Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 7]

25 Aug, 2014 - 4:05 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Monday 25th August) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Last night, Ricci made his feelings to Lauren clear. In the garden, David asks Ricci if he’d be as fussed about her if he was in the outside world and Ricci admits, “I really like her.” David advises him to “take a step back” and not continually tell her how he feels

· Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Edele and Lauren discuss Ricci. Edele tells Lauren that Ricci likes her “like that”. Lauren asks how she knows and Edele jokes, “He might have shouted it to the roof tops!” An embarrassed Lauren admits it’s “nice when someone likes you…it’s quite cute” Edele says that it’s hard when people put pressure on and suggests that over time, they could get together.

· Ricci and James talk to David about being on the scrap heap with Gary. David does an impersonation of Gary and admits, “five hours, six hours of that is taking its toll” He goes on to say that viewers won’t vote Gary out of the House. James says that he would vote for Frenchy to go because she is “so weird” and admits that he finds Gary “fascinating”

· Kellie and George are chatting by the pool. George asks if she always knew she wanted to be female and Kellie says, “I used to look in the mirror and think ‘Sh*t. Why can’t I see a pretty face looking at me?’ What I’m seeing is not really me. It was such a strange feeling. Even my daughters tell me I’m a much nicer person. My mum told me I’m a nicer person” George then asks how his mum took the news and Kellie admits she was “fantastic” and said, “You’re still my child, no matter what you want to do” George says that it’s a “lovely” story and Kellie then describes the first time she met her mum as Kellie and she said, “I think dear, you’re wearing too much make up!” George then describes his relationship with his mum and admits that he’s told her things he didn’t want her to hear because she’s his best friend. Kellie jokes, “You can’t have my body, I’m not ready” and George replies, “I don’t mean to be flirty. Just remember, Kellie, I wouldn’t have kissed Frank!” and they both laugh.

· David performs a hand stand press up in the scrap heap, impressing Stephanie “How does that happen? You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met” Kellie leans in and whispers, “I can do that on my boobs!”

· In the bedroom, George shows Lauren a present he’s made for Stephanie; a bowl with the words “I love eeew” carved into it. George suggests that she will eat her dinner from the bowl and Lauren jokes “I don’t think she will! She’s got OCD for germs!”

· After watching David perform his exercises, an impressed Stephanie tells James, “David is so hot. I was dying out there.” James remarks, “He’s quite camp though” and she admits it took around three days to “get him”. Edele joins the conversation and says “he’s not what he looks like” James then admits that he wasn’t sure about him or Ricci when they arrived but thought George was really funny. James then asks Stephanie if there’s any chance she would date George and she shakes her head to say no. James says George is not taking the flirting seriously and he admitted “If she goes, tomorrow, after half an hour, I’d be on to someone else!” Stephanie remarks that she does love George as a friend and that he “makes this whole thing so much better”

· Audley takes it upon himself to lead a Sunday service for the Housemates. Audley welcomes the Housemates to the “Spiritual Centre called NEGU” (Never Ever Give Up) and proceeds to give a rousing speech.

· Edele reveals to Dee and Audley that Audley’s sermon made her emotional as she started to think about what is going on in her personal life. She heads up to the Diary Room and tells Big Brother that she just wants a hug from her twin. It’s finally hit her that she has separated from her husband. She feels that she is isolating herself from the group as she doesn’t want to bring them down with her problems.

· George gives his present to Stephanie and she loves it, admitting “I’ve never got a gift like this before!” James asks if she loves George and she admits she does and that “maybe one day when he matures” she could love him in a “sexual way”

· Stephanie remarks to James, “Gary’s so much nicer when he’s clean… and in the scrap heap” and James says they are like caged animals that they can release when they want.

· In the Diary Room, Big Brother asks Gary if he’s enjoying being on the scrap heap and he says “it’s a very big gift to sit there and relax, and I get to reflect on what I’m learning and how I’m being educated” He goes on to say that he’s learning a lot about English people and the language they use. When asked who he’s closest to in the House, he lists all the Housemate including “the lady whose voice can penetrate led”, Dee.

· Dee, Gary and Claire discuss how the House will feel once people have been evicted. Dee thinks it will get harder as there will be less people and fewer conversations to be had, but Gary disagrees. He suggests it will make things easier if there’s less to do and says “Thoughts, mediation, prayer and honking like a goose” will get him through. They Gary then leads Dee in doing their best goose impressions.

· Big Brother gathers the Housemates to play More or Less a Celebrity, hosted by Leslie. Earlier today, Leslie was asked to compare his Housemates across four categories. The Housemates currently on the Celebrity Scrap Heap – David, Kellie, Gary and Frenchy – will have to guess what answers Leslie gave. The Housemate who guesses the most correctly will receive a surprise from Big Brother.

o First to play is Kellie, who must guess how Leslie rated the Housemates in terms of fame. When Edele is rated less famous than Ricci, Edele leaps up and jokingly shouts “***** you!” The last pairing Kellie had to guess correctly was Audley and Gary. Kellie incorrectly guessed that Gary was more famous that Audley. Gary doesn’t take this news well and tells Leslie, “That’s wrong! I’m internationally famous!”

o David’s category is his “favourite subject” sexy

o Gary’s category is intelligence and he says he feels “consistently and constantly confident” After being voted less intelligent than Frenchy, Stephanie remarks that she feels “ugly and stupid”

o The last Housemate to play is Frenchy, whose category is talent. Frenchy correctly answers four correct answers, making her the winner.

· Big Brother tells Frenchy that, as the winner of More or Less a Celebrity, she is saved from the Celebrity Scrap Heap and no longer faces eviction. However, she must choose one Housemate, who she feels least deserves their place in the House, to take her place. As the Star of the Show, Leslie is exempt from nomination. She chooses James.

· Big Brother then tells Leslie that he must nominate a fifth and final Housemate to face eviction. As Frenchy won the game, she is also exempt from nomination. Leslie chooses Claire because he thinks she’s the strongest, which Claire denies admitting “I’ve nearly been in tears for three days” The five Housemates facing eviction are Kellie, David, Gary, James and Claire.

· Leslie tries to explain why he voted Audley as most famous to Gary, who says he’s not upset. As he walks away, Leslie remarks “Oh my God, Gary Busey is a bufoon”

· In the garden, Gary has a conversation…with himself. He says, “It’s just a game. You can’t take any of this serious and you’ve got to let it go. You don’t have to, but that’s a good thing to do. I got emotionally involved in some of the thoughts and opinions of Leslie. But they’re not my opinions or my thoughts, so why let it bother you?”

· In the living area, some of the Housemates are being too loud for Gary who asks why English people are so loud when they talk. James says, “Are you joking? American people are the loudest speaking people in the world!” This annoys Gary who says that he wasn’t making a statement, only asking a question.

· James is trying to get Lauren to showcase her hidden singing talents and she admits that she doesn’t believe in herself. Gary observes that she’s nervous and will do it when she’s ready. Lauren admits she’s “been knocked back” in the past and can’t be who she wants to be. James tries to encourage her to “let it out” but Gary advices that you can’t push people “in the big time” James is clearly put out by this and says, “In the dance world, I’m Brad Pitt…it’s a fact”. When Gary questions who told him this, James asks if he is trying to start an augment. Gary says it’s the last thing on his agenda adding, “there’s no winners” in an argument

· In the Diary Room, Leslie tells Big Brother that Gary “pushes my buttons” and “he was deeply offended” by the earlier task. He says that James has taught him to just say “you’re right” and walk away from discussions with Gary. He then goes on to say that everyone in the House is deserving of a space and he only chose Claire because she is the strongest.

· Gary and James are talking about love. Gary says that he’s “married spiritually” to his girlfriend and they’ve “been together for 32 lifetimes” James is puzzled and Gary explains a past life when he and his girlfriend were the parents of Constantine, the Roman Emperor. James doesn’t understand and gets Gary to explain properly. Gary then goes through history explaining that he was with her all throughout history going all the way back to Mayan times. James is left speechless as he gets up and leaves Gary alone in the living area.

Comment posted by: Josy
· Last night, Ricci made his feelings to Lauren clear. In the garden, David asks Ricci if he’d be as fussed about her if he was in the outside world and Ricci admits, “I really like her.” David advises him to “take a step back” and not continually tell her how he feels

· Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Edele and Lauren discuss Ricci. Edele tells Lauren that Ricci likes her “like that”. Lauren asks how she knows and Edele jokes, “He might have shouted it to the roof tops!” An embarrassed Lauren admits it’s “nice when someone likes you…it’s quite cute” Edele says that it’s hard when people put pressure on and suggests that over time, they could get together.

· Ricci and James talk to David about being on the scrap heap with Gary. David does an impersonation of Gary and admits, “five hours, six hours of that is taking its toll” He goes on to say that viewers won’t vote Gary out of the House. James says that he would vote for Frenchy to go because she is “so weird” and admits that he finds Gary “fascinating”

· Kellie and George are chatting by the pool. George asks if she always knew she wanted to be female and Kellie says, “I used to look in the mirror and think ‘Sh*t. Why can’t I see a pretty face looking at me?’ What I’m seeing is not really me. It was such a strange feeling. Even my daughters tell me I’m a much nicer person. My mum told me I’m a nicer person” George then asks how his mum took the news and Kellie admits she was “fantastic” and said, “You’re still my child, no matter what you want to do” George says that it’s a “lovely” story and Kellie then describes the first time she met her mum as Kellie and she said, “I think dear, you’re wearing too much make up!” George then describes his relationship with his mum and admits that he’s told her things he didn’t want her to hear because she’s his best friend. Kellie jokes, “You can’t have my body, I’m not ready” and George replies, “I don’t mean to be flirty. Just remember, Kellie, I wouldn’t have kissed Frank!” and they both laugh.

· David performs a hand stand press up in the scrap heap, impressing Stephanie “How does that happen? You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met” Kellie leans in and whispers, “I can do that on my boobs!”

· In the bedroom, George shows Lauren a present he’s made for Stephanie; a bowl with the words “I love eeew” carved into it. George suggests that she will eat her dinner from the bowl and Lauren jokes “I don’t think she will! She’s got OCD for germs!”

· After watching David perform his exercises, an impressed Stephanie tells James, “David is so hot. I was dying out there.” James remarks, “He’s quite camp though” and she admits it took around three days to “get him”. Edele joins the conversation and says “he’s not what he looks like” James then admits that he wasn’t sure about him or Ricci when they arrived but thought George was really funny. James then asks Stephanie if there’s any chance she would date George and she shakes her head to say no. James says George is not taking the flirting seriously and he admitted “If she goes, tomorrow, after half an hour, I’d be on to someone else!” Stephanie remarks that she does love George as a friend and that he “makes this whole thing so much better”

· Audley takes it upon himself to lead a Sunday service for the Housemates. Audley welcomes the Housemates to the “Spiritual Centre called NEGU” (Never Ever Give Up) and proceeds to give a rousing speech.

· Edele reveals to Dee and Audley that Audley’s sermon made her emotional as she started to think about what is going on in her personal life. She heads up to the Diary Room and tells Big Brother that she just wants a hug from her twin. It’s finally hit her that she has separated from her husband. She feels that she is isolating herself from the group as she doesn’t want to bring them down with her problems.

· George gives his present to Stephanie and she loves it, admitting “I’ve never got a gift like this before!” James asks if she loves George and she admits she does and that “maybe one day when he matures” she could love him in a “sexual way”

· Stephanie remarks to James, “Gary’s so much nicer when he’s clean… and in the scrap heap” and James says they are like caged animals that they can release when they want.

· In the Diary Room, Big Brother asks Gary if he’s enjoying being on the scrap heap and he says “it’s a very big gift to sit there and relax, and I get to reflect on what I’m learning and how I’m being educated” He goes on to say that he’s learning a lot about English people and the language they use. When asked who he’s closest to in the House, he lists all the Housemate including “the lady whose voice can penetrate led”, Dee.

· Dee, Gary and Claire discuss how the House will feel once people have been evicted. Dee thinks it will get harder as there will be less people and fewer conversations to be had, but Gary disagrees. He suggests it will make things easier if there’s less to do and says “Thoughts, mediation, prayer and honking like a goose” will get him through. They Gary then leads Dee in doing their best goose impressions.

· Big Brother gathers the Housemates to play More or Less a Celebrity, hosted by Leslie. Earlier today, Leslie was asked to compare his Housemates across four categories. The Housemates currently on the Celebrity Scrap Heap – David, Kellie, Gary and Frenchy – will have to guess what answers Leslie gave. The Housemate who guesses the most correctly will receive a surprise from Big Brother.

o First to play is Kellie, who must guess how Leslie rated the Housemates in terms of fame. When Edele is rated less famous than Ricci, Edele leaps up and jokingly shouts “***** you!” The last pairing Kellie had to guess correctly was Audley and Gary. Kellie incorrectly guessed that Gary was more famous that Audley. Gary doesn’t take this news well and tells Leslie, “That’s wrong! I’m internationally famous!”

o David’s category is his “favourite subject” sexy

o Gary’s category is intelligence and he says he feels “consistently and constantly confident” After being voted less intelligent than Frenchy, Stephanie remarks that she feels “ugly and stupid”

o The last Housemate to play is Frenchy, whose category is talent. Frenchy correctly answers four correct answers, making her the winner.

· Big Brother tells Frenchy that, as the winner of More or Less a Celebrity, she is saved from the Celebrity Scrap Heap and no longer faces eviction. However, she must choose one Housemate, who she feels least deserves their place in the House, to take her place. As the Star of the Show, Leslie is exempt from nomination. She chooses James.

· Big Brother then tells Leslie that he must nominate a fifth and final Housemate to face eviction. As Frenchy won the game, she is also exempt from nomination. Leslie chooses Claire because he thinks she’s the strongest, which Claire denies admitting “I’ve nearly been in tears for three days” The five Housemates facing eviction are Kellie, David, Gary, James and Claire.

· Leslie tries to explain why he voted Audley as most famous to Gary, who says he’s not upset. As he walks away, Leslie remarks “Oh my God, Gary Busey is a bufoon”

· In the garden, Gary has a conversation…with himself. He says, “It’s just a game. You can’t take any of this serious and you’ve got to let it go. You don’t have to, but that’s a good thing to do. I got emotionally involved in some of the thoughts and opinions of Leslie. But they’re not my opinions or my thoughts, so why let it bother you?”

· In the living area, some of the Housemates are being too loud for Gary who asks why English people are so loud when they talk. James says, “Are you joking? American people are the loudest speaking people in the world!” This annoys Gary who says that he wasn’t making a statement, only asking a question.

· James is trying to get Lauren to showcase her hidden singing talents and she admits that she doesn’t believe in herself. Gary observes that she’s nervous and will do it when she’s ready. Lauren admits she’s “been knocked back” in the past and can’t be who she wants to be. James tries to encourage her to “let it out” but Gary advices that you can’t push people “in the big time” James is clearly put out by this and says, “In the dance world, I’m Brad Pitt…it’s a fact”. When Gary questions who told him this, James asks if he is trying to start an augment. Gary says it’s the last thing on his agenda adding, “there’s no winners” in an argument

· In the Diary Room, Leslie tells Big Brother that Gary “pushes my buttons” and “he was deeply offended” by the earlier task. He says that James has taught him to just say “you’re right” and walk away from discussions with Gary. He then goes on to say that everyone in the House is deserving of a space and he only chose Claire because she is the strongest.

· Gary and James are talking about love. Gary says that he’s “married spiritually” to his girlfriend and they’ve “been together for 32 lifetimes” James is puzzled and Gary explains a past life when he and his girlfriend were the parents of Constantine, the Roman Emperor. James doesn’t understand and gets Gary to explain properly. Gary then goes through history explaining that he was with her all throughout history going all the way back to Mayan times. James is left speechless as he gets up and leaves Gary alone in the living area.
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:04 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Monday 25th August) highlights show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Last night, Ricci made his feelings to Lauren clear. In the garden, David asks Ricci if he’d be as fussed about her if he was in the outside world and.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...ate-day-7.html
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:05 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: reece(:
eww at the first half being Ricci/Lauren and Kellie's story
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:07 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: MB.
So very little Frenchy
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:08 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vanessa
Stephanie and James calling Gary and Frenchie animals.
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:12 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
Originally Posted by MB. View Post
So very little Frenchy
We see her in the task and she wins, she also puts James up. Best thing about the highlights tbh
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:13 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vanessa
Gary then leads Dee in doing their best goose impressions.
Published on: 25 Aug, 2014 - 4:14 PM Comment with Quote

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Celebrity Big Brother 14 (Summer 2014) - Who was your overall favourite housemate?
Audley Harrison
Claire King
David Mcintosh
Dee Kelly
Edele Lynch
Frenchy Morgan
Gary Busey
George Gilbey
James Jordan
Kellie Maloney
Lauren Goodger
Leslie Jordan
Ricci Guarnaccio
Stephanie Pratt

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