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Old 23-03-2023, 12:23 PM #226
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Poor Tucker is not getting a look in
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Old 23-03-2023, 12:46 PM #227
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Originally Posted by GoldHeart View Post

When I give examples of other LGBT saying things he doesn't agree with, they basically 'Dont count' .
It's more the "That's just things that gay, lesbian and trans individuals say and think - they're not part of the community." Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans people ... are not represented but the LGBT community... if their views don't align then they're not the right kind of gay? It's bizarre and really highlights that it at this point has very little to do with sexuality at all, it's just tribal, prescribed, and monitored for compliance.

One of my oldest friends is gay and has always shied away from LGBT groups/activities. He's not gay enough for them, I guess. I mean he's only been married to a man for 6 years, he might still secretly be a self-hating homophobe.
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Old 23-03-2023, 12:51 PM #228
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Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet View Post
Poor Tucker is not getting a look in
Well at least one positive has come from all of this skirmishing.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:04 PM #229
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Originally Posted by Oliver_W View Post
You don't know anything about being trans, the "community" is a bit arbitrary, all said and done. I know what it's like to be same-sex attracted, but I don't know what it's like to be a lesbian, and wouldn't presume to speak for them.

In the same vein, ToyBoy can speak about trans people just as much as you can. What's more, his "mansplaining" () actually spoke about trans experiences and happenings, while your posts were just your usual ranting insanity.

Being part of the same abbreviation doesn't give you an ounce of insight over those who aren't. Clearly.

Make me laugh, tell me how I'm a right wing pet, this should be good.
Again, you're projecting your own experiences onto the LGBT as a whole. If you actually knew anything about LGBT history, you'd know that you basically wouldn't have the rights we have today without the efforts of the various letters, and that's why an attack on one letter will see the others band together. You don't have that sense of community, of the history, or the struggle and you think your experience is universal because of it.

Originally Posted by Soldier Boy View Post
more solid points well made and well backed up Tom . Not at all irrational flailing ad hominem. I don't associate with people who roll their eyes and laugh in people's faces "in real life". Not really worth giving people with that attitude the time of day, is it?

It's called a debate/discussion but we've known for years that all you're interested in is a firebrand soap box, so this is as unsurprising as ever.
Ah, a friend of the gays only if they regard you with wonder and amazement then. 'Oh wow, Mr Straight Person, you're so smart and wise, please try and tell us about ourselves because you think you know the struggles more than someone who lives them'.

You come from a place of privilege and you're nothing more than a tourist in these issues and you think you know more by association when you don't and likely will never understand the issues from the inside. You're a joke.

Originally Posted by Soldier Boy View Post
I will point out again (not to be all "my cousin's sister is black") but my daughter is gay and I have several gay friends, and multiple gay (and actually a couple of NB) colleagues and we talk about these issues all the time - respectfully, and professionally - two concepts which I think are probably beyond the reach of your righteous fury Tom. But no I'm not going to "record it for the internet" .

Not every LGBT person is as caught up in terminally online culture wars, and really quite as irredeemably frustrated and bitter about all of it as you are Tom. most people I know - gay and straight - outgrew this sort of rigid thinking in their early 30's ... but I suppose it's more difficult if you're still just kicking around the internet with 25 year olds. Perhaps step away from the keyboard every now and again and you might find yourself encountering some diverse LGBT views, from real LGBT people.

Then maybe you'll stop feeling like you have the authority to speak FOR the entire LGBT community? You have the gaul to talk of arrogance whilst declaring yourself a spokesperson for millions of free-thinking people with absolutely no credibility whatsoever to do that.
I don't speak for anyone else, I just speak of my own experiences and that upsets you clearly. A bunch of straight people who already have an issue with trans people and their pet gay trying to dictate what the LGBT is and what it entails to the one person in this topic that is actually a part of the community.

You might understand that if you weren't huffing on your own farts thinking it was perfume.

Also it's really gross when straight people use gay friends and relatives as a shield.

You criticised me for caring more about trans violence and suicide because it was a 'small niche' when compared to the whole which suggested that you place more importance on hetero and cisgendered people than the 'small niche' of trans people. Do the other letters come under that as well? If something happens to your daughter, will it be acceptable because she's part of a 'small niche', are your shields-I mean, gay friends part of that equation too? Or is it just trans people that you're willing to overlook? You really ****ed up with that line tbh, the mask really slipped for a moment there, and no amount of 'yeah it's sad that trans people get targeted and have higher rates of suicde BUT' is going to cover it.

Honestly, you've got competition, but you might be one of the worst people on here. You think you're some ally, some font of knowledge on LGBT issues when you seek to minimise them and any LGBT person that doesn't think the sun shines out your arse. You just think that LGBT people are an accessory to make you look better, and sadly that seems to count for your own child as well.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:16 PM #230
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Originally Posted by Tom4784 View Post
Again, you're projecting your own experiences onto the LGBT as a whole. If you actually knew anything about LGBT history, you'd know that you basically wouldn't have the rights we have today without the efforts of the various letters, and that's why an attack on one letter will see the others band together. You don't have that sense of community, of the history, or the struggle and you think your experience is universal because of it.

Ah, a friend of the gays only if they regard you with wonder and amazement then. 'Oh wow, Mr Straight Person, you're so smart and wise, please try and tell us about ourselves because you think you know the struggles more than someone who lives them'.

You come from a place of privilege and you're nothing more than a tourist in these issues and you think you know more by association when you don't and likely will never understand the issues from the inside. You're a joke.

I don't speak for anyone else, I just speak of my own experiences and that upsets you clearly. A bunch of straight people who already have an issue with trans people and their pet gay trying to dictate what the LGBT is and what it entails to the one person in this topic that is actually a part of the community.

You might understand that if you weren't huffing on your own farts thinking it was perfume.

Also it's really gross when straight people use gay friends and relatives as a shield.

You criticised me for caring more about trans violence and suicide because it was a 'small niche' when compared to the whole which suggested that you place more importance on hetero and cisgendered people than the 'small niche' of trans people. Do the other letters come under that as well? If something happens to your daughter, will it be acceptable because she's part of a 'small niche', are your shields-I mean, gay friends part of that equation too? Or is it just trans people that you're willing to overlook? You really ****ed up with that line tbh, the mask really slipped for a moment there, and no amount of 'yeah it's sad that trans people get targeted and have higher rates of suicde BUT' is going to cover it.

Honestly, you've got competition, but you might be one of the worst people on here. You think you're some ally, some font of knowledge on LGBT issues when you seek to minimise them and any LGBT person that doesn't think the sun shines out your arse. You just think that LGBT people are an accessory to make you look better, and sadly that seems to count for your own child as well.
I didn't realise you were a counseling expert on family relationships. Do you personally know SB 's daughter then ? .

Last edited by GoldHeart; 23-03-2023 at 01:16 PM.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:17 PM #231
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Originally Posted by GoldHeart View Post
This is what's strange to me , it's as if the opinions of other LGBT people aren't valid if they don't align with his views . Seems a bit narrow-minded if you ask me .

When I give examples of other LGBT saying things he doesn't agree with, they basically 'Dont count' .
Not at all. You'd understand where I was coming from if you weren't so devoted to always missing the point.

Detransitioning is a thing, but it's not as common as you'd want it to be. Most people who transition will transition in their own way and will likely see it through to the end they are happiest with. Other people may not be sure on what form their transition will take, if at all. Some people pause their transitions, some people realise that it might not be for them, but the truth is that detransitioning completely is mostly quite rare.

It's only a narrative you want to push because it's the big current right wing narrative, and it's a dangerous narrative, as evidenced by the case of Eden Knight. Eden Knight was a trans saudi woman who came to the US for college and sought to remain as a permanent resident afterwards. She was preyed upon by a right wing man masquerading as someone who could help her case, and he convinced her to stop transitioning which led to depression, suicidal thoughts and intent. It was essentially abuse, and it turns out that the man wasn't ever trying to help Eden remain in the US, he was hired by her family to bring her home detransitioned. Eden eventually had to return home where she was abused by her family to the point she killed herself.

Interfering with people's transitions is a ****ing dangerous thing, especially when you're a bad actor pretending to care about the trans person in question when really, you just want to stop the act of transitioning in the first place.

Although knowing you, you probably consider what happened to Eden Knight to be a happy ending.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:19 PM #232
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Originally Posted by GoldHeart View Post
I didn't realise you were a counseling expert on family relationships. Do you personally know SB 's daughter then ? .
He said it himself He did the whole 'I have gay friends/family' defense. He used them as shields in that moment. Do keep up.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:28 PM #233
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Originally Posted by Tom4784 View Post
Again, you're projecting your own experiences onto the LGBT as a whole. If you actually knew anything about LGBT history, you'd know that you basically wouldn't have the rights we have today without the efforts of the various letters, and that's why an attack on one letter will see the others band together. You don't have that sense of community, of the history, or the struggle and you think your experience is universal because of it.

Ah, a friend of the gays only if they regard you with wonder and amazement then. 'Oh wow, Mr Straight Person, you're so smart and wise, please try and tell us about ourselves because you think you know the struggles more than someone who lives them'.
No I just don't engage in meaningful conversation with immature, defensive people of any description... because I'm not a frustrated teenager. I'm not sure why I try online.

I don't speak for anyone else, I just speak of my own experiences and that upsets you clearly.
Anyone who has read this thread knows that this is patently untrue, you've attempted to be a mouthpiece for "the community" multiple times, going so far as to dictate who can and cannot be a part of it.

You criticised me for caring more about trans violence and suicide because it was a 'small niche' when compared to the whole which suggested that you place more importance on hetero and cisgendered people than the 'small niche' of trans people. Do the other letters come under that as well? If something happens to your daughter, will it be acceptable because she's part of a 'small niche', are your shields-I mean, gay friends part of that equation too? Or is it just trans people that you're willing to overlook? You really ****ed up with that line tbh, the mask really slipped for a moment there, and no amount of 'yeah it's sad that trans people get targeted and have higher rates of suicide BUT' is going to cover it.
Your inability to understand my point really isn't my problem; I haven't once said that trans people are unimportant or that suicides should be considered acceptable in comparison to others, all I said was that you can't do a like-for-like comparison of "who has it worst" when making practical social decisions, because there are other factors - for example, which option affects most people. You've taken it the way you've chosen to take it because you see hatred and oppression lurking around every corner ... because you are a hateful and oppressive person by nature.

Honestly, you've got competition, but you might be one of the worst people on here.
I think that's probably a compliment, coming from the literal worst person on here. It's really quite spectacular... I agree with you on the vast majority of topics - gender issues aside - and yet I still honestly think this. Just soaked in this sad bitterness, and a belief that "going in harder and harder" is any sort of compensation for having zero ability to hold a discussion.

You think you're some ally, some font of knowledge on LGBT issues when you seek to minimise them and any LGBT person that doesn't think the sun shines out your arse. You just think that LGBT people are an accessory to make you look better, and sadly that seems to count for your own child as well.
I doubt even your pals won't cringe at this one Dezzy. Like I said before; you'd never speak to someone in the real world the way you speak to people on here. Terminally online nonsense, you genuinely need to get out of the basement.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:28 PM #234
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Originally Posted by Tom4784 View Post
Not at all. You'd understand where I was coming from if you weren't so devoted to always missing the point.

Detransitioning is a thing, but it's not as common as you'd want it to be. Most people who transition will transition in their own way and will likely see it through to the end they are happiest with. Other people may not be sure on what form their transition will take, if at all. Some people pause their transitions, some people realise that it might not be for them, but the truth is that detransitioning completely is mostly quite rare.

It's only a narrative you want to push because it's the big current right wing narrative, and it's a dangerous narrative, as evidenced by the case of Eden Knight. Eden Knight was a trans saudi woman who came to the US for college and sought to remain as a permanent resident afterwards. She was preyed upon by a right wing man masquerading as someone who could help her case, and he convinced her to stop transitioning which led to depression, suicidal thoughts and intent. It was essentially abuse, and it turns out that the man wasn't ever trying to help Eden remain in the US, he was hired by her family to bring her home detransitioned. Eden eventually had to return home where she was abused by her family to the point she killed herself.

Interfering with people's transitions is a ****ing dangerous thing, especially when you're a bad actor pretending to care about the trans person in question when really, you just want to stop the act of transitioning in the first place.

Although knowing you, you probably consider what happened to Eden Knight to be a happy ending.
That's low even for you , why the hell would that be a happy ending . You're now showing your true have such bitter hate for us on Tibb. It's both tragic and disturbing,you don't even know me.

To actually say that is going too far . But I guess you class yourself as a special protected 'class' you can say what you want,no matter how vindictive ??!.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:31 PM #235
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Originally Posted by GoldHeart View Post
I didn't realise you were a counseling expert on family relationships. Do you personally know SB 's daughter then ? .
He's hamfistedly trying to get a "How dare yooouuuu" response out of me I think. It's... well, it's something to see in a grown man, certainly.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:33 PM #236
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:35 PM #237
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Originally Posted by Tom4784 View Post

Although knowing you, you probably consider what happened to Eden Knight to be a happy ending.
To highlight some more of this self awareness; you just accused me of calmly using people close to me "as a shield" and then one post later chose to use weaponise the suicide of a named young person to make a petty, and completely unfounded and out of proportion, point on a forum.

Take a walk Dezzy, you're unravelling at this point.
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Old 23-03-2023, 01:35 PM #238
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Originally Posted by Soldier Boy View Post
He's hamfistedly trying to get a "How dare yooouuuu" response out of me I think. It's... well, it's something to see in a grown man, certainly.
He gets far too personal , if the shoe was on the other foot and we made assumptions about his family life & upbringing .....he'd be offended.
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