Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 8]

26 Aug, 2014 - 4:46 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 26th August) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

Joining the celebrities on the Scrap Heap and up for eviction are Claire and James. Frenchy chose James to replace her and Claire became Leslie’s final decision.

* Gary tells Frenchy he is proud of her for winning the task the previous night and gives her a bear hug.

* Claire is philosophical about being evicted and says to David: ‘Be nice to stay but if we go, fine.’

* James goes to the Diary Room and says: ‘The games have begun now.’ He says that he is gutted to be up for eviction but says he will take it on the chin if he leaves. He says of Frenchy: ‘I can’t stand her, I despise her as a human being.’ He calls it ‘unfortunate’ that Frenchy was in the position to pick someone to replace her as it was always going to be him.

* James tells Gary that whenever he goes for a shower to make sure one of the boys is there with him as it’s slippery and he’s worried about his knee. Audley tells Gary that ‘no-one wants to see your dingaling but we need to be there.’

* Lauren is asked to the Diary Room and warned about her behaviour - urinating in the pool. She’s not sure if she did it or not but says sorry anyway after Big Brother points out this is immature behaviour for a twenty seven year old. She leaves and tells the other Housemates and Frenchy reminds her that she also did it in the bath.

* James, David and Edele talk about Frenchy and Edele says: ‘She knows she’s a nutter.’

* Dee tells Claire that she is now scared of Leslie and compares him to Hannibal Lecter and a Jack Russell.

* Leslie shares a childhood memory with Kellie in the pod. The story revolves around a Christmas visit to Santa when he was three and asked for a bride doll. Initially his father said that he would have one ‘over his dead body.’ His mother said she couldn’t break it to little Leslie that he couldn’t have his doll and in the end his stern father went out and bought him one so he wouldn’t be disappointed on Christmas morning.

* For this week’s shopping task housemates will need nerves of steel as they endure Big Brother’s phobia tests. What they don’t know is that whether or not they pass their individual phobia tests, the whole task actually rests on one man… Gary, who will have to convince housemates he has a genuine phobia of balloons. The first three Housemates to take part are Stephanie, Edele and Ricci. If at any time housemates want to stop their challenge they can press the panic button.

• Stephanie - Osmophobia – The Fear Of Smells – She has to place her head in an enclosed box with such delightful items such as rotting meat, stinky cheese, dirty socks and buzzing flies.

• Edele - Omphalophonia – The Fear Of Belly Buttons – She has to have her face mashed into a man’s navel.

• Ricci – Neophobia - A Fear Of Surprises – He has to open a box that contains an unknown item. He then gets gunge shot in his face.
They all endure the tests and pass this part of the task.

* James helps David out with his workout, holding his legs during a handstand.

* Stephanie talks to Kellie and Lauren about her split with Spencer Matthews after he cheated on her in September. She says: ‘He’s friends with all of his exes after he ******ed them all over.’

* Frenchy tells Gary that she and him need to form an alliance together for their time in the house. Gary agrees it’s good to have alliances.

* In the second part of the phobia task, Kellie, Dee and Frenchy are tested for Epistemophobia – the fear of knowledge. They must each stand behind the knowledge podium to test if they are scared of answering questions posed to them by Big Brother, if they are too scared to answer they can press the panic button. Housemates not taking part are watching on the screen in the living area.

• Dee - Least favourite Housemate and why? – Gary – He’s a legend but a pain in the butt.
• Frenchy – Who’s being fake and why? – Kellie – She’s nice to her and then talks about her behind her back. (Kellie tells her she is a bad judge of character).
• Kellie – Biggest ego and why? – Leslie – He’s intent on winning and he’s camping it up and suffers from small man ego.
• Dee – Most manipulative and why? – Gary – He seems to come alive when he thinks there is a live eviction. He manipulates situations because someone told him he would be here till the end. (Gary says: ‘That’s a lie.’)
• Frenchy – Most two-faced and why? – Leslie – He’s nice to me and then tries to eliminate me and I cannot sleep well because of his snoring.
• Kellie – Most selfish and why? – Frenchy – She wouldn’t share the food and hid food and water.

The Housemates have passed this part of the task and proved that they are not scared of knowledge.

* The home truths revealed in the last part of the task have rattled the Housemates and Gary wants a word with Dee about her answers. He tells her, again, that he has been out of his body twice and has been privy to information not available on earth. Dee says: ‘That’s as maybe.’ Gary takes this as a statement of non-belief and tells her she is ‘very rude.’ Dee points out if she had answered James or Kellie, they wouldn’t have made a fuss.

* In the third part of the phobia task, David and Lauren are tested for Arachnophobia – fear of spiders. They are put in a room together with a panic button and the lights go out. A person dressed as a spider comes into the room and lightly touches Lauren’s shoulder and she presses the panic button and the Housemates incur one fail.

* Leslie talks to Big Brother and says: ‘I stand accused of ego mania and chicanery.’ He also says that they have all fallen into the realisation that this is a game. He calls Gary a grumpy curmudgeon and that you can’t reason with someone like that. He calls Frenchy a gnat and says that she annoys him but she has calmed down and she thinks she is going to win. He doesn’t think he is a ‘lone ranger’ in his feelings towards them both.

* George tells Frenchy that if he had been asked who the most fake is he would have said her because she has fake boobs and hair and he bets even her Uggs are fake. She admits she is ‘plastic fantastic.’ Kellie tells Frenchy that she spoke very well during the fear of knowledge task and assures her she hasn’t been talking about her behind her back.

* Lauren tells Stephanie that she thinks that Ricci is a very good guy but she doesn’t have ‘that fancy for him.’

* James and George are called to the diary room and as George walks off he and Stephanie exchange ‘I love you.’ In the Diary Room they are told that they are both to be tested for Morrischorophobia – fear of Morris Dancing. They are both fully kitted out in the full traditional dress and start to dance when the music starts.

* Stephanie seems a little worse for wear and announces that she misses George and tells the group that if he leaves she might have to leave with him.

* Stephanie goes to the Diary and demands to know where George is and that Big Brother must get him down as he usually provides the entertainment and all the Housemates are missing him. She asks if he is doing a task as she can hear music and dancing.

* Ricci, Dee and Lauren are chatting about where whereabouts of George and James and Ricci says: ‘They’re gonna start playing with people’s heads, well and truly, it’s started right now, I bet you.’ Dee says that George is Stephanie’s crutch in the house and Ricci says he thinks they are more like brother and sister. Lauren hopes it is more than that.

Comment posted by: Josy
Joining the celebrities on the Scrap Heap and up for eviction are Claire and James. Frenchy chose James to replace her and Claire became Leslie’s final decision.

* Gary tells Frenchy he is proud of her for winning the task the previous night and gives her a bear hug.

* Claire is philosophical about being evicted and says to David: ‘Be nice to stay but if we go, fine.’

* James goes to the Diary Room and says: ‘The games have begun now.’ He says that he is gutted to be up for eviction but says he will take it on the chin if he leaves. He says of Frenchy: ‘I can’t stand her, I despise her as a human being.’ He calls it ‘unfortunate’ that Frenchy was in the position to pick someone to replace her as it was always going to be him.

* James tells Gary that whenever he goes for a shower to make sure one of the boys is there with him as it’s slippery and he’s worried about his knee. Audley tells Gary that ‘no-one wants to see your dingaling but we need to be there.’

* Lauren is asked to the Diary Room and warned about her behaviour - urinating in the pool. She’s not sure if she did it or not but says sorry anyway after Big Brother points out this is immature behaviour for a twenty seven year old. She leaves and tells the other Housemates and Frenchy reminds her that she also did it in the bath.

* James, David and Edele talk about Frenchy and Edele says: ‘She knows she’s a nutter.’

* Dee tells Claire that she is now scared of Leslie and compares him to Hannibal Lecter and a Jack Russell.

* Leslie shares a childhood memory with Kellie in the pod. The story revolves around a Christmas visit to Santa when he was three and asked for a bride doll. Initially his father said that he would have one ‘over his dead body.’ His mother said she couldn’t break it to little Leslie that he couldn’t have his doll and in the end his stern father went out and bought him one so he wouldn’t be disappointed on Christmas morning.

* For this week’s shopping task housemates will need nerves of steel as they endure Big Brother’s phobia tests. What they don’t know is that whether or not they pass their individual phobia tests, the whole task actually rests on one man… Gary, who will have to convince housemates he has a genuine phobia of balloons. The first three Housemates to take part are Stephanie, Edele and Ricci. If at any time housemates want to stop their challenge they can press the panic button.

• Stephanie - Osmophobia – The Fear Of Smells – She has to place her head in an enclosed box with such delightful items such as rotting meat, stinky cheese, dirty socks and buzzing flies.

• Edele - Omphalophonia – The Fear Of Belly Buttons – She has to have her face mashed into a man’s navel.

• Ricci – Neophobia - A Fear Of Surprises – He has to open a box that contains an unknown item. He then gets gunge shot in his face.
They all endure the tests and pass this part of the task.

* James helps David out with his workout, holding his legs during a handstand.

* Stephanie talks to Kellie and Lauren about her split with Spencer Matthews after he cheated on her in September. She says: ‘He’s friends with all of his exes after he ******ed them all over.’

* Frenchy tells Gary that she and him need to form an alliance together for their time in the house. Gary agrees it’s good to have alliances.

* In the second part of the phobia task, Kellie, Dee and Frenchy are tested for Epistemophobia – the fear of knowledge. They must each stand behind the knowledge podium to test if they are scared of answering questions posed to them by Big Brother, if they are too scared to answer they can press the panic button. Housemates not taking part are watching on the screen in the living area.

• Dee - Least favourite Housemate and why? – Gary – He’s a legend but a pain in the butt.
• Frenchy – Who’s being fake and why? – Kellie – She’s nice to her and then talks about her behind her back. (Kellie tells her she is a bad judge of character).
• Kellie – Biggest ego and why? – Leslie – He’s intent on winning and he’s camping it up and suffers from small man ego.
• Dee – Most manipulative and why? – Gary – He seems to come alive when he thinks there is a live eviction. He manipulates situations because someone told him he would be here till the end. (Gary says: ‘That’s a lie.’)
• Frenchy – Most two-faced and why? – Leslie – He’s nice to me and then tries to eliminate me and I cannot sleep well because of his snoring.
• Kellie – Most selfish and why? – Frenchy – She wouldn’t share the food and hid food and water.

The Housemates have passed this part of the task and proved that they are not scared of knowledge.

* The home truths revealed in the last part of the task have rattled the Housemates and Gary wants a word with Dee about her answers. He tells her, again, that he has been out of his body twice and has been privy to information not available on earth. Dee says: ‘That’s as maybe.’ Gary takes this as a statement of non-belief and tells her she is ‘very rude.’ Dee points out if she had answered James or Kellie, they wouldn’t have made a fuss.

* In the third part of the phobia task, David and Lauren are tested for Arachnophobia – fear of spiders. They are put in a room together with a panic button and the lights go out. A person dressed as a spider comes into the room and lightly touches Lauren’s shoulder and she presses the panic button and the Housemates incur one fail.

* Leslie talks to Big Brother and says: ‘I stand accused of ego mania and chicanery.’ He also says that they have all fallen into the realisation that this is a game. He calls Gary a grumpy curmudgeon and that you can’t reason with someone like that. He calls Frenchy a gnat and says that she annoys him but she has calmed down and she thinks she is going to win. He doesn’t think he is a ‘lone ranger’ in his feelings towards them both.

* George tells Frenchy that if he had been asked who the most fake is he would have said her because she has fake boobs and hair and he bets even her Uggs are fake. She admits she is ‘plastic fantastic.’ Kellie tells Frenchy that she spoke very well during the fear of knowledge task and assures her she hasn’t been talking about her behind her back.

* Lauren tells Stephanie that she thinks that Ricci is a very good guy but she doesn’t have ‘that fancy for him.’

* James and George are called to the diary room and as George walks off he and Stephanie exchange ‘I love you.’ In the Diary Room they are told that they are both to be tested for Morrischorophobia – fear of Morris Dancing. They are both fully kitted out in the full traditional dress and start to dance when the music starts.

* Stephanie seems a little worse for wear and announces that she misses George and tells the group that if he leaves she might have to leave with him.

* Stephanie goes to the Diary and demands to know where George is and that Big Brother must get him down as he usually provides the entertainment and all the Housemates are missing him. She asks if he is doing a task as she can hear music and dancing.

* Ricci, Dee and Lauren are chatting about where whereabouts of George and James and Ricci says: ‘They’re gonna start playing with people’s heads, well and truly, it’s started right now, I bet you.’ Dee says that George is Stephanie’s crutch in the house and Ricci says he thinks they are more like brother and sister. Lauren hopes it is more than that.
Published on: 26 Aug, 2014 - 4:45 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 26th August) highlights show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

Joining the celebrities on the Scrap Heap and up for eviction are Claire and James. Frenchy chose James to replace her and Claire became Leslie’s final decision.

* Gary tells Frenchy he.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...ate-day-8.html
Published on: 26 Aug, 2014 - 4:46 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Marcus.
Frenchy tells Gary that she and him need to form an alliance together for their time in the house. Gary agrees it’s good to have alliances.

yes to this
Published on: 26 Aug, 2014 - 5:37 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: JoshBB
Originally Posted by Josy View Post
Dee says that George is Stephanie’s crutch
Published on: 26 Aug, 2014 - 6:01 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Marcus.
Originally Posted by JoshBB View Post
Published on: 26 Aug, 2014 - 6:57 PM Comment with Quote

Vote Now!
Celebrity Big Brother 14 (Summer 2014) - Who was your overall favourite housemate?
Audley Harrison
Claire King
David Mcintosh
Dee Kelly
Edele Lynch
Frenchy Morgan
Gary Busey
George Gilbey
James Jordan
Kellie Maloney
Lauren Goodger
Leslie Jordan
Ricci Guarnaccio
Stephanie Pratt

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