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Old 20-06-2011, 11:44 PM #51
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Default Episode 8 - Beatrix

[Miles Davis’s All Blues plays. Various shots of a sunny day in Boston appear.]

REPORTER #1: Well it sure is beautiful in Boston today.
REPORTER #2: It sure is, temperatures predicted to reach up to 82 degrees Fahrenheit today!

[The camera zooms out to show a television in a flat in the 90’s. A black woman in her late 40’s is drinking orange juice and looking out her window. A 30 year old black man in his underwear comes behind her, hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. The woman is a younger BEATRIX. She holds the mans hand.]

MAN: How you feeling?
BEATRIX: Confident.
MAN: I’m so proud of your determination Bea. I couldn’t work in the same job for over thirty years.

[The man lets go of BEATRIX, walks to the fridge and pours himself orange juice.]

BEATRIX: You’ve been a musician since you were sixteen.
MAN: That ain’t a job sweetheart, it’s a lifestyle.

[BEATRIX laughs, the man approaches her and grabs her shoulders.]

MAN: So, what are you going to say to your boss?

[The scene changes. BEATRIX is sat in a manager’s office wearing a suit.]

BEATRIX: I have worked in sales within Colombier Records for over thirty years. I have a fine understanding of the business and have more experience than any other employees seeking the job offer. I believe that my ex-

[The manager chuckles to himself. BEATRIX stops talking, looking offended.]

MANAGER: Tell me Bea, who’s encouraging you with this job?
BEATRIX: Well, my husband, Calvin, is very supportive o-
MANAGER: Calvin? He’s a jazz musician right?
BEATRIX: Music of the devil, but I still love him.
MANAGER: How did you meet then if you hate jazz?
BEATRIX: You asked me to look for Jazz musicians a while back. He was one of the people I scouted one time for the label but he didn’t cut it with you guys.
MANAGER: Isn’t he a bit young for you?
BEATRIX: Excuse me?
MANAGER: Bea, the music industry is a tough business. It’s said that some musicians will do anything for a buck. I’m gonna be tough on you right now. Why would a 30 year old, good looking Jazz musician marry a woman in her late 40’s with power in the music industry?

[BEATRIX is speechless.]

MANAGER: I’m not looking for people who are manipulated by others for this job. I’m looking for the manipulators.

[BEATRIX looks at him stunned she gets up.]

BEATRIX: Sorry for wasting your time sir, God bless.

[She leaves the room. Back at the apartment BEATRIX walks in hurriedly. She looks over to the couch. CALVIN is shirtless looking at BEATRIX in shock. A blonde girls head pops up from the couch.]

BLONDE: Why did you sto- oh.
BEATRIX: I knew it!

[She throws her suitcase at the couch. CALVIN and BLONDE jump out of the way and begin getting dressed.]

BEATRIX: I didn’t want to believe it but it was just too good to be true!
BEATRIX: I trusted you, I married you, I believed in you!
CALVIN: Bea, I’m sorry.
BEATRIX: You’re not sorry, you used me for all I am worth!
BLONDE: I should go.
BEATRIX: Both of you should go!

[BEATRIX pushes them out the door.]

CALVIN: Can I at least get my trumpet?

[BEATRIX slams the door, turns around and slides down the door, sobbing hysterically. The tape stops. The camera pans to BEATRIX on the couch face in her palms. She gets up, takes the tape out and begins aggressively stamping on it. She looks at it again, sobbing. No damage has been done to the tape.]


[A disorientated blurry view appears. DULCIE wakes up. She sits up quickly and looks around the damp, grey room with nothing but a flickering light. She moves her arm and feels a tug. She realises that she’s been tied to MAKSIMILIAN, who is lying down asleep. DULCIE looks distressed. MAKSIMILIAN begins to wake up and turns to see her, unsuprised.]

MAKSIMILIAN: Ah, the lady has awoken.
DULCIE: W-what’s going on?
MAKSIMILIAN: I’m not aware. Taabu drugged me when I was with her and now I’m here with you.
DULCIE: Last thing I remember I was looking after Lyla.
MAKSIMILIAN: What happened to her?
DULCIE: She got drunk.
MAKSIMILIAN: Drunk? On what?
DULCIE: She got some alcohol from Lucifer for some reason.
MAKSIMILIAN: Well what do you suppose we’re doing here?


[LYLA’s house, TAABU is placing forks outside of LYLA’s bedroom door. She hears movement from the room. She goes behind the sofa. The bedroom door opens. A bedhead sporting LYLA steps out and steps on the fork. She continues to walk to the kitchen part with the fork lodged in her foot. TAABU, concerned stands up.]

TAABU: Can you not feel that?

[LYLA turns around to see her.]

LYLA: For the love of God have you not heard of knocking?
TAABU: No. I’m not used to it anymore. There's a fork in your foot my the way.

[LYLA looks at her foot.]

LYLA: Oh yeah.

[She dislodges it and places it on her kitchen counter.]

LYLA: What do you want now?
TAABU: A deal is a deal.

[TAABU picks up a file from the table and hands it to her.]

LYLA: It’s about time. What did you want with Dulcie anyway? Because I swear to God if it’s something bad I’ll tell everyone what you’ve been up to.
TAABU: It’s to save Beatrix.
LYLA: Okay, one you’ve never talked to her in your life and I’m shocked you know her name, two, what does Dulcie have to do with it?
TAABU: I’ve seen her file. Beatrix is a good person who has done great things. She doesn’t deserve to be here. If I screwed over truly good people before I came here, I may as well try set things straight afterwards.
LYLA: And why Dulcie?
TAABU: Because I have a feeling that me and Dulcie are very similar.

[LYLA looks at her confused.]

LYLA: That is such bull****, just go.
TAABU: Just one more thing Lyla.
LYLA: What do you want?
TAABU: I’m so sorry for using your sexuality against you. I know what it is like to not be accepted.
LYLA: Hold on… are you?
TAABU: No. It’s just always been something close to me.

[TAABU leaves through the back door]

LYLA: My God, this place…


[JANICE and BEATRIX are sat at BEATRIX’s house, with some of JANICE’s coffee from GABE.]

JANICE: So um… how’re you holding up?
BEATRIX: Barely. I can’t be around these people Janey. It’s bad enough that except for you the person I trust the most is Satanchild.
JANICE: Dominic? He’s really not that bad.
BEATRIX: I’ll take your word for it. Not that you’ve been around to talk to people the last few days.
JANICE:W-what do you mean?
BEATRIX: You haven’t been here Janice. I knock on your door you don’t answer.

[JANICE bites her lip.]

BEATRIX: Where are you?
JANICE: I-I can’t say.
BEATRIX: Why, don’t you trust me?
JANICE: I can’t tell anyone it’s not ju-

[BEATRIX stands up]

BEATRIX: The one person I put all my trust in, I can’t even get the trust back.
JANICE: It’s not like tha-
BEATRIX: You trust Lance and Dominic because they’re young boys, but you can’t trus-
JANICE: Listen to me!

[BEATRIX stops talking, shocked at JANICE raising her voice.]

JANICE: Look, I’m not ignoring you. I’m trying to help you. That’s all I’m telling you.
BEATRIX: You’re talking to Lucifer aren’t you?

[JANICE stares at her blankly.]

BEATRIX: I will not be part of a deal with the devil.

[BEATRIX leaves. JANICE looks on sadly.]


[DULCIE and MAKSIMILIAN are awkwardly walking around their cell.]

DULCIE: Do you not know any ways to undo the chains?
MAKSIMILIAN: Well I was enjoying our time together.

[DULCIE rolls her eyes.]

DULCIE: Seriously?
MAKSIMILIAN: Do you think I wouldn’t have done something by now?

[An awkward silence ensues. DULCIE looks up at the roof. There is a giant burgundy blood stain.]

DULCIE: So you and Taabu didn’t find anything.
MAKSIMILIAN: Nope. Couldn’t find anything to kill you with.
DULCIE: Well that’s comforting.
MAKSIMILIAN: Okay, change of subject. What’s everyone else been up to?
DULCIE: Why should I tell you that?
MAKSIMILIAN: When the most hopeless person in hell is the one that manages to poison you there has to be something going on.
DULCIE: I don’t know. It’s hard to trust anyone around here. Surely you of all people would know that.
MAKSIMILIAN: I only have one more question for you.
DULCIE: Try me.
MAKSIMILIAN: The first day we came here, you told me you cheated on your husband. Why did you do that?

[There is silence.]

DULCIE: My husband [she swallows] Greg. He got in trouble with gangs. We were moving all the time, I had to keep a low profile, I couldn’t talk to my mother, I couldn’t even have kids because I knew what danger they would be in and what danger we’d put ourselves in if we did. [Pause] And that wasn’t the life I wanted to lead. I wanted the nice house, the successful husband, the children and the stability. All I got was a drug abusing husband and constant moving. The man I was seeing was a single father in a decent job with a great house. The perfect life was presented to me, I leaped. I leaped and I fell.

[There is a pause. MAKSIMILIAN tries to pat her on the back. She squirms.]

DULCIE: Get away from me.



[BEATRIX is sat outside her house. LANCE sits down next to her.]

LANCE: What up?
BEATRIX: I’m just stressed honey, that’s all.
LANCE: Yeah, I was gonna see if Janice was in, but she’s not answering.
BEATRIX: I don’t know what’s going on around here. Everyone’s disappearing days after each other.
LANCE: That’s not even the worst of it. Can you keep a secret Beatrix?
BEATRIX: I guess so.
LANCE: Remember that David kid? Jeremy got rid of him. I don’t know how and I don’t know what he did, but he vanished. Jeremy comes back and tells me that he has these files on all of us. I’m not bothered about personal information or stuff like that, but Dominic bought up this stuff about a string in the file that holds our lifeline. Stuff between me and Jeremy may be settled now, but he has a hell of a temper. I don’t trust him with my lifeline. The worst part is anyone can get in; he doesn’t even lock his door.
LYLA: So what do you want to do about it?

[LYLA walks around the corner.]

LANCE: Since when were you a master of stealth?
LYLA: Do you want my help or not?

[LANCE thinks to himself, biting his lip. He clicks his finger.]

LANCE: Got it.

[At JEREMY’s house, JEREMY comes out the door. LANCE is carrying a bunch of tapes up to his chin.]

LANCE: Hey, you wanna do a movie night at Janice’s?
JEREMY: Sounds good, I’ll get my tapes.

[LANCE looks over to LYLA and BEATRIX, hiding to the side of his house.]

JEREMY: Seriously mate, some of these tapes I’m gonna show you are bare brutal. Wanna watch me lose my virginity?
LANCE: Um, no, thank you.
JEREMY: I guess I’ll just take the rest of the tapes out from my 13th birthday then.

[JEREMY leaves the house and they walk off to JANICE’s. LYLA and BEATRIX creep through the front and enter his filthy apartment.]

LYLA: Jesus Christ.
BEATRIX: Watch your tongue.
LYLA: Whatever.

[LYLA lifts up JEREMY’s matress.]

LYLA: Got them.

[LYLA passes BEATRIX her file. BEATRIX immediately begins looking through.]

LYLA: How fitting. Dominic doesn’t have a file.

[BEATRIX finds a page with a string inside a plastic sleeve. She reads the sign “WARNING: CUTTING STRING ENDS SUBJECTS LIFE”]

LYLA: Wow, Maks’s name is spelt weird, isn’t it meant to be with an X?

[BEATRIX looks at a pair of scissors on the bed. She picks them up and takes the string out of the sleeve.]

LYLA: Oh crap, we’re meant to go soo-

[BEATRIX cuts her string. Her eyes are closed. LYLA is stood in shock. BEATRIX opens her eyes, realising the string didn’t work.]

JEREMY: They’re decoys.

[The girls turn around to see JEREMY and LANCE at the door.]

JEREMY: What’re you doing with my stuff?
LANCE: Jeremy…
JEREMY: Shut up! You don’t just burst into my ****ing apartment.
LYLA: How do you know they’re decoys?
JEREMY: Look down.

[They look down. A piece of string is in pieces on the floor. JEREMY is visibly angered.]

LYLA: Whose is it?
JEREMY: Get out!
LANCE: Did Lucifer place fake ones or-
JEREMY: Get out!

[JEREMY grabs them all and pushes them out of the house.]

LANCE: Well thank God those strings aren’t real, otherwise I think there’d be a massacre.

[LANCE walks back to his house. BEATRIX begins to walk off.]

LYLA: Beatrix!
LYLA: Don’t do anything stupid. Taabu’s trying to get you into heaven.
LYLA: She told me. She needed Dulcie for it for some reason that didn’t make sense and she’s going to help you. I promise.
BEATRIX: Lyla, don’t.
LYLA: No, I’m being honest.
BEATRIX: No, Lyla! No more, don’t get me involved in all this crap. I don’t care for all this drama, I don’t care.

[She begins sobbing.]

BEATRIX: I just want to be gone now. All you guys are chasing after each other wondering why things suck so bad. I’m surrounded by all this deceit and lies and I’m becoming part of it whether I have a say in it or not! It’s damn horrible for me and maybe if you guys really were concerned about me, then you wouldn’t make me live through hell. Hell isn’t the place, hell is you guys.

[She walks away. LYLA is dumbfounded.]


[DULCIE and MAKSIMILIAN are walking around the cell.]

MAKSIMILIAN: What do you think the blood stain is about?

[DULCIE doesn’t answer.]

MAKSIMILIAN: Hmph. Silent treatment. Great. You'll tell me all about your failed marriage but wouldn't dare question the giant murder stain in this jail roo-

DULCIE: Shut up.

[MAKSIMILIAN shrugs. Suddenly, a brick falls out. Through the hole in the wall appears a gun case. DULCIE and MAKSIMILIAN look at each other then run to the case. They begin to wrestle over it.]

MAKSIMILIAN: Hold on a second.

[They stop momentarily.]

MAKSIMILIAN: I can’t kill you with a gun… why are you bothered?
DULCIE: If you weren’t bothered, why did you run towards it?

[MAKSIMILIAN swallows with guilt. DULCIE proceeds to open the gun case. A spirit swiftly flies into her and she turns pale. She suddenly falls over to one side completely stiff. MAKSIMILIAN reaches into the case and reveals a black key.]


[The wall where the gun case fell opens like a door. TAABU steps in.]

MAKSIMILIAN: You took your time.
TAABU: I wanted to let you get any information you could from her before we went.
MAKSIMILIAN: I did. She’s extremely similar to you actually.
TAABU: In what way?
MAKSIMILIAN: She constantly ran and wanted stability. The only difference is when she came here, she stopped running.

[TAABU walks over and crouches by DULCIE.]

TAABU: If we don’t touch her, she won’t get back up.

[He walks through the door holding up the black key.]

MAKSIMILIAN: I’m only going to kill her anyway.

[MAKSIMILIAN leaves, TAABU stares at DULCIE’s wedding ring, stands up and leaves, shutting the door behind them.]


BEATRIX: It just freaked me out, the way that Jeremy had tried cutting his string too. And then they were saying the files were decoys as if there’s hope there’s real files to put ourselves out of our misery. It’s just sad really. Hey, thanks for seeing me again. It’s nice having someone to talk to who isn’t completely self-absorbed, you know? Doesn’t dwell in their own problems and actually listens to people.
DOMINIC: And a while ago you were calling me ‘Satan child’

[BEATRIX and DOMINIC are sat in DOMINICs grey room for a house. The only objects in there now are his clothes and a mattress.]

BEATRIX: I apologise. Any luck with your memory?
DOMINIC: Honestly? I don’t think I want my memory.
BEATRIX: Why’s that?
DOMINIC: Look at everyone here. They’re miserable. They’re miserable because they know exactly what they left behind. I’m going to be honest with you Beatrix, you’ve been the worst for that. What you were telling me about your husband makes me think I know the reason why you are here.
DOMINIC: You never forgave him.

[BEATRIX sheepishly nods.]

BEATRIX: If anyone else said that, I’d have their head. But now I believe it.
DOMINIC: You want to forgive him now?
BEATRIX: A bit late for that don’t you think?
DOMINIC: Just because it’s too late for heaven, doesn’t mean you can’t forgive him.

[BEATRIX smiles.]


[ANDRÉS is walking around the houses, looking exhausted. He stops momentarily and looks left. He sees TAABU and MAKSIMILIAN walking towards him.]

ANDRÉS: Where is Dulcie?

[They aggressively walk towards each other.]

MAKSIMILIAN: A little aggressive, don’t you think?

[ANDRÉS goes into his face]

ANDRÉS: Where is Dulcie?!
MAKSIMILIAN: Easy compadré.
TAABU: We don’t know where Dulcie is.
ANDRÉS: That’s a lie!
TAABU: Well I know that Jeremy has all the files to harm Dulcie.
ANDRÉS: As if we’ll just let you take Dulcie’s file!
TAABU: Oh I could’ve taken Dulcie’s file before, but I didn’t. Why? Because we’ve found much more important prospects.

[ANDRÉS looks confused as MAKSIMILIAN holds up a black key.]

TAABU: We may have found freedom.

[A silence ensues as ANDRÉS is in thought.]

ANDRÉS: If you’re going to find freedom… then I’m coming with you.

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Old 21-06-2011, 12:09 AM #52
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Old 07-08-2011, 03:43 PM #53
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I just read all that. LOVED IT! You still writing it ?
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Old 07-08-2011, 04:09 PM #54
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Thank you very much! I am still writing but it's a slow process because I'm getting life things into priority atm (I say while I'm running an online Survivor game, rofl) but there's definatley more to come, but it'll be at the end of this month probably
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Old 15-06-2012, 09:34 PM #55
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Just wanted to bump this- only ever read the first two episodes and plan to read the other six tonight- seeing as this was almost a year ago- were any more written? It's amazing!
Been here thirteen years, may not post much but when I do- the opinion counts, bow down bitches x
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Old 15-06-2012, 09:36 PM #56
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um I've actually written plans up to season three LOL but never got around to writing them up (plus like only Greg ever read them s0b)
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Old 15-06-2012, 09:37 PM #57
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like a futuristic moby dick
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Old 15-06-2012, 09:54 PM #58
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Originally Posted by LemonJam View Post
um I've actually written plans up to season three LOL but never got around to writing them up (plus like only Greg ever read them s0b)
Did you ever write episodes 9,10,11 and the season finale?

+ if poss post the plans and everything, i need a good read!
Been here thirteen years, may not post much but when I do- the opinion counts, bow down bitches x
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Old 06-08-2012, 04:06 PM #59
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I remember reading this last year! It was sort of like Lost i loved it
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