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Old 03-09-2019, 05:21 PM #26
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Nerd, did you try using Hola VPN?
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Old 03-09-2019, 06:58 PM #27
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Originally Posted by Josiah. View Post
Nerd, did you try using Hola VPN?

I haven't yet, I will give it a go. Thanks
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Old 07-09-2019, 07:27 PM #28
BrutalGentleman BrutalGentleman is offline
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Just to get you oriented, the official BBF2019 website features a 360° VR tour of the house and a separate one for the yard:

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Old 07-09-2019, 10:31 PM #29
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A brief summary of the housemates, now that the first week is nearly at its end:


(Google Translate)

Some notes and observations on my own:

Tarina, 23 F, in relationship

Tarina studies psychology. She’s a member of Mensa and defines herself as pansexual. Tarina has a non-gender-aligned partner called Runo. Tarina loves long analytical debates, and often engages in them. She tries to offer her help or comfort if someone seems to be in need of a compassionate shoulder, or just a listener. She sees her mission as being someone who helps people because she sees herself so privileged compared to many other people in the world. Tarina is interested in "spiritual" things, such as yoga. (The name Tarina means "story" in Finnish. The name Runo means "poem" in Finnish. If you read the Finnish WHATM threads on BBPlaza through Google Translate, you may see these words pop up in machine translations in place of the actual names.)

Tarina is the kind of person who has quite strong "presence" and likes to meddle with things and take control of them — and, of course have long, analytical discussions about them — all in the name of general good and harmony in the house, of course. Tarina is up for eviction this first week.

Timo, 52 M, single

A software engineer by his profession. Lives in Espoo, a city right next to Helsinki, part of the same metropolitan area, stereotypically viewed as the dwelling place of well-off engineers. Probably not wealthy in any extreme sense, but not poor, either, and likely more well-off than most of the other housemates. Slightly snobbish in his tastes and style of living.

Timo does not seem to take too active part in the activities and interactions of the house (assignments or otherwise). He more like just sits in various places and has conversations, usually about topics such as technology or politics or money or slightly luxurious pastimes. Timo is up for eviction this first week.

Ville, 38 M, married

A father of two, Ville works for a Christian charity that refurbishes medical equipment and supplies for hospitals in developing countries. Ville is a devout Pentecostalist (Edit: actually now a former member and part of a smaller charismatic movement, but still very close in his beliefs to what Pentecostalists teach.) He wants to show the viewers and his housemates how "a child of the Heavenly Father" lives his life.

In the house, Ville tells everyone he loves them (and God loves them) but he's not shy to tell people that according to the Bible, and therefore in his view, too, sexuality only belongs to a marriage between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is something that the God disapproves of because it "breaks" people.

This has caused some tension especially between Ville and Kevin, who views zieself as non-gender-aligned. During the first week, Ville has also frustrated Milla to tears because Milla is strongly for equality and can't accept Ville's many suggestions of what is right or wrong per the Bible, as those viewpoints seem to suggest Ville views gays as inferior and somehow defective people.

Ville is headstrong in his beliefs and opinions related to religion but otherwise a quite calm and balanced guy. He does not "preach" as such but is eager to demonstrate the power of prayer and comment on some things that he personally views distasteful or wrong in the eyes of God. Ville won immunity for this first week by succeeding at a secret task.

Anu, 31 F, single

A real-estate agent and a mother of two. So far has not done anything too memorable in the house but gets along with her housemates. Has commented on a couple of occasions that the overly long and analytical debates some other housemates (such as Tarina, Kevin, and Eeva-Leena) like to have are not her cup of tea.

Kristian, 27 M, in a relationship:

The working-class straight man / comedian of the house. Loud-mouthed but good-natured, swears a lot. Nearly always finds or imagines some funny or absurd viewpoint to the matters. Lots of self-deprecating humor as well. More intelligent and clever than his looks might suggest. Has "normal"; conservative, mainstream views on many matters but is well capable of also having good-natured conversations with the ultra-liberals of the house.

Eeva-Leena, 30 F, single

Goes by the nickname "Eevis" in the house, and among her friends, too. Mathematical and analytical armchair philosopher. Was a member of Mensa for a while but left since she saw the membership as not giving her anything. Now she sees the whole organization as a stupid cult. Eeva-Leena has studied statistics, but then switched to economics, and now works in technology management. Has been dancing as a hobby for 15 years and also worked as a dance teacher.

Eeva-Leena has a penchant for long, rambling philosophical ponderings. She often uses big words and drops the names of different researches and studies with no effort. Her style of speaking / accent is quite unique: very calm and relaxed "murmur", she draws out her words in no hurry, almost always smiling. Despite her analytical mind, Eeva-Leena does not have a very good ability of producing tight summaries. She considers matters from various sides and her ponderings will often go on various tangents and side paths. BB has interrupted her philosophical analysis of matters more than once in the diary room.

Eeva-Leena surprised both the viewers and the housemates by entering in a casual sex relationship with another housemate, Jukka, on day 3 (IIRC), which must be some kind of a record on BBF, and also very much unexpected of this season, which the producers have advertised as not focusing on such things. Like her style of speech, her approach to sex seems to be very calm and relaxed: she's not particularly concerned of any "reputation" issues, and just views sex and the need of physical contact and closeness as a craving that she got in the house, and that she could satisfy with another housemate, and that's about it. She and Jukka have not yet defined the status of their "relationship" in any greater detail, and have openly admitted to each other and other housemates they don't really even know each other properly yet.

Tuula, 54 F, married

A kindergarten teacher who likes nature and cottage life. Has been a bit in the background in the house, but got her 15 minutes of fame by accepting Big Brother’s secret assignment for this week (which she then failed). Likes to cook in the house.

Jukka, 24 M, single:

Works as a machinist outside the house, also has carpenter's training. The "ordinary guy" of the house. Eeva-Leena's partner-in-crime in the house, or sex/petting/intimate closeness buddy — for now, at least. Quite determined and ambitious in assignments, likes to plan out things, wants to take the leadership position, and gets stressed and annoyed if people forget what was agreed on or want to change it during the assignment.

Kevin, 20 X, single

(Gonna go with gender-netural pronouns here.)

Born with male parts but views zieself non-gender-aligned, or gender-neutral. Likes to express zim feminine side. Kevin's family comes from Syria and Estonia, and zis mother tongue is Estonian, but zie says zie speaks Finnish better now.

Kevin has come to the house to give a voice to people like zie. Zie has had long conversations with the other housemates about various things that can be viewed as disrespectful or violence against "other" genders. Kevin tries hard to conduct these conversations with the other housemates respectfully and in a good-natured manner, without getting offended by their assumptions or perceived thoughtlessness, even though this is all sometimes clearly mentally taxing to zir.

It should be noted that the Finnish language does not have separate pronouns for "he" and "she". The Finnish pronoun for these is "naturally" gender-neutral, so there is no "pronoun issue" in the BBF house. I'm using "zie" here since... well, Kevin is generally a quite cool guy, if "guy" is an allowed expression.

Mira, 30 F, single

Mira was originally a hairdresser but now works as a barmaid, waiter, and an escape room attendant/hostess. Mira's worldview is traditional/conservative, and she is quite critical toward immigration policies which allow illegal migrants enter the country en masse posing as asylum seekers.

In the house, Mira has been quite active in the assignments, and otherwise, too. Mira is generally a bit harsh in the style how she expresses herself but seems good-natured. While she sometimes questions some of the more liberal viewpoints expressed in the house, or some particularly questionable details in them, poking at them a bit, she is not overly confrontational in her nature, and gets well along with her housemates.

Kimmo, 30 M, single

A flight controller by his education. Works at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport as a flight planner and studies law in university, which would be his fourth degree. Kimmo is interested in equality and the rights of immigrants and asylum seekers. Kimmo is gay.

Milla, 24 F, single

Milla belongs to a twerking dance group and has worked professionally as an arranger of student parties. Milla's worldview is liberal and feminist, while her parents are more conservative. Milla is an active housemate and has taught and demostrated twerking in the house which lead to a conflict with Ville, who views this as degrading toward women because this dancing style is so sexualized.

Emma, 29 F, in a relationship

Emma studies fashion at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland. Emma identifies as an artist and lives with her girlfriend and six cats. One of Emma's pastimes is producing mind-blowing drag videos which she publishes on YouTube. The drag videos feature her alter ego, an exaggerated caricature of a very self-centered singer. Emma is up for eviction on this first week.

Helmeri, 32 M, single

Helmeri is a pro scooter who runs his own company related to the sport.

A brief summary of how the season has started off:

The new production team promised a totally different season for this "reboot" of BB in Finland, in "back to the roots" style. The casting would focus on diverse educated people with strong "agendas" instead of very young adults seeking screen time and questionable fame. Alcohol consumption and partying would be limited. Relationships, sex, and nudity would not sought after, would be unlikely to happen, and the cameras would turn away if anything should happen.

Well, well, well... the first week has seen a couple (Jukka and Eevis) quite openly petting each other under a shared blanket daytime, while spending time with the other housemates, and boinking like rabbits during the nights (usually retreating to the living room or outside to the wide, wooden, fixed patio bench), starting from day 3. Always under the blanket, but still, getting to this point so quickly must be a record on BBF. They’re very open about their shenanigans and joke about it with the other housemates. The female half of this couple, Eevis, is a former member of Mensa and fond of very philosophical, analytical, lengthy conversations, so that's certainly different this time around. But I guess this was a surprise even to the producers. The cameras do turn away, eventually, but only after the viewer has been left with no doubt of what is going on, from the sounds and sights.

But otherwise, the change in casting objectives can definitely be noticed as a viewer: the housemates are now a bit older, on average (and therefore more mature in their behavior and worldviews), most of them are well-educated, and practically all of them seem to be quite intelligent (some even highly intelligent) and knowledgeable about the world, politics, and various issues. And several of them have an "agenda", an issue they want to make known and discuss about. The conversations have definitely been on a wholly different level of intelligence than during the seasons that were produced before the hiatus.

The first weekly task involved guarding "BB coins" in two different vases which were never to be taken to the same room, and which needed to be guarded against theft 24/7, so the housemates needed to divide themselves into groups which would take turns in guarding the vases throughout the night as well. The housemates were also required to perform daily tasks which would be paid off from those vases at the end of the weekly task, if there was enough money left, and they needed to guard the vases even during those tasks.

During the week, several housemates got a secret task to steal coins from the vases with the objective to make the weekly task fail. This created a very paranoid atmosphere. One of the housemates with this secret task, Tuula, succeeded at it but hid the stolen coins in her boot, where they were found by a night guard group commanded by Jukka (the other members being Eevis, Mira, Kimmo, and Emma). BB punished Tuula for failing at the task by making her wear orange prisoner's overalls and fake chains for the rest of the week. There were also many other twists and turns.

Eventually, Ville succeeded in the same secret task, which meant he got some more "BB coins" from BB (these can be used for purchasing e.g. party supplies, or whatever else BB might offer at various times), immunity in the next eviction, and some yet unknown major benefit in the upcoming weekly task for the next week. But since the housemates had failed to guard the money, they also failed at the weekly task (as was the objective of Ville's secret task) and their weekly shopping budget (which they did a 99% bet on) was reduced to €2.80.

In addition to the weekly task and related daily tasks, the housemates have also been tasked to give fervent 5-minute speeches each (all were pretty good), and they have by their own initiative arranged lots of activity such as a fashion show, and shows were they play short sketches imitating other housemates.

The BB house is very ecological – the housemates need to recycle their trash and grow herbs and salad and some other edible plants in the dirt bed at the back of the kitchen. Continuing on the same theme, one of the daily tasks during the week was building an outhouse. (It has not been taken in use yet, but maybe during some upcoming task...)

Last edited by BrutalGentleman; 06-10-2019 at 03:00 PM.
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Old 09-09-2019, 01:16 AM #30
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The evictee for the first week was Emma.

The upcoming weekly task for the 2nd week will feature a cruise ship theme with a privileged passenger (Ville, who succesfully carried out BB's secret task last week) who travels in a "super cabin".

BB has noticed there are a couple of housemates, Eevis and Jukka, who do not like to spend their nights in the bedroom with the others, but prefer sleeping in the living room instead. Viewers can now decide whether Ville will get Eevis or Jukka as his travel companion in the cabin for the duration of the task.

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Old 05-10-2019, 07:29 PM #31
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Some updates:

Week 2: A VIP Cruise on M/S Big Brotherella

The second week’s task was a virtual cruise on M/S Big Brotherella, a cruise ship where Ville, Eevis, and Helmeri were VIP passengers living in a VIP cabin (extra room) and the other housemates were the crew, with Kristian appointed as the cruise director.

The crew needed to bend backwards to create the most hospitable and entertaining environment for the VIP passengers. Kristian was responsible for planning the shifts, listening to the demands of the VIP passengers, and keeping track of what everyone is doing, and that they're doing it the proper way. The VIP passengers had to enjoy their trip and demand services, such as à la carte restaurant services and live entertainment.

The crew roles at any time were:

- Kristian as the cruise director
- 2 entertainers
- 2 cooks/waiters
- 2 HMs cleaning
- 1 info desk & PA announcements attendant
- 1 HM at the helm

The crew (Kevin and Tarina) entertaining the VIP passengers (Eevis and Ville).

Kristian was excellent in his role as the cruise director and played a comically unctuous cruise host to the VIP guests, noting their every little wish while trying to keep track of his crew, and assign them to suitable tasks, which was very taxing to him.

To get an idea of Kristian’s stress levels during the week, here's a machine-translated excerpt from the WHATM thread, where Kristian is trying to get some sort of a confirmation of whether or not the rules of the task would allow him to take part in the shifts in his role as the cruise director since one of his crewmen (Anu) had called sick and he was one person short of staff.

The only problem for him was that BB did not give any clear instructions and the task was originally described in a letter which the VIP passenger Ville had received personally, but which he was not allowed to directly show to the others.

There was also a conflict between Jukka and Kristian since VIP passenger Eevis tried to lure Jukka to the VIP cabin to give her some personal night-time massage but Jukka was part of the crew, so Kristian could not let him go.

Kristian as the cruise director, using his fingers as a creative memorizing aid to plan the shifts since he was not allowed access to pen and paper.

Kristian at the end of a hard day on the cruise ship.

The HMs succeeded in the task, likely due to Kristian taking the task so seriously despite of all the difficulties. At the end of each day, he was so done it's a small miracle he managed to pull it off. The other HMs were mostly really great as well, having to suddenly switch roles whenever the fog horn sounded, and continue whatever some other HM had been doing at the time.

Timo was evicted at the end of the week. He was generally well-liked by the other HMs but they thought he would maybe "need" the house the least. The viewers probably liked Timo, too, but did not see him as the most entertaining housemate. He was one of the older HMs, quite a calm guy, more discussion-oriented than action-oriented, and generally went to bed early, so his screen time in the dailies was limited.

Week 3: BB trolls the HMs

The 3rd week had no task. BB offered the HMs false cues and small fake daily tasks which had no solution, just to mess with their minds. By the end of the week, the majority of the HMs only needed to believe in that they have succeeded in the task to actually succeed in it. (They were asked about this individually in the DR.) The housemates succeeded in the taskless task; only Tuula did not believe in them succeeding in it.

One of the big drama events during this week was Tarina and Kristian having a conflict of opinion over Tarina redoing some of the jigsaw puzzles that had been sent to the house during the week. Kristian thought the already-solved puzzles were important to the task and that they would possibly be penalized for Tarina's action, and that Tarina was not following her own principles about making all important decisions together when she did something like that without consulting the others. The conflict between Tarina and Kristian got so bad the HMs decided to arrange a formal mediation between them, overseed by Kimmo and Eevis in the bedroom, with just the four of them present. Tarina felt that Kristian was attacking her personally, whereas Kristian’s view was that Tarina is overly sensitive and gets offended about various things all too easily.

The housemate to be evicted at the end of this week was Eevis (Eeva-Leena). My view is this eviction result was primarily because she spent too much time with Jukka during the first couple of weeks and did not have enough interaction with the other HMs.

A big part of Eevis getting evicted was that she and Jukka endangered the 2nd week weekly task by trying to get to sleep together even when separated to different sides (crew & VIP passengers), and continued having sex during the 3rd week every night in the bedroom or bathroom even after BB had specifically ordered them to sleep in the bedroom among the other HMs, instead of spending their nights in the relative privacy of the living room (as they used to during the first couple of weeks.) The other housemates sleeping in the bedroom generally did not want to witness their kissing, petting, and other activity during the night. But although the couple tried to be discreet about it, they did it anyway, and could not remain apart from each other even for a single night. This somewhat impolite behavior irked many of the viewers as well, or at least did not win too many votes for Eevis in the eviction vote, once she was first nominated by the HMs.

Week 4: Outdoor life and pine-cone cows for toys

The 4th week’s weekly task was carried out in the outdoor task area, which had a simulated national park theme. The housemates spent their nights in sleeping bags under an open-air, sloped canopy, made their nature calls in a wooden outhouse (which they actually built themselves during the first week), cooked their food using a spirit burner / alcohol stove kit, and had to furnish 79 kg of four-legged toy animal figurines (cows) made out of of sticks and pine cones by the end of the week.

The HMs succeeded in the task. After getting back into the house, they got a party with Oktoberfest theme and were given enough alcohol to get very, very drunk — which many of them did.

Anu and Helmeri, who had been eyeing up each other even before this week but had not yet done much about it, were both ****-faced in the party, but in a very cutesy way. The other HMs — Mira in particular — egged on them to act on their desires and kiss each other, which they eventually did, after much initial encouragement from the others.

A WHATM report with more pictures here. See also the other pages of that thread and the thread from the previous day for more pictures from the party.

The evictee at the end of this week was Tarina, so the Tarina-Kristian conflict got its closure. Soon after, Kristian told the other HMs he was really relieved about this result; a big weight was lifted from his shoulders. Tarina being offended about anything and everything he says — and on behalf of the other HMs as well — and trying to make them discuss about their feelings, and do communal decisions about every little insignificant thing, was all just really foreign to Kristian. Instead of having lengthy discussions about feelings and demands for apologies and heightened sensitivity, Kristian would have liked Tarina just to come up to him and say something like "Kristian, you ****ing asshole, we have talked about this!" bluntly to his face, and that would have been enough for him to get the message, but Tarina did not want to use this kind of language or communication style even after asked to.

Week 5: Stressing it out

Now we're at the end of week 5. This week's task has involved dividing the housemates into two teams, blue and red, both wearing spandex suits of respective color and smart rings which record their stress, or excitement levels. The task of the blue team was to keep their stress levels below the average and the task of the red team was to keep their stress levels above it. The teams were also switched around mid-week.

The housemates failed at this task, partially because the sponsored wearable ring monitors were maybe recording a bit funny and inconsistent readings. It was not for lack of trying, though:

This week, the HMs were also shown a short movie from last week's Oktoberfest party, titled Only a Little Kiss:

Rough translation of the conversation:



Helmeri (laughing): "Hey, why are you... like that?"
Anu (turning around, confused): "Like... what?"


After hugging for a while, Helmeri starts breathing more heavily and making some sighing noises:

Anu (amused/confused): "What? Are you laughing... or crying?"
Helmeri: "I'm laughing!"
Anu: "Which one it is?"
Helmeri (smiling): "Laughing."
Anu: "Well, good!"
Helmeri (with laughter): "If I were crying... that would maybe be... somewhat more interesting!"
Anu: "Yeah."


Helmeri (looking at Anu in the eyes): "Hmm?"
Anu: "Hmm."
Helmeri: "Hmmh."
Anu: "Hmm."
Helmeri: "Hmmh."
Anu: "Hmm."


Helmeri (very politely): "May I... may I kiss you?"

The couple is kissing.


After giving a little laughter.

Helmeri: "That was, like, a little kiss."
Anu: "Mmh."
Helmeri: "Only a little kiss..."
Anu: "Yeah."


Helmeri (pushing Anu away): "Now we got to go... Jukka is waiting for us."

(Jukka went out in the yard to smoke a cigarette and the couple were supposed to follow the suit.)


Helmeri: "Wha-what do I put on my feet to go? These?"

Helmeri (trying on the slippers): "These are ****ing wet! All wet! All, like, ... Prbrbrbt!"

Helmeri: "Better to go without."


Helmeri: "I have a horrible headache!"
Anu: "What?"
Helmeri: "A horrible headache!"
Anu: "The same!"


Here is the official reaction shot video from the "premiere" of Only a Little Kiss in the BBF house and the official link to the "movie" itself (in case the video clips embedded to these articles are viewable from outside of Finland):



This week, Jukka, Mira, and Tuula are up for eviction. In an unusual twist, the viewers got to nominate the HM they want to save the most each day during the week, until only three of them were left unsaved. A snapshot of the percentages of these intermediate nomination results were shown to the house each day, and the saved HMs were also announced each night.

Normal eviction televote (by the viewers) is in progress now and will close on Sunday.

(There have been some rumors and speculation about a possible upcoming housemate exchange with another BB production. For instance, some of the HMs have had weird DR visits and have made some veiled comments about something nice/interesting possibly happening. No official word on it yet, and it might be just a misinterpretation of the available cues. We'll see.)

Last edited by BrutalGentleman; 06-10-2019 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 06-10-2019, 01:56 PM #32
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Someone’s actively collecting BBF2019 clips under this Twitter account:


Please note that some of the clips are studio segments from the dailies where the hosts interview guests who are not housemates.
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Old 06-10-2019, 09:55 PM #33
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The 5th person to be evicted from the BBF2019 house was Tuula. Mira and Jukka were saved.

The upcoming week (6th week) will feature lots of physical activity. BB has built an obstacle course in the outdoor task area. The HMs will be given a certain target, set in kilometers, that they need to reach to succeed in their weekly task, by repeatedly navigating through the course.

Also, once the weekly task ends, BB will arrange false nominations. The housemates will nominate in the Diary Room in the normal way, but those nominations will be meaningless.

Instead, the viewers will get to nominate once again — but this time by voting to nominate HMs for eviction, not to save them.

Two HMs will get nominated, instead of the usual three, and the HMs will be made to evict one of them during the Sunday Live Show. It has not yet been made public whether the housemates will vote for or against eviction, but presumably this vote will be conducted openly in front of the other HMs.

Also, before the eviction voting will take place, the HMs will get to see the Diary Room videos of the false nominations.
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Old 08-10-2019, 05:57 PM #34
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Old 08-10-2019, 07:36 PM #35
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Old 08-10-2019, 07:38 PM #36
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Kimmo (pictured above in the Diary Room) — who was appointed as the "coach" of the rest of the HMs who navigate the obstacle track round and round — got a letter from Big Brother.

BB has a secret task for Kimmo: if he manages to encourage all other HMs to break their personal "number of laps per day" record tomorrow, everyone — including Kimmo himself — gets to read a letter from home.

If only some of the HMs manage to break their personal record, only those persons will receive their letter, and Kimmo won’t get his.

Kimmo is not allowed to disclose this information to his housemates.

Last edited by BrutalGentleman; 08-10-2019 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 09-10-2019, 08:57 PM #37
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Housemates have been breaking their personal rounds per day records on the obstacle course. They also got an exercise bike in the house which they can pedal to add further kilometers to their goal (using a certain factor).

It would seem quite certain the HMs are going to succeed at their weekly task. Also, they will get to read their letters from home — a reward which anyone except Kimmo does not know about yet.

Earlier during the day, Helmeri, whose birthday it is today, got a visit from his dog, Pablo.

Now it's time for sauna again:

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Old 09-10-2019, 10:48 PM #38
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The housemates received their letters from home, and had to read them aloud to the others:

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Old 10-10-2019, 04:21 PM #39
BrutalGentleman BrutalGentleman is offline
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BrutalGentleman BrutalGentleman is offline
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The HMs passed their weekly task. They were also shown their false nominations on TV (which they don’t know yet are meaningless.)

This did not induce any great reactions. The HMs mostly just shrugged it off, or thought the awarded points were pretty much as expected, and that it was interesting to see how the other HMs view you.

Bonus: Don’t Stop Movin’!
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Old 02-11-2019, 10:57 PM #40
Brekkie Brekkie is offline
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Brekkie Brekkie is offline
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Thanks for all the updates and caps.
2009: Just a TV show.
2011: Not even a BB show.
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2019, big brother, finland

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