View Full Version : Well that was uncomfortable viewing.

09-11-2011, 08:24 PM
Jays foul mouthed ranting at Aaron for almost the entire first segment of tonights show. Was very unpleasant. He was relentless, verging on bullying esp when he said he was gonna follow Aaron around and be in his face. Will BB step in, will they hell. If he did it to anyone else he'd be out! then again....

09-11-2011, 08:28 PM
Yeh....he's a BIG man when he has his fan club around him. He soon apologised when he was alone with Aaron later tho didn't he. Best of both worlds....big man in front of the others....sensitive wanna-be best friend when alone with him. Very clever game-plan for the viewers?

09-11-2011, 08:32 PM
I thought it was good. Both came across well in their own way imo.

09-11-2011, 08:32 PM
I know it was a bit **** wasn't it.

PMSL at the "character assassination" bit though

Jay: "Wai I doon hav ter use beeg words lyk yoo."

Translation: I have no idea what you just said....


09-11-2011, 08:50 PM
Jay was spot on in everything he said :hugesmile:

09-11-2011, 08:51 PM
Kick him out.

09-11-2011, 09:00 PM
Kick Jay out!

09-11-2011, 09:01 PM
boot the maggot

09-11-2011, 09:05 PM
Jay was spot on in everything he said :hugesmile:


09-11-2011, 09:06 PM
I know it was a bit **** wasn't it.

PMSL at the "character assassination" bit though

Jay: "Wai I doon hav ter use beeg words lyk yoo."

Translation: I have no idea what you just said....


:joker: Was the best bit

the truth
09-11-2011, 09:19 PM
nah big brother let them sort it oit like adults. well jay did aaron just stewed into his usual juices

the truth
09-11-2011, 09:20 PM
kick jay out lol for what? standing up to aaron>?

09-11-2011, 09:23 PM
I don't see what Jay did to warrant being kicked out in this case, is he not allowed to speak his mind anymore :conf: Jay feels like he's been treading on eggshells this whole series around Aaron, he's made a lot of effort and doesn't feel like he's had any reward so just had to get his feelings off his chest and give what he considered to be a few home truths to Aaron. I didn't disagree with anything Jay said tbh.

09-11-2011, 09:24 PM
it made sure jay wont win =)

09-11-2011, 09:58 PM
I don't see what Jay did to warrant being kicked out in this case, is he not allowed to speak his mind anymore :conf: Jay feels like he's been treading on eggshells this whole series around Aaron, he's made a lot of effort and doesn't feel like he's had any reward so just had to get his feelings off his chest and give what he considered to be a few home truths to Aaron. I didn't disagree with anything Jay said tbh.

Its as much about how he says it though, there is deep aggression behind his words and there is no need for every other word to be **** or bastard for example. He went too far imo. I appreciate your post though MTVN, for me you are the best Jay fan on Tibb, you are loyal to him without ripping into the opposition and acknowledge his downside. I wish I could see what you do in him, I have tried, but in the end his bad points by far cancel out any good in my opinion, not saying its fact.

He is uncomfortable to watch, and should have been removed before now.

09-11-2011, 10:11 PM
it made sure jay wont win =)

On the contrary, it will make sure that Aaron dos'ent

09-11-2011, 10:16 PM
Its as much about how he says it though, there is deep aggression behind his words and there is no need for every other word to be **** or bastard for example. He went too far imo. I appreciate your post though MTVN, for me you are the best Jay fan on Tibb, you are loyal to him without ripping into the opposition and acknowledge his downside. I wish I could see what you do in him, I have tried, but in the end his bad points by far cancel out any good in my opinion, not saying its fact.

He is uncomfortable to watch, and should have been removed before now.

I think he feels like he's reached breaking point now, we've seen a very humbled Jay the last couple of nights and the whole situation seems like it's completely overwhelmed him. Thanks for your comment though Kate, I can absolutely see why people wouldn't like him but to me he is a fundamentally good person, and he has got his flaws but in fairness to him he does acknowledge them and recognises that he's not everyone's cup of tea

09-11-2011, 10:25 PM
It was harrassment because Aaron was saying nothing and avoiding Jay and Louise, to force your views like that at someone is harrassment and intimidation. his ugly threat to say he was going to follow him round all the time and make his time rotten was threatening and bullying.

I would have kicked Jay out in week 2 so I had to vote kick him out above too, how he has stayed in with his threatening and offensive behaviour, his near breaking down the bedroom door when it was locked is beyond me.
Jay is a thug, pure and simple and out of the house anyone who looks at him the wrong way are likely to get his thugs reaction with a fist to their face, a truly awful person.

09-11-2011, 10:37 PM
it made sure jay wont win =)

Hopefully, I honestly believe if Jay had spoke to another HM like that but because it was Aaron it was ok, how many warnings has this guyhad, he should. Have been kicked out long ago.:devil:

09-11-2011, 10:39 PM
It was harrassment because Aaron was saying nothing and avoiding Jay and Louise, to force your views like that at someone is harrassment and intimidation. his ugly threat to say he was going to follow him round all the time and make his time rotten was threatening and bullying.

I would have kicked Jay out in week 2 so I had to vote kick him out above too, how he has stayed in with his threatening and offensive behaviour, his near breaking down the bedroom door when it was locked is beyond me.
Jay is a thug, pure and simple and out of the house anyone who looks at him the wrong way are likely to get his thugs reaction with a fist to their face, a truly awful person.

Great post joey, 100% agree with you.

09-11-2011, 11:16 PM
no channel 5 wants aaron to win, so they want him to get more sympathy votes

09-11-2011, 11:19 PM
Nothing wrong with what he done on tonights show

09-11-2011, 11:31 PM
The only thing that bugs me about Jay's behaviour regarding this is his apologies to Aaron, frankly. Those were cringe worthy. Otherwise he's impressed me a lot, I liked him before, but I didn't realize quite how perceptive and sensible he actually is.

10-11-2011, 12:25 AM
Yeh....he's a BIG man when he has his fan club around him. He soon apologised when he was alone with Aaron later tho didn't he. Best of both worlds....big man in front of the others....sensitive wanna-be best friend when alone with him. Very clever game-plan for the viewers?

No. BB told him to try and sort things out.

10-11-2011, 12:30 AM
It was harrassment because Aaron was saying nothing and avoiding Jay and Louise, to force your views like that at someone is harrassment and intimidation. his ugly threat to say he was going to follow him round all the time and make his time rotten was threatening and bullying.

I would have kicked Jay out in week 2 so I had to vote kick him out above too, how he has stayed in with his threatening and offensive behaviour, his near breaking down the bedroom door when it was locked is beyond me.
Jay is a thug, pure and simple and out of the house anyone who looks at him the wrong way are likely to get his thugs reaction with a fist to their face, a truly awful person.

It looked to me as if Aaron was following Jay. When Jay came out of the Diary Room Jay went into the bedroom as soon as Aaron saw Louise go in he was in there straight away to see what was going on.
He has to be sneaky and know everything that is going on.
However he found that Jay was not talking to Louise he was just putting his top on.

10-11-2011, 06:11 AM
Jay has obviously got issues with his temper but to me that big old manchild Aaron is goading him. He is a sulky vile pig. I am not surprise jay lost it. I am not a jay fan but the constant crap about him only trying to talk to Aaron because he is popular is getting on my nerves. Aaron was booed heavily not long ago.

No jay is being the better man and trying to make the last few days fun instead of truly awful as Aaron is making it for the others. People behave differently depending on their upbringing. Jay for me has come a long way he has managed to control his anger at a sulky old man constantly playing the victim in the house over the slightest thing.

He also has manners when BB left him with no towel and then opened the bedroom for him he was all thank you and he does it all the time, he is very polite in the DR. Everyone is different and I Am sure if he was as violent as you all make out he would not be in there.

All this crap about it's only Aaron that is why he is still in there is utter nonsense and making out Aaron is a victim which he isn't.

10-11-2011, 06:58 AM
Jay was spot on in everything he said :hugesmile:

great minds lol

10-11-2011, 07:14 AM
People do not goad others by avoiding them, Aaron had made it clear he had lost respect for Jay and Louise,(if he had any in the first place as I couldn't have).It is in effect a small house, their paths are bound to cross lots but it's easy to just ignore people if you need to.

When someone makes it clear they don't wish to speak to you, then the best course of action is to leave them to it. Jay would not accept that despite in a few days the likelihood of him and Aaron even ever seeing each other again, let alone talking, is near impossible.

No, Jay was the one harrassing, he wouldn't leave things with Aaron avoiding them, Aaron was making his stand.
I personally wouldn't have avoided Jay and Louise,I would have told them exactly what I thought of them but that is also a way with risks of more conflict.

Some people take the silence route, just avoid the aggression at all costs and avoid the people behind it too. Jay should have accepted that rather than spout out to BB and other housemates that he would kick the .... out of Aaron if he wasn't restricted in the house.
Jay showed he is an intimidating, bullying and very violent thug in reality and Aaron's avoiding him allowed that to be seen and heard by anyone who watched and listened.

If someone is avoiding another, not talking to them, then they keep harrassing them and bad mouthing them well,that says everything about the person doing that and nothing about the person who is keeping their own counsel in silence,thereby really harming no one.

Jay knew he looked really bad over the gifts episode,he knew he was coming over in a very bad way, Aaron has been like this from week 2,Jay should have been used to it and Jay was quite happy to ridicule Aaron and ignore him too when he had Anton and Aden as his henchmen puppets in the past.

10-11-2011, 08:23 AM
no channel 5 wants aaron to win, so they want him to get more sympathy votes

I think the opposite, i have thought for weeks that channel 5 did not want Aaron to win. BOTS especially has been Aaron bashing so much that i stopped watching it.
In my opinion i could understand Jay's frustration with Aaron yesterday but we only get to see an hour a day of what really is said etc. Perhaps a lot more went on that we didn't get to see and that is why we need live feed.
That said i really hope Aaron wins :dance:

10-11-2011, 08:34 AM
i think hes completely 2 aced has everyone forgot about the crypt and how he said he would rip it all apart and aarons going to look bad etc?

when his mate was there he was all for stiching aaron up as soon as anton left he changed his whole demeanour oh i really like the kid hes quite funny etc

what a fake

10-11-2011, 08:44 AM
I actually found it amusing to watch - Jay was gunning for an argument and goading Aaron to kick off and Aaron totally owned him. The fact that Jay can not string a sentence together without swearing says a lot to me and imo the longer Aaron kept his cool the angrier Jay became until he had to up and walk off as he completely lost the argument. As for the character assissination bit - so funny that Jay didn't understand it. Aaron 10 points Jay nil points!!!

10-11-2011, 09:09 AM
Got to say, i think the whole situation was a big of a non-event in all honesty.

Just for the record, i want Aaron to win, and that is based purely on entertainment. However, regarding their discussion last night, i thought Jay really showed a likeable, genuine side to him, and ultimately i think he proved that he's a really nice lad deep down.

Admittedly, we haven't seen the half of what's been happening in there, but i think Aaron's attitude towards Jay has been very OTT. To Aaron's face, i actually think Jay has on the large been pretty respectful. Sure he might disagree with Jay's toilet humour, but he is hugely out of touch with reality if he thinks some 25 year old lads don't behave that way.

It's true Jay has made an effort throughout, which is actually a very decent thing to do. However, Aaron has continued to refuse the olive branch, and actually acted like a bit of a child in the process. Just sitting there and saying "i've got nothing to say to you" is an incredibly immature way to deal with a problem. Equally, the way Jay goes off on one and plays the hard-man act, does himself absolutely no favours.

To be honest, tragically, neither will win i don't think. People don't like bullies, and although i don't think Jay is a bully, the way he talks sometimes in the heat of the moment can come across like that. And as far as Aaron is concerned, i think he has been stitched up by the show. Harry's reaction and his mate last night have sold him down the swanny. It's one thing to play a game, but playing Faye (which i don't think he's doing) is another.

10-11-2011, 09:19 AM
"verging on bullying"???

Well if you WANT to talk about bullying... let's talk about Aaron specifically targeting Alex the ENTIRE series, making her look like an idiot, and asking questions just to make her look more stupid. ANy fan of Aaron, cannot possibly claim bullying, after the way HE has ridiculed and humiliated Alex through out the entire series.

Aaron has taken every oppurtunity possible to point out how he thinks Alex is a ******. Every conversation we've seen between Aaron and Alex was basically just him asking her questions that he KNEW she didn't know the answer to, just to humiliate her.

He is a cruel POS.

10-11-2011, 09:25 AM
"verging on bullying"???

Well if you WANT to talk about bullying... let's talk about Aaron specifically targeting Alex the ENTIRE series, making her look like an idiot, and asking questions just to make her look more stupid. ANy fan of Aaron, cannot possibly claim bullying, after the way HE has ridiculed and humiliated Alex through out the entire series.

Aaron has taken every oppurtunity possible to point out how he thinks Alex is a ******. Every conversation we've seen between Aaron and Alex was basically just him asking her questions that he KNEW she didn't know the answer to, just to humiliate her.

He is a cruel POS.

Who are you talking to?

Also, ridiculous post. Aaron hasn't bullied Alex at all. He gave her a free pass through to the final above his girlfriend for **** sake! There "banter" is quite nice to watch actually. It's not bullying, it's like a big brother/little sister relationship.

10-11-2011, 09:32 AM
Who are you talking to?

Also, ridiculous post. Aaron hasn't bullied Alex at all. He gave her a free pass through to the final above his girlfriend for **** sake! There "banter" is quite nice to watch actually. It's not bullying, it's like a big brother/little sister relationship.

HAHAHAHA could you be any more hipocritical??

So Aaron's game move saying he wants to take Alex to the final(and getting his "girlfriend" evicted) is NOT game playing...

...but Jay and Louise actually spending their OWn MONEY on a gift for tom and alex, is total game playing??

Aaron fans make no sense.

unbelievable how naive you lot are.

10-11-2011, 09:37 AM
HAHAHAHA could you be any more hipocritical??

So Aaron's game move saying he wants to take Alex to the final(and getting his "girlfriend" evicted) is NOT game playing...

...but Jay and Louise actually spending their OWn MONEY on a gift for tom and alex, is total game playing??

Aaron fans make no sense.

unbelievable how naive you lot are.

Er, read my post again. I actually stand up for Jay and talk slightly negatively about Aaron! If anything it was a balanced post. #rollseyes

chuff me dizzy
10-11-2011, 09:39 AM
Jays foul mouthed ranting at Aaron for almost the entire first segment of tonights show. Was very unpleasant. He was relentless, verging on bullying esp when he said he was gonna follow Aaron around and be in his face. Will BB step in, will they hell. If he did it to anyone else he'd be out! then again....

Oh yes ,its a word i do not use often but it WAS bullying ,silly Louise sat at the side of her"man"smug as chuff Tom,Alex embarrassed by it

10-11-2011, 09:47 AM
IT'S NOT bullying though, because Aaron's manipulation has been to far wide reaching. Jay was not "bullying" Aaron, he was CALLING HIM OUT. it was an exposition. he was exposing Aaron, noit bullying him

And Aaron needs to be be exposed. He is vile.

Aaron has played this pathetic cat and mouse game the entire series. Aaron has a strop, and then hides in the corners til it blows over, this has happened over and over again.

Has Aaron ever been a part of the group ever? He';s always been the immature child playing the victim in the corner the whole series.

Can anyone name a single incidence where Aaron was victimized at all?? I can name several instances that Aaron victimized others.... but I can't think of a single instance where Aaron was targeted by anyone...

10-11-2011, 09:48 AM
Aaron is a sociopath. IMHO.

10-11-2011, 09:51 AM
IT'S NOT bullying though, because Aaron's manipulation has been to far wide reaching. Jay was not "bullying" Aaron, he was CALLING HIM OUT. it was an exposition. he was exposing Aaron, noit bullying him

And Aaron needs to be be exposed. He is vile.

Aaron has played this pathetic cat and mouse game the entire series. Aaron has a strop, and then hides in the corners til it blows over, this has happened over and over again.

Has Aaron ever been a part of the group ever? He';s always been the immature child playing the victim in the corner the whole series.

Can anyone name a single incidence where Aaron was victimized at all?? I can name several instances that Aaron victimized overs, but i can't think of a single instance where Aaron was targeted by anyone...

Ok, you are clearly just an Aaron-hater, unwilling to have a reasonable debate. If you actually bothered to read my post i said that Jay DIDN'T bully Aaron, but nevermind. There's no point debating with you.

10-11-2011, 09:56 AM
Ok, you are clearly just an Aaron-hater, unwilling to have a reasonable debate. If you actually bothered to read my post i said that Jay DIDN'T bully Aaron, but nevermind. There's no point debating with you.

OKay, but you havn't responded to my accusation that actually Aaron has bullied others. including ALex, and Tom, and Faye...

you honestly don't think he has been the real manipulator of those people???

Im just saying Gem was right, and Faye's mom was right. Aaron never loved Faye, and he never cared for Harry.

Why is it that Harry has called Aaron the biggest liar and manipulator in the house,and all of Faye's family hates him too...

You think it's some grand conspiracy???

chuff me dizzy
10-11-2011, 09:59 AM
Aaron is a sociopath. IMHO.

Oh please

10-11-2011, 10:01 AM
I know it was a bit **** wasn't it.

PMSL at the "character assassination" bit though

Jay: "Wai I doon hav ter use beeg words lyk yoo."

Translation: I have no idea what you just said....


10-11-2011, 10:03 AM
You could even see Louise wasn't comfortable about it. I say let it alone, only made Jay look like more of a twat.

10-11-2011, 10:05 AM
Got to say, i think the whole situation was a big of a non-event in all honesty.

Just for the record, i want Aaron to win, and that is based purely on entertainment. However, regarding their discussion last night, i thought Jay really showed a likeable, genuine side to him, and ultimately i think he proved that he's a really nice lad deep down.

Admittedly, we haven't seen the half of what's been happening in there, but i think Aaron's attitude towards Jay has been very OTT. To Aaron's face, i actually think Jay has on the large been pretty respectful. Sure he might disagree with Jay's toilet humour, but he is hugely out of touch with reality if he thinks some 25 year old lads don't behave that way.

It's true Jay has made an effort throughout, which is actually a very decent thing to do. However, Aaron has continued to refuse the olive branch, and actually acted like a bit of a child in the process. Just sitting there and saying "i've got nothing to say to you" is an incredibly immature way to deal with a problem. Equally, the way Jay goes off on one and plays the hard-man act, does himself absolutely no favours.

To be honest, tragically, neither will win i don't think. People don't like bullies, and although i don't think Jay is a bully, the way he talks sometimes in the heat of the moment can come across like that. And as far as Aaron is concerned, i think he has been stitched up by the show. Harry's reaction and his mate last night have sold him down the swanny. It's one thing to play a game, but playing Faye (which i don't think he's doing) is another.

You make some very good points, and apart from the Faye thing and Aaron being stitched up by the show I agree with everything. This is a good example of the difference between having a fave HM (like you do) and go overboard and not being able to see any faults with your "chosen one". Perfection is an illusion anyway, there's not a single thing/person I like that don't have flaws.

10-11-2011, 10:08 AM
You could even see Louise wasn't comfortable about it. I say let it alone, only made Jay look like more of a twat.

and you think jay looking like a "twat" is a good thing?
really? jay is a twat?

remind me again who is the twat, when Aaron has spend 2/3 of his time in the house throwing strops and giving people the "silent treatment" (as if aaron not talking is really a punishment) lol. Aaron is there because he's a drama queen. end of. He's the biggest drama queen in the house since makosi.

If you believe an y word that's come out of Aaron's mouth throughout the enitre series, well, then yur confusing to me.

10-11-2011, 10:14 AM
Alex is so dumb,I could not believe it when she could not string two words together on her speech,is this a reflection of the youth in the UK,I hope not...why do you reward stupidity with votes..is it something you admire?

10-11-2011, 12:48 PM
It wasn't uncomfortable or bullying at all. From a none Aaron fan point of view Jay was spot on with everything he said. All Aaron could do was look at his tea and whimper 'okay' occasionally. About time he was confronted about his behaviour and double standards.

10-11-2011, 01:05 PM
we all see things differently even jay said in the end he went ott when he said he'll follow him around for the next three days going on about it

if he can admit that was wrong why cant the jay fans?

10-11-2011, 01:11 PM
we all see things differently even jay said in the end he went ott when he said he'll follow him around for the next three days going on about it

if he can admit that was wrong why cant the jay fans?

Great comment Gabby :)

LostAlex you have lost the plot somewhat, calm down you will give yourself a heart attack.

10-11-2011, 01:13 PM
Makes a change from Shaaron prodding away at Jay in his sly manner(task failures, bad mouthing)

I say, well done Jay you handled yourself well.

10-11-2011, 01:14 PM
and you think jay looking like a "twat" is a good thing?
really? jay is a twat?

remind me again who is the twat, when Aaron has spend 2/3 of his time in the house throwing strops and giving people the "silent treatment" (as if aaron not talking is really a punishment) lol. Aaron is there because he's a drama queen. end of. He's the biggest drama queen in the house since makosi.

If you believe an y word that's come out of Aaron's mouth throughout the enitre series, well, then yur confusing to me.

2/3 of his time? Really? and you know this because you've got live feed access or what?

Personally, I prefer a person who goes away and doesn't speak to people until he's calm rather than a person who threatens violence and rants and raves.

Yes, I think Jay is a twat. He's ridiculously disgusting, doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

10-11-2011, 01:18 PM
Finally sombody has said somthing to aaron. This has needed to be said for some time. I thought Jay was clear and not aggressive at all. It was about time sombody confronted Aaron about his bizaar, manipulative sneaky behaviour.

10-11-2011, 01:23 PM
Finally sombody has said somthing to aaron. This has needed to be said for some time. I thought Jay was clear and not aggressive at all. It was about time sombody confronted Aaron about his bizaar, manipulative sneaky behaviour.

Oh really? Saying that he was going to be following him around and be in his face for the next three days is normal and not aggressive behaviour? Ok, poppet :idc:

10-11-2011, 01:24 PM
we all see things differently even jay said in the end he went ott when he said he'll follow him around for the next three days going on about it

if he can admit that was wrong why cant the jay fans?

Same reason why some Aaron fans wont admit when Aaron is in the wrong.

Imo... Jay did go a bit overboard but it wasnt bullying & agree with some of what Jay said to Aaron.
Aaron needs to grow up & stop acting like a sulky child and Jay needs to learn how to get his point across without getting angry.

10-11-2011, 01:29 PM
No. BB told him to try and sort things out.

I think you'll find that Jay's rantathon was after he had a talk with Aaron in the garden about how he's ruining everyone's last week and he then went back inside to bitch about Aaron with his puppypack. Aaron then came inside the house and the rantathon began. So BB had nothing to do with it as that was the previous day when Jay tried to break down the b/room door.

I really don't understand why they couldn't keep to the subject of the argument though. Aaron nailed Louise on all she was trying to say and as for blaming Aaron for Faye being evicted from the house - Jay was so wrong there as it was his girlfriend who put her up and the voting public who evicted her - Aaron had absolutely nothing to do with it.

As I said before - why did he and Louise have to continue on and on about ****ing presentgate for over 48 hours? If they'd just said that he was speaking bull**** and they didn't buy the presents to look good and leave it at that this whole presentgate would have ended right then... but no, they have to keep on and on and on and gang up. It's so stupid. If Aaron was sulking or wanted to be by himself then so be it what the **** is wrong with just leaving him be and enjoying the days you have together? Yet if you keep bringing it up over and over and over again I'm not surprised he didn't want to be in their company - hell I wouldn't!

You have to wonder why are they always so worried about Aaron being by himself and why they keep saying that he's only doing it for air time? To me it just reeks of the fact that they are so worried that they will not get the airtime themselves? So who is doing what for airtime and who's worrying about the public the most?

10-11-2011, 01:29 PM
Oh really? Saying that he was going to be following him around and be in his face for the next three days is normal and not aggressive behaviour? Ok, poppet :idc:

Really think some of you Aaron fans our quite blinkered and can't see that what aaron does is really sneaky. At least Jay you know where you are with and perhaps he should not have said that bit but everything else was spot on. so are you saying it's completly ok to slag people off behind thier backs call them an idiots and rant but not say anything to their faces?

10-11-2011, 01:33 PM
Oh really? Saying that he was going to be following him around and be in his face for the next three days is normal and not aggressive behaviour? Ok, poppet :idc:

People say things in the heat of the moment, doesnt mean they will do it.
Jay himself said he was ott when he said that.

10-11-2011, 01:34 PM
Really think some of you Aaron fans our quite blinkered and can't see the what aaron does in a really sneaky way. At least Jay you know where you are with and perhaps he should not have said that bit but everything else was spot on. so are you saying it's completly ok to slag people off behind thier backs call them an idiot?

First off, insulting fans of HMs is against the rules.

All of them in there have slagged people off behind their backs (bar maybe Alex) people do this all the time in r/l but they're not filmed doing it. I assume from your post that you're implying Aaron is the only one to have done this? That is simply not true.

10-11-2011, 01:35 PM
People say things in the heat of the moment, doesnt mean they will do it.
Jay himself said he was ott when he said that.

I know that, I was just using it as an example to MARTITA as to what I thought was OTT and aggressive in the conversation.

10-11-2011, 01:38 PM
First off, insulting fans of HMs is against the rules.

All of them in there have slagged people off behind their backs (bar maybe Alex) people do this all the time in r/l but they're not filmed doing it. I assume from your post that you're implying Aaron is the only one to have done this? That is simply not true.

I'm not meaning to insult anybody all i'm saying is there seems to be an aaron appreciation thing going on and it's as if Aaron can do no wrong, when his behavior has at times has been awful.

10-11-2011, 02:02 PM
Jay expressed himself well, calmly, and kept his anger under control during his vent to Aaron. He was by no means caustic, nor was he mean spirited. As a staunch Aaron supporter, with Jay being my least favoured housemate, even I could see all that. What was also very evident and damning, was Aaron showing yet again, how he isn't capable of accepting an apology gracefully.

10-11-2011, 02:04 PM
Really think some of you Aaron fans our quite blinkered and can't see that what aaron does is really sneaky. At least Jay you know where you are with and perhaps he should not have said that bit but everything else was spot on. so are you saying it's completly ok to slag people off behind thier backs call them an idiots and rant but not say anything to their faces?


What like what he said about Alex, Faye, Louise, Jem and Aaron while hiding in the crypt and came out and told them to there faces? You mean like that you know where you are...?

Or was it how as soon as he realised how popular Aaron was with the public and he lost his little side-kicks Anton and Aden he was desperate to get (and still is) Aaron as his new BFF. You mean like that you know where you are...?

Yeah .... OK.

10-11-2011, 02:43 PM
Same reason why some Aaron fans wont admit when Aaron is in the wrong.

Imo... Jay did go a bit overboard but it wasnt bullying & agree with some of what Jay said to Aaron.
Aaron needs to grow up & stop acting like a sulky child and Jay needs to learn how to get his point across without getting angry.

oh came off it, if the that wasn't bullying i hate to think what you'd be like.
Plus you don't have to go around with a fixed grin on your face so people don't think your sulking. I just hope Louise has seen the light if not god help her, with Jays temper you'd end up living in a tip. If he was my son i'd be worried.:nono:

10-11-2011, 03:01 PM
I'm not meaning to insult anybody all i'm saying is there seems to be an aaron appreciation thing going on and it's as if Aaron can do no wrong, when his behavior has at times has been awful.

Perhaps we at different ages me from the older generation have different standards today there's no repect and the filth that comes out of people mouth in the house is not nice to hear, sleeping around there's no self respect. I don't regret our parents being strick. today children can't accept the word no and i think this is why they started the wolf pack to take control and when they dwindled away Jay began to loose control, they've all said things behind each others backs thats nothing new who doesn't. Come on it is a game with just over a day to go, and yes i'm an Aaron fan but they all have there faults.

10-11-2011, 03:36 PM
Jay expressed himself well, calmly, and kept his anger under control during his vent to Aaron. He was by no means caustic, nor was he mean spirited. As a staunch Aaron supporter, with Jay being my least favoured housemate, even I could see all that. What was also very evident and damning, was Aaron showing yet again, how he isn't capable of accepting an apology gracefully.


10-11-2011, 03:41 PM
I'm not meaning to insult anybody all i'm saying is there seems to be an aaron appreciation thing going on and it's as if Aaron can do no wrong, when his behavior has at times has been awful.

I really wish these types of comments would die a quick, merciful death! They are begining to sound like some worn out mantra and appear to be a cop out when there is lack of something else to say. Some of us on here don't get pleasure, nor find purpose in simply championing our favourite through right and wrong, warts and all! I for one don't see the sense in it, no matter how much you vocalise your support it isn't going to change everyones opinion. I like many others here simply like to debate our unbiased opinions. On the other side of the coin, those that do wish to suport their fave HM through thick and thin have an equal right to do so.

10-11-2011, 03:49 PM
Jay expressed himself well, calmly, and kept his anger under control during his vent to Aaron. He was by no means caustic, nor was he mean spirited. As a staunch Aaron supporter, with Jay being my least favoured housemate, even I could see all that. What was also very evident and damning, was Aaron showing yet again, how he isn't capable of accepting an apology gracefully.


some of what he has said was a bit over the top, but he got his point across well and had some very valid points