me, and you won’t worry the neighbours. I know some of them; they can be a pretty suspicious lot”

“I could use the toilet” the driver said to the front seat passenger.

“But what about our orders?” the passenger complained.

“Which are to make sure I stay out of trouble” Gregory interrupted, “And like I said, you can do that just as well if you come inside with me”

The driver opened the door of the car and stepped out, “Just no funny stuff sir” he told Gregory
“You took my weapon” Gregory reminded him
“I am sorry about this sir” the driver apologised, “But Miss McLaughlin was adamant, we were to make sure you kept out of trouble”
“And so you shall” Gregory reassured him.

Reluctantly, the front seat passenger got out of the car, “We need to report in sir”

“Oh come on son” Gregory told him, “You’re still obeying orders to make sure you keep me out of trouble, what harm is there?”

Then after a moment’s thought, Gregory added, “I would order out for pizza, but for some reason, my phone is on the blink”

“I prefer Indian” the driver remarked, “I have the number of one on speed dial”

“I could go along with that” Gregory replied as he led the two G2 officers to his house

+ + + +

Residential area of the marine base at Quantico
Virginia, United States of America

The marine officer stood at the door of Sue-Lim’s and Pete’s billet arguing with Pete. “Sorry sir, orders are to keep you here in protective custody”

“Custody?” Pete said at the top of his voice, “My wife was the victim here and we’re the ones being treated as criminals?”

“The base doctor will be on site tomorrow morning” the marine said insistently, “If the symptoms are persisting, then you can call him”

“And that could be too late” Pete retaliated, “This is my wife’s first child and it is looking like she’s having it now”

“That can’t be helped sir” the soldier insisted, “Those are the orders, and anyway according to file we have on her, she is not due for another two weeks”

Pete shook his head in astonishment, either the base guards at Quantico could see through his ruse, or they were really so straight jacketed by military rules that if his wife were really having the baby they would rather both died than disobey the orders of some unidentified bureaucrat

“My wife is having complications” Pete insisted in vain, “These things don’t always go to the timetable”

“I’m sorry but those are the orders. You are not permitted off the base under any circumstances” the soldier insisted

“So you’re prepared to see both my wife and child die?” Pete said angrily as he got taken in by his own attempt a deception

“I’m sorry but those are the orders. You are not permitted off the base under any circumstances” the soldier repeated, using the classic broken record stalling method

Just then there was the sound of a car pulling up outside.

The soldier briefly turned to see who it was. In the failing light it looked like some kind of military officer getting out of the front passenger door, and then he recognised the face. It was his supervisor at Metro PD, Iain Davy in his old uniform of a Senior Master Sergeant in the US Air force, the most difficult enlisted promotion to attain in the Air Force, carrying an envelope

The soldier turned to speak to this US Air force officer, “I was not informed that the Air Force was coming here sir”

“At ease Marine” Pete’s supervisor addressed the soldier, “I’m here to speak with the Smiths as part of the ongoing investigation into the murder of a federal employee and the attempted murder of a senior naval officer”

“I had no orders about that sir” the Marine replied, “And besides, this is a marine base, not an air force base sir”

“We thought someone here might point that out” Pete’s supervisor said to the marine and presented an envelope, “These are new orders. As part of an inter forces initiative, the air force has been asked to run an independent investigation as it looks like the attempt to kill Vice Admiral Quentin was an inside job”

“This is a marine base” the soldier protested, “Marine’s don’t do that kind of thing, sir”

“Excuse me” Pete interrupted, “But my wife is about to die in child birth here and this Marine will not allow us to go to hospital or cal in a doctor”

“She is not due for another two weeks” the marine said to Pete’s supervisor, “and a doctor will be on site from oh nine hundred hours tomorrow”

“And if one of you had a serious accident” Pete’s supervisor told the marine, “Would you wait for oh nine hundred”
“Then if our witness is having a medical emergency, what is the difference marine?” Pete’s supervisor said angrily
“She’s probably got indigestion” the marine scoffed, “the file says she is not due for another two weeks”
“And you did your medical training where exactly marine?” Pete’s supervisor asked

“I’m afraid I have yet to attend the Marine Corps Field Medical Service School sir but we have been taught elements of first aid” the soldier replied.

“Well you are relieved” Pete’s supervisor replied, again presenting the envelope he was carrying, “If our witness is having a medical emergency we need to do an immediate medical evacuation, now!”

“Our orders” the marine began
“Are countermanded” Pete’s supervisor interrupted, “This is a US Air Force operation now”

“I’ll have to check with my CO on that” the Marine said with a hint of suspicion in his voice.

“Go ahead” Pete’s supervisor replied, “I’m sure your CO will enjoy being interrupted while he is watching La Triviata with the defence secretary and her husband. While you’re at it you can explain why one of our main witnesses died because they had to wait for oh nine hundred before they could get medical attention”

“You can take her” the marine replied, “But the others have to stay”

“I need to talk with them while Mrs Wang is being attended to” Pete’s supervisor insisted, “Now I’m taking them all to the hospital, do you have a problem with that marine”

“They’re supposed to be held here in protective custody” the marine protested
“Wrong Marine, they are located here for their safety and as they have not yet been charged with any offence, my understanding is that they are not prisoners. As for this protective custody nonsense, if one of them dies because you refuse them urgent medical attention, then you’re not protecting them are you?” Pete’s supervisor countered, “Now stand aside, this is an Air force operation now.” Pete’s supervisor then addressed Pete, “Get Mrs Smith and everyone else there, and get in the car”

As Pete disappeared into the house the marine glowered at Pete’s supervisor as he took the envelope, “This is highly irregular.” The marine protested, “We normally investigate our own Sir”
“Well that’s not happening this time” Pete’s Supervisor insisted, “Not if this crime was an inside job. Any investigation must be seen to be above reproach to avoid allegations of a cover up”
“I will be raising this with my superiors in the morning” the marine announced
“File whatever protest you want” Pete’s supervisor replied, “I’m taking them off base to the hospital and then I will be interviewing them”

The soldier continued to eye Pete’s supervisor with suspicion, “We were told by Homeland Security that they were not allowed to be let out of our site”

“Well the air force is taking over that responsibility now, Marine” Pete’s supervisor answered back.

Pete came out of the house with Sue-Lim, clutching her abdomen and moaning. Simon followed behind carrying a number of bags.

“Put those in the trunk and get in the car” Pete’s supervisor ordered Simon and immediately he complied.

“Hey!” the marine objected, “Do you need all that just to go to the hospital” he added angrily
“That’s none of your concern” Pete’s supervisor said with equal anger, “For the moment they come under the protection of the US Air force”

Pete helped Sue-Lim into the back of the car with Simon and then got into the front passenger seat.

“When we have finished with them, we will return them to your protection, should that continue to be necessary” Pete’s supervisor told the marine.

Pete’s supervisor then got into the car and started it up.

Slowly the car started moving, while Pete and Simon hardly dared to breath, expecting the marines to stop them before they got to the main gate.

After a couple of minutes driving in silence they approached the main gate and the three passengers held their breath as they saw the armed marines in the middle of the road

Pete’s supervisor slowed down and wound the window down as a marine approached the car.

Simon thought back to the alternate timeline when they had to escape the base by travelling through a wormhole to the Mystical Realms and gulped. This time with the radiation barrier, blocking passage between the two worlds, it had not been an option this time.

He had to trust that this boss of Pete knew what he was doing.

“I’m taking Mrs Smith to the hospital to have her checked out as it looks like she may be going in to labour” he told the marine guard, “I’m also taking Mr Smith so he can be with her there and Mr Hargreaves is a vulnerable adult and cannot be left unsupervised”

Simon felt incensed by this comment and wanted to object, but felt his hand squeezed by Sue-Lim as she whispered, “Please Simon, no”

Sue-Lim had guessed how he felt

After a few agonising minutes that seemed like hours, the marines waved the car through and they were off the base.

Iain, Pete’s supervisor was the first to speak, “I’m sorry I pressed you back at your house. I was told you were involved in highly sensitive work from the start, I should not have expected you to breach any confidences or reveal any classified information you were privilege to during that time”
“Believe me sir” Pete spoke up, “If we even tried I don’t think you would believe it. I’m not sure I would have believed it myself”

“We are very grateful to you for doing this sir” Sue-Lim chipped in

“I tried to call earlier and my call was intercepted.” Iain explained, “They told me that while you were being held I would have to put requests to speak to you via the base commander”

“They were holding us prisoner?” Sue-Lim replied, “Why? We didn’t do anything wrong”

“I don’t know Sue Lim” Iain replied, “But you’re my people now and like the marines we look after our own”

“We appreciate that sir” Pete told his supervisor, “what did you want to talk to us about?”

I managed to check with that courier firm that delivered that scarf” Iain continued, “It seems it was mailed from an address in Sidcup south east of London, England. That’s a long distance assassination attempt if it was what the Vice Admiral said was a point attack?”

“You haven’t spoken to Scotland Yard have you?” Pete nervously asked
“Not yet” Iain replied, “I wondered if that place would mean anything to you, is that town related to what you did in England”

“No sir” Sue-Lim replied, “We were further South East down in Kent

“Now” Iain went on as he noticed how Sue-Lim had stopped moaning in pain, “Sue-Lim are you really having that baby or was that your attempt to get out of there?”

“It was a ruse sir” Pete admitted, “But obviously not as successful as yours sir”
“That’s the benefit of serving in the military” Iain replied, “Wear the right uniform, speak with enough confidence and you can usually bluff your way through”

“We wanted to examine the place where my wife and baby were taken” Simon chipped in

“What do you hope to find there Mr Hargreaves?” Iain asked
“A radiation signature” Simon answered before Pete or Sue-Lim could stop him from replying
“What kind of radiation” Iain asked, “Is this a danger to the public”
Pete shook his head despondently, “No sir” Pete admitted, “It’s more like a residual trace, but it won’t be around for much longer”

“We’re being followed” Iain announced

Sue-Lim tried to turn round to look out the back, “Are they trying to kill us?”

“No idea, they’re pretty far back” Iain replied, “It might just be someone from the base to see we’re going where I said we were. So unless they become more of a threat, I need to continue to the hospital while I get some unmarked cars to intercept them. Then we can drop Sue-Lim off at the hospital for a check up along with Mr Hargreaves, and then you and I Pete will need to go and examine that crime scene with what ever gizmo you have back there in the trunk”

Iain then switched on his hands free mobile and started dialling

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Celeste looked up as she breastfed her daughter, “Doctor Henshaw?” Celeste asked

Charlene suddenly came too, as she had been pondering what Sir Sidney Gerald had meant by a work around to get past the radiation barrier blocking the passageway to the Mystical Realms. “Yeah?” Charlene asked

“I thought the boss was dead?” Celeste said with confusion in her voice, “I was there when he and the Spirit of Lust had their essence spread through out the universe Doctor Henshaw. He tried to stab her with the shears of Atropos, she grabbed him, they glowed white and then we hid behind a desk and there was some kind of explosion”

Charlene shook her head briefly before beginning, “Do you remember the alternate timeline?”

“How could I forget” Celeste replied, “We lost Earth to Brameana. That’s probably why the government was so mean to us. They thought we were a security risk after all”

“Well that’s by the by” Charlene commented, “Do you remember what that so called angel said about us rolling time back?”

Celeste thought for a moment, “He said the rolling back of time had consequences”

“Yeah right” Charlene replied, “We thought it might be some paradox, like going back in time led to the Fall of Earth”

“But it didn’t” Celeste protested, “We managed to stop them before they sent those atom bombs to Earth”. Celeste then went quiet for a moment as she looked down at her daughter and then added, “It was me who caused the worlds to be separated”
“Yeah, but you saved Washington from that Hydrogen bomb” Charlene said in reassurance.
“I know” Celeste said with tears in her eyes

“Well anyway” Charlene went on, “You know how we rolled back time to the second day after the Venezuelans paraded The Clan Chief of the Manjura”

Celeste went red with embarrassment, “Yeah, I messed up and Sophie’s fiancé saw me naked where as before he didn’t”

“Whatever” Charlene responded, “When time got back to the point where it rolled back from, there was some kind temporal skip”

“I never felt anything” Celeste replied

“Neither did I” Charlene agreed, “If you imagine that the rolled back time period was second hand worn out time”

“Eh huh?” Celeste answered as this was beginning to get beyond her

“Well as soon as we returned to the point where time rolled back in the alternate timeline, we met fresh time that had never been experienced and there was, and this is the best analogy I can think of, there was some kind of temporal sonic boom”

“What’s a sonic boom?” Celeste asked, still puzzled

Charlene shook her head briefly, “Never mind” she muttered, “Anyway, according to Sir Sidney, while he and the Spirit of Lust’s essence were spread through out universe, they were like those so called angels and demons, outside of the time line. When time in the alternate timeline was rolled back to this timeline, they lived through that as well, experiencing both. When they reached that point again and met fresh time, somehow it enabled Sir Sidney to reconstitute himself and the Spirit of Lust at the place they had left. As he had stabbed The Spirit of Lust prior to being spread through the universe, she was reconstituted as fatally injured, and so she died”

“Do you think that was what the angel referred to Doctor Henshaw when he talked about consequences”

“I don’t know” Charlene admitted, “Maybe, I mean it was not exactly the future at that point, all I know is that according to Sir Sidney, he lived through the alternate time line and then this one, and that the rolling back of time allowed him to return back to London.

“So we should never have rolled time back then” Celeste asked

Charlene shook her head, “The way those so called demons were intent on wiping us out using the Lord Low Troll’s daughter Celeste, I’m not sure we had that choice”

+ + +

Late evening

Gregory looked at the two sleeping G2 officers with a certain sense of satisfaction, the Talisman of Morpheus had done its job and they had never seen it coming.

They would probably be out for about fifteen minutes, as that was the length of time Shamus had told him it was effective for in the hands of a non leprechaun. There was also the issue of the G2 officers having to call in every twenty minutes, so he would have to move fast, but then he had his “just in case bag” at the ready

Gregory quickly went up the stairs and grabbed his bag and then came down. For a moment he wondered if they were armed, and if he should steal one of their side arms.

He thought otherwise and just took the driver’s car keys and mobile phone and went out the front door, down to the G2 officer’s car and got in.

Gregory started the car and drove off.

For the moment he was in the wind as it were, but where could he go?

Gregory suspected that there might be more officers outside the house of the O’Docherty twins, but he still wanted to warn them.

Then he remembered a particular number. It had been indelibly printed on his mind when Caer had been kidnapped that one time by protestant paramilitaries who had been working for that English industrialist, Sir Sidney Gerald.

Gregory pulled in to the side of the road and took out the phone he had stolen from the G2 officer.

Slowly Gregory dialled a number in County Claire and waited for it to be answered.

After about ten rings, the phone picked up

“Muckanagh House Farm” a man sleepily replied

“Shaun O’Docherty” Gregory said into the phone
“Speaking, who is this?” the man on the end of the phone asked
“You don’t remember me then?” Gregory replied
“It’s erm” the voice on the phone went on.

Gregory interrupted him, “Best not to say, you may be being bugged by G2”

“I don’t understand” the man at the end of the phone replied, “G2 helped us get our daughters back”
“There’s been a change of policy since then” Gregory answered, “As soon as I ring off, find a mobile that works or another phone”

“Why?” the man at the end of the phone asked

“Your daughters were tailed today by an agent from certain foreign intelligence service in a land that many went to during a certain nineteenth century famine. I stopped him and I wanted to warn your daughters, but before we could interrogate this agent, someone silenced him and the powers that be vetoed me giving your daughters a heads up.”

“Why don’t we get G2” the man on the phone again tried to ask

Gregory was having none of it and interrupted again, “G2 are the last people you should be involving Shaun, they been taken over by those who believe in sucking up to that certain foreign land. You need to warn your daughters to watch their backs and don’t trust those you used to trust. There is a new order in power and they have already killed a former head of a certain agency that took over in dealing with those who had heritage similar to your daughter’s biological heritage on their birth mother’s side”

Gregory glanced down at his watch. “I have to go now Shaun, and what ever you do, do not try and contact this number. If you have some other place to go, go there, if not, arm yourself, they may come after you as well”

At that Gregory hung up the phone and tossed it out of the car. If it had a GPS chip, he did not want his former colleagues trailing him to where he was going.

Gregory then drove off into the night, thinking about the phone conversation he had just had, hoping that the twins would be warned of the CIA involvement that his own former colleagues were intent on covering up. He just hoped he had not come across too much like a mad man and that Shaun O’Docherty would ring Caer and Fidelity.

This was all he could do, and it irked him that G2, an organisation that he had risen up through the ranks in, had betrayed those they once protected so, just for political expediency.

There was only one place Gregory could go now, because when the two G2 officers came round he would be declared a wanted fugitive.

Gregory parked the car a few streets from a little known taxi firm he once used and then walked to their offices and spoke to the female dispatcher.

“I’d like to book a taxi please miss” he asked the dispatcher

“Where to?” The lady asked

“Gregory looked at his watch” and then back at the dispatcher, “I wish to catch the late ferry to Holly Head. I believe it is sailing with the hour”

“You’re in luck sir” she told him, “John has just arrived back from another fair” At this the lady called a taxi driver across and introduced Gregory to him.

“He wants to catch the last ferry out to Holly Head”

The taxi driver sighed, it was obvious that he had not expected one more fair, but then work was work. “Get in” he said to Gregory reluctantly, “It will be tight but I think I can get you there in time”

+ + +

Samuel Peters looked up at the departure board for the flight to London. It seemed to be delayed.

He was yet to meet up with the other members of the “negotiating team” that would sell out to a traitor and mass murderer, all in the name of national security.

“Colonel” a female voice came behind him, which then corrected herself, “I mean Brigadier General”

Samuel spun round to look at someone he had not seen for three years since she had lost her last appeal. It was the Tania McCaskey formally a corporal in the US Army before her conviction, he felt unjustly at a court marshal

Samuel remembered Tania well. She had worked with him at the old UK Inter Dimensional Entity Control Head Quarters which had been situated in North London, before it had been destroyed in a lorry bomb attack by agents of the Magnus Timor cult from the Mystical Realms.

Tania had been recruited because she had experience with young people and her task had been to help with the programme dealing with Minor Spirits of Virtue who were mostly young children. These minor spirits, the embodiment of a virtue in human form had one human parent and one parent who was a Major Spirit of Virtue., It had been the job of the programme to find these minor spirits and give them the opportunity to rid themselves of certain special powers related to their nominal virtue, that most of them could not control anyway, and gain their human soul, thus making them fully human and no longer a possible problem for the Earth authorities. The other reason for this programme, which the Mystical Realms Authorities were in favour of, was that as they were then deemed human, they no longer came under their jurisdiction and the law dealing with the interference in the affairs of the world of humans.

As for Tania, Samuel’s anger continued to burn at the injustice done to her. Tania had been accompanying the former Spirit of Kindness, Rebecca Sands from England to stay with her uncle in New Hampshire, however because an identity thief had used her details from a stolen Department of Defence laptop, she had been arrested at New York and taken to Miami. Even though the civilian authorities had cleared her of any wrong doing, Tania was court marshalled for bringing the US Army into disrepute, because she had been arrested in uniform in public. Her court Marshall had been a sham of a show trial, mainly because the scum bag Samuel was being blackmailed into negotiating with, had arranged for Tania to be convicted and given the maximum sentence, just so the top Secret Inter Dimensional Entity Control organisation endured humiliation.

Samuel had hoped that given the evidence of how Sir Sidney had corrupted the original Court Marshall, Tania would have been cleared, but no. Officially the documents exonerating Tania had been ruled inadmissible, a decision Samuel found incomprehensible. Some had told him on the quiet that Tania could never be cleared, because one the Army would have had to admit that it’s judicial process had been compromised, and two, even though the former members of the IDEC had saved Earth from the troll Brameana and the demons, they were considered politically persona non grata. The way his former right hand man Mark Johnston had been forced out of the Marines, bore this out as well

This turnaround in their fortunes seemed to be because the sceptics had pointed out that they had been part of the policy of engagement, rather than the old UK policy of Incarcerate, Interrogate and Exterminate, which they said had allowed for the original attacks on Earth in the alternate timeline. Besides, since the worlds were now separated and because in this timeline the attacks never happened, they considered that they owed them nothing but contempt.

That’s gratitude for you!, they had forgotten that if it weren’t for them then the Magnus Timor would have opened a rift and smashed the world of the Mystical Realms into the planet Earth

“I thought you were still in prison” Samuel asked Tania

Before Tania could answer, another man in his fifties, dressed in a dark blue suit came up behind her, “We have let her out for this one assignment Brigadier General”

“What?” Samuel asked

“I’m sorry sir” Tania admitted, “Myself and Mister Ex here are also part of the team to negotiate with Sir Sidney for access to you know where”

“Why?” Samuel whispered to Tania, “After what that b*****d did to you?”
“I have my reasons” Tania replied softly
“You promised her she would be cleared of something we both know she didn’t do” Samuel accused Mr Ex
“Among other things” Mr Ex replied

Samuel shook his head, “I take it you’re coming with us?” he asked Mr Ex
“You take it correctly Brigadier General” Mr Ex replied.
“So am I leading this negotiating team or are you?” Samuel asked Mr Ex
“I’m here to remind both of you what is at stake, Brigadier General” Mr Ex answered back in a cold manner
“Again, why Tania?” Samuel asked,
“Like you” Mr Ex went on, “Sir Sidney has requested her presence on the team, and we felt a pretty face and feminine charms may help in negotiations, and besides Tania, you have personal reasons to reopen that link don’t you” he added with a hint of venom.

Tania looked ashamed and looked down at the ground before looking up at Samuel, “When I was last there on IDW01, I met someone”

Samuel shook his head, “No” he repeated.

“It wasn’t a Major Spirit” Tania answered back, as she thought Samuel was thinking of a Major Spirit of Virtue.

“Let’s just say Miss McCaskey was on favourable terms with a prominent member of a certain high council who had dealings with our once cold war adversaries”

Samuel was careful not to utter the name of this council in a public place like the airport, but he knew what they were referring to. Tania had obviously been romantically involved with someone on the Drow High Council. These were the dark elves and the elves sworn enemy. Not only that, the drow had, during the time that the link to the Mystical Realms existed, partnered up with first the Soviets and then the Russians. If this prominent member of the drow high council was linked to Tania, then obviously she would be used by those in charge.

“So does Sir Sidney know about this” Samuel asked angrily

“We’re not sure” Mr Ex replied, “And even if he did, it doesn’t matter. He asked for you Brigadier General and he asked for Tania McCaskey here so you are both on the team. We need that capability and we need to make sure certain others do not get it instead.”

“And what’s in it for him?” Samuel asked

“We will discuss that Brigadier General privately” Mr Ex said coldly, “When we arrive at our hotel in London”

Just then their flight was called.

“I believe that’s us” Mr Ex told Samuel and Tania, “And we don’t want to miss our flight and keep Sir Sidney waiting, do we?”

+ + +

Outside George Washington University Hospital
Washington DC
United States of America

Iain’s car slowed as it approached the hospital car park.

Suddenly the sound of a number of police sirens erupted as various unmarked cars made themselves known around a black Mazda car that had been following Iain’s car

Iain brought his car to a stop outside the hospital entrance.

“Pete, take Simon and Sue-Lim into the hospital, let me handle this” Iain ordered Pete.

Pete spotted his supervisor at Metro PD’s forensic science laboratory upholster his sidearm. Something Pete and Sue-Lim did not have as they spent most of their time in the laboratory rather than out in the field.

Iain opened the door of his car and slowly got out.

Pete opened his car door and then opened the back door, while making sure he was not in the line of fire from the black Mazda car.

Simon came out first and wanted to get items from the boot. “Get in there” Pete growled as he pointed at the entrance to the hospital.

Simon finally took the hint and ran into the hospital entrance.

Next Pete grabbed Sue-Lim’s hand as she moved along the back seat to get to the open door, all the while aware that this could descend into a hail of bullets.

After a tense few seconds, Sue-Lim exited the car and wanted to stand up.

“Keep down love” Pete said softly and together, they moved as fast as they could to the hospital entrance.

Inside they found Simon waiting nervously, “Someone’s trying to kill us” he said with a terrified tone

“My Davy will handle this” Pete reassured Simon
“Yes Simon” Sue-Lim agreed, “Mr Davy was an experienced police officer before he headed up the forensic lab at Metro PD”
“And he got quite a number of Metro PD officers in on this” Pete added.

“What do we do now?” Simon asked, “We need to check out that radiation signature before it goes”
“I know Simon” Pete said with a hint of exasperation, “but we need to wait until we get the all clear”

After a few minutes waiting around in reception, Pete and Sue-Lim’s supervisor, Iain, came in. He was not looking happy

“What happened?” Pete asked
“Who ever that guy tailing us is” Iain went on, “He’s claiming he’s Homeland Security”

“No” Sue-Lim let out, “Not again” she said in panic, “Not now”

Suddenly she found breathing difficult

“He’s not going to touch you” Pete told Sue-Lim and guided her to a chair

Iain came up to Sue-Lim and bent down to be at her eye level, “Sue-Lim, I am aware how you were set up and arrested by the FBI three years or so ago”

“This all brought it all back” Sue-Lim wept, “Just because my mother was Vietnamese”

“We’re taking him down town to verify his story and see how long we can hold him” Iain went on, “But even if he is Homeland Security we will be having words. As far as I’m concerned neither of you have done anything wrong, and if you were being investigated, we should have been informed as a matter of common courtesy.

A nurse came up to the group and asked if Sue-Lim was ok.

“Mrs Smith here has had a shock and needs to be checked her over” Iain instructed the nurse, “and bill it to Metro PD.” He added. Then Iain turned back to Sue-Lim, “I’ll leave you with Simon here. Carrington is just outside, and she will keep an eye on you. Pete and I will go and check out that bus station while we can”

“I’m going as well” Simon interjected, “It was my wife and child who was taken and I’m going to find them”

“No Mr Hargreaves” Iain countered, “This is police business”

“Sorry sir” Pete interrupted, “But Simon has kind of a unique perspective on this kind of thing”

“Ok” Iain relented, “It looks like just Carrington and an armed officer will be keeping Sue-Lim safe here”

“I hear my name mentioned?” a red headed woman with a Texas accent interrupted. It was Jennifer Carrington, one of the senior CSI field agents at Metro PD.

“Jennifer, we’re going to check a crime scene with specialised equipment courtesy of Pete and Mr Hargreaves from the NSA” Iain told the Texas woman, “Stay with Sue-Lim here and make sure nobody bothers her.”

“I heard there was some attempt on your life?” Jennifer said to Sue-Lim

Sue-Lim nodded

“I want to come to your baby shower so I’m not going to let anything happen to you” Jennifer told Sue-Lim in a serious tone.

“Come with me” Iain told Pete and Simon

The three of them left the hospital and got into Iain’s car.

“I’ve arranged for a squad car to escort us to the bus station” Iain told Pete and Simon, “If there are any other federal agencies involved, I want them to know that we know”

Pete once again got to ride “Shotgun” next to his supervisor while Simon sat in the back, as they drove to the old Greyhound Bus Station where Celeste and Ashia were last seen. Behind them, was a squad car from their colleagues in the Washington Metro Police Department.

Finally they arrived at the bus station

Iain, mindful that Pete and Simon would be using highly classified equipment, instructed the accompanying police officers to keep watch at a distance. He did not want to give the federal authorities two of his best CSI’s and this Simon Hargreaves on a silver plate

The bus station had been cleared in advance of passengers and bus drivers, which was not a popular move, as people had been trying to take the various night buses.

Pete pulled out a scanner that looked a bit like a Geiger counter from the trunk and consulted with Simon on the settings. Then he started a sweep.


Pete shook his head, the bus station was quite large and there was no way they could keep it shut down for long. Maybe they were too late and the trace had faded?

Then a thought occurred to Pete, “Sir” he called out, “We heard that there was some witness who mentioned a red swirling light”

“He’s a known drunk” Iain replied, “Metro told us he was an unreliable witness and should be disregarded.

“Sir” Pete began, “I know that I am probably breaking a few of your federal laws by mentioning this to you, but that swirling red light matches a description of something related to something we came across of three years ago”

“Don’t tell me anything you can’t Pete” Iain warned, “I have no wish to give Homeland Security anymore rope they can hang you with”

“We just need to know where this red light was” Pete pressed

Iain pointed in the direction of the exit to the where cars could drop off and pick up passengers.

Pete headed across accompanied by Simon, while his puzzled supervisor could only follow behind.

If only Pete could read in his supervisor on the work he did for the old Inter Dimensional Entity Control, but then he would think they were crazy or treating him like a fool

“This is where that drunk said he saw a red swirling light according to those who spoke to him” Iain called out.

Pete adjusted the setting on his scanner

A signal!

Pete switched a button and captured the decaying signal and waited for the read out on the frequency.

If it was a wormhole from an artificial universe, it might go some way to giving a hint at the radioactive isotopes used to power it and punch a hole into the main universe and hold it open long enough to capture Celeste and her child. From there they could probably do a police search on whoever got hold of the isotopes

“Anything?” Iain asked as he peered at the strange equipment. What he thought of them Pete could only guess

Then came the read out

Pete looked the frequency and so did Simon

The reading seemed horribly familiar.

“That’s him” Simon said nervously as he guessed the implication of the frequency reading.

“But that b*****d is supposed to be dead” Pete swore

“Who are you referring to” Iain asked as he came over to Pete and Simon

Without thinking, Simon spoke up, “Sir Sidney Gerald”

“He was a British industrialist” Iain replied, “Reported missing presumed dead three years ago. The chatter was that he had been up to something, but the British didn’t say anything either way”

“He was a bad man” Simon told Iain, again before Pete could stop him, “He tricked Celeste into working for him”.

“I take it you had a run in with him?” Iain asked

Pete nodded, “We all did in a way. As Simon says, Celeste used to work for him, but she switched sides when she found out what he was really like. That man was the one that framed Sue-Lim and tried to have her killed”

“And I’m guessing you all had a hand in his reported demise” Iain accused

Pete shrugged his shoulders, “Our organisation did.” Pete admitted,

“Are you able to say what this man did?” Iain asked Pete

Pete sighed, “Sir Sidney used his old connections from his MI5 days, to penetrate various intelligence organisations and a number of US federal agencies so he could use the intelligence for financial gain, however he never penetrated our agency, so he tried to discredit us by getting a number of our members arrested on bogus charges, like Sue-Lim. It was our agency that shut him down and exposed all those who were involved in his little spy ring. A lot of people had to resign or went to prison because of what we uncovered”

“And was Kathryn Cooper connected to this secret agency you were part of Pete?” Iain persisted

“Yes sir” Pete replied, “She was effectively the head”

“That gives us motive and links both the bombing and this kidnapping” Iain stated, “Who ever did this, was out for revenge for what you did to this Sir Sidney guy or those you brought down. Did this Sir Sidney have any relatives?”

Pete shrugged his shoulders, “we never did find out, all we know was that his parents were murdered when he was a child and he never married or showed interest in that kind of thing”

“Friends or associates?” Iain asked

“There were quite a number of former intelligence associates who as I said were brought down when his empire collapsed after he was declared dead” Pete answered back, “But none of them had the ability to”

Suddenly Peter stopped.

He almost let slip about the worm hole generators and artificial universes, which he though Simon would do

“Ability to what” Iain pressed

Pete looked down at the ground and put his hand to his head.

“I’m guessing that’s classified” Iain suggested.

“What about Janine?” Simon asked

“Who is this Janine?” Iain pressed

Pete shook his head; Simon had let the slip further information thanks to his own carelessness. “She was Sir Sidney’s PA” Pete explained, “She had a hand in designing the device that has produced the radiation signature we just detected”

“So are you allowed to say what kind of device is this?” Iain pressed

Pete reluctantly shook his head, “I just wish I could sir”

“Then I’m limited to what I can do Pete” Iain replied
“No!” Simon interrupted
“Simon” Pete said angrily

“No!” Simon insisted, “It’s my wife and child that have been taken. Simon turned to Iain “It’s a wormhole to an artificial universe” Simon told Iain, “They must opened it up and grabbed her just like they took Doctor Henshaw”

“Worm holes, artificial universes? You’re having me on aren’t you” Iain replied, looking at Pete.

Pete’s momentary silence spoke volumes.

Iain shook his head in disbelief, “Ok Pete, who was this Doctor Henshaw?” Iain asked

It was Simon who answered, “She’s an expert in M-Theory and parallel universes Mr Davy. She went back to CERN where according to the Brigadier General some bad guys took her using one”

Iain shook his head and started to walk away, and then came back to Pete and Simon, “So your organisation was something to do with alternate parallel universes then.”

“Yes sir” Pete muttered, ashamed that he had let slip this secret he and Sue-Lim had been forced to keep, “I knew you would never believe it”

Pete expected his supervisor to question his and Simon’s sanity, but instead he looked at them as if he had had an epiphany moment. “Three years ago, Venezuela claimed to have captured someone from a parallel universe” Iain went on, “But their alien seemed to disappear and it was declared a hoax”

“That was the Clan Chief of The Manjura” Simon let out.

Pete looked daggers at Simon

“So” Iain said slowly and deliberately, “Does that explain why my sister allegedly committed suicide in a psychiatric hospital after claiming that we were supposed to have been wiped out in a nuclear attack three years ago?”

To be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008

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Old 16-05-2011, 09:39 PM #6
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Cyber Warrior
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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Episode V –Turf wars


There is an old truism that says “Truth Will out” No matter how hard we try to cover up things, sometimes the truth comes out. It is said that the main crime at Watergate, was not the dirty tricks perpetrated against Nixon’s rival as they were all doing to each other, but the conspiracy to cover it up.

Usually it is best to come clean and clear up the mess rather than deal with conspiracies of silence et al.

Sometimes for various reasons this does not seem like an option, like for instance the former members of Inter Dimensional Entity Control unable to talk about their roles and the existence of the Mystical Realms, now inaccessible.

But now that truism we mentioned at the start has come to shock both Pete Smith and Simon Hargreaves as they look for clues to the abduction of Celeste and her baby daughter. It turns out that Pete’s supervisor had a sister who had had visions of the nuclear attack that happened in the alternate timeline when Earth fell to the forces of Brameana, the Lord Low Troll’s estranged daughter

+ + +

A Bus Station in Washington DC

The silence from Pete spoke volumes as his supervisor Iain Davy said in an authoritative tone, “Well does it Pete”

“Pete wasn’t there” Simon spoke up, “I was”

Iain approached Simon, “What do you mean you were there?”

“Simon, that’s classified” Pete said angrily
“Come one he knows” Simon insisted

“Pete” Iain retorted, “There is something you’re not telling me, and if it is connected with the death of my sister, the murder of this NSA employee Kathryn Cooper and this abduction I need to know. You’ve already admitted that you had something to do with parallel universes and that device there has detected residue of some kind of artificial one” he added pointing to the detector Pete was still carrying.

“Sir” Pete pleaded, “This was highly classified, and we were ordered not to talk about it. Sue-Lim and I rarely talk about it between ourselves even nowadays”

“I realise that Pete” Iain replied, “I’m not asking you to sing to the press here, I need you to level with me here. I don’t believe for one moment my sister committed suicide as we came from a Catholic family”

“And Suicide is a mortal sin” Simon interrupted

“Exactly” Iain answered.

Pete gulped, knowing how things went bad for a lot of people at the old Inter Dimensional Entity Control organisation after the worlds were separated, he was now worried that his boss might think he was implicated somehow in the murder of his sister.

Pete shook his head, “Whatever happened to your sister, it wasn’t anything to do with me, Sue-Lim or Simon. We would never be involved in something like that, I swear”

“Well maybe not you” Iain replied, “I know you and Sue-Lim, I don’t believe you ever could be involved in a murder and be able to cover it up, but you’re holding something back. I can tell you know something about what my sister believed”

“Earth was invaded” Simon said nervously

“From one of these parallel dimensions?” Iain asked with a look of incredulity on his face, “So why didn’t we hear about this? This sounds very much like the plot for that film Men in Black

“You didn’t hear about it sir” Pete reluctantly went on, “Because time was rolled back to prevent it so it never happened in this current timeline”

“There were only a few of us who remember that timeline” Simon interrupted

“And that’s what you meant when you said you were there?” Iain asked, “You were in that alternate timeline?”

Simon nodded.

“Me, Sue-Lim, and you sir all belong to this time line sir” Pete added, “Simon and Celeste both lived through that invasion and came back as part of a team to prevent it happening”

“Maybe you didn’t succeed” Iain suggested, “If I remember from Discovery Channel, there was the belief that if someone went back they would cause another timeline to branch off from the main time line and follow that. Is that why my sister believed that we had been attacked, she could see the original timeline”

“But we didn’t go back in time” Simon insisted, “We rolled time back and a few of us had our consciousnesses and memories preserved so we could stop Brameana and the Demons”

“Who?” Iain asked, before adding, “No, don’t tell me, I suppose they were the ones who attacked Earth”

“It would take too long to explain sir” Pete told his supervisor, “But I suppose you could say that. As for that idea about a branching timeline, according to Simon Sue-Lim and I apparently survived the invasion, and I’m sure we would have mentioned that possibility when the option of rolling time back was proposed”

“And Doctor Henshaw came back with us too” Simon added.

Iain shook his head, “Was his Kathryn Cooper one of those who came back as well when time was rolled back”

“No” Simon answered bluntly, “She was one of those who was killed in the nuclear attack on Washington”

“So my sister was right all along” Iain said accusingly, “You opened a gateway to another universe and they invaded us”
“It wasn’t like that sir” Pete protested, “They originally opened a gateway to us. We eventually set up a co-operation treaty with the authorities of that world”
“And they reneged on the deal?” Iain inquired further with anger in his tone of voice

“No sir” Pete protested, “There some kind of coup or overthrow of the authorities there that we were dealing with. It was the leaders of this coup that attacked Earth” Pete reluctantly explained, “They stole nuclear weapons and used them against us”

“But why attack Earth?” Iain pressed
“It was part of their strategy to seize power in their own universe using some ancient law from their side” Pete answered, “Like I said it would take too long to explain”

“OK Pete” Iain relented, “But like I said, it means my sister was not crazy and she was right all along”

“Yes sir” Pete admitted, “But I’ve no idea how she was able to know, we all believed that time had been reset and that no branching took place”

Iain looked up at the ceiling and then back at Simon and Pete, “the two people we know of who have been abducted, Celeste and Doctor Henshaw both came back from the future then”

“Yeah” Pete nervously admitted

“Why have they not taken Simon as well?” Iain asked further
“I don’t know Mr Davy” Simon whined, “I just want my wife and baby back”

“Maybe” Iain suggested, “Assuming there is no branching timeline, Celeste and Doctor Henshaw were abducted by those who tried to invade in the original timeline, in order to find out how they were prevented in this time line”

“No” Pete replied, “Those involved were either killed or neutralised”
“As far as you know” Iain replied

“My Celeste took out Brameana in this timeline” Simon insisted

Pete gave a cold hard stare at Simon before turning back to Iain “Believe me sir” Pete insisted, “All the parties that were involved in the invasion were dealt with. Anyway sir” Pete said, trying to change the subject, “The residue points to an artificial universe that that Sir Sidney Gerald used. It may not be connected with the other timeline”

Iain sighed, “So that would mean the murder of my sister is not directly connected with Kathryn’s murder and Celeste’s abduction”

“You taught Sue-Lim and I to follow the evidence as CSIs sir” Pete answered back in a reconciliatory tone, “Even if there is a connection to your sister’s death, the evidence we have on the detector does not point to those who tried to attack Earth. It points to that former industrialist we took down just over three years ago”

“Well that’s probably not much to go on then Pete” Iain replied.

“But I can back track the wormhole” Simon announced
“What do you mean Simon?” Iain asked
“I might be able to open a wormhole to that artificial universe” Simon said excitedly

“But Simon, we would need a generator” Pete said to Simon without thinking

“What kind of generator would that be?” Iain asked

“A device that was developed so we could cross into these alternate universes. We called them wormhole generators but they were really just gateways to other parallel universes” Pete explained
“And I can modify one to connect with that artificial universe”

“We need to try that” Iain told Simon and Pete, “especially as that seems to be our only lead”
“But this is still classified sir and even then we would need to get hold of one” Pete sighed, “And the last one I knew of disappeared two years ago”

“But I can build one” Simon insisted and pulled out a small pen drive, “I have the plans on this”

“Maybe” Iain replied, “But it’s getting late, we’re all getting tired”

“We can’t sleep while they have my wife and child” Simon insisted
“I’m afraid he’s right Simon” Pete said gently, “If we’re going to reconstruct a generator to try and find them, we need to be rested, otherwise we might make mistakes”

“I know a safe place you can stay” Iain went on, “I’ve arranged for Sue-Lim to stay in the hospital overnight”

“What about Homeland Security?” Pete asked, “We were being held under house arrest at Quantico on their orders”

“Leave them to me” Iain replied, “I used to be in the US Air force, remember? I will be reminding them that officially you were meant to be in a safe house for your protection and not held in custody as you had not broken any laws or violated any confidences prior to receiving that scarf.”

“And you think that will work?” Pete asked incredulously, “Ever since nine eleven, your Homeland Security seems to rule the roost as we put it in England”

“I know Pete” Iain agreed, “But knowing where a few metaphorical bodies are buried sometimes helps with these people”

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Charlene looked across at the other glass cell where Celeste and her baby daughter were sleeping.

Just then she heard the sound of the wormhole back to the real word forming. She looked around and saw that the red dot was forming outside the glass cells. Obviously Sir Sidney was paying them a visit, as food drops appeared in the cells themselves

Charlene watched in silence as the vortex grew until it was full size, when as expected, out stepped Sir Sidney carrying the black controller box that could delete a whole cell or the air within it.

“I think Doctor Henshaw it is time we started work, don’t you?” Sir Sidney said in his cold callous manner

“Okay” Charlene said in a long drawn out manner, “Will I be working on whatever you want me to work on here, or back in the real world”

“I have been making ready a secure laboratory in my residence” Sir Sidney went on, “Since the last time I used this high technology holding centre, I made various modifications to make it more secure”

Charlene could guess why, “So”, she retorted, “You made it so one of our wormhole generators can’t penetrate it like last time”

Sir Sidney grinned, “Exactly. Any attempt to gate into this artificial universe using a standard wormhole generator will result in a particular nasty feed back effect akin to a mini gamma ray burst. And before you ask, the devices that allow me to travel into this artificial universe are designed exclusively for that purpose. This means that any development of my plan to re-establish a link to the Mystical Realms has to be done in the real world”

This news was devastating. Charlene had partially hoped that someone might find her artificial universe prison and gate in, like her former colleagues from the IDEC along with, The Spirit of Lust and disgraced IDEC UK technician Timothy Zachary had done, all those years ago, to the one that had held The Spirit of Death, two of the fates and the O’Docherty Twins from Ireland.

Charlene had no way to know if anyone had even tried and had been wiped out by the trap that Sir Sidney had now added to this electronic prison. If there was to be any rescue it would have to come in the real world, but somehow she doubted it would ever come, especially as Sir Sidney had kept her for so long to let interest in her wane on the outside world.

“Lets get on with this” Charlene said with a tint of anger in her voice. The thought of helping such a cold blooded killer revolted her, but she had no choice. What had been even more horrendous by this predicament, was that this Sir Sidney Gerald, the main bad guy, was not like the other villains they had gone up against. He was not some spirit of vice or creature with supernatural powers or strength. Sir Sidney was a human like her, and that made it infinitely worse!

“Yes, lets” Sir Sidney said in a smarmy voice. Then he held up the controller box, “Just to let you know, my finger is on the delete button to eliminate all air in Celeste’s cell. Any funny stuff when I open your cell, and you can watch Celeste and her little brat asphyxiate.

“I told you I will do whatever you asked” Charlene protested.
“I know” Sir Sidney replied, “But if our roles were reversed would you trust you?”

Sir Sidney had a point, if she could, she would like to kick the backside of this pompous old man, but he seemed to hold all the cards, and she could not risk the life of two innocent people. That was what he was counting on.

Just then in front of her on the floor appeared a pair of handcuffs and some leg irons

“Remove your clothes and put those on with your hands cuffed behind your back” Sir Sidney ordered

“What?” Charlene responded hesitantly

“Who do you think would die first with no air, Celeste or her little brat” Sir Sidney said with an angry tone.

Quickly Charlene started pulling off her clothes in order to comply, while Sir Sidney stood impassively watching her.

Then with every last item of clothing removed, she slipped on the leg irons over her ankles and put the handcuffs on with her hands behind her back. What was this perv’s game?

“Good” Sir Sidney said forcefully, “I prefer to make sure that those who need persuasion to do as they’re told have no hidden items on them. Plus the leg irons and the handcuffs make them less likely to try and run. A little trick I picked up from the Americans when they ran Abu Ghriab in Baghdad”

Sir Sidney moved his thumb on the controller and a door appeared in her cell

“Out” Sir Sidney ordered

Charlene slowly ventured out of her cell.

Sir Sidney pointed in the direction of the red swirling vortex and Charlene knew exactly what he wanted and entered the vortex.

Sir Sidney pressed another button on his control pad and the clothes Charlene had removed dissolved into nothing. Then he looked at Celeste and her baby, still asleep in their glass cell. For a moment he hesitated with his thumb between the buttons to delete them out of existence, or the button to delete all their air.

“Telling me that you quit like you did” Sir Sidney growled under his breathe, “I would love to see you and your brat gasp for non existent air for your treachery”, but then thought better of it. While Doctor Henshaw had work to do, he still needed Celeste and her baby kept alive as leverage. Once he got what he wanted and was in a position to dispense with Doctor Henshaw, then he would have his vengeance.

Sir Sidney turned around and entered the vortex and was gone.

The red swirling vortex evaporated.

Just then Celeste woke up, “Charlene?” she called out groggily, but got no answer

+ + +

Holyhead Ferry Terminal
North Wales

Gregory stood on the deck as the ferry came into the port, hoping he would be able to spot anyone come to arrest him, assuming they worked out where he was. Gregory just hoped he could at least make it out of the port alive, but to where? He also suspected there would now be a warrant out for his arrest, but the way things at G2 had gone, he suspected that such official niceties would not be gone through with. He would now be treated as a G2 officer gone rouge, something the Irish Secret Service would not like to be broadcast, especially to their counterparts in Britain or worse still, to the Americans.

With what he knew he expected that the orders would be given to shoot him on sight, after all he knew too much, especially about Ireland’s dependence for several years on leprechauns in the G2 Special section, before the worlds were separated and all the leprechauns returned to the Mystical Realms.

The ferry docked

Gregory made his way down to where other bleary eyed travellers were disembarking on this early morning. He had managed to grab some sleep on the ferry, but it had been holed up in the boats restaurant, as being a last minute passenger, he had not been able to rent a cabin.

There was a small crowd of people walking, so Gregory kept his head down and walked amongst them, trying his best to blend in with them as possible, always on the look out for police or G2 officers.

He slipped past the gates to the ferry terminal with no problems and after a short walk he saw the old logo of British Rail on a sign, next to a road sign giving details about a roundabout. Maybe he could catch a train somewhere?

Gregory stared at the sign as he headed towards it, following the crowd of walkers, and then he checked his wallet. He did not have much cash on him. He did not think he would have had to take out a lot anyway, besides what money he had was in Euros and not legal currency in the UK.

He would have to try his credit card and see if that would work, although he suspected his accounts would be frozen and G2 would be able to pinpoint him like a shot.

But maybe not

Gregory had once heard that there was a flaw in the banking system that not many others knew about. When people used their cards, whilst the money was dragged through, ASAP, any issue around stopping them had a lag. He had heard how a Scottish friend of his who obviously banked with a UK bank once visited the US and Canada. Whilst there his friend had no problems getting money out of their account, but on his return to the UK, his account had been stopped because of suspicious activity abroad and so he had had to ring the bank up and describe every transaction in minute detail. His friend had complained to him, that after satisfying the bank it was him who accessed his account, they had told him that if he wanted to go abroad again, he needed to sign up to a premium banking service, which of course was a service he was expected to pay for.

Gregory headed for the railway station and hoped there would be an ATM there, preferably one that charged a withdrawal fee as they were even more problematic with regards to tracking people, and so the fee would be worth it, if it delayed his former colleagues from getting onto him.

Gregory found one just inside the station entrance, but it was a standard link machine, that made a virtue that money withdrawals were free. He would just have to risk it. If the machine swallowed his card, then he would high tail it to the offices of the local press if he could find them, and just hope he could make the journalists believe he was not some kind of raving lunatic.

Gregory placed his bank card in the machine and held his breath.

The machine seemed to stop and just had a sign explaining how it was contacting his bank.

Then after an agonising period of time it asked him for his pin number.

Gregory tapped it in and waited another eternity

The machine seemed to accept it, so Gregory requested cash.

It took it’s time again before asking how much

Gregory thought for a moment, he did not like carrying large amounts of cash on him, but this could be the last time he would be able to use his account as G2 would almost certainly freeze it.

He asked for four hundred pounds

Again the machine wanted to think about it, before going on to dispense the cash.

Gregory grabbed the cash and his bank card and headed for the ticket office. He could see that a train was in and getting ready to leave. It was headed for London. He might as well head for there and then try and see where to go next.

He remembered he had a grown up daughter who was living somewhere in England, maybe once he got to London.

No![ That will be the first place they will look for him, there was no way he wanted to put her or her family at risk, which meant he could not even text her. His main worry now, in that respect is that they would go after her, to get at him. With the Kelly McLaughlin in charge, anything was possible, and there was no way he could safely warn her.

Gregory got to the front of the queue, all the while looking out to see if the train was still there. Looking up at the board and then at his watch, there was just ten minutes before the 05:51 to London left.

Gregory asked how much it was for a single to London

“That will be a hundred and thirty five pounds, fifty” the lady at the counter said in her Welsh accent in a matter of fact manner

For a moment Gregory was startled at the high cost. He seldom travelled very far

“Well if you want to wait and catch the oh six fifty five, that is eighty pounds thirty” The lady told him trying to be helpful, then adding of course if you wait until oh eight fifty five, it is only sixty two pounds”

For a moment the cheaper train sounded tempting. All he had to do was kill time for three hours in Holyhead

Not a good idea! If they were tracking his cash withdrawal they would probably already getting someone to head for Holyhead. They would know he had taken the ferry by now he surmised; the railway station would be the obvious place he would head for, especially given that his daughter lived in England. Much as he would like to have saved his money and gone later, he did not have much of a choice.

Gregory counted out the notes to make up just past the required sum for the train currently waiting to pull out.

“I don’t have the time to wait” he said curtly as he placed the money on the counter.

The lady took the money and hesitated before producing the ticket, “Sorry” she told him, “Do you have a passport?”

Gregory needed all his strength of will to hide his alarm at this question, had he been flagged already by G2?

“Why?” Gregory asked

“Anti-terrorism legislation” the lady said by way of explanation, “Anyone paying for a rail ticket above a certain amount in cash needs to produce identity”

Gregory quickly pulled out one of his false passports he had once had prepared for him, whenever he needed to travel secretly. He just hoped it would hold up to the scrutiny of the UK system.

The lady was just about to take it, when another man behind complained that he wanted to catch the train as well and she was taking up too much time.

“I’m sorry” she spat out to the man behind, “It’s the law!”

The lady then handed back the passport and tapped on a machine and handed Gregory his ticket

Gregory raced across to the platform and just managed to board the train before they closed the doors.

He did not see if the man behind him got on in time. He suspected that the lady would probably have dragged out his ticket sale, just to make sure he missed the train as retribution for making a fuss.

Gregory found a seat that was not reserved and sat down.

He just hoped that G2 or the UK police would not be waiting in London to arrest him

+ + +

Aboard an American Airlines flight
Bound for London, England

Brigadier General Samuel Peters awoke from an uneasy sleep. and checked his watch to see what the time was. The fact that this dirt bag, Sir Sidney Gerald wanted to see him, and possibly gloat, had partially reassured him that this mysterious Mr Ex would not try anything while he slept on the plane, but maybe there were other forces at work.

Samuel had set his watch forward five hours to be on London time and according to the airline tickets, they were supposed to be landing sometime midmorning local time, but an unexpected long delay at Dullos Airport meant that their arrival in London would be delayed, by how much, he was not sure

Samuel noticed that the former corporal Tania McCaskey was still asleep, and that Mr Ex was not in his seat.

Samuel had no idea who this Mr Ex was, homeland security, CIA, NSA or some other member of the intelligence community. The fact like Mr Vee or Mr Double-You, or John as Vice Admiral Walter Quentin had called him, Mr Ex never revealed his true name was also frustrating. This Mr Ex knew all about him and Tania, but he knew nothing about him.

As for Tania, the revelation of her affair with a member of the Drow High council somehow rankled him and almost gave him a feeling of betrayal. What the Sam hill was she doing? At that time their allies the trolls, were dealing with the elves, the sworn enemy of the drow!, Before the then adventurer Graeme Andrews had helped defeat her in some form of artificial universe that had arisen in networked computers where gamers played fantasy role play games online, the drow had even supported the Spirit of Lust when she helped orchestrate the civil war on IDW01 by backing the Arch Orc.

By having an affair with a drow, as Tania had done, if it come to light she could easily have compromised the alliance between the trolls and the US Government. No wonder she had never mentioned it, especially as the drow had formed an alliance with the Soviet Union and then the Russian Federation. Would this news affect any feelings of injustice he had for her on his part? Samuel was not sure, he had to admit that the drow were not totally evil because he remembered back to when they were going up against the Magnus Timor and the Magnus Timor cult. It was an elf who betrayed their own kind and the trolls who he was supposedly working for, while the drow all along were against the Magnus Timor, and that time proved the more trustworthy ally.

But then there was Major Bolak, a drow so loyal to the Drow High Council, that when the Hadreth order of drow wiped out the Drow High Council in a Coup de Tat he had to flee to the humans to claim asylum. Samuel remembered how for a number of months in the alternate timeline Major Bolak lived with them in Grytviken, South Georgia and proved a valued member of their community.

When Major Bolak came back with Samuel as time was rolled back, it was the major who had in this new timeline killed the Drow, Vabalvich of the Hadreth order before he could manipulate Brameana once again, into pursuing her attack on Earth. Major Bolak, Samuel reflected as he looked at the still sleeping Tania, had a form of honour, but then when he partnered up with the long dead Mr Vee, he had shown he was not above sacrificing innocent people to get the job done, something this Mr Double-You openly admitted.

All to perform, what they called “The Duties of the State”

“I see you’re up Brigadier General” the cold tones of Mt Ex came from behind, “I was just on the line to DC to let them know of our progress. When we get off this so called Red-Eye, as we are running late, our bags will be taken to the Savoy Hotel while we will go directly to our meeting with Sir Sidney’s representatives”

Samuel narrowed his eyes at Mr Ex, according to Mr Double-You, or whoever he was called, he was supposed to be leading this “negotiating” team to regain access to IDW01, yet this Mr Ex was more the power behind the throne. It was clear, even with the threat of sanctions against his friend former Marine Colonel Mark Johnston and his wife Jenny and the former minor spirits of virtue who had fled to Canada, should he not carry out his orders; they still did not trust him.

“Do you want me to wake Miss McCaskey?” Samuel asked

“No” Mr Ex replied in a smarmy voice, “Let her sleep for now. She’s less trouble that way”

“You’re never going to clear her are you” Samuel said with cold anger in his voice
“I’m not sure it’s in our gift Brigadier General” Mr Ex replied, “She did after all bring the army into disrepute by being arrested at JFK in full uniform. Did she really have to be wearing it on a covert mission, just to escort someone, whose humanity is questionable?”

Samuel glowered at Mr Ex, it was clear that he belonged to the faction that did not believe that even after giving up their powers in return for their human souls, that former minor spirits of virtue were human.

“Those children are just as human as you or I” Samuel rebuffed

“Oh come on Brigadier General” Mr Ex objected, “That’s not what the Committee of Other Worlds Affairs concluded”

“Based on what evidence” Samuel countered

“Based on the undeniable fact that one of their parents was not actually human” Mr Ex callously replied, “They may have been human virtues or vices in human form, but they are offspring of beings of immense power, a possible threat in their own right, remember when the British ran the show, that incident with the Spirit of Malice at Heathrow a few years back.”
“Before my time” Samuel cut in
“Be that as it may, but these half breed minors had abilities as well. You yourself documented how they had the ability to affect humans without them being aware they were doing it. You, Tania here and your former marine associate Mr Johnston even had to wear amulets to protect yourself from their mind altering abilities”

“They could not control those powers like the majors could” Samuel retorted
“Precisely” Mr Ex agreed in what seemed yet again a cold manner
“And those children when they realised it gave up those powers the first chance they had” Samuel pressed
“Indeed” Mr Ex replied, “But even so, the committee concluded”
“Without evidence or asking those of us who know them” Samuel interrupted

Mr Ex paused, before resuming, “the committee concluded that there was no guarantee that when they entered adulthood, further offspring from these former minors might not exhibit powers which could be a problem for the wider community. It was considered to be safer if they are all sterilised, and possibly interned. And before you object Brigadier General, this is not the extermination of the old British policy, after sterilisation, they will not be harmed further and will be looked after by dedicated professionals in a humane way”

Samuel shook his head, “You mean treated like criminals for something that was not their fault. As for future offspring, know that Celeste’s child shows that argument is utter hogwash. She has no powers at all.”

“And yet again Brigadier General” Mr Ex went on, “Your closeness to these creatures blind you and make you naïve. Allowing Celeste to have a child like that was reckless in the extreme.”

“I had retired by then” Samuel interrupted, “I was not involved in that. It was an NSA matter”

Mr Ex chose to ignore this intervention, “Besides, Celeste’s case is different, she was a major spirit, and even then, should we ever find Celeste and her child, and should they still be alive, it could be the case that as her child grows, she might manifest some powers that might cause a problem and so she too may have to be interned”

Samuel stared at Mr Ex with contempt. Whoever this committee was, it had never called him or anyone who had experience of working with the minor spirits of virtue, and this Mr Ex was parroting their bigoted uninformed and paranoid conclusions. Samuel knew they were one hundred percent wrong because he had spoken with the trolls and the elves when they were preparing the talismans of permanence. These magical devices had been designed to remove all the powers of minor spirits of virtue and give them their human soul. They were quite clear, once a minor spirit of virtue held one and expressed a desire to be fully human, the talisman would ensure that they were human in everyway, that way they could continue to live with whatever Earthly families they had, without running foul of the prime law of IDW01, never to interfere in the affairs of humans. It had been an arrangement that suited both the Earth authorities and the authorities on IDW01

“Anyway” Mr Ex added, “We’re not here to discuss current policy with regards to dealing with the hybrids, I was going to discuss with our forthcoming meeting in London”

“So what are we giving that scum bag” Samuel answered back, “You said you would discuss that at the hotel, but now you tell me we are not going to there first when we get into London”

“Well some form of immunity from any prosecution for a start I suppose” Mr Ex replied, “Most likely some kind of financial settlement. The important thing is, that we get hold of the technology to access IDW01 and make sure other’s don’t”

Just then there was an announcement over the public address system that they would soon be serving breakfast before the decent to land in London, at which point Tania started to stir from her sleep.

“Morning Miss McCaskey” Mr Ex said to her in his arrogant manner

Tania did not respond.

Samuel looked around to make sure there were no other passengers listening, before quietly speaking to Tania, “So who was this individual you met”

“His name is Jaheel sir” Tania whispered, “His father Golpin is the leader of the council. They’re not evil sir, just misunderstood”

“We’ve dealt with their kind before” Samuel interrupted

“And not exactly trustworthy or reliable” Mr Ex interjected

“No more or less than some of the regimes we have dealt with on our own world” Samuel countered

“Touché Brigadier General” Mr Ex smiled, “I suppose it would be good to have some kind of diplomatic relations to the one race that threw their hand in with the Russians”

“Excuse me” Tania then said, “I need to go to the bathroom”

Samuel then let Tania leave and head down the aisle to the nearest in-flight toilet.

“And you have no idea why Sir Sidney Gerald wants Tania dragged along” Samuel asked

“None” Mr Ex said bluntly, “And as I said earlier, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that we keep him sweet so we can cut a deal with him”

Mr Ex then paused for a moment and Samuel could tell he was holding something back, but before he could ask, Mr Ex spoke up, “There is a fourth member of our team he requested”

“And you were going to tell me when?” Samuel asked incredulously
“I’m telling you now, as I was only just informed myself when I spoke to DC”

“Who is it?” Samuel asked
“Another former US Marine” Mr Ex replied, “One you may remember, her name is Sandra Phillips. She is already in London and will be meeting us off the plane”

“Why?” Samuel pressed further

“I have no idea, nor do I care” Mr Ex replied, “The important thing is that Sir Sidney asked for you, Tania and Sandra and if it will help us regain access to IDW01 and deny access to our enemies, that is what he gets. Is that clear Brigadier General?”

“Crystal” Samuel replied with venom.

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Celeste sat topless on her bed as she was breast feeding her daughter when she looked up and saw a red swirling dot starting to appear in Charlene’s empty cell.

Celeste watched in fascination as it grew larger, until it was a swirling vortex the full height of the cell

Then it pulled away and left the glass cell, leaving behind a naked Charlene, hands cuffed behind her back and her feet in leg irons.

The red swirling vortex was now outside of the cells and out walked Sir Sidney Gerald in his trademark black business suit and tie.

He took out a black control box and pressed a few buttons.

Instantly the leg irons and handcuffs dissolved to nothingness

“There, that wasn’t so bad” Sir Sidney told Charlene in a condescending tone, “We seem to have made excellent progress today. Sorry to cut it short, but I have a business meeting to attend to. Same time tomorrow?”

With that, Sir Sidney started to turn round and head for the red vortex.

“What about my clothes?” Charlene asked

Sir Sidney turned back and smiled an evil, grin, “You gave up your right to clothing here when you asked me to give clothing to Celeste and her little brat over there. Let me make this clear Doctor Henshaw, I will not be told what to do. If you want any clothing, from now on, you can have them back by all means, but it will mean that Celeste and her child will do without” he added with a tone of venom.

Celeste looked at Charlene in horror, and with guilt, Doctor Henshaw was going to suffer and it was her fault..

“Those are my terms” Sir Sidney said with venom, “either you forfeit your clothes Doctor Henshaw, or Celeste and her brat forfeit theirs”

“Fine” Charlene spat back, “I’ll do without”

“As you wish” Sir Sidney replied and entered the vortex, and was gone.

Celeste gently laid Ashia down in her cot has she had finished feeding and then Celeste started to remove the rest of her clothes, so she too was naked, in solidarity with Charlene

“What are you doing?” Charlene asked
“If you have to go naked, so do I” Celeste protested

“I remember back at the IDEC you offered to work naked” Charlene replied

“I know” Celeste replied, “And I should have Charlene, I worked for that man and I had no right to wear clothes, but Miss Cooper ordered me to”

“That ridiculous Celeste” Charlene snapped back, “get dressed, I’m sure that perv is watching and getting a big thrill out of this, and you don’t want to give him the satisfaction, do you?”

Celeste shook her head, “But you lost your clothes because of us”

“And I would do it again Celeste” Charlene replied, “If I have to go naked for the rest of my life, I will, now get dressed. That’s an order”

“Yes Charlene” A crest fallen Celeste replied and reluctantly put her clothes back on.

+ + +

On board the Holyhead to London Train

Gregory stared out of the window as the countryside flashed by, he had no idea what he would do in London or where he could stay. For all he knew, his former colleagues from G2 would be waiting there to take him out.

He even wondered if they knew he had telephoned the adoptive father of the O’Docherty twins at their family farm in County Claire. He had done so using the mobile he had stolen from one of the G2 officers. They had been staking out his house, and he had tricked into to coming into his house where he had used his talisman of Morpheus to put them to sleep, so he could escape.

As Gregory thought about it, he started wondering if he had made matters worse! Would G2 go after Sean and Felicity O’Docherty? Would they arrest Caer and Fidelity on behalf of the Americans? He had no way to find out.

All Gregory knew was that he had apprehended a CIA officer by the name of Kurt Travers, who had been tailing Caer and Fidelity O’Docherty as they went about their part time job as child minders. After that, he had discovered that the person seemingly in charge of G2, one Kelly McLaughlin was very circumspect with regards to the Americans and was hesitant about taking any formal action against this CIA officer. The other thing Gregory knew, what that this CIA officer had subsequently been shot dead in a G2 holding cell and there had been the tell tale smell of ozone that was evidence of an artificial wormhole generator being used.

But how could anyone use such a device when an impenetrable radiation barrier had forever separated the Mystical Realms from Earth.

That was all he knew, apart from the fact that his former colleagues now considered him an embarrassment and probably after the previous night’s actions in Dublin, a rouge agent.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone.

It was his wife’s mobile!

How could that happen?

Gregory took out his dead wife’s mobile. It must have switched on when he put it on charge, and after the G2 officers had succumbed to the talisman. It had been a mad scramble to get things repacked before he left.

But even so, it was supposed to be a cheap pay as you go mobile and untraceable

Then he remembered, as their daughter lived in the UK, his wife had insisted at the time on getting one that would work in England, But who had this number

Maybe it was his daughter, and G2 was trying to get at him through her

Gregory checked to make sure he was not in a designated quiet coach and answered the phone.

“Yeah?” he said into the phone, making sure not to identify himself in case this had been a random wrong number.

“Mr O’Doyle” the sound of a male American accent came through the phone to Gregory’s horror

“You’ve got a nerve” Gregory swore into the phone, “Sending agents after two innocent girls”

“Whoever you are talking about, that was not our agency” the voice on the phone responded.
“It was your CIA officer” Gregory said back with fury in his voice, “And if your complaining about how he died”
“We are not the CIA” The voice on the phone interrupted, “Whatever the CIA have been up to we have no knowledge of, but we do know from sig int that you are in the wind”

The term “Sig int” sent a chill down Gregory’s spine, “There was one other American agency that would use such a term”

Gregory sighed and then, mindful of other passengers on the train he was travelling in, whispered into the phone, “So you claim to be NSA”

“Yep” Came the reply

“So that was how you found this number” Gregory accused the voice on the phone

“It was a long shot Mr O’Doyle” the voice replied, “We tracked it down as soon as we heard chatter that you were in the wind”

“What are you going to do?” Gregory asked, “Send someone after me to kill me like that CIA agent that I captured in Dublin?”

“We do not assassinate anyone” the voice said with irritation, “It’s just that we may have a mutual adversary who is running the show. Our agency has been shut out the loop on this and we were hoping we might be able to work together”

“And why should I help you, after what you did?” Gregory asked angrily

“Mr O’Doyle” the voice on the phone went on, “Whoever is running the show may have been responsible for the death of Kathryn Cooper, I believe she was a friend of yours”

“We met” Gregory admitted

“The people involved who shut us out the loop have forced Brigadier Samuel Peters to go to London. We’re not sure what hold they have over him, but it has to be related to the abduction of a certain former major spirit of virtue and her child, using certain technology that was once developed by a certain British Industrialist”

Gregory was silent for a moment. He knew the references only too well. This major spirit of virtue was Celeste, the daughter of the Spirit of Death, who was the Spirit of Second Chances. She had been tricked by that British industrialist into working for him, but in the end had switched sides and risked her own life to save the people of Belfast, and possible the whole of Ireland when a protestant paramilitary extremist had triggered some really nasty artefact from the Mystical Realms, that this industrialist had given him.

“Sir Sidney Gerald” Gregory growled into the phone, “But he’s dead”

“But somehow, someone has resurrected his empire” the voice on the phone told him

Again Gregory was silent for a moment, before asking, “What do you think I can do”

“We want you to meet someone in London” the voice replied, “Would that be a problem?”

“No” Gregory answered, “Not a problem at all”

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

It was early morning as Simon came into what seemed like a really nice state of the art forensic laboratory and sat at computer and placed the memory stick in it.

Iain and Pete followed him in to the laboratory, they had been talking about what one of the other CSI’s at the hospital had said about Sue-Lim’s night. They had been taking shifts, in case someone from Homeland security had tried to arrest her, and how there had been some kind of stand off with someone from Quantico before hospital staff fended them off.

It was all very worrying that their own homeland security guardians seemed to be treating their own citizens in such a way, when they had been the apparent victims rather than perpetrators.

The three of them were now in a secured part of the forensics section. Iain had given the other CSI’s strict instructions that they were not to be disturbed as they were dealing with highly classified material. There had been an unofficial understanding that should the worse come to the worse, he did not want any of the other CSI’s being investigated by internal affairs, or worse, unspecified federal agencies working for Homeland Security.

After a short while, the computer registered the device and put out a security warning of an unknown device.

Iain then had to input a special password so the network would allow the pen drive to work. It was an IT security policy he explained. Any new USB device had to be approved by him or an approved deputy like Jennifer Carrington.

Simon then tapped out the password of the memory stick, as it was an encrypted Iron Key, and located the relevant files.

“What kind of software do you need to view those files?” Iain asked

“The pen drive has it’s own software” Simon replied, without looking up from the screen.

“Mr Hargreaves we do have a certain IT policy about installing software from outside the department” Iain replied in a mocking tone

Simon looked round at Iain in utter horror, it was clear he had not realised that Iain was using subtle humour. “Sorry Mr Davy” he said apologetically, “I never thought, I better remove my stick”

“No” Iain told him firmly, “I’m sorry; I forgot people with your condition can take things literally”

“I held a job down” Simon told Iain angrily, “I got married, I had a daughter, I’m just like you. I’m not deficient just different”

“Simon” Pete interjected, “The generator”

Simon looked at Iain hesitantly

“It’s OK” Iain replied, “I meant no disrespect Simon, I know you are an intelligent, kind and compassionate man, I was out of line. It’s ok to use that viewer software. In fact I was one of those who devised our IT policy. I trust that your file viewing software would be easy to uninstall afterwards?”

“It doesn’t install on the hard drive” Simon answered, “It runs entirely from the pen drive”

With that Simon started clicking on a number of files, each one bringing up wire frame drawings and lists of components of wormhole generators”

“Simon” Pete asked as he and Iain were dazzled by the intricacies of the design, “Why did you keep all this stuff, you know they can never be used”

“We can use them as transporters like we did from the Bataan’s LCAC” Simon insisted, “Don’t you remember?”

Pete gently put his hand on Simon’s shoulder, “I wasn’t there Simon” Pete said quietly, “That was another me in that other timeline you lived through”

“You were on the USS Bataan?” Iain asked Simon

Simon nodded, “We had to leave because Brameana’s forces were after us. We left on one of their LCAC hovercrafts and I helped rig one of these generators so that it would work as a wormhole to any part on this planet, so we could get off of the LCAC before it sank.”

“You must have seen some horrible things” Iain said quietly

Again Simon nodded as a tear rolled down his cheek, and he found himself unable to speak

“Anyway” Pete interrupted, “The powers that be closed us down and said we were not to get involved with this stuff”

“It’s something we did” Simon objected.

“Getting back to the matter in hand” Iain interrupted back, “I know that signal you detected is our only lead, remind me, how building one of these things will help the investigation”

“We can do what Colonel Mark Johnston did” Simon replied

Iain looked up at Pete quizzically, “Was that from this other timeline?” he asked

Pete shook his head, “No sir that was before that. This Mark Johnston and his now wife had got trapped in yet another one of these parallel worlds, one that thankfully does not have intelligent life on it, only from what Simon told us, primitive creatures and a red giant star that has a tendency to bath the surface of the planet in lethal radiation.”

“I can see why they would want out of there” Iain replied

“Yeah” Pete went on, “They ran into the original technician who invented this generator as an unauthorised black project and what you would call an alien. They kind of worked together to power up an early version of one of these generators”

“And this story helps us how?” Iain asked

“In getting off of that world, they managed to gate into the artificial parallel universe that this Sir Sidney Gerald had had constructed. He was using it as a high tech prison”

“And you want to see if you can gate into this artificial universe in case it is being used as another high tech prison” Iain suggested

“Yes” Simon spoke up, “I can print off a complete list of what we need” he said as he clicked on one of the images.

Immediately the printer in the corner of the room burst into life as it printed out the list of components.

Iain left the group and walked over to the printer and looked at the printout. “This is going to be tricky getting hold of this lot” he warned Simon and Pete.

“Just do what we did” Pete suggested, “Don’t go to just one supplier. We used to use many suppliers, so nobody would know what we were doing

“But he did” Simon asserted
“Who did?” Iain asked
“Sir Sidney Gerald” Simon replied
“I forgot about that” Pete admitted
“Forgot about what?” Iain asked
“This Sir Sidney we were talking about” Pete continued to explain, “He knew about multiple suppliers from his time in MI5, so he used various shell companies to hide the fact he was buying companies that we dealt with. It gave him a picture of our operation”
“This Sir Sidney Gerald sounds like a person not to be crossed” Iain mused
“You still think this was about revenge” Pete asked

“It looks that way” Iain replied.

Simon suddenly got out of his chair and headed for the door.
“You ok Simon” Pete asked as he charged after Simon.

Simon turned around with tears streaming from his eyes, “You’re saying their dead” he accused Pete

“We’ll find them Mr Hargreaves” Iain reassured Simon, “I have a few favours I can pull in. We’ll get this generator of yours built and we will get who ever has been behind this”

+ + +

Euston Station
London, England

It was late in the afternoon as Gregory disembarked the train with the other passengers. He was wary in case the police were given orders to arrest him on some trumped up charge, or possibly members of G2 sent to apprehend him.

Gregory could not spot any tell tale sign of anyone acting under cover. Either they had not managed to trace him to the train he took from Holyhead, (and surely they must have worked out by now he had left Ireland by ferry!), or they were better now at concealing themselves.

Gregory looked at the various police officers milling around the railway station. None seemed to be paying him any attention and so he headed for the London Underground station..

Gregory went up to an automatic ticket machine and selected the ticket option for an all zones day rover. He wanted to keep anyone following him guessing, in case he was being tracked, which given that the American’s National Security Agency had tracked his dead wife’s mobile seemed prudent

It did seem odd though that one of America’s most secret organisation, even more secret that the CIA, was being shut out of some loop by their own Homeland Security. Clearly there was some kind turf war going on in the US Government and somehow the CIA agent who had tailed the O’Docherty twins was also part of it. The big questions, were, was Kelly McLaughlin aligning G2 with one of the factions involved and could the other faction be trusted?

Gregory passed through the ticket barrier without a problem and headed down to the platform for the south bound Northern Line, via Waterloo, all the while looking to see if anyone was following him.

He could not spot anyone.

They were either very good or nobody was following him

The platform was busy and the indicator boards said that it was ten minutes before the next train.

Ten minutes would seem like an eternity, ample time for a hit that could be made to look like an accident or natural causes. The way things were with G2, and if they had taken sides in the American’s palace coup de tat probably led by the CIA, he would not put it past them.

Was he being played? The thought made him sick that people would do that to him after his loyal service.

Gregory glanced at his phone in case there were any text messages or missed calls, but there were none.

After the agonising wait, the tube train arrived and Gregory got on.

But even here he could not relax. Suppose they were after him, any assassin after him could easily be on the train.

Gregory tried standing, but a young woman with an American accent, in a tan coloured rain coat, who had got on the train just in front of him, offered him the seat, that by rights of being first on would have been hers.

For a moment Gregory hesitated, he was only going three stops, but then he accepted. No sense in attracting attention

Gregory sat down as the American woman continued to stand with the other passengers.

It made Gregory feel guilty somehow, he was fitter than some men half his age, and this woman had highlighted through her courtesy and respect for elders, the fact that he was getting on.

Train stopped at Goodge Street and the American woman got off the train with a number of other passengers.

The train pulled out of Goodge Street and continued southwards and stopped at Tottenham Court Road.

Gregory continued to stay sat down.

Still other passengers coming and going, not noticing Gregory at all, just how he liked it.

The train started up again and headed for Leicester Square. This was where he was going to change to the Piccadilly line.

The train rattled into the station and Gregory got up off the seat and left the train amongst a crowd of other people, mostly tourists and made his way to the platform for the Piccadilly line.

This time there was not long to wait, and within a minute he was on the west bound train, heading for Heathrow Airport, where he was due to meet up with an old acquaintance from the old days, as directed by the NSA man on the phone. He had been told that they had managed to somehow delay the plane so he could get to the airport just as they landed, how they never explained.

Gregory wondered how he could make is seem like he was meeting up with his old acquaintance by chance and gazed out of the window of the underground train. For a moment Gregory phased out, as he remembered the old days, running the Special Section, dealing with leprechauns, how they helped out in some parts that human agents could not. How they had done their part in preventing the Magnus Timor from destroying their world and the world of the Mystical Realms, small though that part was. He also remembered how his leprechauns had rescued the Troll Clan Chief of the Manjura from a Venezuelan prison after the late Shamus McTuckle had revealed he had been part of a group sent back from the future.

Suddenly Gregory realised that they were no longer riding underground but on the surface, as the late afternoon sunlight streamed into the carriage. Gregory glanced around, it was getting emptier.

Just then a youngish woman sat down beside him, and then he noticed that it had been the same woman he had bumped into at Euston, except she had somehow changed her jacket.

Gregory felt what seemed to be a concealed automatic pistol placed against his torso.

“If you value your life Mr O’Doyle” the American woman whispered, “Don’t look round”

To be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008

Last edited by Sticks; 19-05-2011 at 04:52 PM. Reason: typo and rouge BB Code
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Old 06-06-2011, 12:22 AM #7
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When is the next episode? I can't believe Iain, it's typical him. Poor Simon.



Signature thanks to ninastar and Shaun, who have my love for

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Old 06-06-2011, 12:24 AM #8
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Very soon hopefully
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Old 10-06-2011, 10:05 PM #9
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Episode VI – Empire Building


If you ever sup with the devil you must always use a large spoon, goes the old saying.

It is well known that democratic governments deal with those whose human rights records are questionable, just for the purposes of trade, or of some mutual interest.

Sometimes all the arms of such democratic governments are involved, but not always.

Gregory O’Doyle, former chief of G2 Special section, the arm of the Ireland’s intelligence service that dealt with the Leprechaun agents from the Mystical Realms, before the separation has gone on the run from his former G2 colleagues after disagreeing about a perceived change of policy concerning the former minor spirits of virtue, especially Caer and Fidelity O’Docherty, who he discovered were being tailed by a CIA agent.

After fleeing to Wales and then travelling down to London on the train, Gregory has been contacted by the American National Security Agency. This super secretive agency appears to be in a turf war with other elements of the US intelligence community, and they have asked Gregory to meet someone arriving in London. While heading out to Heathrow on the London Underground to meet this person, a young American woman who knows who he is has pushed a gun into his side and ordered him not to look round”

+ + +

On board a Westbound Piccadilly line train
On the London Underground

“Who are you” Gregory growled quietly, “CIA?”

“Quiet” the woman responded angrily, “Are you trying to get us killed?”
“You’re the one with the gun” Gregory replied
“Yeah” the woman replied, “And at the next stop we are going to get off this train”

“How did a pretty thing like you” Gregory whispered, “Get involved in a dirty trade like this?”

The woman jabbed the gun into Gregory’s side again, “I said quiet”

The train started slowing as the train approached a station. Gregory looked out, it was Turnham Green.

Again Gregory glanced as best as he could around the carriage. There were not many people on it, but even so, for a woman to pull a gun on him; in what was also monitored by CCTV was something else.

Whatever this turf war the Americans were having, they were certainly playing hard ball as the yanks put it, especially as this woman was pulling a gun on him in broad daylight. What was nauseating to Gregory about this sordid affair was that his own beloved G2 he had faithfully served had obviously joined forces with one of the factions. Why else would they have not taken action against that CIA officer who had tailed the O’Docherty twins?

Maybe they had, by taking out the CIA officer when he was in G2 custody?

But what about the evidence he detected of the use of an artificial wormhole? Why was anyone using one, when even they could not penetrate the radiation barrier keeping Earth and the Mystical Realms separate?

“This is our stop Mr O’Doyle” the woman said in a quiet cold yet seemingly angry manner, “Now get up slowly and no tricks and head for the door”, and then she emphasised the word “slowly”

As the train came to a stop, Gregory picked up his bags, and headed for the door. He was certain he could take this woman down as he was an experienced G2 officer long before he was selected for the Special Section, but somehow he wondered if the passage of time would have made him slow. He thought back to how he tackled that man who turned out to be CIA, back in Dublin.

The CIA man however had been different, as he was not aware of him, but this woman looked like a real pro, the way she had shadowed him apparently from Euston Station and across two different tube lines.

As Gregory headed for the door he was aware of other passengers disembarking from the carriage as other people got on. Some were leaving the carriage while others were getting on. Maybe they had just realised it was their stop.

Gregory stepped onto the platform and made to head towards the exit, but instead the American woman came in front of him to block his path so he was between her and the train. Behind him he heard the injunction to stand clear of the doors coming from the trains public address system.

He could now guess what she was going to do. As soon as the train had started, she would push him off of the platform, to get caught in the departing train, making it look like an accident. She had already changed her appearance once, so perhaps she could do it again to make good her escape from what was after all, not really a main underground station.

“Who’s paying you?” he tried to ask, but suddenly she pushed him through the doors as they closed shut.

As the train started moving, Gregory heard someone on the platform thump on the doors as the train pulled out of the station.

Someone late for the train?

The American woman put her gun away, “Sorry about that Mr O’Doyle” the woman told him, “you were being followed, so I had to make them think I was taking you off of the train. As soon as they were well away from the doors, I had to get you back on the train, so they would be left behind, most likely MI5 working for G2”

“Then why didn’t you warn me” Gregory growled
“I couldn’t tip them off” the American woman replied, “I was hoping they would think I was from another agency or even another country”

“So who are you?” Gregory asked, “CIA, NSA?”

“I was” the American woman whispered, while making sure nobody else was listening in, “IDEC, or at least a marine on attachment to it”

Gregory swallowed hard, “I thought that agency was disbanded like Special section was”

“They were and all those who served were hung out to dry by an ungrateful administration” the American woman said with venom, “As I was a military attachment they had me discharged and called it spending cuts, but in reality it amounted to a dishonourable discharge in all but name, and as a result we lost our pensions and benefits”
“Just like how they got rid of me then” Gregory replied, “But tell me something, where did you learn that manoeuvre with the train doors”

“I picked it up from another marine” The American woman answered, “He used it once before on the Underground a few years ago when he was being followed by former members of the British IDEC who didn’t like the then change in policy towards IDE’s”

“You’re talking about Brigadier General Samuel Peters” Gregory asserted
“Yeah” the American Woman replied, “And whoever is pulling strings has ordered him to come to London with another former army officer who was framed and railroaded out of the IDEC even before the separation”

Gregory and the American woman sat down, “So who was following me” Gregory asked

“I’m not sure” the American woman replied, “All we know is that our Homeland Security and the State Department has been engaging with someone”

“Who seems to be running a certain former industrialist’s empire” Gregory interrupted

“Yeah” The American woman replied, “Homeland Security contacted me and ordered me to meet them at Heathrow.” The American woman paused and then asked, “Do you know a certain Vice Admiral Quentin? He officially retired the other day”

“So you’re NSA” Gregory whispered.

“I’m freelancing” The American woman corrected, “He wasn’t to happy how things went, and with the department of defence and department of justice being sidelined by Homeland Security”

“You’re like a double agent” Gregory observed.

“Which is stupid” the American woman replied, “As we are supposed to be one the same side”

“So I’m to meet the Brigadier General then” Gregory asked

“Not openly” The American woman replied, “Homeland Security seem to be holding something over his head. The Vice admiral wasn’t sure, but suspects it is something to do with a former minor spirit he took to the states who is wanted for murder in this country”

Gregory shook his head in disbelief and looked at the floor of the underground train, “It seems our government are about to betray the former minors in Ireland as well to your homeland security. I caught a CIA officer who was tailing a couple of ex-minors. I thought we would expel him, but instead I was reprimanded and someone managed to kill him in his holding cell”

“S**t” the American woman swore, “That figures” she added, “They seem to have allied themselves to Homeland Security nowadays”

“So is there anything you can tell me?” Gregory whispered as he looked around at the other passengers who seemed disinterested in them.

“The Vice Admiral thinks it’s something to do with the old IDEC” The American woman answered, “Before the separation it was run under the department of defence”

“But what would be the point” Gregory asked, “The radiation barrier”

“We don’t know” The American woman answered, “Like I said the department of defence has been sidelined along with the DOJ”

“What’s your name” Gregory then asked
“Sandra” the American woman replied, “Sandra Philips”

+ + +

The McDonalds on Western Avenue
Washington DC
United States of America

Walter Quentin sat with Jack Maddox, his former sparring partner from the FBI as they had breakfast in a quiet corner of the restaurant. They chose the corner as it was near a door that most people did not really want to sit by.

Walter looked at his watch, “Their plane should be landing soon in London” Walter said to Jack
“I can’t believe how they excluded you Walter” Jack sympathised as he drank his coffee.
“I can’t either Jack” Walter replied, “It’s like Homeland Security want to run the whole show. As soon as I wasn’t needed, John cut me loose and kicked me out the door”
“I hear that they have been speaking to the MOJ” Jack said quietly to Walter, “It looks like they want to take over the investigation in to Kathryn’s murder and most likely fold it from my sources”

“I know its early days Jack but how is your investigation?” Walter asked, “Any other leads?”

Jack shook his head, “Standard pipe bomb construction with a sophisticated electronic detonator. No specific bomb maker signature that matches our database. The explosive was C4 and could have come from anywhere. It almost feels like it was the work of say some military sabotage black ops unit, if I didn’t know any better. Not the quality of your standard hit man or fanatic.”

“Think about it Jack” Walter whispered, to avoid being overheard by two other diners who were looking for a table to sit, “The report of the red dot at the place where Celeste and her child were taken indicates someone with access to that technology we discussed earlier. If it’s rouge IDEC agents from the old days, with their military background, getting past FBI security and planting a bomb would be child’s play. I told you, they were the crème of UK Special forces and trained to be ghosts”

“From what you told me Walter” Jack responded, “They would have to be the most likely suspects except for one thing”
“What’s that?”
“From what we could get from immigration before they started stonewalling the bureau”
“I hope your not going to say that there were no reports of British SAS coming into the country” Walter interrupted, “Because I told you, they were trained to be ghosts and would never show up on any immigration checks. They would not come in together, most likely enter the country from a variety of entry points, even unofficially”

Just then the two of them were aware of two men looking like they were from SWAT, while a third man in a suit came up from behind. He was an African American in a dark blue suit.

Walter looked up with irritation, “What brings you here John” Walter asked

“You’re under arrest Vice Admiral” the African American replied in a cold manner

Walter stood up, which prompted the other men in the swat style uniforms to point their guns at him and cock the triggers.

“On what charge, John” Walter asked angrily

“Let’s start with High Treason and work our way up from there” the African American replied.
“You’re kidding” Walter retorted
“I’m deadly serious” The African American replied, “We have been intercepting calls from you for some time. We know all about your calls to a known rouge agent of an allied power”

Walter looked at him with a moment’s incomprehension, it was obvious that he was referring to his phone conversation with former G2 Special Section chief, Gregory O’Doyle, But why were they targeting him?

“As for your successor at the NSA” the African American went on, “He has been detained as well while we investigate him for possible offences against the patriot act”

Walter shook his head slightly, “Why, he knows nothing of our dealings with IDW01. John, you’ve gone too far” Walter said angrily,

“So who’s running the NSA?” Jack asked without thinking
“If it’s anything to do with you, a representative from Homeland Security will be temporarily in charge while we carry out further investigations into malpractice”

Walter fixed an angry stare at the African American “You’ve been itching to take the NSA away from the Department for Defence for along time now”

“And need I remind you Vice Admiral,” the African American said slowly and deliberately, “It was under the DOD That Earth fell”
“But it was our people that made sure that never happened, not Homeland Security” Walter spat back

“Don’t give them an excuse Walter” Jack interrupted as he eyed the trigger happy swat looking men and the other teams of men looking like SWAT entering the restaurant, “I’d hate to loose an old sparring partner”

“I think you should listen to your friend Vice Admiral” the African American said in his slow and deliberate manner with a hint of anger. “From what I read in the report, it was a close run thing, that’s why we in Homeland Security had the agency responsible shut down as soon as possible by the Vice President, since the President was overseas.”
“But like I asked why my successor” Walter asked angrily, “I told you, he’s had nothing to do with the IDEC, he was never even read in about it”

“Lets just say” the African American went on, “It’s time the NSA had a bit more accountability”

“We are accountable god damn it” Walter retorted, “We are accountable to the Joint Chiefs and the Prresident”
“Not to Homeland Security, but that’s going to change” the African American replied, and then he said to the two swat like team members, “Take him”

The two armed men each grabbed one of Walter’s arms and started dragging him out of the door, whilst a third swat style man pointed a gun a Jack Maddox.

“As for you Director Maddox” the African American continued, “I’ve been speaking to the DOJ about bringing your agency into line as well and I have got them to agree to put you on immediate unpaid administrative leave pending an investigation into your conduct and that of various members of the FBI. Now hand me over your gun and your security pass”

Jack looked up at the African American with shock and controlled anger and started reaching for his pass and gun as requested.

“Slowly” the African American said forcefully

Jack nodded and delicately extracted the required items and placed them on the table in front of him.

The African American signalled to one of the swat style men and he picked up the gun and the pass.

“Since when did homeland security start empire building?” Jack asked

“Since nine eleven showed us we had to, to keep this country safe” the African, “It wasn’t Homeland Security who was asleep on the job back then” American replied. After that he turned around and left, with the swat style member leaving behind him”

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

The morning had worn on as Pete’s supervisor Iain Davy tracked down supplies for a wormhole generator. Both Simon and Pete knew that they could never use it to connect to the Mystical Realms; the radioactive remains from an exploded hydrogen bomb between the two universes prevented that. Simon, however, was convinced that he could replicate what Major Mark Johnston had done just over three years previously, use it to locate and gate into an artificial universe being operated somewhere in the world. Now they had to wait.

Waiting was something Simon found hard to do.

“I hate sitting here” Simon complained, “What’s keeping him”

“What’s that?” Pete said, distracted after hanging up from his phone call to Sue-Lim, his very pregnant wife being kept in at the George Washington University Hospital.

Iain’s deputy, Jennifer Carrington had used Sue-Lim’s panic attack the evening before when they had learned they had been tailed to the hospital by someone from Homeland Security, as an excuse to get the hospital to keep her in and prevent anyone from Homeland Security taking her into custody. So far the gambit had been working, and they had managed to prevent Homeland Security agents from taking Sue-Lim into what they called “Protective custody”.

“I hate sitting here” Simon repeated

Pete sighed. He wanted to ask Simon if it was too much to expect him to ask how Sue-Lim was, but then he had to remember at least he knew where his wife was. Simon’s wife and child were still missing, possibly dead

“I know” Pete replied and then paused. “Wait a minute Simon, I have an idea” Pete spoke up, “Remember how the very first artificial universe worked”

“We never got the chance to reverse engineer it” Simon replied, “Commander Mark and Miss Green sent it off to us, but by the time it arrived we had that problem with the capture of the Clan Chief of the Manjura”

“Yeah” Pete replied, “I remember that was all put on hold, but that’s not the one I was referring to”

“Huh?” Simon said, confused, “But that was the one Sir Sidney first used”

“Your forgetting that incident with the shut down of the World of Warcraft, that former adventurer Mr Andrews engineered about five years ago, give or take”

Simon shook his head in confusion

Simon sighed again, “Remember that IDW01 was created and populated with entities and creatures of our fiction, mythology, ideals and religions somehow from the human collective unconsciousness?”

“Uh-huh” Simon replied sceptically

“Because the players of the World of Warcraft were concentrating so much on their games, whatever it was that created IDW01 created some kind of bubble universe or something within the servers that ran the World of Warcraft.” Pete went on.

“A bubble universe?” Simon said with a sceptical tone

“Whatever it was Simon” Pete continued, “According to the Journals that Graeme Andrews sent to G2 Special section, which they copied to us, back then, during the civil war on IDW01 a number of the fairer races hid in the World of Warcraft as if it were another universe, including the Clan Chief of the Manjura except he was known back then as the Prince Low Troll. Now when the Spirit of Lust got into the World of Warcraft, Simon, it was Graeme Andrews who somehow used his knowledge and consciousness of computing to start shutting the World of Warcraft down trapping her inside it”

Simon looked puzzled, “But I thought according to Brigadier General Peters she was the one who helped defeat Sir Sidney?”

“Yes she was” Pete sighed, “But back then it was the old UK IDEC running the show under Mr Blue”

“I heard we was a horrible man” Simon interrupted

“Yeah he was” Pete agreed, “Luckily Sue-Lim, Jason and I didn’t have much to do with him down at the Annex”

Simon was even more puzzled, “Jason?” he asked

Pete sighed and put his face in his hands for a moment as he remembered his long dead friend.

“He was Jason Turner” Pete explained, “Jason, Sue-Lim and I all sort of grew up together and worked in the Annex in England when the Brits ran the IDEC”

“What happened to him?” Simon asked, sensing that he was probably no longer in the land of the living from the way Pete had acted.

“He was one of those killed in the ambush on Karam Tag Chou when we went up against the Magnus Timor cult”

“Oh” Simon said quietly

“Any way” Pete then started back up, “It was a rouge IDEC technician by the name of Timothy Zachary who somehow managed to rescue her from the world of Warcraft when it was collapsing and he imprisoned her form electronically in an IDEC supercomputer or something like that after reverse engineering how such an artificial universe might work, but I digress. The point I was trying to get to, was that before Graeme defeated her, in this World of Warcraft place, when she was throwing her fireballs around, Graeme noticed that parts of what looked like a realistic medieval world became like line drawings”

“Meaning?” Simon asked, now lost as to what Pete was driving at

“It means that to run an artificial universe requires heavy computing power” Pete explained

Simon thought for a moment, but according to what Celeste once said about the first time she was sent to Sir Sidney’s artificial universe, it was just like glass cages and looked like line drawings”

“Because” Pete went on, “When Sir Sidney stole Timothy’s research for his artificial universe, he was not trying to recreate a medieval world, which cut down on processor and RAM requirements, but that’s not the point”

“What do you mean?” Simon again asked

“Like I said” Pete continued, “The very first one was created accidentally in the servers and the networks that made up the world of Warcraft, and that would have caused at the time some sort of data trace that the system admins would not have realised was a bubble universe in it”

Simon shook his head, “But Pete” he objected, “If it was shut down, that trace would have been lost”

Pete grinned, “Your forgetting the Internet Archive, the data trace signal, may still be there for the brief time before World of Warcraft was shut down. We know then that was so all we have to do is hack into those archive servers while we are waiting for Mr Davy, locate the signal, and look at Sir Sidney’s systems from three years ago for a similar signal, and that may help us track down which servers are being used this time.”

“It sounds like a long shot” Simon complained

“Better than just sitting here on our backsides Simon” Pete replied.

+ + +

Heathrow Terminal Five
International Arrivals, London

Brigadier Samuel Peters followed the mysterious Mr Ex as they left baggage claim. Tania was following behind. Luckily they had managed to get her past immigration in spite of her official criminal record following her court marshal.

Samuel was reminded that the last time Tania was in England, was when she had left from Luton Airport with the former minor spirit of kindness, Rebecca Sands. Unfortunately that time, the plane they had been on had been diverted to New York, where Tania and Rebecca had been arrested thanks to an identity thief, and although the civilian authorities had cleared Tania, she was later convicted by a court marshal of bringing the army into disrepute. A court marshal that had been rigged by the very man they were under orders to do a deal with.

As the three of them walked into the throng that was arrivals, Samuel spotted a familiar figure he had not seen since he had last met her on IDW01.

It was former Captain Sandra Phillips.

Samuel remembered how in the other timeline she had been the leader of a small team at the main city on the central plain and that they had been slaughtered, and Sandra had been rescued from execution by fairies, formed some kind of attachment to him in South Georgia, but had been killed by a being claiming to be an angel.

In this timeline, Sandra and her team had been sent home. In respect of how she had performed in the alternate timeline had kept from her commanding officers the fact that Sandra had taken to going topless when talking with trolls, in accordance with troll conventions, to gain their respect,. He had owed her that much, but why did that Sir Sidney want her as well?

Wasn’t it enough he had ordered Tania along so he could gloat at just how far his reach still was?

“Miss Phillips” Mr Ex spoke up as he met, “So glad you could join us. Is the car waiting?”
“Yes sir” Sandra replied, with a tint of anger in her voice, “They rang twenty minutes ago sir”
“Sorry about that” Mr Ex sneered, “Immigration took slightly longer than I would have liked”

Samuel noticed Sandra eyeing Tania with suspicion.

“So I see” Sandra retorted, “If you must bring convicted criminals along”
“Hey” Tania remarked, “Miami PD cleared me”
“Yeah honey” Sandra sneered, “Because they didn’t have the time to deal with the likes of you. Good job you didn’t get away with it at the court marshal.”

Samuel saw Tania shake her head, “That court marshal was rigged” Tania spat back

“That’s what they all say” Sandra reciprocated, “The stockade is full of the like of you claiming that, honey”

Sandra turned to Mr Ex, “Why do we need her?” she asked angrily, “She is a disgrace to everybody in uniform who served in IDECM”

Mr Ex looked perturbed, so Samuel thought, that the two women that Sir Sidney had demanded to see were at daggers drawn.What was wrong with Captain Phillips? Was she like those morons in the army who refused to admit that there courts marshal judicial process had been compromised?

“That’s enough” Mr Ex snapped back at Sandra, “Our host has requested Miss McCaskey’s presence just like he has requested yours”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it Sir” Sandra continued to snap back, “A lot of people were disgusted that the likes of her cast a shadow on what we were doing”

“Are you going to let her get away with this?” Tania asked Samuel

Samuel groaned inwardly, he did not relish the idea of being involved in a cat fight. He had worked with both sides, and Tania was right, but having a relationship with a drow while they were dealing with trolls who had been allied to the drow’a arch rivals?

“Captain” Samuel addressed Sandra, “Our host …”

Immediately Mr Ex cut him off, “I don’t think we want to reveal our host’s identity here” he said bluntly

“Why?” Samuel countered, “The three of us know who it is?”

“Who is it?” Sandra asked
“I would prefer to reveal that later at our meeting” Mr Ex went on, “That way I can ensure that Miss Phillips is not wearing a wire”

“What?” Sandra said with incredulity and pointed at Tania, “That b***h is the criminal here not me”

It seemed to Samuel that Tania was finally succumbing to Sandra’s goading, and was trying to move on Sandra.

With out thinking Samuel grabbed Tania to hold her back

“What does it feel like to not be trusted now ah” Tania shouted at Sandra

“Oh no you don’t” Sandra spat back and made a lunge for Tania.

It was hard enough restraining Tania, but now Samuel was caught in the middle of these two rivals.

Sandra tried to grab Tania, but in the process smashed into Samuel.

For the one time only, Samuel was glad that Mr Ex was there, as he grabbed hold of Tania, while Samuel held on to Sandra, as they both tried to get away to fight each other.

“I said enough” Mr Ex said angrily, “The pair of you”

Samuel noticed that two police officers were coming towards them, this was going to be a long day.

Mr Ex spotted them as well and produced from somewhere some kind of security pass. That of a Federal Marshal

Fake obviously as Mr Ex seemed more like CIA

“We have this under control officers” Mr Ex called out to the approaching police officers, “These two have history, that’s all”

“Well makes sure no further fights break out” one of the policemen retorted.

“They won’t” Mr Ex reassured the police officers
“We’re fine” Samuel added

“You don’t need us then?” the same police officer asked.
Samuel shook his head and the two police officers moved away while Samuel and Mr Ex manhandled Sandra and Tania out towards the exit to the airport.

Mr Ex turned to both Sandra and Tania, “Consider yourselves both on report for this act of unprofessionalism”
“She started it” Tania responded
“And I’m ending it both of you” Mr Ex said in a cold angry tone, “Is that understood? We are here to negotiate with our host, new access to IDW01, not to have locked up for starting a cat fight at Heathrow Airport. Is that clear”

“Yes sir” Tania answered
“Crystal” Sandra replied.

“I do not want you fighting, or bickering, the pair of you” Mr Ex went on as Samuel stood by, “Miss Phillips, I do not care what you lot in Inter Dimensional Entity Control Military thought of Miss McCaskey’s’ trial. Our host requested her, and that should be enough. Miss McCaskey, need I remind you what you have at stake in this”

The two women glowered at each other.

Mr Ex let go of Tania and signalled to Samuel to let go of Sandra

There was a pause that seemed like eternity, as Samuel expected the fight to start up again, but it did not.

“The car is this way” Sandra said with venom and headed out towards the exit.

Samuel followed Mr Ex and Tania.

Just then he was aware of something in his pocket. Surreptitiously he took it out. It was a simple mobile phone showing that a text message had come in.

Samuel briefly looked at the phone. Obviously the fight had been provoked so Sandra could slip him the phone, but why?

Who was she working for?

Samuel read the text

“We need to talk – text me back – Gregory ODoyle”

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Charlene had sat naked on her bed in her glass cell for sometime with her head in her hands and her back to Celeste.

Celeste, felt guilty that she was clothed and Charlene was not. It was not right. Celeste felt she was the one who had forfeited the right to clothing a long time ago when she had worked for Sir Sidney. She also thought she had forfeited that right when she had inadvertently killed Brameana, the Lord Low Troll’s estranged daughter, even though everyone else had said it was self defence and justifiable.

It was a pain that had gnawed at her these three long years, but then her beloved Simon was one of those who believed it had been unavoidable, and she did not want to upset him, plus, she had been constantly reminded that in the society where she had made her home, living as a human, people were not made to go naked if they had caused offence.

It was not as if she even liked going about naked in public in fact the being the others referred to as angels had been right that she was never into exhibitionism., It was however her upbringing in a certain hobbit village that made her feel, she ought to go unclothed as a sort of penance. In that village, if you offended against the community, you forfeited the right to clothing and had to go naked until the elders of the village had decided you could wear clothes again.

“Charlene” Celeste gently called out

Charlene lifted her head up slowly, “I can’t believe I’m helping that b*****d expand his empire again”

There was an uneasy silence before Celeste spoke up

“Maybe my Simon will figure a way to get us out” Celeste spoke up nervously, “I mean they gated into this artificial universe before when I was last imprisoned here and they got us out”

Charlene turned around to face Celeste, “I hope not Celeste” she said, her face looking pale, “For their sakes”

“Why?” Celeste asked with horror in her voice

“Sir Sidney has booby trapped this artificial universe” Charlene explained, “Anyone using a wormhole generator to break in here will receive a lethal dose of gamma rays”

A cold chill went down Celeste’s spine, Trying to break in here would be exactly what her Simon might try if he knew they were in an artificial universe, and there was no way to warn him.

+ + +

Outside George Washington University Hospital
Washington DC
United States of America

Jennifer Carrington was waiting outside a hospital ward with another officer from the Washington Metro Police Department for her colleague Sue-Lim. The hospital was considering discharging her after keeping her in for observation overnight. According to them, she was not ready just yet to have her baby, especially as the due date was not for at least two weeks.

Sue-Lim just needed to have a visit from a doctor to confirm this, and then Jennifer and the accompanying officer were supposed to take her back to the lab.

Jennifer spotted a group of men, dressed like SWAT following an African American approaching down the corridor.
“Not again” Jennifer whispered under her breath.

“You say something mam” The police officer asked.
“It looks like Homeland Security again” Jennifer told the police officer, “We are not to let them take Sue-Lim”

“But they’re Homeland Security?” The police officer questioned
“They still should not be above the law” Jennifer retorted. “Go and call Detective Iain Davy and tell him” she ordered.

“But mam, my orders” the police officer objected.

Jennifer looked daggers at the police officer, “DO IT” she ordered.

“Yes mam” the officer said nervously and walked away, leaving Jennifer in front of the door to the hospital ward alone

The group of men came to a stop in front of her. Full automatic rifles at the ready, with the African American in a dark blue suit and tie

“You are ordered to step aside Officer Carrington” the African American ordered.

“On whose authority” Jennifer asked in a steely voice

“Homeland Security” the African American said in a brusque manner
“What business do you have here” Jennifer persisted
“That’s classified” the African American replied, again in an off hand manner, “Now step aside”
“You’re here to arrest Mrs Sue-Lim Smith aren’t you?” Jennifer challenged, “Like yesterday when someone saying they were from Homeland Security tried”

“Why we are here is none of your concern officer Carrington” The African American persisted, “Now step aside, that’s an order”

“Funny” Jennifer retorted, “I never got the memo where I was transferred to Homeland Security and took orders from you. Last time I checked I took my orders from Detective Iain Davy at Metro PD”
“Unless you want to be charged with obstruction of justice” the African American went on, “I suggest you step aside”

“So you have come to arrest Sue-Lim then” Jennifer snapped back

“Let’s just say we are dealing with a person of interest in a matter of national security, Officer Carrington” The African American replied

“And you have a warrant?” Jennifer asked
“We are Homeland Security” The African American insisted, “We don’t need one”
“That’s funny too” Jennifer responded, “And here was I under the impression that even federal agents, like those coming under Homeland Security needed a warrant to arrest someone without probable cause”

“We don’t need warrants” African American insisted, “Because we have all the powers we need under the Patriot Act

“I beg to differ sir” Jennifer replied, “I helped my sister back in Houston study for her law exams last month where we studied the Patriot Act, and I do not recall anything in it that gives you the power to arrest US citizens without a warrant or probable cause”

“I don’t have time for this” The African American said with a hint of irritation in his voice, “Either you step aside or I will have my men remove you”

“And you would do that” Jennifer asked

The African American ignored this question and signalled to one of the men in SWAT style uniform, who started to move towards Jennifer

“You touch me” Jennifer said with a touch of alarm, “And you will be guilty of assaulting a police officer in the course of their duty”

“As if we would be concerned about something like that” The African American sneered

“But I would” came a voice from behind the group

It was Iain Davy

“I came here to see how one of my team was doing and I find you here” Iain went on as he walked up to the African American

“Detective Iain Davy” the African American said coldly, “Order your subordinate to step aside we have a person of interest to take into custody”

“I will give no such order” Iain replied, “You have no constitutional right to take anyone of my team in to custody, especially someone who is heavily pregnant and is under the care of the hospital. You try and I will arrange for certain members of your oversight committee and the Government Accountability Office to investigate your unconstitutional use of paramilitary force here and your disregard for protocols which are required of all federal agencies”

“Oh really Mr Davy” the African American responded, “We have a job to do here. And that’s to make sure we never have another nine eleven”

“Oh Please don’t give me that nine eleven cr*p” Iain countered, “I served in the US Air force during Operation Enduring Freedom, I know all about true patriotism There is no justification for using what happened on Nine Eleven to trample over the United States Constitution. You do that and the terrorists win, and my service in the defeat of the Taliban back then was in vain. I’m just waiting for you to give me an excuse to have your sorry unconstitutional a**e hauled before the appropriate congressional committee to expose you for who you really are”

For about a minute of eternity the two men squared up to each other.

“We’ll play it your way Mr Davy, we’ll be back with a warrant to take Sue-Lim Smith into custody on treason charges” the African American said with venom, and then signalled to the men dressed like SWAT to follow him as he headed out of the hospital.

“I’m so glad you are here” Jennifer confessed, “Were you really on your way to see Sue-Lim”

“Not really I was arranging for a delivery of some special equipment to the lab” Iain admitted, “And I got a call from Maddox of the FBI, Homeland Security have arrested the former director of the NSA on similar bogus charges. I suspected that they might go after Pete or Sue-Lim next, and since Pete is back at the lab I suspected that they might consider Sue-Lim a soft target to get at Pete through her. I was already in reception when I got the call from the accompanying officer”

“Well I’m so glad you were here” Jennifer confessed, “I don’t think I could have held them off much longer”
“Last time I checked Jennifer” Iain went on, “I was not aware that his branch of homeland security had their own armed officers like the ones that were here, or the powers to make an arrest”
“It’s like some military take over Iain” Jennifer added, “accusing Sue-Lim of High Treason, that’s just plain crazy and wrong”
“I agree, and it looks like we are going to need some high class lawyers here, but for the moment there is no need to tell Sue-Lim about this” Iain advised, “She has enough to worry about”.

“We’ve only delayed him Iain” Jennifer said quietly, “He’ll easily find a compliant judge to sign a warrant; Homeland Security seems to believe that they can do the heck they like and they usually can”
“I know” Iain replied, “If they don’t discharge Sue-Lim we will have to find someway of keeping them at bay, while we investigate who sent Sue-Lim that Scarf and who abducted Celeste and her child. I just wish we could investigate the assassination of that NSA official as well. Homeland Security has taken that one off of the FBI. My guess is that they don’t want that bombing and this abduction being investigated, and I want to know why”

“You believe this is all connected Iain” Jennifer asked

Iain nodded, “As well as what I heard from Maddox of the FBI, Pete took me into a confidence which for your sake I have to keep from you this time.”
“I understand Ian” Jennifer replied
“If I go down Jennifer, I want you running the lab, you’re the only one I trust” Iain admitted
“Ok, I’ll stay here at the hospital” Jennifer volunteered, “that way they can’t pin anything on me”
“I’ll send Ross out to keep you company because I need to get back to the lab, and he would make a fine deputy should the worse happen” Iain told Jennifer before adding, “The equipment that Pete asked for should be there by now”
“That’s that secret device thing isn’t it” Jennifer asked
“Just make sure you keep out of that one too Jennifer” Iain told Jennifer, “I would hate to think what would happen if Homeland Security found out about it”

With that Iain left

Just then a nurse came out and Jennifer turned to face her. “Is she ready?” Jennifer asked

“No, I’m afraid not” the nurse replied, “I’m not sure but it looks like Mrs Smith might be going into premature labour”

The nurse then disappeared into the ward

“That’s just great” Jennifer swore under her breath, now Sue-Lim and her baby would be sitting ducks at the mercy of Homeland Security’s empire

+ + +

A warehouse in London

The car came to a halt outside the warehouse. The atmosphere in the car had seemed frosty between the two women and there had been a stony silence between the two. Samuel had the feeling that while Sandra may have staged the fight to slip him the mobile phone, Tania was not in on it.

“This is where I was asked to take you guv” the driver told Mr Ex

“Thanks Mr Fellows” Mr Ex replied, “Make sure our bags get to the hotel ok, I have phoned ahead. We’ll call when we need you”

“Yes guv” the driver replied

Samuel got out, followed by the two women, each one getting out on opposite sides of the car. They then waited for the car to drive out of site.

Samuel wondered if Sandra would go easy on Tania now or keep it up to maintain her cover. Samuel looked at the warehouse. “It looks abandoned” Samuel commented

“Our instructions are to go inside” Mr Ex said in his cold tones, ignoring what Samuel had said.

The four of them walked up to the front door. Its lock had been forced open. Mr Ex pulled the door opened, and went in, followed by Tania and then Sandra.

Samuel was left outside and was tempted to phone Gregory O’Doyle, but could he get away with it?

“Are you coming Brigadier General?” Samuel heard Mr Ex call out, the opportunity to make that call was lost. It was so frustrating, if only he could get away and call his former friend from G2 Special section.

Gregory entered into the warehouse.

It was deserted and run down. No sign of some secret hideout, so why come here?

Then he saw it, a red dot forming in mid air and building into a vortex.

It was then that Samuel saw what appeared to be a webcam in one of the roof struts looking down at them.

“I suspect that is where we will be meeting Sir Sidney” Mr Ex said as he strode towards the red vortex as it increased in size, “Clever isn’t it” he added, “A perfect way to throw off anyone who may be tailing us.”

“Sir Sidney?” Sandra said in astonishment, “But I was told that he was dead”
“You’ve been misinformed” Mr Ex replied, “We are negotiating with him for renewed access to IDW01 or if you prefer, The Mystical Realms”

Sandra turned round and stared briefly at Samuel. It was a look that he had found haunting, as if he had personally betrayed her, because he had not been able to reveal to her who they were meeting.

The vortex reached its full size and so Mr Ex walked into it. Tania followed Mr Ex into the vortex who was in turn followed by Sandra.

Samuel saw his chance and pulled out the phone and hit the speed dial.

Gregory picked up almost immediately, “Brigadier General?” Gregory asked
“No time to talk, our adversary is Sir Sidney Gerald” Samuel said quickly and hung up before following the others into the red vortex

Samuel found himself with the others in what appeared to be on a black plane.

“What kept you?” Mr Ex asked
“I always have to psyche myself up to go through these things” Samuel lied

Just then, another red dot appeared in front of them. This would be the vortex to take them to where ever on the planet Sir Sidney was hiding out.

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

Simon was thrilled to get the equipment to build a wormhole generator and had the specifications and plans for one displayed on one of Metro PD’s laptops as he constructed it.

Pete was elsewhere, probably trying to hack into various servers, seeing if he could locate where Celeste might be held in an artificial universe in cyberspace. Simon had wanted Pete to assist in constructing the generator, but Pete had said he might be close to locating the servers that were hosting this artificial universe

In addition to this Simon had overheard a rumour floating around the lab that Sue-Lim might be having her baby and Pete had probably gone to the hospital, but that could not be right! She was not due yet

Anyway, Simon did not need Pete for this job, as building a wormhole generator for him was child’s play. It would not look pretty, but it did not have to. So long as he could feed the data trace in, it would sweep out of this universe and look for the tell tale sign of the bubble universe as Pete put it, that had been generated artificially somewhere next to this universe.

Simon added the last component as he inserted the radio active isotope to power the make shift generator.

It was ready to switch on, but he had to be careful. Any attempt to open a wormhole to the Mystical Realms would result in a flood of lethal radiation coming through from the radiation barrier caused by the hydrogen bomb that had detonated between the two worlds three years previously.

But there was no danger of that, Simon had made sure this generator would not be looking for that universe. This one was to hunt down and enter the artificial universe that might be holding his wife and daughter.

Simon looked up the data trace and dialled it in. This would make his wormhole generator hunt in the area of where the artificial universe might be located, and then it would just be a matter of fine tuning.

“Is that it?” Iain asked from behind, “It looks like a Geiger Counter”

Simon turned round to face Pete’s supervisor

“Yes Mr Davy” Simon replied, “It’s a wormhole generator”

“Is it ready?” Iain asked

Again Simon nodded, “I’ll get it working” Simon told Iain and reached for the switch to turn it on…

To be continued
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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Old 03-07-2011, 03:40 PM #10
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Episode VII – A Twenty First Century Praetorian Guard


There is an old saying “It is better to let sleeping dog lie”

Literally, if there is a mean guard dog that is sleeping, you do not want them disturbed

Metaphorically this means that sometimes it is best if we do nothing, as action could lead to consequences we might not be able to handle, and such consequences outweigh any benefits that could have been obtained.

Sometimes the status quo is best kept; sometimes the best decision is to do nothing.

However to some, inaction is not an option and they will cry “Something must be done”, and when they start whatever action is suggested, the consequences will be felt further than anyone ever anticipated, and some will be unintended.

For example, Simon Hargreaves, formally of the Inter Dimensional Entity Control organisation, whose wife Celeste and baby daughter have been abducted, is about to try and use a wormhole generator to try and locate an artificial universe that may be holding them. The problem is, that artificial universe is booby trapped to generate a lethal gamma ray burst at anyone who so tries to gate in

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

Simon pushed the switch on the wormhole generator and it started humming into life

“When does the wormhole start forming?” Iain Davy, Pete Smith’s supervisor and head of the Metro PD forensic laboratory, asked, looking inquisitively at the device before him.

“I have to enter in the co-ordinates first” Simon replied without taking his eyes off of the generator and reached for the keypad to enter the best guess of the coordinates from the data trace they found at the coach station the night before.

Suddenly a mobile phone sounded.

Simon started to panic, he was trying to show something important to Pete and Sue-Lim’s boss and somehow he forgot to switch off his cell phone”

“Sorry sir” Simon said as he briefly left the keypad alone to reach for his cell phone to switch it off.

“That’s ok” Iain replied, “It’s mine; we must have the same ring tone”. Iain explained and then pulled out his cell phone and answered it.

Simon was frustrated. It was always the same, as soon as you are in conversation with someone or trying to show them something, a phone always goes off!

Not knowing how long this conversation would be, Simon switched off the generator to preserve power from the radioactive isotope that powered it. There were no magic devices or major spirits of virtue to recharge this one, unlike the time they had been trapped on IDW02.

From what Simon had learned over the years of coping with high functioning autism, we was just able to notice Iain’s face get angrier. Was he angry at Simon?

Iain hung up.

“We better get that hidden away Simon” Iain said rather quickly, “It seems we are about to get a visit from Homeland Security”

Now Simon was beginning to panic, the one device they had that would rescue his wife and daughter, and now the American government were coming to take it away.

It just wasn’t fair!!!

“Where do we hide it, where do we hide it?” Simon started repeating.

There was a knock on the door of the lab

Simon almost jumped out of his skin

It was not the Homeland Security as Simon feared, but an African American woman

To Simon it looked like both Iain and this woman knew each other

“Amanda” Iain ordered the woman, “take that machine carefully out by the back stairs if you can” he said pointing at the generator. “It is mobile isn’t?” Iain asked Simon

Simon nodded, he had made it so it would be like the early British prototype that he had heard of, and be portable.

“What is it?” the African American woman named Amanda asked

“Something I do not want the people from Homeland Security finding out about” Iain answered with a tint of irritation in his voice, “a source of mine says they are on their way over to this lab”.

Amanda picked up the generator from the bench and headed for the door before stopping. “Why are we hiding it from Homeland Security? I thought we were all on the same side?”

“Not when they have been acting unconstitutionally first in following us from Quantico to the hospital and earlier today in trying to arrest our colleague Sue-Lim on bogus charges, and not when they seem to be trying to cover up a murder of a federal official” Iain answered, “Now go!”

Amanda turned around and was gone with the improvised wormhole generator

Simon looked at Ian in confusion, “They killed Kathryn?” Simon asked with tears in his eyes

“I don’t know” Iain replied, “But after I left the hospital after going toe to toe with these Homeland Security guys I took a call from a certain Jack Maddox. It seems the investigation into her murder that they took away from us, has in turn been taken away from the FBI by this Homeland Security guy who is coming as we speak and placed on a back burner. Smells to me of a cover up”

+ + +

Hounslow High Street

Gregory O’Doyle sat in a small café off of Hounslow High Street and stared into the distance for some time, the former head of Ireland’s G2 Special section was stunned by the call he had got from his former ally, Brigadier Samuel Peters.

The young woman Sandra Phillips had told him to text a phone she was going to slip into the possession of Samuel somehow and wait somewhere out of the way, so he would not be spotted at Heathrow

Hounslow had seemed like an ideal part of London, near to the airport if he had to go there after all, or on the Piccadilly line if he had to go into central London. He also hoped it would be out of the way enough to evade any tails either by his former G2 colleagues or perhaps MI5 working for the Irish government.

Gregory had been sitting waiting for a reply by text. To actually get a phone call, brief though it was, was as much as a shock as what Samuel had told him

Sir Sidney Gerald was back, and most likely was the main adversary behind all that was going on, just like three years previously

But how? His essence was supposed to have been spread through out the universe along with that of the Spirit of Lust.

This was indeed troubling news, but what was even more troubling, was it seemed that it was now down to him, to start the fight back, but how. He was just one old man.

Hopefully Gregory could keep off of Sir Sidney’s radar and do some serious damage to whatever that evil industrialist was up to, but there were no guarantees. It was even possible that the leadership of G2 was now in Sir Sidney’s pocket.

Gregory just hoped he could remember some of the debrief, the then Commander Mark Johnston of the American IDEC, had copied to him about the empire of Sir Sidney Gerald.

+ + +

The interior of an abandoned warehouse
Location, unknown

Samuel again was the last to leave the artificial universe that they had passed through. Again he told the others he had needed to psych himself up to going through the red swirling vortex, which had obviously taken him, along with Mr Ex, Tania and Sandra back into the real world as far as e could tell.

The interior was some abandoned warehouse, theoretically it could be anywhere on the planet, however from the way the light came in through some of the broken windows, it seemed that they could still in the same time zone from where they left in London, England.

A young black man in a suit was standing in front of them, by a conference table and chairs. The quality of the furniture seemed quite at odds with the setting

The black man switched off what looked like the old wormhole generators the IDEC once used, situated on a table, and the red vortex behind them evaporated.

“You must be the Americans” The Black man said in a cut glass British accent. “Sir Sidney will be with you shortly after he has met with our Chinese delegation” he added as he picked up the generator device and walked away.

“Let’s sit down” Mr Ex heavily suggested as he pulled out a chair”
“I’d rather stand” Samuel snapped back
“Very melodramatic” Mr Ex sneered.

Samuel noticed both Sandra and Tania sitting down, one woman on either side, as they still seemed bitter rivals since the incident at the airport where Sandra had provoked a cat fight in order to slip Samuel a secret cell phone.

“Well I’m sitting” Mr Ex announced and sat down.

Feeling awkward, Samuel gave up and sat down between Sandra and Mr Ex.

“So what are we offering Sir Sidney again?” Samuel pointedly asked Mr Ex.

“As I said” Mr Ex sneered, “Immunity from prosecution for a start, and a large sum of money”

“How much?” Samuel pressed, “I want to know, if I am leading this sham of a negotiation, how much we are giving that dirt bag”

“I believe our opening offer is ten million dollars” Mr Ex replied without flinching.

Samuel was caught off guard for a moment, but then realised, ten million would easily come out of the US defence budget, or would Homeland Security be picking up the tab

“What do you think the Chinese are offering sir?” Tania chipped in nervously

“I’m not certain” replied Mr Ex, “But it is up to the Brigadier General here to convince Sir Sidney that we are the only real game in town”

After a few moments, the group heard footsteps, and then there were two heavily armed bodyguards with automatic rifles either side of a man in his fifties in a sharp black business suit.

Samuel recognised him instantly, it was Sir Sidney Gerald.

Sir Sidney came up to the table and sat down, while the bodyguards continued to stand.

“Afternoon Gentlemen” Sir Sidney opened with, “So good to see you after all this time Brigadier General Peters” he added with an air of mocking, “I suppose it’s congratulations on your promotion. You were a mere colonel when we last had the pleasure of meeting.

“Let’s get on with this” Samuel said with irritation

“Indeed” Sir Sidney replied, “I have been working on the ability to reconnect your government with the Mystical Realms, or what you boringly called IDW01”

“We got that part” Samuel interrupted, “What do you want?” he asked with venom

“You know” Sir Sidney went on as Samuel felt in his pompous style, “for a start the British Government needs to drop any hopes of putting me on trial for any perceived crimes they might think I may have committed”

“We will have our State Department to put that to them strongly” Mr Ex interrupted.

Samuel looked at Mr Ex with a cold hard stare.

“Dissension in the ranks is seldom a good idea” Sir Sidney told them bluntly, “Can I ask, who is formally leading these negotiations”
“I believe I am” Samuel replied, “Well that’s what I was led to believe” Samuel added as a pointed attack at Mr Ex
“Well that was what I expecting as well Brigadier General” Sir Sidney went on, “As that is what I asked for”
“Why?” Samuel demanded, “Why me?”

Sir Sidney sat back in his chair and gave an evil smile, “Why not?” he replied.

“You just want to humiliate him don’t you” Sandra spat out suddenly.

For a moment it seemed like Sir Sidney had been caught by surprise

“Quiet” Mr Ex ordered

Sir Sidney gave a small evil laugh, “You’re in love with him aren’t you” Sir Sidney accused Sandra

For a moment Samuel saw a slight blush on Sandra’s face, which reminded him of how she was at the settlement of Grytviken on the island of South Georgia in the alternative timeline.

“I’m not” Sandra said unconvincingly, “I just admire the Brigadier General for his record”

“Oh yes” interrupted Sir Sidney, “Would that be his record in Iraq during Operation Restore Freedom, his action in Columbia in dealing with a drug cartel that had captured a dimension jump orb or how he persuaded the leaders of Earth to capitulate to Brameana” Sir Sidney finished with a hint of menace.

“So you managed to obtain a copy of the report into that” Samuel hit back

Sir Sidney leaned forward over the table, “I didn’t need to. I was there, observing you as you issued the surrender and as you fled in defeat leaving the crew of the USS Bataan to face execution”

For a moment Samuel was lost for words. Those events were supposed to have not happened. After all the Lord Low Troll had assured them all that time had been rolled back, and he had helped in preventing those events from happening.

“It’s not a question of humiliation” Sir Sidney continued, “It is a question of showing you once again who it is that is in charge and sets the agenda. Who it is that calls the shots. Something you failed to learn last time we met.”

“Because we defeated your attempt to rule two worlds?” Samuel rebuffed

“A minor set back” Sir Sidney replied, “But we are not here to discuss the old times”

“No we’re not” Mr Ex muttered

Sir Sidney and Samuel did not overtly respond to this interjection, but Mr Ex did have a point.

“My price for connecting you to the Mystical Realms if one hundred million Euros”, Sir Sidney stated with force before adding after a few seconds “with a proviso that who ever I sell the ability to reach the Mystical Realms to, will not interfere in my commercial exploitation of that world”

“Not a problem for us” Mr Ex chipped in, “We might even use you as a sub contractor”

Again Samuel gave Mr Ex a cold silent stare.

“Oh come, come Brigadier General” Sir Sidney chided Samuel in a mocking tone, “It’s good to hear from Anthony once in a while”

Samuel glanced at Mr Ex, and spotted a hint of horror in his face, that someone actually knew his real name. Sir Sidney was definitely up to his old tricks as a spy master, or should that have been a counter-spy master, given that it was MI5 that Sir Sidney had learned the spying game from and not MI6.

“I want something” Samuel spoke up, taking advantage of the awkward silence that the naming of Mr Ex had generated.

“And what pray is that?” Sir Sidney asked in a wistful manner

“Doctor Charlene Henshaw and Celeste and her child” Samuel replied, “They’re my people and I want them back”

Sir Sidney’s voice changed and became darker and menacing, “I’m afraid, they are not on the table here”

“I don’t get my people back” Samuel said with venom, “There’s no deal”

“Have it your way” Sir Sidney said with equal anger, “I can always sell this ability to the Russians, they would like to regain their connection to the drow after all, but I suspect your former comrade, Mark Johnston, his wife Jenny and that girl from near Manchester might not like the consequence of your decision”

Samuel glowered at Sir Sidney.

“Isn’t that right Anthony” Sir Sidney asked Mr Ex, “That was the leverage I suggested John, or is it Mr Double You, use on our Brigadier General here. I so lose track on the code names you Americans keep insisting on using.”

Samuel swallowed hard. It seemed that somehow the man who was running some kind of special section in Homeland Security had more ties to Sir Sidney than he had been letting on. No wonder he had told Samuel that he had no choice, but to comply with the demands of this dirt bag professing to be a knight of the British Realm.

“So what did you want us for?” Tania nervously asked.

Sir Sidney flashed an evil grin, “Both of you it could be said, while in the service of the old Inter Dimensional Entity Control carried out conduct that brought it into disrepute. Miss McCaskey, you were court marshalled for bringing the army into disrepute.

“That was because someone stole my identity” Tania objected

Sir Sidney ignored the intervention and continued “and you Miss Phillips went native whilst serving on the Mystical Realms by insisting on attending meetings with trolls, topless in front of your own subordinates”

Sandra became incensed too “Those troll elders would not listen if I didn’t” she spoke up

“But in front of your subordinates?” Sir Sidney repeated with an expression of disgust

Sandra shook her head “You don’t know what it was like because you weren’t there” she said quietly

“Oh but I was” Sir Sidney said with a menacing whisper, before speaking more loudly, “You two are both to give a video confession of your guilt and how you brought shame on the old Inter Dimensional Entity Control organisation. This will be used to show how inept the old regime that handled relations with the Mystical Realms and how much better it will be, under my leadership”

“Your leadership?” Samuel asked with anger in his voice.

“Yes, my leadership” Sir Sidney insisted, “You will be paying me for access, but I will be running the sole organisation linking our worlds.”

“I’m not sure that is what we initially agreed to” Mr Ex interrupted without thinking

It seemed to Samuel that as he suspected, Homeland Security had been having dealings with Sir Sidney, however this dirt bag in front of them was now changing agreed terms, convinced that he had them over the proverbial barrel.

There was an uneasy silence before Sir Sidney told them that they were his terms and he would leave them for a bit so they could discuss it and if need be contact the US government.

+ + +

G2 Offices
Dublin, Ireland

Kelly McLaughlin sat in her office. She was not in a good mood and earlier that day had had to reprimand the two G2 officers that were supposed to have been guarding the troublesome Gregory O’Doyle and had let him escape to Britain..

Even worse she had heard that the only two agents operating in London had lost tabs on him, thanks to some renegade American agent, and it was looking like G2 would have to inform the British that one of their own had gone rogue.

Her thoughts were interrupted by her cordless phone ringing.

She picked it up with irritation, speaking to someone in accounts as for some reason she suspected it would be, was something she could do with out.

It was not accounts

“Hello Kelly” came the unexpected voice of Gregory O’Doyle,

For a few seconds Kelly was taken by surprise, and then she recovered her wits and scribbled a note on a piece of paper on her desk and waved at another G2 officer.

“We’ve, been worried about you Mr O’Doyle” Kelly said as she handed the note to the G2 officer, “We hear you have gone to England” she went on, “Are you visiting Debbie and your grandson? I mean all you had to do was say that that was where you were going and we could have cleared things here”

“Don’t patronise me Kelly” Gregory retorted, “You know I’m nowhere near where my daughter lives. So Kelly, how much was Sir Sidney paying you” he asked angrily

“What do you mean Mr O’Doyle” Kelly pressed, “That man has been dead for over three years”
“Liar” Gregory accused, “I have it on good authority that that former industrialist is alive and well, and has been behind everything, including the murder of Miss Cooper in America, plus if I didn’t know any better he has got to you too. Why else did you not want me warning the O’Docherty twins about that CIA agent? So what thirty pieces of silver has he been paying you all this time?”

Kelly for a moment was incensed, “It wasn’t like that” Kelly admitted

“So you were in collusion with Sir Sidney” Gregory accused, “I suppose you were in on the abduction of Celeste as well. Have they killed her and her baby as well Kelly?”

“We are not colluding with Sir Sidney, if he is alive” Kelly pressed
“Liar!” Gregory again accused Kelly.

“Look Mr O’Doyle” Kelly went on with frustration, “If you are not in England visiting your grandson, you are to return home immediately”
“Or what?” Gregory asked, “Sir Sidney will get you to send someone after me or my daughter? Are you going to have me or what’s left of my family murdered just like they kill Miss Cooper and possibly Celeste and her daughter?”

“We are not working for Sir Sidney?” Kelly insisted, “They never said he was involved”

“They?” Gregory picked up on

Kelly wanted the Earth to swallow her up, she had allowed her temper with a troublesome former member of G2 to let slip something that she had been hiding.

“They?” Gregory asked again

Kelly quickly closed her office door.

“You don’t know what’s been going on” she angrily accused Gregory.

“So what has been going on?” Gregory asked
“You didn’t hear this from me, but we were ordered to tow the line if we wanted the continuation of American help against dissident terrorist groups. Someone in the US State department told us about that CIA agent. We were ordered not to interfere with him. They never said why. So when you took him down, we had to report that back to them. We told them we would handle it”

“But they didn’t trust you to?” Gregory replied
“Obviously not” Kelly admitted, “But why kill him?”

“No idea” Gregory replied and then added, “By the way Kelly”
“Some of these new smart phones you can get are really quite clever. I mean Kelly, one that records phone conversations”

Gregory rang off, leaving a stunned Kelly in her office

The G2 officer knocked on her door and Kelly went over to answer it

“Sorry Miss McLaughlin” The officer replied, “All we could trace the call to was a cell phone in West London, my guess is he will be gone by now, since he was a former G2 officer”

“Thank you” Kelly whispered

“Anything else?” the G2 officer asked

“Just get me a secure line to Washington DC” Kelly ordered
“Who to?” the G2 officer asked

Kelly handed over a slip of paper with a number on it, “To here” she ordered

The G2 officer looked at the number and frowned, “I don’t recognise it” he commented
“You’re not meant to” Kelly barked back, get me a secure line to that number and forget you ever saw it” she ordered.

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

“What’s keeping homeland Security?” Iain asked with frustration as he looked at his watch.

“I don’t know Mr Davy” Simon whined. His world seemed shattered, the woman he loved, and the daughter they had together had been taken from him, and now he was waiting for some one from some federal agency to arrest him and Pete, just because they once worked for an organisation that used to liaise with the authorities on another world in a parallel universe.

It was getting too much

“Sorry Simon” Iain apologised, I was being rhetorical. “Jack said that their paramilitary enforcement team were on the way over to this lab. I just hope they have not gone over to the hospital instead, Jennifer reported that the stress of being followed by Homeland Security may have induced Sue-Lim to go early”

Iain thought for a moment and pulled out his cell and pressed a number on speed dial.

+ + +

Outside George Washington University Hospital
Washington DC
United States of America

Jennifer’s mobile sounded as she waited outside the ward. She had positioned herself so she could see in, should Homeland Security try to get in the other way and get past the Metro PD officer that had been assigned to help guard Sue-Lim.

Jennifer pulled out the phone and looked at it. It was her boss Iain, so she answered it.

“Any news?” Iain asked over the phone

“Not yet Iain” Jennifer responded, “The last thing they told me was that they were trying to establish if she was actually in labour and if they can delay it as she’s early. It’s not looking good”

“Is Ross there yet?” Iain asked, “You will need back up, I got a call that Homeland Security were coming after Simon and Pete at the lab, but something has delayed them, I thought they might be on their way to you instead”

“So far there’s no sign of them Iain” Jenifer replied, “I’m still expecting them to come back with a warrant to take Sue-Lim into custody. As for Ross, he rang twenty minutes ago Iain. He says he’s stuck in traffic””

“Maybe we will get lucky and the infamous DC traffic jams will buy us enough time” Iain responded, before adding a “Keep me appraised” and hanging up.

Jennifer put her cell phone away and continued the look out for a moment before looking into the ward.

To her horror and astonishment she saw a red dot of light appearing in the ward. From what she briefly saw of Sue-Lim’s face, although she could not hear what was being said, it was obvious that whatever this manifestation was, it could not be good.

Jennifer had heard that the wife of a friend of Pete and Sue-Lim and her baby had been abducted, where the only witness who was a known drunk had mentioned some swirling red light. Like all the other officers at Metro PD, she had assumed he had imagined it due to his state of intoxication, and yet here it was, a red swirling light growing bigger by the second.

Jennifer could hear Sue-Lim scream, and from what she could see of her, it seemed she recognised what this phenomenon was, and it terrified her. Jennifer had to act immediately, so she pulled out her side arm and quickly entered the ward, pointing her gun at the growing red swirling vortex. “Get her out of here” Jennifer yelled at the nurses and the doctor attending Sue-Lim.

The nurses and the doctor started tying to move the bed Sue-Lim was in to get away from the rapidly growing red vortex, but it was hard work

Suddenly out of the vortex someone in combat fatigues carrying an automatic weapon emerged.

“METRO PD. DROP YOUR WEAPON” Jennifer yelled above the noise of the vortex.

The man in combat fatigues lifted his weapon to fire at Jennifer, but she was quicker on the draw and let off two rounds.

The man dropped to the ground and his weapon clattered onto the floor.

Jennifer could not be certain if anyone else were coming through whatever this vortex was and fired another three shots into the vortex.

The vortex suddenly evaporated and in seconds was gone.

Jennifer ran over to the man in fatigues on the ground and kicked away the weapon and checked to see if he was still alive, but her aim had been spot on and he was dead

Jennifer swore under her breath, there was now no way to find out who hired him and what that vortex was. It was like nothing she had ever seen before.

Just then through the doors came a white man with a large Afro-Caribbean style haircut brandishing an automatic pistol, as did the police officer through the other doors brandishing his police issue revolver.

“Jennifer we heard shots” the man replied as he holstered his weapon, then as he looked at the man on the floor. “What happened and who the hell is that?”

“I don’t know Ross” Jennifer replied, her face white with shock, “He came out of some kind of red vortex that just appeared in thin air”

“A what?” the man Jennifer addressed as Ross said in confusion

“It was a wormhole” Sue-Lim called out from her hospital bed, “An artificial wormhole”

Jennifer rushed over to Sue-Lim’s bed, “What do you mean by an artificial wormhole Sue-Lim?” she asked

“Its how they got Celeste” Sue-Lim answered before screaming in pain, “My old job” Sue Lim panted, “We came across this technology, it’s a wormhole to an artificial universe”

“We need to get her away from here, she’s not safe” Jennifer instructed the medical staff and then turned to the police officer and the security officers who had arrived and pointed at the body on the floor, “Get that body to Metro PD, we need to find out who he is and where he’s from.” Jennifer then turned to Ross, and indicated she needed to speak to him in private.

Ross and Jennifer stepped out of the ward briefly, making sure they could still see in, in case there was a further emergency.

“How do you want to play this?” Ross asked

“We have to be very careful Ross” Jennifer said with concern in her voice, “It seems Pete and Sue-Lim have been targeted about what they did before they became CSIs Plus if you add that car bomb at the Hoover building and the abduction of the wife and baby of Pete and Sue-Lim’s former colleague Simon, the people we are up against obviously have access to some pretty advanced technology”

Ross shook his head in disbelief, “I knew that Pete and Sue-Lim were involved in stuff they couldn’t talk to us about, but I would never have guessed it was this advanced.” Then Ross added, “Maybe that’s why they’ve been exemplary CSI’s ever since they joined the department”

“I agree Ross” Jennifer concurred, “What ever they did back then in their former lives, must have made them the brilliant CSI’s that they are. I remember Iain telling me when they first joined the department that he had been told that they were part of some ultra secret project working to help protect us and take down some really bad people who used technology we can’t begin to imagine.”

“And I don’t recall them ever saying anything about it” Ross went on, “Even between them selves, it was as if it had never happened. I remember Jane, before she was killed last year, used to complain it was hard on us because we knew each others backgrounds, but they would never speak about theirs”

Jennifer sighed “Well that was Jane for you. Even if she had a point, I would suppose not being able to talk about it has probably been harder on them more than us, having to completely obliterate part of your life?. But you know what Ross, Pete and Sue-Lim as well as being excellent CSI’s are both one of us now, and we have to watch out for each other”.

“Yeah Jennifer” Ross agreed, “But that life they had before they were CSI’s, from what they told me, they were both so convinced was a chapter in their lives that was closed forever”

“Well someone has opened it Ross” Jennifer replied, “and the scary thing is, that whoever is using this technology to go after them knew exactly where Sue-Lim was because someone told whoever it was who just tried to grab Sue-Lim she was in that exact ward if this hospital”

“Are you saying that there’s a leak in our department?” Ross asked

Jennifer shook her head, “I don’t think so, the only people who knew which ward to target, were me, Iain, you, the hospital admin.”

“Then who are you accusing Jennifer?” Ross pressed

A flash of anger went across Jennifer’s steely eyes, “A particular someone from that new Homeland Security special Taskforce. Earlier they tried to have Sue-Lim arrested but Iain stopped them”

“So you’re accusing our own Homeland Security?” Ross asked incredulously

“You bet Ross” Jennifer responded, “You weren’t here when they tried. This so called Homeland Security Task force that has been going around with men dressed like SWAT teams, seems to be acting like some twenty first century equivalent of the ancient Roman Praetorian Guard. I think they’re involved”

“That’s some classical reference Jen” Ross remarked, “They were the imperial bodyguards of the Roman emperors”
“Yeah” Jennifer replied, “but then they got involved in politics and even assassinated emperors. These thugs in uniform that came by here Ross, they just seemed so like them. Ostensibly there to keep us safe, but ending up exerting powers they are not entitled to”

Ross sighed and shook his head. Jennifer’s knowledge of ancient history was better than his, but even he could see the parallels between a unit of ancient soldiers and this so called special task force of Homeland Security”

“So Jennifer as I asked before” Ross asked, “How do we play this”

“We keep quiet about what Sue-Lim said about wormholes” Jennifer replied, “If that was the technology Sue-Lim and Pete were involved with in their former jobs and they are going after them, we can’t give them an excuse to go after us. Iain is counting on us in case he gets taken down by those Homeland Security goons”

Ross sighed and shook his head. It seemed so unimaginable that parts of their own government were going after their own citizens and acting as if they were above the law. “I’ll make sure the patrol officer leaves out that bit about red swirling lights” Ross offered

“Much appreciated Ross. I’ll go with Sue-Lim” Jennifer answered back, “We need to get her to somewhere that Homeland Security can’t find her before they try again”

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

Iain put his phone away, “well they’re not at the hospital” he told Simon, “I’m going to get someone to get you and Pete out of here while you can” Iain reluctantly added, before going onto comment “I never thought I of all people would effectively be having to commit obstruction of justice in order to uphold justice”

Just then Pete raced into the lab. He had been running.

Pete went up to Simon, “Have you tried to use that generator?” he said with panic in his voice.

“I was about to when Mr Davy got a phone call” Simon said defensively

“Thank G_d for that!” Pete exclaimed before looking around the lab and asking where the generator was.

“I got Amanda to take it out of here” Iain explained, “That Homeland Security paramilitary taskforce were reported to be on their way over here, but so far they have been no shows. I’ve just rung Jennifer and she told me that there was no sign of them at the hospital. What’s the problem?”

“Anyone operating that generator as it is will be killed” Pete stated bluntly

“But it won’t go anywhere near the radiation barrier between us and IDW01” Simon objected.
“I’m not talking about that Simon” Pete frantically replied, “I’m talking about the attempt to try and use it to break into that artificial universe we found evidence of”

“Why, what’s the problem Pete” Iain asked

Pete turned to his supervisor, “I managed to use archived servers at the time of Sir Sidney’s original artificial universe and an earlier one identify a sort of data trace fingerprint of computer servers that might be running an artificial universe”

“And you found one” Iain interjected

Pete nodded, “I found it on a groups of servers outside of London, ostensibly tasked with carrying out galaxy super cluster simulations for the University of London”

“So why can’t we gate in” Simon objected

“Because Simon” Pete answered turning back to Simon, “I hacked into those servers” Pete turned back to Iain, “It was what Sue-Lim and I were trained to do when we worked for IDEC UK. We had to be skilled in Cyber and counter Cyber Warfare should what happened with that first artificial universe happen again”

“I get that Pete” Iain replied, “Just get to the part where you say it will kill anyone who operates that wormhole generator of yours”

“There’s a security program” Pete explained, “Our wormhole generators need to use a complex burst of gamma rays and certain neutrinos to punch a hole in the fabric of space so we can cross to other universes. Normally the gamma rays leech harmlessly out of the sides of the wormhole into the void between the universes”

“So what does this security program do” Iain pressed with what seemed like minor irritation.

“It amplifies and sends back the gamma rays back at those opening the wormhole” Pete went on, “It would be like standing next to a mini Gamma Ray Burst”

Iain shook his head and looked up at the ceiling and then back at Pete and Simon, “And they say a gamma Ray burst as far as six thousand light years caused the mass extinction in the Ordovician period

“No” Simon wailed, “We’ll never get my Celeste and Ashia back”

Iain pulled out his cell phone, “I need to make sure that Amanda doesn’t turn that thing on” he told Pete and then hit a speed dial button and began speaking into the phone.

“They’re dead” Simon sobbed “Because I couldn’t save them”

“Not necessarily” Pete replied before going over to Iain as his cell phone connected, “Tell Amanda to take the generator to the Physics Department of the George Washington University, Simon and I will meet her there”

Iain sighed, “I don’t know if you heard that Amanda” Iain said into the cell phone, “Make for the GWU Physics department” and then closed the phone.

“What’s the plan Pete?” Iain asked

“You want to create another artificial universe Pete?” Simon ventured

“Yeah” Pete agreed, “It doesn’t have to be fancy, and the servers that the university uses for its simulation programs are the only things we can use. Once in that universe we can hack in a data pipeline to whoever is running that artificial universe holding Celeste and Ashia, bypassing their security protocol”

“Well we need to go now” Iain insisted, “Before Homeland Security gets here”

“We?” Pete asked

“Yeah” Iain responded, “even if you weren’t involved there still maybe some chance of tracking down those who murdered my sister to cover up the existence of these parallel worlds you dealt with and that alternate timeline in which Earth fell. Plus I still have my Air force uniform, and we know that worked once before”

+ + +

The interior of an abandoned warehouse
Location, unknown

“That’s not fair” Tania complained to Samuel while Mr Ex spoke on his cell phone back to Washington. “I have spent over four years trying to prove my innocence and that b*****d wants me to confess?”

“I don’t think it’s up to me” Samuel said quietly.

“Four years, no luck” Sandra sniped, “Even with the report on Sir Sidney’s empire they found you GUILTY, so why don’t you just admit it honey!”

Samuel positioned himself between the two women to try and stop any further cat fights breaking out. He had guessed that Sandra was still working undercover, as she had manufactured the earlier cat fight with Tania to get him a mobile phone covertly, and supposed that she had no choice but to maintain the pretence of antagonism towards Tania, in order to avoid suspicion from Mr Ex.

Mr Ex put away his cell phone and wandered over to the rest of the group, “I think I have convinced the administration to ok the acceptance of Sir Sidney’s offer.” Mr Ex announced to the group, “We need access to IDW01, he says he has it or is at least further along than us at restoring it. If he want to share the headache of running any new agency dealing with that world, who are we to turn him down?”

“And we have proof he can deliver what he claims?” Samuel asked
“My understanding Brigadier General” Mr Ex countered, “Is that he has that ability and has been assisted by a top scientist on this project”
“You mean he has Doctor Henshaw” Samuel retaliated
“Who?” Mr Ex spat back pointedly. It was obvious that he wanted Samuel to know that he knew who Samuel had meant, but that she had been deemed by the powers that be, to be expendable, probably in order to fulfil their sacred ”Duties of the State”

Mr Ex slightly walked away from Samuel and turned back to face them, “As For Sir Sidney’s position, our US State Department will make it clear to the British Government that he is off limits”

“They will have to be read in” Samuel replied
“Possibly” Mr Ex said in return
“Does that mean you will explain to them why the Bentley girl is innocent?” Samuel pointedly asked

Mr Ex smiled and then shook his head; “If anything” he went on, “If we extradite her, after we deal with her inexpedient pregnancy that will keep the Brits sweet. Consider it a good will gesture to the British government on our part”

Samuel shook his head in despair, this young woman who once had been the Spirit of Luck, was to be handed over to the Brits for crimes she did not commit. Not only that, but the child of her dead boyfriend was to be terminated, if this Mr Ex was to be believed, because they refused to listen to him, when he had told them that former minor spirits of virtue, once stripped of their powers and given their human souls were just as human as he or Mr Ex.

The same black man that they had first met came up to the group, “I’m afraid Sir Sidney is slightly delayed as has been called away to deal with a slight problem” he told the group.

“How long will he be?” Mr Ex asked with irritation

“Maybe an hour or so” the black man replied, “It seems that someone elsewhere in his organisation was slightly careless carrying out some sub contract work for your government’s Homeland Security. Nothing he can’t fix, I assure you”

+ + +

Hyde Park Corner

The big issue seller was having a hard day; nobody seemed to want any of his magazines that day. It was so frustrating, the previous day he had made forty pounds.

Suddenly he was aware of an elderly gentleman standing behind him.

He turned around to try and sell him a magazine and then froze in terror as he recognised someone from his past from when he used to live in Ireland.

What was he doing here?

“John Evans I believe” The elderly man said with an Irish accent.

The big issue seller shook his head, “No I left that world” he told the elderly gentleman
“Come on John, we go back ages” the elderly man went on, “You were my first snout in dealing with splinter republican groups”
“Yeah” the big issue seller complained, “And thanks to that I had to leave Ireland”
“But you fell on your feet” the elderly man went on, “especially your little sideline in addition to the remuneration we were paying you”

The big issue seller showed the elderly man the copies of the Big Issue he was carrying, “What you mean these?”

“No!” the elderly man replied, “I mean your other sideline. Quite profitable too, so I hear”

“What other sideline?” the Big Issue seller replied, “I don’t know what you are referring to?”

“It would be a shame if the local bobbies found out who has been supplying some of the various drug gangs black market East European guns and ammunition” The elderly man said with menace “Or maybe it would be more interesting” The elderly man went on, “If those rival gangs found out you were supplying each other’s competition”

The big issue seller went white and shook his head, How had he found out about his arms business on the side

The Big Issue seller looked around and beckoned the elderly man to come to a part that was a bit more secluded from passing trade.

“What do you want Mr O’Doyle?” the Big Issue seller asked

“Something concealable and maybe some kind of machine pistol” the elderly man answered

“Are you serious” the Big Issue seller asked, “Can’t you get that from you know who”

“I’m kind of freelance now” the elderly man answered, “My former employer has decided throw in its lot with a decidedly shady business partner, and I need to fix that”

The Big Issue seller gulped, “When do you need this?”
“Today” the elderly gentleman snapped back.

“What!” the Big Issue seller exclaimed

“I would hate to see you out of business permanently” the elderly gentleman said in a menacing whisper

“I’ll have it for you in two hours” the Big Issue seller told him with resignation, “But it will cost you”

“Take my silence about your grubby little trade as payment in full” the elderly man said angrily, “And after you have supplied me, I do not want to hear that you have been selling those drug gangs any more weapons, especially after that four year old boy was killed in the cross fire from a gun you supplied”

“I can’t be held responsible for” the Big Issue seller tried to say, but was cut off by the elderly gentleman

“Clock’s ticking Mr Evans” the elderly man said with menace.

+ + +

Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
(George Washington University)
Washington DC

Iain brought the car to a stop outside the front of the university building to let Simon and Pete out.

“I’ll find a place to” Iain tried to say before being interrupted by his phone on the dashboard of the car sounding the arrival of a text message.

“Maybe that’s Homeland Security finally making it to the lab” Iain commented, “I was surprised that we got this far”

“Were we tailed?” Pete asked as he undid his seatbelt in the front passenger seat.

“Not that I could see” Iain mumbled as he pressed a few buttons on his phone to read the text.

“I can’t believe it” he exclaimed, “Of all the times to get a break through”

“What’s wrong” Simon piped up from the back seat.
“It’s another case the lab has been working on” replied to Simon.
“Which one?” Pete asked

“The Dovedale murders” Iain replied.

“That ones been going for a while” Pete replied.

“Look” Iain went on, “You get on with what you got to do and I will sort this out. I’m guessing it’s another bogus lead, but it has to be checked out and they want me. Amanda should be there already”

“Be careful sir” Pete told his supervisor, “It could be a trick by Homeland Security to get you too”

“I’m always careful” Iain shot back, “especially with jumped up petty dictators like that man in charge of that special task force. You just have to know politics to deal with them.”

Pete and Simon got out of the car and headed into the building, not waiting to see Iain drive off.

“How fast can you code” Pete asked as they entered the front of the building that held the physics department.
“I don’t know” Simon replied, “I never thought about it”
“Never mind” Pete answered, “It’s something I’ve been working on anyway”

Just inside the entrance, carrying the makeshift wormhole generator was the African American woman Simon had seen earlier.

“Hi Pete” the woman greeted Pete, “Any news on Sue-Lim and the baby?”

“Only that Jennifer is over seeing her move to another hospital” Pete replied
“Why?” Amanda asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong with the George Washington?”
“Homeland Security?” Pete replied

“I heard that they tried to arrest her there” the African American woman replied with a hint of puzzlement in her voice. Then she asked Pete straight out, “Pete, what’s going on. Iain is accusing the Homeland Security Taskforce of acting unconstitutionally and being involved in the murder of a federal employee”

“All I can say Amanda” Pete went on as they went through the halls of the building to the physics department, “Is that we believe it’s related to the top secret work, Sue-Lim, Simon and I worked on three years ago”
“They took my wife and daughter” Simon interjected
“Why?” the African American woman asked
“We don’t know” Pete answered, “But this is the only place that has the computer servers with enough power we need to find out”

“Are we taking this lady” Simon asked Pete

“Her name’s Amanda” Pete chided Simon
“Sorry” Simon apologised and looked dejected

“Thinking about it” Pete went on, “We need her on the outside world. With what we are about to do, we need to keep this to a minimum number of personnel.”

“That’s OK” Amanda replied, “DNA and toxicology is more my thing than computers”

The three of them found the entrance to the computing department and entered in. Iain had already cleared the way ahead, so Simon and Pete could get to work.

“What are you hoping to do” asked a technician who was still in the terminal room

“Create a pocket size universe and gate into it” Simon replied without thinking
“Yeah right” the technician scoffed, “What are you really trying to do”

Pete realised that Simon had been a bit too honest, but then that was a trait with those like Simon who had high functioning autism.

“We are trying to rescue someone” Pete told the technician, “Simon and I used to work on highly classified projects and we suspect that someone has used one of those to hold someone against their will. The only safe way in to their system to find out where they are being held, is create a sort of virtual universe in your server and tunnel in from there”

“Right” the technician replied, “Anything I can do?”

“Yes” Pete replied, “Leave. This is highly classified and we don’t want you in trouble as we are not sure we still have security clearance to do what we are attempting”

“But this is very expensive equipment” the technician objected

“I grew up around computers so I’ll take good care of your system” Pete assured the technician
“Even so” the technician objected

“I think Mr Smith here told you to leave” Amanda interjected
“And can you go with him Amanda” Pete asked, “what we are about to do not only is classified, but also may go down like a lead balloon with you know who”
“Sure” Amanda replied as she escorted the technician from the computer room.

Pete waited for the two to leave before producing a USB device looking like a flash drive and his small notepad computer. Quickly he put the USB device into the computer terminal and attended to the software the computer needed to run the device while he powered up the notebook.

“This should plant the algorithm by the blue tooth device here so the main frame can create an artificial universe we can gate into” he told Simon as he placed the notebook computer down by the computer terminal.

“I thought you all gave up on that when the IDEC closed down” Simon said in his monotone voice.

“Sir Sidney’s artificial universe always something I wondered about when I heard about it from Celeste” Pete explained, “After separation I wasn’t sure what we were going to do and whether we would still be involved in reverse engineering. I figured the algorithm, but lacked a server big enough to sustain it. Then Mr Vee before he died pulled some strings and we became CSI’s with the DC crime lab, so I shelved it”

Pete then pointed to some numbers on the screen of the notebook computer, “Set the generator to those co-ordinates that will be our artificial universe. Once we gate in, we can use the notepad to tunnel through to the other artificial universe”

+ + +

Howard University Hospital
Washington DC

Jennifer held onto Sue-Lim’s hand as the paramedics rushed Sue-Lim into the hospital from Ross’s station wagon. It had been confirmed that Sue-Lim was going into premature labour. The trip had been a nightmare for all concerned, but they could not use an ambulance as that would have generated a paper trail should the Homeland Security get hold of the records from the George Washington University, nor could they use their sirens

A young African American female doctor met them inside. “I just heard you are transferring the patient from George Washington?” she said with a puzzled expression as she glanced at Sue-Lim’s medical notes that were handed to her by a paramedic, “Why?” she asked

Jennifer shook her head slightly before answering, “Someone tried to attack her there, we are hoping that by moving her here that they may not be able to find her again for a while”

“Isn’t that a police matter?” the young doctor asked, “Couldn’t have got police protection instead of moving her like this?”

Jennifer showed the doctor her ID badge, “We are the police. Those who attacked her were using paramilitary weapons and high end technology. They don’t care if the police are involved or not”

Sue-Lim gave out a scream in agony as contractions set in.

“We need to get her into surgery right now” one of the paramedics told the doctor

“OK” the female doctor replied, before telling Sue-Lim, “We can do just as good a job as the George Washington.

The paramedics then wheeled Sue-Lim through a set of double doors. Jennifer tried to follow but was blocked by the female doctor. “I’m sorry detective but you can’t come through here, medical staff and prearranged birthing partners only. You’ll have to wait outside. Maybe you could get hold of the father, but I don’t think there’s time.”

Jennifer felt frustrated as Sue-Lim disappeared through the doors in to surgery.

Ross came up to Jennifer, “I’ve arranged for a patrol officer to take the car back to the George Washington and park it there” he told her, “maybe if Homeland Security return they might think she’s still there.

“I’m not convinced Ross” Jennifer whispered, “We are up against a federal agency that seems to believe they are above the law”

“I know Jen” Ross replied, “I just heard that someone at the FBI has sent us copies of the investigation reports into that bombing at the Hoover building on the QT It seems Homeland Security is taking over that investigation, and someone at the FBI is not happy. It looks like you’re right someone at Homeland Security could be involved in that murder.”

“Ross” Jenifer began, “Do you think if we found proof that they murdered that federal official it would ever go to trial”
“I don’t know” Ross replied, “We’ve taken down people before who were so high up they thought they could get away with murder, but this is an armed federal agency we are up against”

“We have to bring them down Ross” Jennifer whispered, “We just have to”

+ + +

A dark plane in an unknown artificial universe

Charlene was woken from her sleep by the sound of Celeste shouting at her.

Quickly she sat up on the mattress in her cell and saw what Celeste was shouting about. Between the cells there looked like a white circle floating between the two glass cells, hanging there in mid air

Charlene watched in horror ad fascination as the hole started to grow in size. Then she was able to see inside what seemed like a mouth of a tunnel.

It was like a line drawing of a tunnel, but to where.

Maybe there was a problem with the artificial universe and this was the sign it was being shut down. For a moment Charlene wondered if this was a cyber version of a black hole that would consume both of them.

But why would Sir Sidney dispatch both of them, Charlene was almost finished on a modified generator system that would bye pass the radiation barrier separating Earth and the Mystical Realms

Just then to her surprise, she saw someone she had not seen for three years. It was Pete Smith heer former Brit colleague from her days with Inter Dimensional Entity Control, before it had closed down and she had returned to CERN.

Charlene watched as Pete emerged from the hole between the two cells.


Pete looked at his two former colleagues from Inter Dimensional Entity control and was immediately embarrassed. Doctor Henshaw was standing in her glass cell, without a stitch of clothing on.

Celeste, Simon’s wife was stripped to the waist, as presumably she had been breastfeeding her baby daughter.

Then he remembered he had further work to do. He had to open up the glass cells, and from what had been mentioned by the former Major Mark Johnston, that was a dangerous procedure for the occupants, as one wrong move would see them deleted forever.

“We don’t have much time” Pete said to both women and held out his notepad computer, “Timothy Zachary before he was deleted created code on a PDA to create a door in the glass cells of the original artificial universe the late Sir Sidney used.”

“He’s not dead” Charlene interrupted, “Sir Sidney’s back and he’s been behind this all the time”

A cold horror went down Pete’s spine, Sir Sidney the first time round had penetrated just about every US and UK agency and organisation, except the IDEC. A lot of people had had their careers ended when Sir Sidney went down. Pete had thought it had been one of those behind what had gone on, not Sir Sidney himself.

“Who do I try this on first?” Pete nervously asked.
“It had better be me” Charlene replied, “Then if something goes wrong, not only will you get it right to get Celeste and her baby out, Sir Sidney will no longer have me to further his plans”

“To do what?” Pete asked without thinking, and then he corrected himself, “No don’t tell me we don’t have time”

“Just do it” Charlene barked back at Pete.

Pete tapped a few keys on the notepad and pointed the notepad at Charlene’s cell.

A line tracing where door should be, started to form in Charlene’s cell whilst Pete looked on, but at the same time, Charlene transformed into what appeared to be a line drawing.

“What’s happening to us” Pete heard Celeste scream and he turned around.

Celeste’s cell was also forming a door and Celeste and her child was also becoming like a line drawing. The signal from the notepad was working on both glass cells at the same time.

“Through the door’s both of you” Pete screamed as he pressed another few keys which caused the line tracing the doors in the glass cells to glow white and then fade to black, leaving an entrance.

Charlene left her cell immediately and became solid.

Celeste hesitated for a moment and looked back at retrieving her top, now also a line drawing at the other end of the cell.

“There’s no time for that” Charlene ordered.

Celeste exited the cell, holding her daughter to her bare breasts, and both mother and daughter became solid once again.

Just then, both cells winked out of existence, taking everything left in them.

Charlene looked around as she could see the grid lines of the artificial universe begin to break down. “This place is starting to collapse” she said out loud

“Through here” Pete shouted as he entered the white circle which looked like a tunnel.

Without hesitation, Charlene ushered a shell shocked Celeste through the tunnel and then they seemed to be in another artificial universe. One that was only lit by a green swirling vortex

Pete tapped some keys on his notepad computer and the tunnel back to Sir Sidney’s collapsing artificial universe evaporated.

“I left Simon to maintain our gateway back to the real world” he told Charlene, “But we have to leave as these servers will not be able to sustain this bubble universe much longer” and then he headed through the vortex, and again Charlene had to usher Celeste through the vortex.

Then they were in some computer lab, with several men in black commando uniforms and balaclava hats pointing fully automatic weapons at them.

Celeste saw her Simon, pinned to the ground with his hands, cuffed behind his back and his face covered in blood.

“What’s going on?” Celeste asked
A black African American was also in the room. He came over and switched off the wormhole generator. Instantly the green vortex evaporated

“You are all under arrest on grounds of being a threat to national security” the African American said with anger in his voice. At this the armed men began cuffing Pete and Charlene.

“Take the child from the alien” the African American ordered one of the men

“No that’s my baby” Celeste screamed

“Who should never have been allowed to be born” the African American sneered, “I have a call to make” he coldly added as he opened a cell phone and hit speed dial

+ + +

The interior of an abandoned warehouse
Location, unknown

In the distance Samuel heard the steps of Sir Sidney accompanied by his body guards. The black man with the cut glass British accent turned round as well.

Even though this man had been polite and well mannered, he had been skilled in not revealing anything, especially where they were. Samuel had guessed from sneaking a glance at the cell phone he had been given by Sandra, that they were most likely still in London or at least somewhere in the British Isles as the signal was strong and the logo on the cell phone was a known UK provider. Briefly he wondered if Mr Ex knew where they were, as he was the only one officially authorised to carry a cell phone.

“Here comes Sir Sidney now” the Black man told the group and walked off away from them.

Samuel saw Sir Sidney speak with him about a matter, but could not hear what they were saying.

“It seems we have deal” Mr Ex whispered to Samuel, “Tell him his offer is acceptable to the US government and we welcome his participation in our joint enterprises”

Samuel glowered at Sir Sidney’s approaching figure with hatred. He could not get away from the fact that this so called British knight, was a cold blooded killer and had compromised so many government agencies on both sides of the Atlantic. This man had almost caused the death of one of his people and put her in a psychiatric ward for a month. He was also complicit in the abduction of another member of his old team, from his former time at the IDEC

And yet he was being ordered by his own government to tell this killer that Uncle Sam would acquiesce to all his demands. It stuck in his craw. If he didn’t, then they would go after his former right hand man and his family plus those former minor spirits of virtue who had had to flee to Canada after the change in US policy.

“So sorry to keep you waiting” Sir Sidney apologised in an unconvincing manner, “It seems that a joint mission we had with your Homeland Security went awry because some underlings of mine underestimated the opposition. I had to attend to the matter personally to make sure those involved do not make that same mistake ever again”

Samuel could guess that that coded statement meant that whoever screwed up, had probably been liquidated. Sir Sidney did not tolerate failure gladly

“Meanwhile” Sir Sidney went on, “It seems your request to have the people you mentioned released is now rather pointless”

“Why?” Samuel asked with a feeling of dread passing over him
“The artificial universe I contained that asset in, along with a former disloyal employee of mine has for some reason collapsed.”

“They’re dead?” Samuel only just managed to force out
“Not quite” Sir Sidney replied, “But my associates have got them detained in the real world for attempting to escape.”

“She was your means to connect the two worlds wasn’t she” Samuel said with a cold realisation, “Without her you can’t deliver”

“That doesn’t matter now does it” came a female voce from behind Samuel. It was a voice that was so familiar, but Samuel could not place it.

Slowly Samuel turned around and looked up at Sir Sidney’s former PA. But she was supposed to have been serving a life sentence for conspiracy to commit murder?

“We don’t need that doctor Henshaw” the former PA sneered as she approached Samuel, “I mean who do you think created the artificial universe in the first place”

“You?” Samuel asked incredulously

“Oh yes” the PA replied before adding, “I can easily complete the work Doctor Henshaw has done, as I was working along side her”

“Oh come on” Sir Sidney interrupted with a grin on his face, “Where are your manners Brigadier General, aren’t you going to introduce your colleagues to my daughter Janine?”

To be concluded
Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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Old 29-07-2011, 05:34 PM #11
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Episode VIII – Retribution and Reclamation


Sometime humanity keeps making the same mistakes

“When the first link of the chain is forged, the first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Jean Luc Picard quoting Judge Aaron Satie in Star Trek the Next Generation episode “Drum Head”

"Mr. Worf, villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well-camouflaged."
"I think, after yesterday, people will not be so ready to trust her."
"Maybe. But she or someone like her will always be with us, waiting for the right climate in which to flourish. Spreading fear in the name of righteousness. Vigilance, Mr. Worf. That is the price we have to continually pay."

Conversation between Worf and Jean Luc Picard at the end of the Star Trek the Next Generation episode “Drum Head”

It is not often that a sci-fi show made in another century can speak to us in this century, but this episode spoke volumes. It shows how fear can be used to go after innocent people and appear to be on the side of the angels in doing it. And drag others into the mire.

Of course we can all be manipulated by those with other agenda’s

It is now becoming clear to Brigadier General Samuel Peters that a nemesis he once came up against Sir Sidney Gerald, an industrialist and former MI5 spy master is in league with America’s own Homeland Security.

This very own Homeland security who have arrested Celeste and her baby and Doctor Charlene Henshaw, just as Pete Smith and Simon Hargreaves rescued them from Sir Sidney’s artificial universe.

However the loss of Charlene does not appear to be a problem to Sir Sidney, because his former PA, Janine has reappeared and she is not just a PA, she is Sir Sidney’s daughter and also has the skill to continue Charlene’s forced work and reunite Earth with the Mystical Realms…

+ + +

The streets of Washington DC
United States of America

To say that Iain Davy was angry, as he drove through the DC traffic, was an understatement. Iain was furious.

Iain pressed the switch to operate his Bluetooth police radio, “This is detective Davy” he said into the headset, “Patch me through to CSI Ross Green”
“One moment sir” came back the response

“Come on” Iain yelled as a motorist in front decided to take their time on making a turn.

The radio crackled on again. “Ross here” his voice came over the radio.
“Ross, this is Iain,” Iain went on, “Don’t tell me where you are, but are you still with Jennifer?” he asked
“Yes Iain, but why don’t you” Ross began to reply, but was interrupted by Iain
“Ross” Iain yelled into the radio, “It’s vital you do not give your position over the airwaves”
“Yes sir” Ross replied
“In fact make sure your phones are off after this call” Iain continued, “we don’t want Homeland Security using them to track you down”

“Has something’s happened?” Ross asked

“Sorry Ross” Iain interrupted again, “There’s no time to explain, you need to get off the grid ASAP. Homeland Security is making their move and they are doing it fast, now hang up and switch off those damn cell phones”

At this Iain hung up the call.

For a brief moment Iain was torn, Jennifer and Ross would need back up, if they were to get help protecting CSI Sue-Lim from the clutches of the Homeland Security special taskforce. The problem was that that would only help alert them to wherever Jennifer had moved Sue-Lim to after they had got her out of the George Washington Hospital.

Iain navigated a turn at speed and found himself amongst a number of other police cars, all heading in the same direction as him

Iain tapped another number on his hands free cell phone. Immediately the call was picked up.

“Amanda” Iain barked into the phone
“Yes Iain” the reply came back
“What’s the situation” Iain asked, “Are you still at the university?”

A nervous “Uh huh!” came back by way of reply. Instantly by the way Amanda had replied, Iain had a sinking feeling

Have Homeland Security detained you as well” Iain asked back

Suddenly the voice on the phone changed to that of a male, “Officer Tanner is being held on charges of obstruction of national security and possible high treason”

“Who’s this” Ian said angrily back to the male voice, “On whose authority are you detaining my people?” he demanded.

“Homeland Security” the male voice replied, “This conversation is terminated on grounds of National Security” he added, after that the phone went dead.

Iain’s anger increased and he swore loudly before keying the radio up. “This is detective Iain Davy” he said into the radio, “It looks like this so called Homeland Security task force may still be at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. It is imperative that they are detained there”

“Why are we going up against feds” a reply came over the radio, “Aren’t we on the same side”

“Not this time” Iain replied, “Not while they are being used to cover up murder, commit the a possible murder of one of our CSIs in a continuing cover up”

Iain then continued on driving as the convoy of police cars closed in on the university.

They were now one block away and Iain could see at least one of the Homeland Security armoured car’s outside the university building.

In the distance, as he closed, he could see what appeared to two women, with their hands cuffed behind their backs, being frogmarched into one of the armoured cars. One of the women was naked and the other was topless. He also spotted one of the SWAT like figures carrying what looked like an infant.

Iain, with his siren still blaring briefly sped up and then swerved his car to block the armoured cars path.

Just then he noticed another one of the SWAT like figures raising up an automatic weapon and pointing it at his car.

For a moment it seemed that time was slowing down for Iain, and not in the normal sense of human perception.

Iain quickly undid his belt, opened the car door and exited the car door.

As soon as he was sheltering behind the car, time seemed to return to normal, and bullets started to rip into the car. Very soon, under that level of fire Iain would have to move away rapidly, as this task force group had him out gunned with heavy weaponry.

All Iain could do was grab at his automatic pistol and his police badge, and hope there would be some opportunity to show it, to reduce what he expected now to be a total blood bath, where elements of the Federal government traded fire with a local police force on American Soil..

The sound of automatic weapons fire amongst the sound of numerous police sirens was deafening and terrifying.

Suddenly there was quiet.

Not even the sound of traffic



“Hello Mr Davy” a high pitched voice squeaked behind him

Iain turned round in shock and found himself pointing his side arm at a one foot high figure of a man

“What the Hell are you?” Iain said to the small figure

“I’m a Cornish pixie” the small figure replied, “Not all of us heard we had to leave before our worlds separated” it explained, “We’ve been trapped here ever since”.
“What’s going on” Iain asked as he still pointed his gun at the figure calling itself a pixie
“A very bad man called Sir Sidney Gerald that’s what” the creature explained, “You will not remember me, but you must remember, that name, Sir Sidney Gerald”


Suddenly Iain found him self pointing a gun at nothing, and could not remember why, all he could remember was getting out of the car, or he thought he did. The sound of gunshots ringing out brought him out of the strange confusion he was in. His car started to resemble something like Swiss cheese, and he started scrambling to get away.

It was obvious that police officers were returning fire, with whatever weapons they had against the heavy weapons of the Homeland Security Special Taskforce.

Suddenly the gun fire ceased from the side of the Homeland Security Task force, amidst the shout of someone ordering a cease fire..

Iain took a chance and stood up showing his police badge at a number of the police cars, which had arrived, also ordering them to hold their fire.

+ + +

G2 Offices
Dublin, Ireland

Kelly McLaughlin put down the phone and sat at her desk in the offices of G2, not believing how things had progressed.

The contact she had in the US Government had all but confirmed what the renegade former G2 special section head Gregory O’Doyle had said.

The Americans were in league with someone she believed dead. A certain someone who had in former times penetrated just about every intelligence agency and top secret department, and for what? To reconnect with a world that a number of them in G2 thought they had seen the back of. G2 Special section to some seemed an embarrassment because the presence of leprechauns seemed to imply that human intelligence officers were second class.

She had now been told, in no uncertain terms, to use whatever means, to stop O’Doyle and if required terminate him.

They even mentioned Gregory’s daughter and grandchild and suggested using them to get to Gregory and if G2 were not up to the job, then the CIA would get the job done

The Americans had G2 over a barrel, if Ireland were to continue to get the co-operation of the United States in dealing with republican groups and protestant paramilitary groups, they would have to assassinate one of their own, on foreign soil.

It was an invidious position to be in, but then Gregory was classed as rouge and he was after all just one man.

But what about the British? They would not take it too well if G2 carried out such an action on their soil.

The sheer fact the Americans were prepared to do so, just showed how much they were prepared to play hard ball to reconnect with their precious IDW01, Mystical Realms or whatever they called it now.

The agreement to allow the CIA to tail the O’Docherty Twins had certainly been a Faustian pact., especially as they never said why, and now it was time to pay up.

What could she do?

If she had Gregory terminated as the Americans ordered, then she would anger the British as he was on their turf. If she did not, the political fall out would be unimaginable, as they needed the intelligence that the Americans shared with them to deal with republican and loyalist extremist groups.

If only there was some other option. Someone else she could talk to in the American administration. In former times, she could, grudgingly approach that Inter Dimensional Entity Control organisation, but it had been disbanded, and its former de-facto head, Kathryn Cooper, was dead, murdered in a car bomb.

As for anyone else, there was no luck as according to the contact in America, the former head of the NSA, one of the original sponsoring departments of the IDEC was under arrest for high treason and incarcerated in solitary at an unknown military prison. As for the British, who once took the lead on inter dimensional entity matters, there was no longer anyone in the present British government she knew of who was read in on the Mystical Realms. This, Kelly had been informed, was on orders, from the US State Department.

It seemed like she had no option, but to do what the Americans had ordered, and throw in her lot with that evil man, Sir Sidney Gerald.

Suddenly the phone rang

Kelly almost jumped, but then she regained her composure and picked it up. It was an internal G2 call asking about dates of a forth coming meeting with MI5 counter parts to deal with splinter republican groups.

That gave Kelly a possible way out of her dilemma.

+ + +

Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
(George Washington University)
Washington DC

The atmosphere between Iain and the African American who had been leading this so called Homeland Security Special Taskforce was ice cold.

“Detective Davy, I might of guessed, what is the meaning of this” African American said angrily, “Why are you interfering in a Homeland Security operation?”
“Homeland Security operation my a**e” Iain retorted, “This is a further attempt to cover up murder and kidnapping. Now I demand that you release my CSIs you are holding and those others civilians you are holding as prisoners”

“Not going to happen, Detective Davy, they are being held on grounds of National security” the African American sneered, “Now move aside before I have you arrested as well. You know the score, federal agency trumps local cops”
“Don’t you dare try to threaten me” Iain spat back, “As for feds trumping local cops, not when these so called federal agents are using a federal agency and the excuse of national security as a smokescreen to cover up murder and kidnap” Iain went on “And that’s not even mentioning the acting in an unconstitutional manner” he added with venom

“Murder? Kidnap?” the African American said with disgust, “I guess your sister was not the only deranged one in your family”

Iain shook his head slightly, it seemed worse than he feared for a brief moment. This leader of this so called Homeland Security task force was obviously briefed about Iain’s sister and her alleged suicide. It was obvious that this man in front of him was trying to throw him off balance; there was no way he could allow him to get away with that.

“This has nothing to do with my sister” Iain said coldly and calmly with a hint of anger in his voice, “I was called away on the pretence of another case to find someone had delivered the evidence from the car bomb explosion that killed a federal employee at the FBI’s Hoover building”

“That evidence is not for you” the African American interrupted, “I will be talking to your superiors about that as well. You are not to examine any of it and you are to hand it over to Homeland Security. Do I make myself clear?

“Crystal” Iain replied, “But you’re a bit too late for that” he went on “Although the construction of the pipe bomb that killed Kathryn Cooper was devoid of the usual bomb maker‘s signature and appeared clean, one of my other CSI’s found blood evidence in the remains of the car that gave us a match to one of your men here. It seems they may have been skilled in construction of the bomb, but they were sloppy in fixing it to the car”

“Like I said Detective” the African American replied in an equal cold manner, “This is a federal matter and our jurisdiction”

“And like I said” Iain interrupted, “Not when so called federal agents are covering up murder and kidnap in my city. That makes it our jurisdiction. We also found Mrs Hargreaves hand bag dumped in a trash can near the bus station, on it we found a finger print that is a perfect match to another one of those assigned to this so called task force of yours”

“And none of that evidence will be admissible” the African American countered back, “We have Executive Privilege. Now move aside”

Iain felt even more incensed, it seemed according to this jumped up official that they were entitled to commit murder in his Washington DC and get away with it by claiming Executive Privilege!

“Executive Privilege? Are you for real?” Iain asked in an incredulous tone, “Aren’t you forgetting Watergate If a president is not above the law, neither are your men or you, since we know you have been in conspiracy with a known British Criminal who compromised National Security nearly four years ago. A criminal by the name of Sir Sidney Gerald,”

At the mention of the name of the British industrialist, the countenance of the African American changed, “Our dealings with him are highly classified, who told you about them, Mr or Mrs Smith or was it both of them” the African American spat out angrily, “I demand to know, that is a violation of state security”

For a brief moment, Iain had no idea how he knew. Neither Pete, nor Sue-Lim had said that the US government were dealing with him, and as far as Iain was aware Pete gave the impression that he believed Sir Sidney was dead. It was as if the information that this man in front of him had been dealing with Sir Sidney had been implanted in him, but from the man’s reaction, Iain was right on target. If what Pete had said about this Sir Sidney character was accurate, he had him, especially as Pete had mentioned that a number of federal agents had been convicted of passing secrets to him just over three years ago.

“That man you have been colluding with” Iain began slowly and deliberately, “is nothing but a common criminal, who is guilty of murder and conspiracy to commit murder. You go on about National security but your so called taskforce has been dealing with a man who penetrated to the heart of our intelligence community for personal gain”

The African American shook his head, “You have no idea what is at stake here Detective. It’s small minded people like you who allowed nine eleven to happen. As Napoleon said”

At this Iain interrupted again, “I know very well what Napoleon is supposed to have said, although it was actually Robespierre ” he replied angrily, “As for Nine Eleven, it was people like you who armed and trained most of these terrorists because it suited what you considered to be National Security at the time. Also if you had bothered to check my record, I served in Iraq second Gulf War as a Senior Master Sergeant, which is probably more than you did. You have no right to throw Nine Eleven back at us and use it as an excuse to trample over the constitution”

“Nice speech” the African American replied, trying to regain some of his composure. “So I acknowledge and thank you for your service” he sneered, “As for the constitution argument, our citizens are more concerned with being kept safe, than some bleeding heart liberals academic concern about a few so called civil liberties, which prevent us doing whatever it takes to keep this country safe. Now I am not going to ask again. MOVE ASIDE”

At this, the African American gave some hand gesture at the SWAT style men standing around. The sound of automatic weapons being held by the Homeland Security taskforce being cocked was unnerving.

“I suppose” Iain told the African American, “You have the fire power to take on the Washington Metro Police Department.” Then Iain raised his voice to make sure the SWAT Style people could hear. “Your boss here goes on about so called civil liberties, but I remember one great man saying those who would give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety will lose both and deserve neither”

The African American shook his head and looked at Iain with disgust, “And which woolly headed liberal congressman or senator said that load of hogwash?” he asked Iain out loud.

“Those words were said by Benjamin Franklin” Iain said out loud, so the others could hear”

Just as the two men seemed to be squaring off, a bearded man in his thirties ran up to him, breathlessly telling Iain that he had it, and presented a folded up piece of paper. Iain took it and looked at it.

“I hope those are the orders we have requested from the Mayor’s office for you to stand aside and let us take our prisoners” the African American sneered, “

“Actually” Iain went on, “This is a warrant for the arrest of your officer James Klein, Trevor Copeland and you John McGregor. For murder and conspiracy to commit murder”

“That’s not” the African American tried to say, but suddenly he collapsed in front of Iain, as a sniper round hit him in the head. Just then two other sniper shots hit two of the balaclava wearing Swat style men.

Two of the SWAT style men started shooting their weapons in the air, as did a number of police officers.

Iain quickly dived to the ground, to avoid getting shot as the Homeland Security task force and the Metro PD seemed to return to exchanging gunfire.

+ + +

The Serpentine, Hyde Park
London, England

John Evans looked around furtively, the evening was coming and soon they would be closing Hyde Park and with what he was carrying, he did not want to come to the attention of the parks police.

“Have you got it?” an Irish voice came from behind him.

John almost jumped out of his skin with fright.

He turned around, and there he was, the former officer in the Irish intelligence service G2, that he once sold information on republican groups to.

John offered the man an old supermarket heavy duty carrier bag, “Here it is with twenty rounds, that’s all I had” John said nervously

“It’ll have to do” the Irish man said angrily as he took the bag, “Now remember, as far as those gangs are concerned you are closed for business”
“But if I stop supplying them, they might come after me” John protested me.

“Then do what you did before” the Irish man growled, “Move”

+ + +

Columbian College of Arts and Sciences
(George Washington University)
Washington DC

The sound of the gunfire from the remaining members of the Homeland Security Taskforce and some elements of Metro PD seemed to go on for an eternity

“HOLD YOUR FIRE” Iain yelled above the noise of gun fire, but to no avail. It had been obvious to him that whoever killed the African American and the two other members of the Homeland security taskforce on the arrest warrant, had been a sniper, from who knows which building top.

Suddenly it seemed to Iain that like before when he had driven his car into the path of the Homeland security vehicle, time seemed to be slowing down again, and then it went black.

Iain suddenly came to, and heard the sound of clicking weapons. It was as if somehow miraculously all the guns were empty of ammunition. He quickly checked his own police issue gun, and its clip was also empty.

Someone or something had removed everyone’s bullets, but who and how?

“I said hold your fire” Iain shouted at the Homeland Security task force officers and his fellow Metro PD officers as he stood up

“We thought you fired on us” an officer from the Homeland Security Taskforce said to Iain

“We never fired” Iain replied, “Who ever opened fire must have been using a long range sniper rifle.” Then Iain asked “The other two men who were killed, what were they names”
“I’m not sure I can tell you” the officer replied
“DON’T GIVE ME THAT NATIONAL SECURITY BULL” Iain shouted at him.” I want their names”

A number of the other members of the task force group went up to their slain comrades and removed their balaclavas. “Officers Klein and Copeland” yelled one of them.

“Someone somewhere did not want your boss or those men in front of a jury” Iain said angrily, “Are you going to play their game and let them use you or are you going to release my people”
“What about national security” the officer replied, “Mr Double-You here told us it was the Duty of the State to maintain National Security at all costs”

“Son” Iain replied, “When freedoms are sacrificed, when we are made to change our way of life or what we do for fear of another atrocity like nine eleven, the terrorists win. Your boss here was playing into their hands, and it looks like someone higher up the chain of command considered him dispensable. We also have evidence that they used this task force to commit and cover up a murder of a federal employee. Do you want to play their game?”

The officer shook his head, “We were told we were protecting our country” he replied.
“Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” Iain remarked
“Sorry?” the officer said in confusion
“A quote from an ancient roman poet” Iain replied, “It translates as who shall guard us from our guardians?”

The officer stood there quietly for a moment, and then turned round and started ordering the release of their prisoners they had taken.

Meanwhile Iain started to instruct the man who had brought the warrant to start processing the scene. It was obvious that the three men gunned down by the sniper were the victims of a professional, and there was probably little chance they would find and apprehend a suspect, but still they had to go through the motions.

+ + +

The interior of an abandoned warehouse
Location, unknown

Brigadier General Samuel Peters looked up at Sir Sidney’s PA, Janine, “Daughter?” he said with disbelief

“The late Mr Vee was not the only one to use his position to obtain certain favours” Sir Sidney said coldly.

“My mother” Janine explained with an air of contempt, “Was a Czech student at the London School of Tropical medicine”
“But she was a spy?” Samuel asked

“My mother was ordered to report on the activities of some of the other Czech students during the cold war” Janine went on, “especially those seen as dissidents”

“Where she came to my attention back then” Sir Sidney picked up, “She was a reluctant spy, but a spy none the less. She was also immensely beautiful”

“And you slept with her?” Samuel said with contempt
“One of the more interesting perks of the job at my time with MI5” Sir Sidney went on.
“He saved my mother’s life.” Janine interjected, “If she had been shipped back she would have most likely been executed and I would not have been born”
“I persuaded her to be a double agent” Sir Sidney continued, “just like my friend James, or as you called him, Mr Vee did with Sue-Lim’s mother”

“But even back then” Samuel replied, “That had to be an abuse of authority. You held the threat of sending her back to her death in return for sexual favours”

“This is all ancient history” Mr Ex interrupted, “The point is can you still deliver us IDW01?”
“Yes Anthony” Sir Sidney agreed, “You’re quite correct, my daughter here, like her mother was a quick study. So what about my offer?”

“Yes” Anthony agreed nervously, “We have a deal and we would welcome your input in dealings with IDW01 based on your prior experience”

Sir Sidney looked at Mr Ex and gave an evil grin, “Showing your true colours Anthony. I asked that the Brigadier General take the lead, but you still insist on running the show from the shadows, don’t you?”
“I merely try and make sure we stay on track Sir Sidney” Mr Ex replied, still nervous so it seemed to Samuel, that this British Peer of the Realm knew his real name.

“I know” Sir Sidney responded, “But I am disappointed that I did not hear it from the Brigadier General”

“Why?” Samuel asked with venom, “So you can gloat? So you can have some kind of revenge for your defeat last time?”

“Exactly” Sir Sidney replied, “At the end of World War Two, certain voices said that we should allow the Japanese to save face in defeat. But other voices prevailed. The Japanese people had to know they were beaten and humiliated and that the world knew they were beaten and humiliated, especially after what they did to British prisoners of war. Like the Japanese people, I wanted to see you recognise your own humiliation. I wanted you to know that you do not cross me and get away with it”

“And that’s why you brought Tania and Sandra here isn’t it” Samuel said angrily, “You want me to see them humiliated too”

“I’m sorry I disappointed you Sir Sidney” Mr Ex cut in, “but I sure that you will find our arrangement quite profitable to you and that should be humiliation enough for the Brigadier General. From what I read about you, you’re quite a pragmatic man”

Once again Sir Sidney smiled, “Quite right too Anthony. If ever you tire of working for the public sector, I’m sure I could find a place for you in one of my American subsidiaries”
“That is a very generous offer Sir Sidney” Mr Ex replied, obsequiously.

While they were talking, Samuel noticed that the black man with the cut glass British accent was approaching quickly; clutching what appeared to be a blackberry phone

“I think we have a deal” Sir Sidney then announced, “I look forward to”

“Sir” the black man interrupted, and whispered something into Sir Sidney’s ear. Samuel could not hear what was being said, but from the expression on Sir Sidney’s face, it did not seem like good news.

“Anything wrong Sir Sidney?” Mr Ex asked

“I’m afraid so” Sir Sidney said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, “It seems that someone at your end has been meddling”
“What?” Mr Ex further asked

“We may not be able to make a deal after all as there may be a change of leadership with regards to the person you called Mr Double-You”

Mr Ex narrowed his eyes and sighed, “Well if he has been replaced or removed” Mr Ex went on, “I don’t see what difference that has to our deal, after all he is but one man and not indispensible “

“You really would fit in to my empire” Sir Sidney grinned, and then lifted up is left hand and pointed at Mr Ex with his middle finger.

At this, the black man with the crystal cut glass accent, suddenly pulled from his suit jacket a nine millimetre automatic handgun and shot Mr Ex between the eyes, killing him instantly.

“But I’m afraid” Sir Sidney sneered, “If you did you would soon be after my job, and that would never do”

At this the body guards pulled out their guns and pointed them at Samuel, Tania and Sandra

“Why?” Samuel asked, “He was ready to do a deal with you”

“He was no longer in a position to deal” Sir Sidney answered back, “Plus I explicitly asked you to take the lead and he usurped your position. Like I said, I was disappointed that the acceptance of my offer did not come from your lips”

+ + +

On a London Bus
The streets of South London

Gregory sat on the top deck of the London bus as it went through the London Streets.

As it drove along, he reflected that it had been a while since he had had to study about this Sir Sidney from the briefing; the former US Marine Commander Mark Johnston had passed onto him when he had been head of G2 Special section

Sir Sidney was said to have been fond of having an office on the banks of the River Thames. It was said to have been within sight of the London Eye and the MI6 building. The last one being a reminder of how he had worked in the security forces before becoming an industrialist.

Gregory was certain, that Sir Sidney would most certainly be returning to the general area, even though officially, his original offices had been damaged in a fire and then seized by the UK government. So all he had to do was find the new lair, and take down Sir Sidney once and for all, on his own if need be.

The one thing that worried him, apart from finding him, was that according to the report he remembered reading, Sir Sidney had achieved immortality by stealing his life thread from The Spirit of Death after manipulating Celeste into to tricking her own father.

Gregory had had a good life, and if it were to end in a suicide mission on foreign soil, so be it!

The bus came to a halt, but Gregory did not think anything of it.

Then two men in Barbour jackets came up the stairs and one of them sat on the seat across from Gregory while the other went to talk to a couple at the front, the only other people on the top deck.

Then the two young love birds, followed by the man who had gone to talk to them, got up and headed down the stairs.

“You’re from MI5” Gregory whispered under his breath at the man sitting opposite from him.
“She said you were good” the man replied

“So what now?” Gregory said with disgust in his voice, “Have the CIA got to you as well as Kelly McLaughlin? What’s it to be, shot in the back while trying to escape? Have you made sure the CCTV on this bus is switched of” Gregory added with venom

“Nothing so melodramatic” the MI5 officer replied, “It’s just that if action is to be taken against one of our former agents, we prefer to keep it internal. It’s less embarrassing then”

Gregory shook his head, confused at this turn of events.

“Ever since you arrived in London Mr O’Doyle and met up with that American woman” the MI5 officer went on, “We were following you, to see what you were up to”

“I could have been seeing my daughter and her children” Gregory rebuffed the MI5 officer.
“But you weren’t” the MI5 officer replied, “We know where she lives and you made no attempt to visit her or even phone her”

“I must be slipping in my old age” Gregory said sadly, “I thought I could spot a tail a mile off”
“We heard about that incident with the CIA officer in Dublin” the MI5 officer replied, “I’ve lost track of the number of times we have had to make representations to the American Embassy about their activities, and I dare say their counterparts in the states have had to complain about our colleagues in foreign intelligence service doing the exact same thing”

“He was easy to spot” Gregory sighed, “But I had no idea G2 were in collusion with them. As for you I should have spotted you tailing me, I’ve obviously gone a bit rusty”

“Don’t feel so bad Mr O’Doyle” the MI5 officer reassured Gregory, “We no longer are tied to single agents following a mark like they used to in your day. We work in tag teams now, make us harder to spot, plus we use surveillance technology where we can, so sometimes the person tailing you could be miles away at a computer screen”

“Oh” was all Gregory could say at the moment

“You have already helped us quite a bit today” the MI5 man volunteered, “We managed to apprehend your former snout. He was quite a little arms trafficker wasn’t he?”

“Well not any more I guess” Gregory said at the realisation that his dealings to arm himself for a showdown had resulted in he former informant being arrested by the British, “If it means anything, I did tell him not supply anymore gangs”

“Very generous of you I’m sure” the MI5 replied, “Which brings me to why he have had to clear this bus, if you don’t mind, the weapons you purchased?”

“Of course” Gregory told the MI5 officer and offered his holdall to him, “It’s in the Tesco carrier bag” he added

“Your prints are on file” The MI5 man told him as he opened the bag and peered inside it. “We can easily eliminate them, and hopefully we will be able to tie your former snout to weapons used in a number of gangland shootings”

“Glad to be of help, and I’m sorry he turned out that way” Gregory told him, “But what happens now”

“We take you off the bus and then you have two choices” The MI5 man told him in a serious tone, “We put you on a non stop train and you go visit your daughter and grandson accompanied by a fellow G2 officer and one of our guys, or we put you on a flight back to Dublin escorted by two G2 officers.”

“You mean I don’t get to join in the fun when you take Sir Sidney down? Gregory asked

“I’m afraid not” The MI5 officer answered back, “You see, your former head of G2, just before she announced her resignation today, on health grounds was quite explicit, she wants the Americans to think that G2 was successful; in dealing with you. They do not want the Americans to tie any action we take to G2.”

“And how do I know, you won’t just end up sucking up to him like many did the first time” Gregory demanded to know
“Let’s just say Mr O’Doyle” the MI5 officer went on, “The game has changed and we have our own reasons to deal with Sir Sidney, in fact we already have someone on the inside” The MI5 officer then looked Gregory in the eye, “So Mr O’Doyle, visit your daughter or return straight to Dublin, what’s it to be”

“It’s been a while since I last saw my daughter” Gregory went on, “What is Cromer like this time of year? I’m sure Debbie and Kyle would like to see me after all this time”

The MI5 officer smiled, “Good choice and a perfect cover for your sudden trip over here”

“Like I said before” Gregory replied, “Always glad to help our colleagues in MI5. Just make sure you get the b*****d”

“Oh yes” the MI5 officer replied, “We will”

+ + +

The interior of an abandoned warehouse
Location, unknown

Sir Sidney led the way as Samuel, Tania and Sandra were marched out of the abandoned warehouse at gunpoint.

Samuel had been right all along, they were still in England, London to be precise on the banks of the River Thames. In the failing light Samuel spotted the warehouse where they had been driven to, it was on the other side of the river.

“So what happens now?” Samuel asked Sir Sidney, “Are you going to kill us too”

“I haven’t quite decided, you three may still be of value to me” Sir Sidney replied, “I may reopen negotiations with whoever took out that insufferable Mr Double-You, I may go with the Russian offer. I hear that Moscow can be quite hospitable if you are wealthy enough”

“A Former MI5 officer” Samuel said with an air of disdain, “I’m sure the Russians would love you”

Kim Philby may have had a tough time” Sir Sidney went on, “But if I reunite them with their drow allies, I’m sure I would fare a bit better”

“And how were you expecting to do that Sir Sidney” Samuel asked, “We lost our ability when the worlds were separated”

“Oh yes” Sir Sidney said with a tint of anger, “When I was still locked in that embrace with the late Spirit of Lust and scattered throughout the universes I was able to see that wretched Celeste’s handwork”

“She didn’t have a lot of choice” Sandra interjected

The black man with the cut glass accent raised his gun and pointed it at Sandra’s head and cocked the trigger.

Sir Sidney shook his head, and the man replaced the safety catch and lowered his weapon, “I suppose it was an invidious and odious position to be in, what with an old Russian hydrogen bomb about to detonate” Sir Sidney sighed.

“She saved a lot of lives that day” Samuel spoke up.

“Quite” Sir Sidney went on, “I saw that so called radiation barrier as that device went off within a wormhole that had both ends closed. As I understand it, the explosion augmented the natural gamma rays you get around any wormhole, magically or artificially produced which according to my daughter, are usually no more of a problem than cosmic radiation. As well as pushing our two universe apart slightly the upshot was that we have this bubble universe between our two worlds, with a veritable soup of high energy gamma rays and neutrons flying around inside it, or something like that”

“Yeah” Janine interjected, “That’s about it”
“Makes any attempt I believe to link the worlds fatal” Sir Sidney explained further

“So I’m told” Samuel replied

“However” Janine continued, “My father saw quite an elegant solution”

“Indeed” Sir Sidney grinned “There is no so called radiation barrier between Earth and that world you call IDW02, or as I prefer to call it Aurelia” Sir Sidney explained further, “Nor is there one between Aurelia and the Mystical Realms”

“So that’s what your wonderful plan was all along” Samuel sneered, “I’m sure we could have figured it out eventually”

“Except your government took exception to how Earth fell in that alternate timeline” Sir Sidney retorted, “And shut you down, lest it be repeated. I saw that too and like a number of you, I felt that was premature, so when I got back, as it were I was determined to work on what your government had clearly run scared of”

“You have one problem Sir Sidney” Samuel replied, “If you gate to Aurelia you could land during one of that star’s lethal solar flares. That’s why we deemed it unsafe to travel to”

“But we don’t have to land there Brigadier General”, Janine cut back in, “Thanks to that autistic guy whose wife and child we grabbed and that woman who used to work for CERN”

“There names are Simon and Charlene” Samuel interrupted indignantly.

Janine chose to ignore this intervention, “My father’s idea was to create a wormhole that will head towards the universe of Aurelia, and bounce off of it and enter the Mystical Realms. It was similar to how you used a wormhole generator in that alternate timeline to get off of that hovercraft and end up in South Georgia”

“And now thanks to your people and my brilliant daughter” Sir Sidney cut back in, “We have the capability to reunite the two worlds once more, and this time it will be Earth in the driving seat, not the Trolls as their magic orbs are not as flexible as our artificial wormhole generators, and will not be able to replicate what we can do”

“It’s just a question of fine tweaking” Janine picked up the conversation, “I was going to suggest to my father that we no longer needed your people and we could quite easily delete them”

Samuel looked at this one time PA that Celeste had once saved when she had been shot by an arrow from Jenny Green’s short bow. It seemed horrendous that she contemplated killing Celeste and her child in return.

The black man with the cut glass accent interrupted, “Excuse me Sir Sidney” he said, “your car is ready to drive back to the office, as is the van for the prisoners. On the way I will arrange for a clean up squad to deal with the dead body”

“Very good Williams” Sir Sidney replied and got into the back of a black Rolls Royce with his daughter.

The black man got into the driver seat of the car. He obviously doubled up as a chauffer.

They then watched as the car drove away

Then the armed bodyguards turned their attention on Samuel, Tania and Sandra. “You three in there” he ordered as he pointed his automatic weapon at Samuel and the two women.

“We could take them” Tania secretly mouthed at Samuel. Samuel shook his head and whispered to Tania, “You wouldn’t stand a chance, I recognise them, they’re from a former UK IDEC clean up squad that went rouge, now do as says”

For a moment Tania hesitated, and he also noticed Sandra looking at him, daggers drawn as it were.
“That’s an order” Samuel reiterated

There was the clicking sound of the automatic weapons, as the bodyguard said in a threatening manner, “Yeah too right, do as your boss says ladies, we were the cream of the SAS before our government sold out to you yanks”

Reluctantly the two women got into the van, where they were handcuffed, gagged and blindfolded, but Samuel stood there staring at the River Thames

“You too General” the bodyguard sneered

“It’s Brigadier General” Samuel corrected
“OK, get in the van Brigadier General” the man replied, “Or I shoot one of the ladies”

“It’s Captain Andrews isn’t it?” Samuel asked the bodyguard
“Correct, well done, now in the van”

There was the sound of a gun being cocked.

Samuel turned around and headed for the van, “I’m surprised Captain that you threw in your lot with Sir Sidney” Samuel said as he stepped into the van, “I mean I thought you didn’t want us to have anything to do with IDW01 and Sir Sidney here wants to exploit it like some companies exploit the third world”

“What makes you think its Sir Sidney we’re working for” the bodyguard sneered. Suddenly Samuel felt a searing pain on the back of his head and everything went black

+ + +

Sir Sidney’s Roll’s Royce
Driving through London

“Well that’s Americans for you my dear” Sir Sidney told Janine, “I think I might have the women killed, they’re of limited value but the Brigadier General, he’s a much more lucrative prospect. I dare say I will find a buyer who might want to find out how much he knows”

“Unless we exploit him ourselves father” Janine replied

Sir Sidney smile, “Just like I would have done”

Suddenly a mobile phone sounded, which irritated Sir Sidney.

“Williams” Sir Sidney complained, “How many more times must I tell you to switch your phone off when you are driving”

“Don’t tell him off father” Janine chided, “It’s mine” she added as she took it from her purse and held it to her ear.

“No the visitors are not with us at the moment” Janine said into the phone.

There was a reply which Sir Sidney could not quite hear, but then he was distracted as he poured himself a glass of malt whiskey from the on board mini bar. It was a minor irritation someone calling Janine as since he had returned to Earth and had bribed and blackmailed officials to arrange for Janine to slip away from prison, he had wanted make up for the time he never spent with her as she grew up and when she worked for him as a PA he had deemed it too risky to acknowledge her as his daughter.

“I hear the other guests have returned home” Janine went on, She was obviously talking about something to do with her social life as she lived under an assumed name as a receptionist at a hotel.

“I have that item” Janine replied to a question Sir Sidney could not hear and he was not particularly interested in.

“So you will deal with our other visitors?” Janine asked into the phone.

Sir Sidney looked out at the London traffic, soon thanks to the work done by Doctor Henshaw and his daughter; he would have the monopoly on the exploitation of another world. Something that would make him very rich and with his immortality still in place, thanks to how he once tricked the Spirit of Death, something he would enjoy for many years to come.

“I’ll handle things from my end” Janine replied and closed her phone and placed it into her purse. Then she turned and smiled at her father.

“Was that the Savoy?” Sir Sidney asked.

“No father” Janine replied, “Do you remember Adrian?”

“He was one of my trusted employees, in fact you recommended him if I recall” Sir Sidney replied, confused by the question, “He was incinerated by the Spirit of Lust I remember”

“He was my half brother” Janine replied with something akin to anger in her voice.
“Sorry dear” Sir Sidney replied, “I never knew”

“That was the trouble all along father” Janine went on, “You blackmailed my mother, got her pregnant with me, made it impossible to return to her own family in the Czech Republic and cast us aside for your career”

Sir Sidney was even more confused, where was Janine going with this, and why now/

“I looked in on you from time to time to see how you were” Sir Sidney protested, “Even when she gave you up for adoption when you were three, I followed your progress”

“And you know why my mother had to give me up?” Janine asked pointedly?

“Immigration matters?” Sir Sidney said, confused by Janine, his daughter turning on him like this.

“Because the man who agreed to marry her, so she would not be sent home to a possible firing squad did not want me to remind him that my mother had slept with another man” Janine said as her voice cracked with emotion.

“If that b*****d is still alive” Sir Sidney replied, “I’ll deal with him”

“No you won’t father” Janine snapped back, “Six months before he was killed, Adrian and I took care of him ourselves, just after he had given our mother yet another beating, he so enjoyed dishing out to her through out her married life. You cared so much about your career, and your empire, you never followed up on us did you?”

“I gave you a job?” Sir Sidney protested, “I got you out of prison”

Janine shook her head, “No you didn’t father, you were just meant to think that, since you were no longer everywhere watching” just then to Sir Sidney’s horror, Janine pulled out from her purse what looked like an empty old fashioned cotton reel

The thread around it was glowing with a greenish glow and a small length of it hung down.

“Look what I found in your safe when you were in that artificial universe visiting that Doctor Henshaw and that girl who once saved my life”

“Janine” Sir Sidney said with force of authority, “Hand that back”

“No father” Janine replied and pulled from her purse a pair of nail clippers.

“That’s my life thread” Sir Sidney said with a hint of anger and fear in his voice, “Only the Shears of Atropos or the sickle of the Spirit of Death can cut it” he added

“But father” Janine smile, “You of all such people should know, when the worlds separated, not all of the magical people were able to get back to their world”

“The odd pixie” Sir Sidney replied, “But they” he tried to say, but in that short space of time Janine snipped off the end of the life thread.

Sir Sidney was overwhelmed by a searing pain in his chest and found it impossible to breath.

“We captured one father and got him to enchant my nail clippers” Janine explained as she watched her father die.

“Williams” Janine called out to the driver, “Sir Sidney has retired from the board, and I am now the new CEO. Can we kindly stop near the London eye so those nice gentlemen from our security services can dispose of Sir Sidney’s body?”

“Yes of course madam” the black man with a cut glass accent replied.

+ + +

Head Quarters of Metro PD Forensic Laboratory
Washington DC, United States of America

As the afternoon wore on, Iain Davy sat in his office reflecting on the twists of the day’s events.

There was a knock on the door, it was CSI Jennifer Carrington “I just came from the hospital” she breathlessly told Iain as she walked into his office.

“Why the rush?” Iain replied

“I wanted to know if what I heard was true” Jennifer answered
“What did you hear Jennifer?” Iain asked
“That it’s over?” Jennifer replied

“Well part of it is” Iain answered back, “We will still have to investigate how three men, including the head of that so called Homeland Security taskforce were gunned down in broad daylight and by who. I don’t hold out much hope on that, given the professional way they had made that car bomb, even if they were sloppy in fixing it to the car. It seems to me someone did not want any of them to come before a grand jury. Pete, Celeste and Doctor Henshaw all say that the person behind it was Sir Sidney Gerald, a known British criminal who just over three years ago was found to have compromised various sectors of the intelligence services and a few federal agencies, not to mention those organisations he infiltrated in England”

“But if this John McGregor guy from Homeland Security is dead Iain, won’t they just appoint someone else?” Jennifer asked, “I’ve left Ross there to guard Sue-Lim and the baby, which is in intensive care as it was premature”
“By the way, what did she have?” Iain interrupted
“A boy” Jennifer replied, “She said she wants to try for a girl next time” Jennifer added as an aside before returning to the main conversation, “But like I said Iain, won’t they just appoint another guy to run the show and go after Pete and Sue-Lim?”

Iain shook his head, “My source has informed me that because of the forensic evidence we are holding linking the people who were gunned down to a capital crime, the relevant congressional committee is holding off on appointing anyone to head that task force until they get to the bottom of things. The involvement of this Sir Sidney character is raising quite a lot of questions on the hill right now; in fact they are turning things back over to the FBI to investigate and they may get this lab to help out.

“What about our guys?” Jennifer asked, “How’s Amanda?”

“Amanda’s shaken up a bit and I’ve sent her home” Iain replied and then continued, “Pete’s waiting for you to take him to the hospital where you stashed Sue-Lim away. As for the Hargreaves, and that Doctor Henshaw they were taken to the George Washington to be checked out. Doctor Henshaw has booked onto a flight to London tomorrow to return to England, as she’s not sure if she’s persona non grata at CERN”

“I heard there was a massacre there” Jennifer commented

“More hired killers from that Sir Sidney Gerald guy” Iain mused before continuing, “Simon and Celeste are hoping to return home to Maryland tomorrow. I’ll be taking leave to make sure they get home”

“That won’t be necessary” another voice interrupted, it was a balding man in a dark suit who was standing at Iain’s office door

“You” Iain said with some venom, “You tried to take my investigation from me at the beginning along with that FBI director”

“Sorry about that, but it did involve classified material” the man replied, “Thanks to your timely investigation, Homeland security have seen the folly of their ways and kicked me out of their holding cell. I will be accompanying Simon, Celeste and Ashia down to Maryland, as it’s on my way. I’m also arranging for the remains of Miss Cooper to be shipped down to West Virginia. She had family there and they want to reclaim her”

“And you are?” Jennifer asked

“Vice Admiral Walter Quentin Retired” the man replied, “I used to head the National Security Agency before Homeland Security got greedy and tried to grab that from the DOD”

“I still would like to go” Iain spoke up, “It would be nice to see where the Hargreaves family live, “I’m even considering giving Simon a job as a CSI, given the way the NSA has treated him recently”

“Well that’s your prerogative” the man replied, “But there’s one other thing I need to tell you, and you can pass this on to your CSIs Ross and Amanda”

Iain could guess where this official was going, “That we keep quiet about anything unusual we have either seen or heard” Iain said with a hint of anger.

“You got it in one” the man replied, “Whoever took out those guys from Homeland Security are still around and if anyone starts talking about what they saw and draws attention to themselves, well you can probably guess the rest”

“So was that why my sister was killed?” Iain asked, “From the little that Pete told me and from what officer Carrington here told me, it seems she was killed because she was talking about what she saw”

The man sighed and shook his head, “I have no knowledge of that” he replied, “All I can say was that the agency Mr and Mrs Smith worked for would never engage in assassination, my former colleague Miss Cooper was dead set against that”

“So we will never know” Iain retorted
“Who ever it was, it wasn’t their agency or ours” the man replied

“So if it was not their agency they worked for before they became CSI’s or the NSA, does that mean that are Sue-Lim and her baby could still be in danger?” Jennifer asked with concern in her voice.

“I hope not” the man replied, “It was three years since they were involved in that classified work, and the people we suspect, seemed to be satisfied that former members of that classified former agency have kept their mouths shut. But to be on the safe side we will be putting out to anyone whom we suspect of involvement that if any harm comes to your people that will be the last thing on Earth they do”

And with that the man left.

+ + +

An undisclosed location
Washington DC
United States of America
(One Week Later)

A man in a grey suit knocked on an office door. To the rest of the world, this was just the back office of a local taxi company, to this man; this was a meeting place for certain like minded people.

The door was opened by another man, but the man in the grey suit ignored him and walked up to a man smoking a cigarette at an office desk.

“So has he arrived back yet?” the man at the desk asked, “I understand that the Brigadier General and the other two former IDEC personnel were declared persona non grata and deported”

“General Brigadier Samuel Peters returned two days ago” the man in the grey suit answered, “Former corporal McCaskey and Captain Phillips have returned today”

“Oh yes, Corporal McCaskey” the man at the desk said as he stubbed out his cigarette, “I’ve been thinking about her when I heard she was still alive”

“What about her? She was only low grade at the IDEC” the man in the grey suit asked, “Hardly worth bothering about”.
“Yes but with the Brigadier General, her conviction by that Court Marshal has been a festering sore with him. He has from time to time raised this as an issue, and we want him back in retirement and out of the way”

“Why not arrange an accident” the man who had opened the door asked, “either for her or for him, perhaps both?”

“You’re new aren’t you” the man at the desk asked the man who had opened the door”
“What am I missing?” the man who had opened the door replied.

“Assassination is a messy business” the man at the desk replied as he took out another cigarette, “We prefer other methods where we can”
“I can arrange for the army to formally clear this Tania McCaskey” The man in the grey suit told the man at the desk, “That will remove one bone of contention from the Brigadier General”

“Another” the man at the desk went on, “are the issues surrounding the former minor spirits of virtue. You know my feelings about the matter”

The man in the grey suit looked puzzled, “But there is the issue that should they breed, who knows what may be produced”

“But they are out of the country and out of our control” the man at the desk responded,
“Except one” the man in the grey suit pointed out
“Quite, and I will get to her” the man at the desk went on, “With regards to the sterilisation initiative, I’m afraid Mr McGregor took things to extreme there as well. His extremism threatened to expose us all, that was why we had to act, to remove him and the two others he co-opted”

“I thought you said assassination was a messy business?” the man who had opened the door challenged the man at the desk
“It was” the man at the desk replied, “as a result we will be having to ensure Metro PD does not get too close, especially that Detective Davy”

“Is he going to be a problem?” The man in the grey suit asked
“I hope not, but, Detective Davy is known to us, because I can’t be sure, but I believe it may have been Mr McGregor of all people who arranged for the termination of that sister of his to silence her. I did council against it, but, I don’t think I convinced him”

The man at the desk paused, “Before I was interrupted we were discussing the sterilisation initiative Mr McGregor championed so vociferously, and the liability it has caused us”

“What do you propose?” the man in the grey suit asked
“With the embarrassment over the involvement of the Homeland Security Special Task force with Sir Sidney, I have arranged for that policy to be revoked” the man at the desk explained, “The two, who went to Canada will be able to return safely and of course will come under our watchful eye. If any future offspring exhibits any powers, then we or our successors can assess what action needs to be taken, but the assessment of the Hargreaves child indicates that may not be required anyway”

“And the Bentley girl?” the man in the grey suit pressed.

“We can not control the British police, but I understand that the State department have been persuaded to have a word with our junior partners. We’ve told them that the drugs that were planted in her house on the orders of a known international trafficker whose computer her brother hacked into. If that does not work, we will make sure she is not extradited to the UK. That way we can keep an eye on her and her yet unborn child”

“But” interrupted the man who had opened the door, “Who took out Sir Sidney and why?”

“That we are still trying to find out” the man at the desk replied

+ + +

Somewhere in the American Midwest

Mark Johnston, Samuel’s former right hand man greeted Samuel as he got out of the car.

“Hi Sam” Mark said to his former commanding officer
“Hi Mark” Samuel reciprocated, “So how did Sarah take the news that she is no longer the subject of an international arrest warrant?”
“Hard to tell” Mark replied, “Her pregnancy has been playing with her mood swings more than it does with Jenny’s. Going on the run like we had to certainly didn’t help. We only got back last night when we got the all clear from you”

“I’m sorry about that Mark” Samuel apologised, “It seems that Homeland Security were using you to make me co-operate in their dealings with that British dirt bag Sir Sidney Gerald. They even threatened if I didn’t co-operate, to rendition Rebecca Sands and Mazy Schneider from Canada where they went after Homeland Security brought in the former sterilisation policy”

Mark sighed, “You would have thought they would have learned by now, none of the minor spirits were a threat to anyone”

“Don’t I know it Mark” Samuel empathised, “It’s like they don’t want to trust us on anything connected with IDW01 because of what happened in that alternate time line with the Lady High Troll” Samuel paused and then changed the subject, “Has Sarah talked about returning to England, since it looks like the British have dropped the arrest warrant on her?”

Mark shook his head, “I don’t think so. She seemed resigned to never returning to her home village of Tottington again. She’s convinced that even if she is cleared of involvement with her brother’s death and in dealing crystal meth, the fact a number of her friends were murdered might mean she would never be welcomed back to that village ever again.”
Samuel shook his head in despair “At least we’re not sending her to a prison cell like that Mr Double-You wanted” Samuel commented.

“She wants to get an apartment Sam” Mark volunteered, “She thinks she’s a burden to us, especially as Jenny is almost due”
“That’s how the minors were wired Mark” Samuel answered back, “Always wanting to do the right thing, the irony that Homeland Security seemed to miss is that it makes them the ideal citizen”
“Well, anyway Sam, while Jenny is on maternity leave she has got Sarah studying along side her for US citizenship” Mark replied

Samuel thought for a moment, “I didn’t think Jenny needed to do that. As your wife and mother of your children she’s covered”
“Yeah, but she got worried that should something happen to me, she would get deported” Mark replied

“She’s pregnant Mark” Samuel said dismissively, “Sometimes hormones do things like that to women”

“She had this idea after Jason was born, well before we decided to have another baby Sam” Mark rebuffed Samuel, “It’s nothing to do with hormones”

Then Mark was quiet as the two former comrades in arms looked at each other.

The silence was broken by Samuel; “The Brits are starting it up again Mark” Samuel came out with, “It seems someone in the British Government knew about the old IDEC UK all along. They said they were now reclaiming control back from us”

“What’s the point?” Mark asked, “We can no longer get to the Mystical Realms and they can not come here”

“It seems Mark, that not all of the IDE’s returned home” Samuel explained, “And also as they believe they have Sir Sidney’s means of getting to IDW01, others may work out how to do it as well, including any entities on IDW01, and they want to be ready for that day”
“What about Mr Blue and the last time they ran things?” Mark protested

“They say all Mr Blue was guilty of was assaulting and mistreating an Irish citizen, but that we dropped the ball too and as a result Earth fell” Samuel replied
“But we fixed that” Mark objected
“I told them that Mark” Samuel replied, “But they claim under Mr Blue it would never have happened in the first place”
“They are so wrong Sam” Mark said, shaking his head “I just hope we got all the Minor Spirits of Virtue this time”

“We did Mark” Samuel reassured his old friend, “Sarah was the last, and I was hoping to meet her again”

“Yeah, sure, she’s waiting to meet you, the man who saved her from being shot.” Mark replied, “We held up diner when we heard you were on your way across.”

With that the two men walked up the drive to the house.

+ + +

An abandoned factory
Somewhere in London
(Sometime later)

George found his way into the old broken down factory near the Thames on the south side.

He was in his late fifties and had been sleeping rough on the streets for about five years since his wife threw him out, because of his drinking.

This place was a find indeed as there was still something of a roof left. The area had been ear marked for renovation for sometime, but the developer had gone under so it seemed.

Tonight it would be shelter.

Clutching his bottle of booze, George made his way in.

Suddenly to his surprise a green dot appeared in thin air.

George looked at his bottle, surely he had not had that much?

As George watched the dot became a vortex

Suddenly a large creature, silhouetted by the green light of the vortex stepped out. It was large and big, and it seemed it was armed with some kind of automatic firearm.

Two more creatures stepped through the vortex, taller than the one in front, both also armed with some kind of firearms.

George turned to run, but it was too late as a hail of bullets ripped through his body, killing him almost instantly.

The lead creature stepped forward and walked over to George’s body on the ground.

“So this is that Alternate world of Humans where they use technology instead of magic” it growled, “Let’s hope they are just as weak and feeble as this one” it added pointing to the dead body of the vagrant

One of the other creatures stepped forward, “We can not waste much time here sire” it ventured.

The first creature spun around and pointed his fire arm at this fellow creature, “Guard your tongue well Strang” he said with venom, “I know of the incursion of the humans from that parallel world into ours, so don’t insult my intelligence”

The small creature walked up to the third creature that had remained silent and began speaking again, “The last troll that spoke back to me felt this” he continued to speak with anger as he held his automatic rifle, “And that was that my disgrace of a weakling father Madron”

“This world of human who embraced technology” the smaller creature went on, “Will help us bring annihilation to that other world of humans who chose magic”

“And then we smite this one?” the other creature who had spoke up first asked.

“Of course” the smaller creature replied, “We will exterminate the pestilence of humans from all worlds we find to protect our world of the Manjura Empire. After all” the smaller creature went on, “They don’t call me Padow, Lord High Troll and slayer of worlds for nothing”

End of Season Eleven

To be continued
in Season Twelve

Should I get to write it

Cyber Devils Advocate (Retired)

Fame, Riches, Adventure, Glory - A Cyber Warrior craves not these things

In Memorium
Wendy (AKA Romantic Old Bird) 1951 - 2008
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