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Old 20-09-2017, 08:40 PM #1
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Default Survivor: Judge Island [a BrantSteele vanity project] [episode 4 up]

[carried on from the BrantSteele thread] [I know this kind of thing could probably also go in Creative Writing & Books, so I'm sure that it can be moved there if necessary but honestly, the Survivor sub-forum is quiet enough as it is]

Previously, on Survivor: Judge Island...

People had opinions!

Originally Posted by Ross. View Post
Spoiler: Takondwa wins
Originally Posted by Nick. View Post
Perched for the Kristin & Jordan alliance
Originally Posted by Shaun View Post
I ****ing hate Josie already
Originally Posted by Amy Jade View Post
Edwina to win
People had (correct) guesses as to the identity of the brand new host!

Originally Posted by Blurryface View Post
Judge Judy?
People had cool made-up tribe names to inadvertently offer!

Originally Posted by Rob! View Post
Honifor Berajilo
And people just had general pleasantries to contribute!

Originally Posted by RileyHollyoaks View Post
Here for it
Well now I can proudly say that I've run the simulator and have begun to write an actual proper Survivor season in story form around the results. I'm using my own original cast, as you may have seen in the previous thread, and I'm using the Survivor: China simulator as the basis, although I'm replacing the challenges, rewards etc with ones of my own choosing given that stuff like "ride this Chinese dragon and win a trip to the Great Wall of China" is ever-so-slightly country-specific. Episode one, which I promise will be the longest of all the episodes, will be up shortly, but first, a reminder of the cast...


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Old 20-09-2017, 08:41 PM #2
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The men:

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  • Justin Holman, 29, from Huntsville, Alabama
    Justin considers himself a “traditional Southern country boy, through and through”, by which he means that his family once owned slaves but are now completely broke. He somehow attributes this to Obamacare. A cattle rancher by trade, Justin is taking a pepper spray gun to the island as his luxury item, which he says he will use if any homosexuals try to touch him during the night.
  • Steadman Riley, 48, from Rochester, New York
    Steadman has worked as an elementary school principal for the past fifteen years. He says that the key factor in deciding to apply for Survivor was when a co-worker mistakenly bought him a fiftieth birthday card for what was in fact his forty-seventh birthday last year, prompting a sudden realisation of his own mortality and subsequent midlife crisis. “It was either this or assisted suicide,” he smiles.
  • Christopher "Chris" Ortiz, 25, from Farmington, New Mexico
    Chris decided from a young age not to follow his father into the family business (hardcore fetish pornography). Instead, with hard work he became an attorney, specialising in family law. With the million dollars, he hopes to buy an engagement ring to his childhood sweetheart girlfriend Stephanie, and give enough money to his father that he’ll never have to make yet another “My Saucy Deafblind Stepdaughter” sequel ever again.
  • Aubin Simpson, 37, from Birmingham, Alabama
    Aubin is also a lawyer, suggesting that the United States has an incredibly short list of careers for graduates to select from. However, this one is a useful lawyer, in that he works in the field of civil rights. “Birmingham is pretty much the birthplace of the Civil Rights Movement,” the father-of-two says proudly of his hometown. “Without civil rights, we may never have seen the ‘right in front of my salad’ meme.”

  • Kenton Harmon, 26, from St. Louis, Missouri
    Kenton’s biggest secret is that he has an extremely rare condition: he was born without a personality. “It’s really hard,” says the soccer coach and part-time DJ. “All I do in my spare time, by which I mean when I’m not in the gym, is listen to The Chainsmokers and drink Bud Light. I haven’t been able to tell a joke since 1998. Also, I’m available for bar mitzvahs if anyone’s looking for someone to do the music. Seriously. I need the cash. Please help me.”
  • Callum Schultz, 23, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    Callum is often perceived to be a typical nerd, but this is far from the truth – as he points out, he is in fact thick as shit. “It sucks”, says the grocery store worker and keen gamer, who lives above his parents’ garage. “I have early onset presbyopia and not a single law degree to show for it.” He says that he once had a real girlfriend, but this relationship came to an end when she realised he had used Nyle DiMarco’s photo in his Tinder profile.
  • Jordan Murray, 28, from New York, New York
    Jordan has been on the Broadway stage since the age of nine, when he would regularly run on to feed Marlon Brando hamburgers during the star’s poorly-received one-man show “Pies and Dolls: How I Gorged My Way to the Top”. Jordan now plays the role of Old-Fashioned American Dude #4 in Hamilton, although he’s being replaced by Mandy Patinkin. He says that he is competing in Survivor on behalf of his boyfriend and his pet hyacinth macaw, a.k.a. “the worst animal you can possibly keep in a Manhattan apartment” and also his pet macaw.
  • Kyle Noel, 32, from Plano, Texas
    Kyle says that he would normally describe himself as a good Southern country boy, except that Justin’s already filled that slot. Instead, he says he’ll settle for the “former-college-football-player-turned-successful-real-estate-agent-who-pretends-that-he’s-blue-collar-because-he-owns-a-tractor” slot. If he wins Survivor, he’ll buy another Mercedes and pay for his wife’s latest breast enlargement surgery, and also maybe a shovel. Because he’s ever so blue collar, you know.


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Old 20-09-2017, 08:42 PM #3
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The women:

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  • Kristin Larsen, 22, from Schenectady, New York
    Kristin is a graduate in drama and dance, and currently works as a barista at Dunkin’ Donuts. She dreams of becoming a big-name comedy writer and hopes that all the spare time on the island will help her come up with ideas for a hit TV show. When she isn’t being hilarious or mopping up puddles of weak coffee, she spends her time watching Survivor – in fact, she has seen every episode “except Leif’s boot in One World, because that aired on the night that I lost my virginity. Fun fact, there.”
  • Edwina McNeil, 60, from Lincoln, Nebraska
    Edwina is currently the CEO of a large-scale pet food company in Nebraska, but in a few years’ time plans to retire to Canada, where all three of her daughters now live. When she is not busy being the boss, she enjoys salsa dancing, writing erotic novellas and singing along to melodic death metal with her husband Bjorn. Although she is the eldest member of this year’s cast, she hopes that nobody will realise this due to the excessive amounts of Botox in her face.
  • Theresa Hardin, 47, from Jersey City, New Jersey
    Theresa Hardin (née Giordano, previously Anderson and Gibson) comes from a long line of mobsters. However, she decided to take a different direction in life and now owns three salons and a casino in the Hudson County area, all of which operate legally. She has divorced all three of her ex-husbands, two of which are in prison and one of which is now a hand model named Leanne. These days, she makes her way through a rotation of four different toyboys, and hopes that winning the million dollars will increase that list to at least seven (“one for each day of the week. You know, like socks”).
  • Hallie Franco, 24, from Madison, Wisconsin
    Hallie describes herself as a typical “girly girl” with a fondness for pink – a theme which runs from her interior décor to the colour of her beloved rabbit vibrator. For the most part, she runs a make-up and beauty vlog from her bedroom, although she also uses YouTube to review scented gel pens. Upon being asked to name a favourite scent, she breaks out in tears, although she does point out that it was with her peach-scented pen that she voted for Trump. With the million dollars, she hopes to make her childhood dream of starting a singing career come true, thus ending the stereotype that people who are deaf in one ear and have no discernible singing talent can’t make be successful in the music industry.

  • Alicia McCormick, 27, from Boston, Massachusetts
    Alicia is from a large family of three sisters, four brothers and a six foot tall Great Dane. She works as a peace officer, which is apparently what Americans call a law enforcement officer, and is employed specifically within the drug enforcement sector. When she started the position, she was the youngest in her division, and one of only five women (none of whom, she points out, were as hot as her). She plans to use her brains, brawn, beauty and several grams of speed that she once confiscated to win the game of Survivor.
  • Josie Jackson, 31, from Spokane, Washington
    Josie still considers herself a small town girl, having grown up on a dairy farm in North East Washington, even though she now works as a special education teacher in the big(-ish) city. Her constantly upbeat personality may make you forget that her husband Brad died in a whitewater rafting accident on their honeymoon, something which she only divulges when absolutely necessary in terms of her personal growth arc on a reality television competition show. She would like to win Survivor for “the children, because to quote Whitney Houston, they are the future.”
  • Rachelle Roth, 49, from Oakland, California
    Rachelle is a self-appointed “fashion mogul”, having been the editor of three different fashion magazines over her illustrious career. She even claims to have had a character in Ugly Betty based on her, although she can’t remember which one. At the peak of her career, she used to fly from her California home to New York eight times a week, which she says will prepare her for the mental and physical strain of Survivor. “I mean, this one time they forced me to sit next to a child. If I can survive that, I can survive anything.”
  • Takondwa Roberson, 55, from Jacksonville, Florida
    Takondwa, who proudly tells us that her name means “we are glad” in Chewa despite the fact that she has never travelled outside of Duval County, is the single mother of five children – the oldest of whom is 36 and has children of his own. She has worked countless jobs over the course of her life, including cook, janitor, housekeeper, cab driver, fake mourner, amateur boxer, dog food tester, drive-thru operator, snake milker and nursing aide. She is now retired and spends her days looking after her ten grandchildren, although she now finds them so annoying that applying for Survivor was her only way of getting away from them.


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Old 20-09-2017, 08:56 PM #4
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Episode 1 – "If Only He Were Twenty Years Older..."
Part 1

Day 1
The camera zooms in on a small island in the middle of the Pacific. Or maybe the Atlantic. I mean, it could be the Arctic Ocean for all I care. Anyway, from here we focus in on two parallel speedboats, each heading for shore. It is here that we are introduced to sixteen brand new castaways – among them, a cattle rancher, a fashion editor, a drug enforcement officer and a Broadway star – ready to play the toughest but greatest game on the planet, where they must outwit, outplay and baloney outlast their fellow competitors for thirty nine days in order to be crowned the Sole Survivor. They arrive on the shores of Judge Island where they are greeted by the island’s president, vice-president, treasurer, mayor, UN delegate and sole citizen, Judge Judy. She welcomes them to her island and immediately divides them into two tribes:

Honifor (the yellow tribe): Alicia, Aubin, Callum, Kyle, Josie, Noel, Takondwa and Theresa
Berajilo (the blue tribe): Edwina, Hallie, Jordan, Justin, Kenton, Kristin, Rachelle and Steadman


Judy gives each tribe a map to their new home and sets them on their way, but not without a warning: nightfall is approaching, and if they'd rather not starve and/or freeze to death, the castaways had all better work together to ensure that they make it to their destinations on time. At this point, Jordan squeals in a confessional that he can’t believe he just met Judge Judy, and mentally puts the experience in sixth place on his list of favourite celebrity encounters, just above that time he starred alongside Barbra Streisand and Shelly Duvall in the off-Broadway production of Avenue Q for three years.

The route to Honifor’s beach is relatively straightforward, consisting mostly of a slow walk uphill. However, at one point grandmother-of-ten Takondwa trips on a stray rock and injures her ankle. She turns down the offer of assistance from her fellow tribemates, insisting that she’ll be able to cope by herself for the rest of the trek, but younger and fitter members Alicia and Josie share a knowing look that suggests that they might have a big liability on their hands.

Berajilo’s route, however, is much more complicated, and involves a three-mile trek through thick jungle. After the tribe walks two of these miles, designated leader Edwina confesses that she has been reading the map upside down, and that she has in fact been leading Berajilo away from their beach by accident. Upon hearing this news, vlogger Hallie begins to cry loudly and starts beating her fists into the chest of emotionless man mountain Kenton. Elementary school principal Steadman confesses that he’s used to dealing with immature people like Hallie, but unlike Hallie, they usually don’t come up past his knees. When they eventually begin walking in the right direction, Kenton and country boy Justin lead the pack, while Rachelle gradually falls behind, trying instead to flick non-existent bugs off her body.

Eventually, both tribes reach their destinations and make themselves at home. The majority of Honifor decide to bed down for the night, deciding that it is now too late and too dark to attempt to build a shelter. Kyle, however, stays up to start a fire. Unable to sleep, attorney Chris soon joins him, and eventually they get fire going. Over at Berajilo, the men decide that building a shelter immediately is their top priority, and Justin instructs Jordan and Steadman to go and collect driftwood and bamboo. The women, meanwhile, mainly hover around what they hope will soon be the fire. Younger members Hallie and Kristin bond, although Hallie begins to cry again when Kristin tells her that she has sand in her hair. Rachelle continues to try and flick invisible bugs off her body, whilst Edwina dances around camp singing “Eye of the Tiger” in order to increase the tribe’s fighting spirit. It turns out that after such a long, arduous trek, eighties hair metal is not exactly what Berajilo were after. Kenton is especially annoyed by her general presence, and sighs in a confessional that this will be the longest night of his life.


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Old 20-09-2017, 08:58 PM #5
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Taekwondo wins



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Old 20-09-2017, 08:59 PM #6
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Originally Posted by Adam. View Post
Taekwondo wins
Hey... just because Rachelle's Asian, there's no need for stereotypes...


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Old 20-09-2017, 09:03 PM #7
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Hallie & Taekwonda

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Old 20-09-2017, 09:03 PM #8
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we need more Theresa next episode x
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Old 20-09-2017, 09:12 PM #9
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Originally Posted by RileyHollyoaks View Post
we need more Theresa next episode x
This is only part one of the episode There's still a lot more (two parts, specifically) to come, don't worry...


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Old 20-09-2017, 09:26 PM #10
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Episode 1 – "If Only He Were Twenty Years Older..."
Part 2

Day 2
Dawn breaks over Honifor beach and businesswoman Theresa, special education teacher Josie and grocery store clerk Callum are the first three up, although the latter is only awake as is trying to discreetly dispose of the wet sheet that he accidentally urinated on during the night. The three early birds bond and, upon Josie’s insistence (and not before telling a blushing Callum to look around to ensure that nobody else is awake) agree to work together in the game. However, Theresa later confesses that she would rather have waited to weigh up her options before rushing into an alliance. When the rest of the tribe wakes up, they agree that their best plan of action is to get working on their shelter, and with Kyle’s leadership they manage to complete their sturdy structure in under an hour. Takondwa confesses that she likes a man who can use his hands, and that she’d marry him “if only he were twenty years older and I had ten grandchildren fewer.”

On the other hand, Berajilo’s attempt at a shelter did not last the night, and the tribe awakes to a pile of wood and palm fronds. "It looks like a bomb's gone off," Justin says, shaking his head. To make matters worse, many of the tribe members wake up feeling exhausted and sleep-deprived, having been kept up during the night by their many failed attempts to start a fire, as well as Edwina’s persistent off-key singing of classic rock anthems (she made it all the way to “You’re the Voice” before drifting off). In an attempt to lift camp spirits, Jordan offers to talk in depth about his extensive Broadway career, at which point wannabe stage star Kristin’s eyes light up. She realises how much she has in common with Jordan and decides that she wants to be his best friend in the game, if not just to be one step closer to playing the female lead in the upcoming revival of Starlight Express.

Later in the day, Berajilo’s Steadman notices that fashion editor Rachelle has been excluding herself from the rest of the group, perhaps on purpose, and goes over to ask her if anything’s wrong. A few minutes into their conversation, Rachelle begins to cry that she’s not used to being stripped of such essentials as make-up and a personal masseuse, and that living with strangers in such an alien environment is beginning to play tricks with her mind – hence the imaginary bugs. As she dries her tears, she asks Steadman if he’s also a member of the Church of Scientology, and if not, she can easily sign him up, and all she needs to know is what blood type he is. Upon hearing this, Steadman begins to regret ever talking to her, and slowly backs away.

Meanwhile, things are going smoothly at Honifor now that they’ve built their shelter. As the tribemates relax and drink “Honifor special” cocktails (coconut water, except it's stirred with a twig), talk turns to life back home and, more specifically, careers. Theresa casually brings up the fact that she not only owns three salons but also the biggest casino in the Hudson County area, while Callum panics and lies to his impressed tribemates that he is a nuclear engineer with a PhD from Harvard. In a confessional, he says that he often says the wrong thing when under pressure, and in this case he didn’t want his fellow castaways to know about the fact that he's stuck in a dead-end job or that he lives above his parents' garage. Kyle talks about his past career as a college football player, before Josie tells everyone about how rewarding it is to work with special needs kids. Aubin then talks openly about his career as a civil rights lawyer, at which point Chris interrupts to say that he works as an attorney, and the two share a special lawyer handshake in kinship. In a confessional, Alicia (who is purposefully holding back the fact that she works in drug enforcement and is instead claiming to be a personal trainer, in order to seem less perceptive than she truly is) remarks that Honifor is full of people who can “walk the walk”, but wonders if they’ll be able to “talk the talk” when push comes to shove.


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Old 20-09-2017, 09:33 PM #11
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wow Theresa, Taekwonda, Rachelle and Edwina legends
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Old 20-09-2017, 09:40 PM #12
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Originally Posted by RileyHollyoaks View Post
wow Theresa, Taekwonda, Rachelle and Edwina legends
Wow, I love the new girl group in town! Old Spice Girls? Fifth Harmo-knee replacement?


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Old 20-09-2017, 09:40 PM #13
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(by the way, I lied. This episode is actually split into four parts. More to look forward to, I guess)


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Old 20-09-2017, 09:56 PM #14
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Episode 1 – "If Only He Were Twenty Years Older..."
Part 3

Day 3
The next day, the tribes arrive at their first immunity challenge:

For this challenge, the two tribes must run out and push their tribal boats into the water. Paddling out to retrieve puzzle crates, they must dive down underwater to release the boxes. Once all crates are retrieved and brought back to shore, the tribes must stack the crates into a staircase, with Judge Judy’s catchphrase “Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever” properly aligned along the sides. Then, two members of each tribe must solve a puzzle, giving them the combination to retrieve the correct key. The first tribe to run to the top of the tower, unlock and pull a lever, releasing the tribe flag, wins immunity and reward in the form of flint.

Thanks to the brute strength of Kenton and Justin, the athleticism of Jordan and Kristin, and the puzzle-solving skills of Steadman and Edwina (after the challenge, she goes out of her way to verbally thank the editors of the crossword in her local newspaper, the Lincoln Journal Star), Berajilo win the challenge, earning immunity and fire in the form of flint. For Honifor, nothing but a date at Tribal Council with Judge Judy later tonight.

A defeated Honifor return to camp, bummed out about losing the first immunity challenge of the season. Everyone keeps a very gracious exterior, choosing not to directly blame one another for the loss, despite the fact that Takondwa’s injured ankle clearly held the tribe back in places. Feeling guilty about the result, Takondwa decides to take Aubin, Chris, Josie, Alicia and Kyle aside separately. To her surprise, they all reassure her that her ankle will have no bearing on their decision making at Tribal. A relieved Takondwa then retires to the water’s edge and dips her foot in the sea, believing that the salt will do it good and reduce the swelling. Meanwhile, Josie rallies her troops Callum and Theresa in preparation for the vote, and soon realises that her alliance is currently a little threadbare in its current form. In order to try and recruit numbers, Josie goes up to each of her fellow castaways except Takondwa, separately pitching to each of them the plan that she has been keeping secret until now: as it is unlikely that Takondwa’s ankle will magically heal, the tribe will not be able to win challenges moving forward unless they vote her out tonight, and they will instead be more likely to win challenges if they are united as one massive alliance. Having spoken to almost everyone and believing her work to be done, Josie spends the remainder of the afternoon sunbathing.

However, while collecting firewood, to make up for the fact that they did not win flint in the challenge today, Kyle and Chris discuss the separate conversations that Josie had with them earlier. They both concur that her idea of making one massive alliance is ridiculous, and that Josie spoke to them in a patronising manner, as if she had been speaking to the children that she teaches. Agreeing that Josie seems to be getting “a little too big for her boots”, the pair approach Alicia, who suggests that they vote her out to prevent her from running the show. They later talk to Aubin as a trio, who confesses that he would rather vote out Josie than Takondwa, as they have already shared personal conversations about their children and (in Takondwa’s case) grandchildren, whereas Josie has seemed reluctant to speak about her family life and “seems dead behind the eyes, and that’s not the kind of person you want to play this game with.” As a foursome, they then walk up to Takondwa, who is still sitting by the water’s edge, and tell her their plan. She is thrilled to hear it, although also somewhat confused, as Josie had told her just hours earlier that she wasn’t going to vote for her – at least, not for being a challenge liability.

As the sun begins to set and Tribal Council looms, Chris suggests bringing Theresa into their plan, ensuring a strong majority of six to allow room for error. However, when they go to find Theresa, they realise that she is sunbathing right next to Josie. Not only do they feel unable to take Theresa to one side to inform her of their discussions, or else Josie may catch wind of the plan to blindside her, but they begin to worry that Josie’s conversation with Theresa cemented a potentially strong relationship between the two, and wonder if the other conversations secretly had a similar impact on anyone else in the tribe. If so, Chris worries that the whole plan could be thrown into jeopardy. As Honifor make their way to Tribal Council, Josie crosses her fingers that they will be a united front once Takondwa and her dodgy ankle leave tonight.


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Old 20-09-2017, 10:08 PM #15
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Find out who'll be the first person voted out of Survivor: Judge Island, as decided by however BrantSteele simulations are decided, very shortly...


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Old 20-09-2017, 10:26 PM #16
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Episode 1 – "If Only He Were Twenty Years Older..."
Part 4

Tribal Council, Night 3
A nervous Honifor tribe arrive at Tribal Council. Once the castaways are all stood in the middle, Judge Judy tells them to collect a torch and dip it into the large camp fire, "as in this game, fire represents your life, you assholes.” She begins by asking Kyle whether he was disappointed to lose the crucial first immunity challenge. Kyle responds diplomatically by saying that of course he was disappointed, but he doesn’t believe that there is any one person to blame for the tribe's collective loss. At this, Josie’s eyes subtly drift in Takondwa’s direction. Judy then turns to Callum, and asks how the tribe morale is holding up following the defeat. Callum panics and says out of nowhere that he is voting for Takondwa, causing several of his tribemates to place their heads in their hands. Attempting to backtrack, he tries to pretend that he was speaking in hypotheticals, but this only causes Josie to become confused about whether or not he is loyal to her plan. Judy asks Takondwa if she’ll be using the same tactic of randomly blurting out her vote in the middle of Tribal, to which Takondwa replies, “no, I like surprises.” Going into the vote, Judy asks Theresa if she knows which way she’ll vote. Theresa responds by saying that she’s ninety percent sure, and that the remaining ten percent is pure hope that she'll be on the right side of the votes tonight. With that, the players go to cast their votes:


Josie (voting for Takondwa): “It was nice getting to know you Grandma T, but as far as the game of Survivor is concerned, I'm afraid you don’t have a leg to stand on.”

Aubin (voting for Josie): “A few hours ago I was certain that this would work. Now, I’m hopeful.”


Judge Judy collects the votes and tallies them. She then begins to read the votes:

“First vote… Takondwa…”

“Second vote… Takondwa…”

Takondwa takes a deep breath.

“Third vote… Josie…”

“Fourth vote… Takondwa…”

“Fifth vote… Josie…”

Josie's eyes narrow in suspicion at the reading of her second vote.

“Sixth vote… Josie…”

“Seventh vote… Josie…”

Josie gulps.

“First person voted out of Survivor: Judge Island… Josie.”

Josie’s eyes widen in shock as her name is called out. She solemnly gets up and goes to collect her torch. Once it is snuffed by Judge Judy, she turns to her fellow tribemates.

“None of you know this,” Josie begins, “but seven years ago, on this very day, I lost my husband in a tragic whitewater rafting accident. Every day since then, I’ve had to live with the pain of knowing that he won’t be there when I wake up, knowing that I’ll never touch him, or smell him, or kiss him again. I was playing this game for him, and I wanted us to be united for him, just in the hope that that would bring me closer to him. You didn’t just betray me tonight, but you also betrayed my husb-“

“That’s lovely, but we’re running over and I’ve got an episode of Stranger Things to go and watch,” Judy says, ushering an affronted Josie out of the Tribal Council area. She then turns to the remaining seven Honifor members and tells them that while they may think that they've successfully completed their first sprint by coming to Tribal Council, they've got one long ass marathon ahead of them. She then hands over a flint and bids Honifor goodnight as they make their way out of the Tribal Council area.

The votes in full:


Alicia – Josie
Aubin – Josie
Callum – Takondwa
Chris – Josie
Josie – Takondwa
Kyle – Josie
Takondwa – Josie
Theresa – Takondwa


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Old 20-09-2017, 10:30 PM #17
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And just for evidence, here's some episode one screenshots:




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Old 20-09-2017, 10:50 PM #18
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Episode one edgic (feel free to correct me if you think I'm wildly off):

Josie – CPN5 (CPN overall)

Alicia – CP2
Aubin – CP3
Callum – OTTM4
Chris – CP4
Edwina – OTTN4
Hallie – OTTM3
Jordan – MOR3
Justin – UTRM2
Kenton – UTRM2
Kristin – UTR2
Kyle – CPP4
Rachelle – OTTN4
Steadman – MOR3
Takondwa – MORP5
Theresa – CPM4


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Old 21-09-2017, 12:47 AM #19
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This is absolutely magical Edwina and Callum
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Old 21-09-2017, 09:49 AM #20
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Originally Posted by LemonJam View Post
This is absolutely magical Edwina and Callum
Thank you! <3

Episode two is on its way...


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Old 21-09-2017, 09:53 AM #21
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poor Josie

but love this game

Taking part in Strictly Jake's Tibb does Strictly Game.

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Old 21-09-2017, 10:40 AM #22
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Episode 2 – "Threesomes Have More Fun"
Part 1

Night 3
Honifor return from Tribal Council, having just voted out Josie over Takondwa. In a confessional, Alicia explains that the day one hike initially left her worried about Takondwa’s injured ankle and its potential to bring the rest of the tribe down, but she decided to vote for Josie after noticing that she was playing too hard too soon. “I’d rather have a grandma with one working foot in the game than someone who could stab me in the back when I’m least expecting it,” she says calmly. Though most of the tribe’s members seem happy with their decision, Theresa (who voted for Takondwa alongside Josie and Callum, under the assumption that this was the plan that the others were also following) regrets being left out of the loop by what now appears to be the majority alliance, and in a confessional wonders how she can claw her way back to a safe spot before it’s too late.

The tribes, as they currently stand:


Day 4
The next morning, early riser Theresa has strategy on her mind. She explains that she couldn’t sleep, as her mind was so full of thoughts regarding her position in the tribe. “Overthinking trivial stuff will be the downfall of me in this game, I swear,” she says, “but it’s just so damn easy to let paranoia get the better of you.” Chris is also awake, having made an early start at getting a fire going with the flint that the tribe earned at the end of last night’s Tribal Council. Theresa decides to talk to him, knowing that he and Kyle were the brains behind Josie’s exit. She explains that she has no ill will towards him or the rest of the tribe, and would have voted with them had she known what the plan was. Chris in turn points out that he was trying his hardest to inform her of the plot to save Takondwa and blindside Josie, but as she was sunbathing right next to the target, there was no inconspicuous way of pulling her away and filling her in so late in the day. “Well, I promise I won’t be topping up my tan the next time a crucial vote’s about to take place,” Theresa laughs, and the two shake on their new deal.

Over at Berajilo, having rebuilt their shelter and started a fire with the flint that they won at yesterday’s challenge, the castaways are feeling refreshed and calm compared to their hectic first night. In a confessional, Justin explains that they’re starting to become a kind of dysfunctional family: Steadman and Edwina are the parents, he, Kenton, Hallie and Kristin are the mischievous little kids “running around, causing mayhem”, Rachelle is the crazy spiritual aunt and Jordan is “the queer cousin that nobody mentions”. “Just a normal family,” he repeats. Elsewhere, the newly-united Berajilo tribe try out various bonding tactics including yoga, as led by Jordan and Kristin as the tribe’s most supple members. Kenton refuses to take part as not to dent his fragile masculinity, but Justin throws himself into it with incredible enthusiasm. At one point, he hyper-extends so much during his downward-facing dog that he pulls a muscle in his groin, and as a result spends the rest of the day rubbing his crotch with a palm leaf. While most of the tribe practice their yoga, Rachelle crouches on her knees to one side, doing something altogether more still. After they finish, Jordan goes over to talk to Rachelle, despite Steadman repeatedly warning him not to for his own safety. When he asks Rachelle what she’s up to, she explains that she is praying to Major William Cage, the character played by Tom Cruise in the film Edge of Tomorrow. Without asking any questions, Jordan turns his back and walks away.

Later, at Honifor, Callum employs Theresa’s strategy of pulling a member of the majority alliance to one side and pleading to them to let him join. He speaks to Aubin about the previous night’s Tribal Council and how badly he regrets telling everyone that he was voting for Takondwa, especially considering his answer was in response to a completely unrelated question asked by Judge Judy. Aubin tells him not to worry and reassures him that he isn’t on the bottom, although both seem to know that this isn’t exactly true. Nonetheless, taking this to mean that the tribe at least prefer him over Theresa, Callum happily skips off to continue building his to-scale replica of the Millennium Falcon out of shells. Aubin then confesses that although Callum is a “strange one”, he’ll keep an eye on him in case it becomes beneficial to work with him in the future.


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Old 21-09-2017, 10:49 AM #23
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(yeah, I lied... episode one might not be the longest episode after all)


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Old 21-09-2017, 10:56 AM #24
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Episode 2 – "Threesomes Have More Fun"
Part 2

Day 5
The next day, the tribes convene in a jungle clearing, where they are met by Judge Judy. “Berajilo, take a look at the new Honifor tribe,” she says, as the Berajilo eight look over to see Honifor walk in – or in Takondwa’s case, hobble in – without Josie. Kristin and Hallie look especially shocked at Josie’s elimination, despite never once meeting her. Alicia gives a smug glance back. Now this is out of the way, the first tribal reward challenge can begin:

One member from both tribes must hold a handled pedestal with an idol on top. The goal is to knock the other person's idol from their pedestal. The first tribe to score five wins reward in the form of a tarp.

With Rachelle sitting out to make up the numbers, Honifor prove to be no match for the united Berajilo tribe, and Berajilo pull off a convincing victory to win the reward.

Back at camp, Berajilo cover their shelter with their brand new tarp, with Edwina remarking that it’ll come in handy “whenever God decides to take a leak.” Most of the tribe then go fishing or hunting for extra firewood. Later on Kristin, still aiming to solidify her relationship with Jordan, takes a break from collecting firewood and goes up to him to tell him how much she enjoyed their yoga session together the day before. She confesses that she would like to make a “Broadway alliance” with him, despite the fact that only one of them has actually ever been on Broadway. Jordan is open to the idea, and considers Kristin a little sister, albeit one who won’t stop asking him if he can get her a role in Wicked. They begin to talk strategy and realise that they’ll have better odds if they increase their numbers, so discuss bringing in mutual friend Hallie. “After all,” Kristin says, “threesomes have more fun.” In a confessional, Jordan says that most of the tribe assume that the three of them are already aligned anyway, what them being among the youngest and having shared interests, so they might as well make it a reality sooner rather than later.

Over at Honifor, the tribe is mostly occupied with fishing and hunting for food, as several of them have already expressed a distaste for Callum’s patented half-cooked rice sandwich (with rice instead of bread). While this task keeps most of them busy, Theresa confesses that bonds alone are not enough, and she needs a way of ensuring her safety given what she perceives to be a precarious position. As the majority of her tribemates are down by the shore, she takes the opportunity to rush into the jungle to look for a hidden immunity idol. After ten minutes or so of shaking random trees to and fro, a piece of paper falls out from the top of a tree well away from Honifor beach, to Theresa’s delight. “Well that was easy,” she smirks as she opens the piece of paper, revealing that she has found a clue to a hidden immunity idol. As she puts the clue in her pocket, she sees Chris walking towards her in the distance. She calls him over and, deciding that honesty is the best policy following their earlier conversation and subsequent handshake, shares the idol clue with him, and they agree to let Chris hold onto it. In a confessional, Chris punches the air with delight that he’s not even a week into the game and he already has a clue to the idol, but calms down to point out that it’s crucial for he and Theresa to “play this thing right… if we find it at all, that is.”


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Old 21-09-2017, 10:57 AM #25
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that it’ll come in handy “whenever God decides to take a leak.”

epic quote

Taking part in Strictly Jake's Tibb does Strictly Game.

No.1 Fan of Queen Anastasia ''Nastia'' Stan!!!!!!
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