Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 19]

6 Sep, 2014 - 3:24 PM by James
Article contains spoilers for tonight's (Saturday 6th September 2014) highlights - Day 19, which was Stephanie and Kellie's last day in the CBB 14 house


· In the bedroom, Stephanie asks Edele what about yesterday’s argument between Audley and James. Edele admits “it was pretty heavy”

· In the garden, Audley tells Kellie that the “problem with Britain today” is that the kids drink too much and don’t want to get up in the morning. Kellie suggests that it’s the problem with “youngsters in general”

· George asks Kellie if she thinks the public will be surprised by her transformation in the House and praises her for not getting involved in arguments. Kellie suggests that her boxing background means that she is used to standing up for herself, telling James “What you say to us is like water off a ducks back. I’ve been insulted by far bigger and better people than you” James says that he finds it easiest to wind Kellie and Audley up but Kellie disputes this saying, “If you wound me up, I would bite really big at you and go for you”

· In the Diary Room, Audley talks to Big Brother about his argument with James says that he “threw Lauren under the bus, which was very uncouth” He admits that James is not his “cup of tea”, describing him as “belittling and disrespectful to women” He goes on to say that he’s not trying to compete against James, adding “What he’s got to say is irrelevant to me”

· For today’s task, Gary will become a Guidance Councillor for the Housemates, holding sessions in his calming and spiritually balanced therapy room:
  • Stephanie and George are the first couple to see Councillor Gary. Stephanie says that she adores and loves George “as a friend…non sexually” and George agrees, adding that Stephanie is “beautiful” Gary suggests that they are “pure” in their reaction and that “friendship love is deeper” Stephanie says that she feels like they no longer have to prove anything to anyone
  • Lauren and Ricci are next to receive couples therapy. Lauren tells Gary that she thinks Ricci is “sweet, kind and a great guy” and Ricci says Lauren is “gorgeous, everything I look for in a woman”
  • After visiting Councillor Gary, George and Stephanie discuss their relationship. George thanks her for opening up and that he would be “gutted” if he called her up to ask her out for lunch and she said no
  • Dee is the next Housemate to visit Councillor Gary to discuss the pressures of fame. Dee says “I’m still just little old Dee” and admits its “been hard” to be thrown into the spotlight, despite not considering herself famous. Gary advises that she needs to “Get that self esteem pump out and mentally and spiritually pump it back up”
  • Edele is the next Housemate to visit Councillor Gary. She says that she doesn’t have any negative feelings towards the other Housemates and talks about her marriage separation. Gary says that she is “living in the past” and questions if she still “has love” for her husband. This causes Edele to cry and admit that the relationship wasn’t making her happy and that she is “emotional right now”. Gary then shows Edele an exercise to “pull the universe into your heart”

· Lauren, Stephanie, Ricci and George play a game of Snog, Marry, Avoid. Lauren says she would avoid James, snog George and marry Ricci
  • Councillor Gary’s final session is a conflict resolution between Kellie, James and Audley. Kellie is first to speak and says she has “no bad feelings” towards Audley but sees “a bit of Frank in James…very arrogant, very aggressive” Audley then admits that some things about James “rub him up the wrong way” but adds that “I’m bigger than that” James is last to speak and says that he quickly saw that Kellie “wasn’t the nicest person in the world and didn’t take criticism very well” Gary suggests that “conflicts are stupid and silly” they should let it go and not take it personally. James suggests that the clash is caused by their “strong characters” and explains that “It was pretty tough” when he grew up as a dancer and that he had to stand up for himself. He goes on to say that he can “justify” all his actions in the House but Gary suggests that he lives in a conflict zone. James then criticises Gary by saying he pushes women out of the way. This angers Gary and he shouts at James. He adds “You’re shouting at me in your eyes and your mind and your stubbornness…and they can see that”. Gary gets them to do some positive affirmations as some whale music plays in.

· In the garden, Gary thanks his “spiritual guides” for the energy he was given in his therapy room. He describes it as “beyond human energy” and Kellie says that it was good to get things off her chest, without getting into an argument. Gary then describes James as “a hard headed little boy” and Kellie suggests that “he’s sad and lonely”.

· James tells Big Brother that he’s “a bit pi**ed off” that he was put in a room with “two mentally unstable, one deluded person…the only three people in the House that I’ve had run ins with…kind of everyone against James” He says that it insults his intelligence to have Gary psychoanalyse him and adds that people need to earn his respect and not just because “you’re Gary Busey, the Hollywood superstar”

· Dee speculates that it will be a double eviction and James and Kellie will leave, adding that “I still live in hope that Mr Busey goes”

· Stephanie becomes the fourth Housemate to be evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother House. Before leaving the House to a mixed reaction, Stephanie hugs all the Housemates and tells them she loves them. Gary says that he heard more boos but James disputes this saying, “I can hear, don’t forget, you can’t hear” and questions why Gary would be happy she got boos. Gary tries to explain himself and says that James is misunderstanding his meaning.

· Later, the Housemates are gathered on the sofa and informed that tonight is a double eviction. The fifth Housemate to leave the Celebrity Big Brother House is Kellie.

· Gary and James reflect on the earlier eviction by the pool. James admits that he was “mentally prepared” that he was going to go.

· Edele tells Audley that it’s “nice to survive” the eviction. Audley then suggests that Stephanie’s fans gave up on her once they realised her relationship with George wasn’t real.

· In the Diary Room, James tells Big Brother that he’s “gutted” after hearing chants of “Get James out” and admits he doesn’t know why people are saving him. He says that he “only played the game once and it backfired on me” and that he won’t do it again and will be true to himself. He goes on to say that he’s the “strongest character than nearly anyone in the House” but admits that the Big Brother experience has made him realise that he does care what people think about him

· In the pool, James and Edele talk about Audley. James notes that it will be “easier for me” now that Kellie has left and that he’s seen a difference in Audley already.

· Lauren asks George if he thinks Ricci has got a “small willy”. George jokes, “Well, I’ve got a small willy but I don’t hide it” and asks Lauren if she “likes a big one?”

· In the bathroom, Audley practices his punches in front of the mirror. James jokes, “The funny thing is, I bet he still gets knocked out!”

· In the bedroom, Ricci jumps on top of Dee and kisses her neck. He jokes, “I just rocked your world” and Dee replies, “God, you’re a super stud!”

· Gary tells Big Brother that he doesn’t think his Housemates were happy he was saved from eviction. He says “I don’t feel love and affection towards me from them…and I want to feel it and I want to give it to them” before admitting he sometimes doesn’t understand their humour and can’t hear what they’re saying, which is “wearing thin” with them. He goes on to say that being saved by the British public is what counts, signing off with, “God bless you guys. And you girls, young and old. All of the Brits”

Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
James has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers for tonight's (Saturday 6th September 2014) highlights - Day 19, which was Stephanie and Kellie's last day in the CBB 14 house


· In the bedroom, Stephanie asks Edele what about yesterday’s argument between Audley and James. Edele admits “it was pretty heavy”

· In the garden,.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...te-day-19.html
Published on: 6 Sep, 2014 - 3:24 PM Comment with Quote

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Ricci Guarnaccio
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