Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 15]

2 Sep, 2014 - 4:11 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 2nd of September) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

* Kellie and Audley are talking and Kellie says that everyone seems to come alive when there is alcohol involved but most of the time they are as quiet as ‘mouses’. Audley says that everyone has big personalities and Kellie says that she doesn’t think that James has a personality and that he is an ‘arrogant ars*hole.’ Audley says that James is authoritative but does have a chip on his shoulder. Kellie says that it’s more like a sack of King Edward potatoes.

* Lauren wakes up and drinks some water and tells Edele that she feels sick. She says it was because she drank white wine and then red. Lauren says she doesn’t know how she got undressed. Edele tells her about her swimming suit malfunction in the pool the night before. Edele tells Lauren that Ricci was trying to look after her.

* James, George and Ricci chat about Lauren and James says: ‘She tried to jump into bed with me last night in her g-string and I was *****ing straight out the door.’

* Gary tells James that the immaturity level of the group goes up when they have a drink and they have ‘no emotional control.’ He does, however, ask James if he ‘had a chance with Lauren’ when she got in his bed in her g-string and he asks James: ‘Did you pull it?’

* Lauren asks George and James if she did anything stupid last night and James tell her that her nipples came out a few times and George says: ‘Don’t worry Lauren, you’ve got lovely t*ts.’

* Kellie is talking to Big Brother about her fellow housemates. She tells Big Brother that she has realised by observing them that actually they have more baggage than she does and she finds it amusing.

* Stephanie asks Dee how long she has been with her partner and she says one year in secret and another year when their children knew. Dee says: ‘Never give up on finding love, I’m forty three and I’ve never been happier.’

* This week’s shopping task will test the Housemates’ stamina and emotional prowess by seeing if they can keep count of how many times the Big Brother eye flashes on a screen in the Counting Zone. It is not as easy as it seems as Big Brother will throw various distractions in to put them off their count. If the number they have at the end comes within the real number of flashes they will pass the task and be rewarded with a luxury shopping budget.

* First up are Edele and George. They go to the counting zone and stand on a podium facing the screen, as the eye starts appearing they begin to count, trying to keep up as the eye flashes faster and faster. Audley says in the Diary Room that he is keeping a positive mental attitude that they will ‘eat some good food today.’

* Next up are Gary and Dee, Dee takes a tumble whilst rushing to the Counting Zone. Dee says in the Diary Room: ‘In reality, we should pass this.’

* Kellie and Dee chat in the garden and Kellie says: ‘I can’t be in the same room as James.’ Dee says that she hopes to be able to nominate once more and Kellie says that she wants the public to vote her out. Kellie says: ‘The more I’m around James, the more I want to knock his lights out.’

* The next part of the task see Gary and James enter the counting Zone and to distract them as they have to keep count Big Brother will fire questions at them about their ‘Life in Numbers.’ Some of the questions include one to Gary asking what year Point Break was released, he answers 1989, the correct answer in 1991. Another question is to James where he is asked what age he was when he started dancing, he says nine when is official website says ten.

* Kellie says to Lauren that she wants the public to vote her out and Lauren says: ‘It will be all over and done with soon, you’ll look back on this and think we had some good times.’ Kellie warns Lauren that James is saying to other Housemates that she is leading Ricci on. Kellie says about James: ‘I want him to know I don’t like him.’

* Stephanie apologises to Gary and says: ‘I’m sorry I yelled at you.’ Gary says: ‘I didn’t take it seriously; it was a passing fancy from an emotional withdrawal.’ Gary asks Stephanie: ‘What caused that emotion?’ Stephanie replies it was her germaphobia and that she wasn’t used to ‘men who burp.’

* Ricci hugs an emotional Edele who is missing her kids at it is the first day of school and Audley tells Ricci that it can’t be easy. Edele goes to talk to Lauren in the garden and wonders if she is a bad mum, Lauren tells her lots of women have to work and are out all day. Stephanie comes over and hugs Edele and says: ‘You’re the strong one in the house, you keep us all together.’

* Dee talks to Lauren, Ricci and Kellie. Dee says to Lauren that James is concerned that she is leading Ricci on and that one minute she is saying he is not her type and the next minute she is sitting on his knee. Kellie says Lauren doesn’t have to explain herself that James should mind his own business and Lauren should tell James to drown in the pool. James comes over and Dee explains what she is telling the group. Lauren says: ‘I hate the pressure.’ Kellie says that it is no-one else’s business and James asks Kellie if she got out of the wrong side of the bed and Kellie says: ‘I don’t like your company James, do me a favour and don’t talk to me.’

* Ricci tells Dee that he and Lauren were ‘closer than ever’ last night.

* Lauren asks James is she shouldn’t then have a bit of a giggle with Ricci if it’s going to make it awkward. James says: ‘It doesn’t have to be awkward; you can still have a laugh with him.’ Stephanie advises Lauren that next time she and Ricci have a drink she should ask him why he has to bring this up all the time. James then says to Lauren that the people who were ‘filling her head’ with malicious rumours about his nominating her are bitter people with nothing better to do.

* James later says to the group about Kellie: ‘She has got the right *****ing hump with me.’ He further says that some people in the world are going through worse thinks than Kellie and she should ‘bore off.’

* Audley talks to Frenchy about love. He says: You should allow yourself that gift.’ Frenchy says that she is not ready and she would want love to make her life better but maintains that everything she wants, she has. She says: ‘I love my doggies.’

* Lauren sets Ricci straight in front of the group. Lauren says: ‘You’re a wicked guy, I can’t fault you in any way and we will have a great friendship, in this house, I’m not going to get with a guy. I don’t want you to think I’m going to hurt you cos I’m not going to.’ Dee says that it’s more her and James that thinks she is leading him on rather than Ricci, and that Lauren goes into over flirt mode. Dee says: ‘You stop over flirting and he won’t get hurt.’ George says Stephanie can flirt with him anytime she likes.

* Stephanie, Lauren, Frenchy and Kellie have been called to the Counting Zone and they have to keep count of the flashing Big Brother eye whilst being distracted. The distraction is footage of who nominated them from the Diary Room. The nominations are:

George – Frenchy
Audley – Frenchy
Stephanie – Kellie
James – Kelly and Frenchy
Kellie – Frenchy and Stephanie

* After they leave the Counting Zone, Frenchy pretend slaps James as the screen showed him nominating her and then they hug. Frenchy tells him which nominations they saw.

* Kellie says to Lauren that she was ‘dead right about James’ and about his reasons for nominating her, that she always says she will leave. Kellie says that she is a good judge of character.

* James says to Edele and Stephanie: ‘Oh that’s so funny, I know what I said about Kellie, she’s going to be *****ing furious.’

* Stephanie, George, Ricci and Lauren go to the counting Zone and have to keep count whilst enjoying a romantic double date. Ricci and Lauren seem to be more interested in play fighting than keeping count.

* Dee jokingly says to Edele: ‘If you nominated my Ricci I’m going to scratch your eyes out.’ Edele jokingly replies: ‘It was me; I wanted him to fancy me more than Lauren.’

* The foursome are now slow dancing in the Counting Zone and George says to Stephanie: ‘You’re all over me!’

* Housemates have been gathered for the results of the shopping task, to pass they must have counted to within the margin of error allowed by Big Brother, which is 50. Dee announces their total is 1914, all wait with baited breath before Big Brother announces the correct total was 1880. All housemates jump up and cheer as they have passed the shopping task. Gary starts a chant of ‘hey, hey, hey’.

* The Housemates are compiling their shopping list and Frenchy demands a smoothie and George wants to know why she can’t just order the ingredients and make it herself, saying: ’You don’t want to do the work.’ Frenchy points out that she doesn’t drink and doesn’t eat meat or fish so should be able to have one smoothie.

* Frenchy goes to the Diary Room and says: ‘I’m so happy, I had to shout a few times to get what I wanted!’

* Lauren and Ricci are alone in the kitchen. Ricci tells Lauren that she is a gorgeous girl and a princess. He holds her face and tries to kiss her. Lauren doesn’t kiss him back and tells him not to kiss her. He tells her that she kissed him last night and asks her if she has just ‘pied’ him. Lauren laughs and he tells her it’s his loss if she doesn’t want to kiss his lips.

Comment posted by: Josy
* Kellie and Audley are talking and Kellie says that everyone seems to come alive when there is alcohol involved but most of the time they are as quiet as ‘mouses’. Audley says that everyone has big personalities and Kellie says that she doesn’t think that James has a personality and that he is an ‘arrogant ars*hole.’ Audley says that James is authoritative but does have a chip on his shoulder. Kellie says that it’s more like a sack of King Edward potatoes.

* Lauren wakes up and drinks some water and tells Edele that she feels sick. She says it was because she drank white wine and then red. Lauren says she doesn’t know how she got undressed. Edele tells her about her swimming suit malfunction in the pool the night before. Edele tells Lauren that Ricci was trying to look after her.

* James, George and Ricci chat about Lauren and James says: ‘She tried to jump into bed with me last night in her g-string and I was *****ing straight out the door.’

* Gary tells James that the immaturity level of the group goes up when they have a drink and they have ‘no emotional control.’ He does, however, ask James if he ‘had a chance with Lauren’ when she got in his bed in her g-string and he asks James: ‘Did you pull it?’

* Lauren asks George and James if she did anything stupid last night and James tell her that her nipples came out a few times and George says: ‘Don’t worry Lauren, you’ve got lovely t*ts.’

* Kellie is talking to Big Brother about her fellow housemates. She tells Big Brother that she has realised by observing them that actually they have more baggage than she does and she finds it amusing.

* Stephanie asks Dee how long she has been with her partner and she says one year in secret and another year when their children knew. Dee says: ‘Never give up on finding love, I’m forty three and I’ve never been happier.’

* This week’s shopping task will test the Housemates’ stamina and emotional prowess by seeing if they can keep count of how many times the Big Brother eye flashes on a screen in the Counting Zone. It is not as easy as it seems as Big Brother will throw various distractions in to put them off their count. If the number they have at the end comes within the real number of flashes they will pass the task and be rewarded with a luxury shopping budget.

* First up are Edele and George. They go to the counting zone and stand on a podium facing the screen, as the eye starts appearing they begin to count, trying to keep up as the eye flashes faster and faster. Audley says in the Diary Room that he is keeping a positive mental attitude that they will ‘eat some good food today.’

* Next up are Gary and Dee, Dee takes a tumble whilst rushing to the Counting Zone. Dee says in the Diary Room: ‘In reality, we should pass this.’

* Kellie and Dee chat in the garden and Kellie says: ‘I can’t be in the same room as James.’ Dee says that she hopes to be able to nominate once more and Kellie says that she wants the public to vote her out. Kellie says: ‘The more I’m around James, the more I want to knock his lights out.’

* The next part of the task see Gary and James enter the counting Zone and to distract them as they have to keep count Big Brother will fire questions at them about their ‘Life in Numbers.’ Some of the questions include one to Gary asking what year Point Break was released, he answers 1989, the correct answer in 1991. Another question is to James where he is asked what age he was when he started dancing, he says nine when is official website says ten.

* Kellie says to Lauren that she wants the public to vote her out and Lauren says: ‘It will be all over and done with soon, you’ll look back on this and think we had some good times.’ Kellie warns Lauren that James is saying to other Housemates that she is leading Ricci on. Kellie says about James: ‘I want him to know I don’t like him.’

* Stephanie apologises to Gary and says: ‘I’m sorry I yelled at you.’ Gary says: ‘I didn’t take it seriously; it was a passing fancy from an emotional withdrawal.’ Gary asks Stephanie: ‘What caused that emotion?’ Stephanie replies it was her germaphobia and that she wasn’t used to ‘men who burp.’

* Ricci hugs an emotional Edele who is missing her kids at it is the first day of school and Audley tells Ricci that it can’t be easy. Edele goes to talk to Lauren in the garden and wonders if she is a bad mum, Lauren tells her lots of women have to work and are out all day. Stephanie comes over and hugs Edele and says: ‘You’re the strong one in the house, you keep us all together.’

* Dee talks to Lauren, Ricci and Kellie. Dee says to Lauren that James is concerned that she is leading Ricci on and that one minute she is saying he is not her type and the next minute she is sitting on his knee. Kellie says Lauren doesn’t have to explain herself that James should mind his own business and Lauren should tell James to drown in the pool. James comes over and Dee explains what she is telling the group. Lauren says: ‘I hate the pressure.’ Kellie says that it is no-one else’s business and James asks Kellie if she got out of the wrong side of the bed and Kellie says: ‘I don’t like your company James, do me a favour and don’t talk to me.’

* Ricci tells Dee that he and Lauren were ‘closer than ever’ last night.

* Lauren asks James is she shouldn’t then have a bit of a giggle with Ricci if it’s going to make it awkward. James says: ‘It doesn’t have to be awkward; you can still have a laugh with him.’ Stephanie advises Lauren that next time she and Ricci have a drink she should ask him why he has to bring this up all the time. James then says to Lauren that the people who were ‘filling her head’ with malicious rumours about his nominating her are bitter people with nothing better to do.

* James later says to the group about Kellie: ‘She has got the right *****ing hump with me.’ He further says that some people in the world are going through worse thinks than Kellie and she should ‘bore off.’

* Audley talks to Frenchy about love. He says: You should allow yourself that gift.’ Frenchy says that she is not ready and she would want love to make her life better but maintains that everything she wants, she has. She says: ‘I love my doggies.’

* Lauren sets Ricci straight in front of the group. Lauren says: ‘You’re a wicked guy, I can’t fault you in any way and we will have a great friendship, in this house, I’m not going to get with a guy. I don’t want you to think I’m going to hurt you cos I’m not going to.’ Dee says that it’s more her and James that thinks she is leading him on rather than Ricci, and that Lauren goes into over flirt mode. Dee says: ‘You stop over flirting and he won’t get hurt.’ George says Stephanie can flirt with him anytime she likes.

* Stephanie, Lauren, Frenchy and Kellie have been called to the Counting Zone and they have to keep count of the flashing Big Brother eye whilst being distracted. The distraction is footage of who nominated them from the Diary Room. The nominations are:

George – Frenchy
Audley – Frenchy
Stephanie – Kellie
James – Kelly and Frenchy
Kellie – Frenchy and Stephanie

* After they leave the Counting Zone, Frenchy pretend slaps James as the screen showed him nominating her and then they hug. Frenchy tells him which nominations they saw.

* Kellie says to Lauren that she was ‘dead right about James’ and about his reasons for nominating her, that she always says she will leave. Kellie says that she is a good judge of character.

* James says to Edele and Stephanie: ‘Oh that’s so funny, I know what I said about Kellie, she’s going to be *****ing furious.’

* Stephanie, George, Ricci and Lauren go to the counting Zone and have to keep count whilst enjoying a romantic double date. Ricci and Lauren seem to be more interested in play fighting than keeping count.

* Dee jokingly says to Edele: ‘If you nominated my Ricci I’m going to scratch your eyes out.’ Edele jokingly replies: ‘It was me; I wanted him to fancy me more than Lauren.’

* The foursome are now slow dancing in the Counting Zone and George says to Stephanie: ‘You’re all over me!’

* Housemates have been gathered for the results of the shopping task, to pass they must have counted to within the margin of error allowed by Big Brother, which is 50. Dee announces their total is 1914, all wait with baited breath before Big Brother announces the correct total was 1880. All housemates jump up and cheer as they have passed the shopping task. Gary starts a chant of ‘hey, hey, hey’.

* The Housemates are compiling their shopping list and Frenchy demands a smoothie and George wants to know why she can’t just order the ingredients and make it herself, saying: ’You don’t want to do the work.’ Frenchy points out that she doesn’t drink and doesn’t eat meat or fish so should be able to have one smoothie.

* Frenchy goes to the Diary Room and says: ‘I’m so happy, I had to shout a few times to get what I wanted!’

* Lauren and Ricci are alone in the kitchen. Ricci tells Lauren that she is a gorgeous girl and a princess. He holds her face and tries to kiss her. Lauren doesn’t kiss him back and tells him not to kiss her. He tells her that she kissed him last night and asks her if she has just ‘pied’ him. Lauren laughs and he tells her it’s his loss if she doesn’t want to kiss his lips.
Published on: 2 Sep, 2014 - 4:10 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Tuesday 2nd of September) highlights show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

* Kellie and Audley are talking and Kellie says that everyone seems to come alive when there is alcohol involved but most of the time they are as quiet as.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...te-day-15.html
Published on: 2 Sep, 2014 - 4:11 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: reece(:
* Lauren and Ricci are alone in the kitchen. Ricci tells Lauren that she is a gorgeous girl and a princess. He holds her face and tries to kiss her. Lauren doesn’t kiss him back and tells him not to kiss her. He tells her that she kissed him last night and asks her if she has just ‘pied’ him. Lauren laughs and he tells her it’s his loss if she doesn’t want to kiss his lips.

Published on: 2 Sep, 2014 - 4:14 PM Comment with Quote

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Celebrity Big Brother 14 (Summer 2014) - Who was your overall favourite housemate?
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Dee Kelly
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Frenchy Morgan
Gary Busey
George Gilbey
James Jordan
Kellie Maloney
Lauren Goodger
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Ricci Guarnaccio
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