Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 14]

1 Sep, 2014 - 2:46 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Monday 1st of September) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Kelly and Dee have an early morning chat. Dee remarks, “I love Lauren to bits. I love Ricci to bits. Did you see Lauren flirting with Ricci?” Kellie replies, “No, not in the way the other two do. There’s a little bit of chemistry there but Lauren is that sort of girl, I think. Ricci does like her…” Dee acknowledges that he does, adding that Lauren’s “got no interest in him whatsoever” Kellie says that Lauren hasn’t led Ricci on, adding “If they wanted to, they could rival the other two for a romance. The other two is so phoney. I’d hate to see George get hurt. I quite like George.”

· In the Diary Room, Frenchy describes Ricci as a “dead fish” who only comes to life when he’s had a drink, adding that “he’s boring. He doesn’t have a personality” She goes on to talk about Lauren, following their argument, and says she always says the same story, “Change the record, it gets really boring” she says. Frenchy goes on to say that Lauren “doesn’t have confidence and constantly needs me to reassure her…after a while it gets boring…She’s a gorgeous girl, she’s beautiful and very well spoken but personality wise, I don’t have anything in common with her”

· Claire has been feeling unwell for the last couple of days and tells Audley “I should be really getting this sorted, but you’ve got to keep going”

· Gary tells James that he can’t wait to start recording his music as he finds it therapeutic. He then makes up a song about Big Brother, which he performs for a bemused James, “Triangles and diamonds everywhere that you look. You’re not allowed to bring paper, even read a book. No radio, scanners, iPads too. You’re in Big Brother now; it’s all up to you!” Gary then loses himself in the song.

· In the garden, Frenchy is sunbathing topless. George remarks “When she turns over, I might be sick” before turning to Dee and saying, “I’d rather see your bells, Dee!” When Frenchy turns over, conversation moves on to the weather when James remarks that it’s a bit ‘nippy’ which Dee amends to “a bit nippley”

· Gary and Edele discuss their families in the kitchen. Gary admits that he “already knows how I’ll feel when I leave, in terms of accepting life…” He goes on to admit that he was “a goof, sitting on the couch watching TV” and that he wants to see his wife and children. Edele says she feels the same and looking forward to spending “quality time” with her family. The “emotional” conversation moves her to tears and Gary suggests that crying is part of “letting go of those behaviour patterns” and that “it’s evolution of yourself”

· Big Brother calls Claire to the Diary Room and is advised that the doctor would like to do some further investigation and see her in person.

· Frenchy talks to Gary and observes that a lot of people in the House think they are rude. Gary suggests that “English people are very sensitive”

· It’s nomination day and James and Audley are both exempt from nominations as they passed yesterday’s task:

o George nominates Frenchy and Gary

o Audley nominates Frenchy who is “not a team player” and Stephanie who is “too selfish”

o Stephanie nominates Gary “because of the hygiene and cleanliness thing” and Kellie who “tried to stir up a fight”

o James nominates Kellie because she “kicks off and causes a massive scene” when things don’t go her way and Frenchy who is “really, really crazy”

o Ricci nominates Frenchy who is the “most unpredictable person in the House” and Gary who is “very, very rude”

· In the garden, Frenchy and Gary bark at each other like dogs. Frenchy remarks that she can’t bark like a big dog.

· Nominations continue:

o Dee nominates Frenchy who was “verbally abusive to Lauren” and Stephanie who is “a lost soul”

o Gary is called to the Diary Room to nominate and manages to spill coffee on the just mopped stairs, which angers James

o Gary nominates Frenchy and Kellie who is “ready to move on and take the next step…”

· In the garden, Ricci remarks that Lauren’s dress brings out the colour in her eyes. Kellie asks if there’s a romance blossoming and suggests that it could develop in the outside world

· After Gary nominates, James explains that he spilt coffee on every step, and Gary apologises saying he’ll clean them

· Gary asks Kellie if she wants to go home and she replies “One minute yes, the next minute no” adding that “If I was Frank Maloney, the boxing promoter, I could handle this very easy…I would probably be the most antagonising person in here. I’d be playing to win, but as Kellie I’m not. I’m here to find myself, to understand myself”

· Lauren is the next Housemate to nominate:

o Lauren nominates Frenchy because “it’s all about her” and Gary who is “a little bit rude at times”

o Frenchy nominates Ricci saying, “you have to be a good team player” and similarly Lauren because “I don’t think she has done a lot of team work”

o Edele nominates “unpredictable”, “irrational” Frenchy and Gary who she says, “I’ve had some nice moments today, but I don’t yet trust that those moments are real”

o Kellie nominates Frenchy because “she’s playing a double game...too unpredictable” and Stephanie because she feels “let down...I can’t trust her”

· Big Brother gathers the Housemates on the sofas and reveals that the Housemates facing this week’s public vote are Frenchy, Gary, Stephanie, Kellie, Ricci and Lauren

· Dee takes offence that Ricci has been nominated and says, “Who the ***** has nominated my baby?!” Lauren speculates that it will be her that goes and Kellie remarks, “It’s the first time I don’t mind being nominated”

· Gary advises George not to be nervous about anything and that it’s a bad habit when he speaks over people. George says that Gary has his own bad habits, which he should address. Gary notes “I’m fixing them and I’ve done a lot”. George states that he was only joking and James joins the conversation saying “No he wasn’t Gary, he was well out of order...that’s nasty that is.”

· George overhears Gary whispering about him and shouts, “I think you’re being rude and I think you should shhh” Gary says ,”No deal!” and James suggests that paranoia is setting in

· Kellie talks to Big Bother about James and brands him “very false person, he’s a bully...two faced people are something I don’t tolerate”

· In the garden, Lauren remarks that James has been “very shady” and “fake as sh*t” when James joins the group, Lauren tells him that she thinks he’s acting shadily. James apologises and assures her that he’s not. He says, “You can think of me whatever you want…What you see is what you get” He goes on to suggest that Lauren is feeling paranoid because it’s the first time she’s been put up for eviction.

· George, Edele and Lauren are all in the pool. Ricci remarks that he wouldn’t get in because it’s so cold. As soon as George, Edele and Lauren sandwich together to keep warm, he jokes “Maybe I will now!”

· Ricci keeps trying to warn Lauren about her swimming costume coming down but Lauren jumps in the pool and exposes her breast. Ricci gets up and leaves with James while Lauren notices his mood saying, “Okay then...”

· In the kitchen, Ricci tells James that he really likes Lauren. James says, “No matter how drunk my wife got, she would never behave like that” He goes on to say “I don’t want you to get hurt mate...the only time she’s all over you is when she’s had a drink” Ricci agrees, commenting “She’s playing games...when I fall, I fall...I don’t play games”

Comment posted by: Josy
· Kelly and Dee have an early morning chat. Dee remarks, “I love Lauren to bits. I love Ricci to bits. Did you see Lauren flirting with Ricci?” Kellie replies, “No, not in the way the other two do. There’s a little bit of chemistry there but Lauren is that sort of girl, I think. Ricci does like her…” Dee acknowledges that he does, adding that Lauren’s “got no interest in him whatsoever” Kellie says that Lauren hasn’t led Ricci on, adding “If they wanted to, they could rival the other two for a romance. The other two is so phoney. I’d hate to see George get hurt. I quite like George.”

· In the Diary Room, Frenchy describes Ricci as a “dead fish” who only comes to life when he’s had a drink, adding that “he’s boring. He doesn’t have a personality” She goes on to talk about Lauren, following their argument, and says she always says the same story, “Change the record, it gets really boring” she says. Frenchy goes on to say that Lauren “doesn’t have confidence and constantly needs me to reassure her…after a while it gets boring…She’s a gorgeous girl, she’s beautiful and very well spoken but personality wise, I don’t have anything in common with her”

· Claire has been feeling unwell for the last couple of days and tells Audley “I should be really getting this sorted, but you’ve got to keep going”

· Gary tells James that he can’t wait to start recording his music as he finds it therapeutic. He then makes up a song about Big Brother, which he performs for a bemused James, “Triangles and diamonds everywhere that you look. You’re not allowed to bring paper, even read a book. No radio, scanners, iPads too. You’re in Big Brother now; it’s all up to you!” Gary then loses himself in the song.

· In the garden, Frenchy is sunbathing topless. George remarks “When she turns over, I might be sick” before turning to Dee and saying, “I’d rather see your bells, Dee!” When Frenchy turns over, conversation moves on to the weather when James remarks that it’s a bit ‘nippy’ which Dee amends to “a bit nippley”

· Gary and Edele discuss their families in the kitchen. Gary admits that he “already knows how I’ll feel when I leave, in terms of accepting life…” He goes on to admit that he was “a goof, sitting on the couch watching TV” and that he wants to see his wife and children. Edele says she feels the same and looking forward to spending “quality time” with her family. The “emotional” conversation moves her to tears and Gary suggests that crying is part of “letting go of those behaviour patterns” and that “it’s evolution of yourself”

· Big Brother calls Claire to the Diary Room and is advised that the doctor would like to do some further investigation and see her in person.

· Frenchy talks to Gary and observes that a lot of people in the House think they are rude. Gary suggests that “English people are very sensitive”

· It’s nomination day and James and Audley are both exempt from nominations as they passed yesterday’s task:

o George nominates Frenchy and Gary

o Audley nominates Frenchy who is “not a team player” and Stephanie who is “too selfish”

o Stephanie nominates Gary “because of the hygiene and cleanliness thing” and Kellie who “tried to stir up a fight”

o James nominates Kellie because she “kicks off and causes a massive scene” when things don’t go her way and Frenchy who is “really, really crazy”

o Ricci nominates Frenchy who is the “most unpredictable person in the House” and Gary who is “very, very rude”

· In the garden, Frenchy and Gary bark at each other like dogs. Frenchy remarks that she can’t bark like a big dog.

· Nominations continue:

o Dee nominates Frenchy who was “verbally abusive to Lauren” and Stephanie who is “a lost soul”

o Gary is called to the Diary Room to nominate and manages to spill coffee on the just mopped stairs, which angers James

o Gary nominates Frenchy and Kellie who is “ready to move on and take the next step…”

· In the garden, Ricci remarks that Lauren’s dress brings out the colour in her eyes. Kellie asks if there’s a romance blossoming and suggests that it could develop in the outside world

· After Gary nominates, James explains that he spilt coffee on every step, and Gary apologises saying he’ll clean them

· Gary asks Kellie if she wants to go home and she replies “One minute yes, the next minute no” adding that “If I was Frank Maloney, the boxing promoter, I could handle this very easy…I would probably be the most antagonising person in here. I’d be playing to win, but as Kellie I’m not. I’m here to find myself, to understand myself”

· Lauren is the next Housemate to nominate:

o Lauren nominates Frenchy because “it’s all about her” and Gary who is “a little bit rude at times”

o Frenchy nominates Ricci saying, “you have to be a good team player” and similarly Lauren because “I don’t think she has done a lot of team work”

o Edele nominates “unpredictable”, “irrational” Frenchy and Gary who she says, “I’ve had some nice moments today, but I don’t yet trust that those moments are real”

o Kellie nominates Frenchy because “she’s playing a double game...too unpredictable” and Stephanie because she feels “let down...I can’t trust her”

· Big Brother gathers the Housemates on the sofas and reveals that the Housemates facing this week’s public vote are Frenchy, Gary, Stephanie, Kellie, Ricci and Lauren

· Dee takes offence that Ricci has been nominated and says, “Who the ***** has nominated my baby?!” Lauren speculates that it will be her that goes and Kellie remarks, “It’s the first time I don’t mind being nominated”

· Gary advises George not to be nervous about anything and that it’s a bad habit when he speaks over people. George says that Gary has his own bad habits, which he should address. Gary notes “I’m fixing them and I’ve done a lot”. George states that he was only joking and James joins the conversation saying “No he wasn’t Gary, he was well out of order...that’s nasty that is.”

· George overhears Gary whispering about him and shouts, “I think you’re being rude and I think you should shhh” Gary says ,”No deal!” and James suggests that paranoia is setting in

· Kellie talks to Big Bother about James and brands him “very false person, he’s a bully...two faced people are something I don’t tolerate”

· In the garden, Lauren remarks that James has been “very shady” and “fake as sh*t” when James joins the group, Lauren tells him that she thinks he’s acting shadily. James apologises and assures her that he’s not. He says, “You can think of me whatever you want…What you see is what you get” He goes on to suggest that Lauren is feeling paranoid because it’s the first time she’s been put up for eviction.

· George, Edele and Lauren are all in the pool. Ricci remarks that he wouldn’t get in because it’s so cold. As soon as George, Edele and Lauren sandwich together to keep warm, he jokes “Maybe I will now!”

· Ricci keeps trying to warn Lauren about her swimming costume coming down but Lauren jumps in the pool and exposes her breast. Ricci gets up and leaves with James while Lauren notices his mood saying, “Okay then...”

· In the kitchen, Ricci tells James that he really likes Lauren. James says, “No matter how drunk my wife got, she would never behave like that” He goes on to say “I don’t want you to get hurt mate...the only time she’s all over you is when she’s had a drink” Ricci agrees, commenting “She’s playing games...when I fall, I fall...I don’t play games”
Published on: 1 Sep, 2014 - 2:45 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Monday 1st of September) highlights show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Kelly and Dee have an early morning chat. Dee remarks, “I love Lauren to bits. I love Ricci to bits. Did you see Lauren flirting with Ricci?” Kellie replies,.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...te-day-14.html
Published on: 1 Sep, 2014 - 2:46 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: *mazedsalv**
Gary nominated Frenchy???

Published on: 1 Sep, 2014 - 2:57 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
Originally Posted by *mazedsalv** View Post
Gary nominated Frenchy???

Yeah I know disappointed in him for that tbh, I do think it's because of the food stuff and the argument she had with Lauren though.
Published on: 1 Sep, 2014 - 2:58 PM Comment with Quote

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Celebrity Big Brother 14 (Summer 2014) - Who was your overall favourite housemate?
Audley Harrison
Claire King
David Mcintosh
Dee Kelly
Edele Lynch
Frenchy Morgan
Gary Busey
George Gilbey
James Jordan
Kellie Maloney
Lauren Goodger
Leslie Jordan
Ricci Guarnaccio
Stephanie Pratt

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