View Full Version : Jay's fanbase is building up

09-11-2011, 11:45 PM
anya Rowlands
As Sue said, the response on Twitter and Facebook has been immense tonight. We have over 900 more followers today alone on @realjaymckray, and the support for Team McKray is just getting stronger and stronger. We should be very proud of how he dealt with the Aaron situation today, Jay undoubtedly came across as the peace maker, which is the Jay we know. Lot's of tweets asking what a 'radgy' was, a...nd also several tweets saying that they were Team Aaron, but will now be voting for Jay! It's too close to call at the moment, but with all your support and votes, there is absolutely NO reason why Jay shouldn't take the crown. Let's all pull together and have a final push for him, he deserves it, and with 48 hours to go, it's all to play for.
On behalf of all the admin, thank you so much for all your positive comments, votes and support, it is truly appreciated. xSee More
39 minutes ago

He has got a lot more backing than the forums suggest

09-11-2011, 11:47 PM
They'll need more then 900 followers to stop the Chosen one

09-11-2011, 11:48 PM
"a...nd also several tweets saying that they were Team Aaron, but will now be voting for Jay!"

Stopped reading there. That is impossible.

09-11-2011, 11:49 PM
Look at the desperation of Mrs Waggott! :joker:

She has probably got all those annoying spam bots following him...

And it doesn't matter how many follower/likes he has, it only matters who actually votes. Just like how much he has always been cheered, yet never got the most votes...:xyxwave:

09-11-2011, 11:55 PM

09-11-2011, 11:58 PM
They'll need more then 900 followers to stop the Chosen one


Go Aaron...he will ascend come good Friday!

09-11-2011, 11:58 PM
Our beloved Aslan to win.

10-11-2011, 12:00 AM
After his confrontation with Aaron tonight, and showing a really down-to-earth side last night, I wouldnt mind.

Would prefer Alex but yeah.

10-11-2011, 12:01 AM
The only thing Jay builds up is a good s**t...

Brother Leon
10-11-2011, 12:07 AM
Jay to win.

This place will be great after if he does.

10-11-2011, 12:18 AM
Our beloved Aslan to win.

"Aslan"....love it!

10-11-2011, 12:26 AM
Jay came across as the peace maker! wth. This woman is seriously deluded, what footage was she watching. oh dear. And he is Real. yep sure, even his name is fake fgs. Sigh. Aaron doesn't need to beg and scrounge for votes.

Seriously, a vote for the maggot is a vote for all that's wrong with society today, and if in the worst case scenario he won it would be disgusting.

Vote Aaron, as many times as you can afford, Good MUST be seen to triumph.

Aaron for the win!

09016 16 17 01

10-11-2011, 02:06 AM
Jay getting more popular must idicate that having a S**t fetish is on the increase.......

When Jay and Louise leave the house they should both get a job on a sewage farm.......Louise would say each morning she turns up for work "I feel at home here me"

10-11-2011, 02:12 AM
Jay has a great chance, Alex fans should be worried about him.

10-11-2011, 06:28 AM
The only thing Jay builds up is a good s**t...


10-11-2011, 07:07 AM
There would have to be something seriously wrong with the world for a vast majority to applaud such an uncouth guy as Jay. I think most people have more intelligence to see what is on the screen in front of them.

10-11-2011, 08:22 AM
If Jay wins.. Oh my

10-11-2011, 08:33 AM
I don't think Jay will win. I would hate to think that he is a true reflection of society today.

10-11-2011, 08:36 AM
I don't think Jay will win. But Aaron is an awful person IMO if he wins it also says alot about the world. He looks down his nose on people that he was quick to judge on day one. Hes sulky, petulant, arrogant, a liar, false.......

10-11-2011, 08:37 AM
and i also had a tweet off mummy waggott saying i was a bitch when i said id be embarrased if it were my son

yeah lovely woman

10-11-2011, 08:42 AM
and i also had a tweet off mummy waggott saying i was a bitch when i said id be embarrased if it were my son

yeah lovely woman

I would be too if it was my son.... Jay has boasted about the 1.000 plus women he has slept with that in itself would horrify me. Then his filthy habits... can she honestly condone that?

10-11-2011, 08:45 AM
and i also had a tweet off mummy waggott saying i was a bitch when i said id be embarrased if it were my son

yeah lovely woman

Sounds like you are too.

Oh my heart bleeds for you. Shes probably had a lot more grief from people like you that hurl abuse at her and think its your right not to recieve it back. You insulted her flesh and blood. You got in her space and insulted her.

I too wrote on here about Jay and how his mum must be proud of some of his behaviour. But what I didn't do was run like a cocky so and so thinking I was special and can do what I like then whinge when I get a response i didn't expect.

Learn this if you are prepared to dish it out be prepared to get it back.:nono:

10-11-2011, 08:47 AM
apparently yes i said id be ashamed if i were his mum and embbrrassed no explanation about the freezer or being agreesive just saying i was a bitch

soundslike she wasnt being constructive though there were far worse tweets than mine-it was like a child answering back bit like her son

10-11-2011, 08:49 AM
I don't think Jay will win. But Aaron is an awful person IMO if he wins it also says alot about the world. He looks down his nose on people that he was quick to judge on day one. Hes sulky, petulant, arrogant, a liar, false.......


10-11-2011, 08:50 AM
Sounds like you are too.

Oh my heart bleeds for you. Shes probably had a lot more grief from people like you that hurl abuse at her and think its your right not to recieve it back. You insulted her flesh and blood. You got in her space and insulted her.

I too wrote on here about Jay and how his mum must be proud of some of his behaviour. But what I didn't do was run like a cocky so and so thinking I was special and can do what I like then whinge when I get a response i didn't expect.

Learn this if you are prepared to dish it out be prepared to get it back.:nono:

Anyone with anything about them would be ashamed if that was their son,I feel sorry for her though,she must have had a hard time keeping the thug out of trouble:hugesmile:

10-11-2011, 08:52 AM
Anyone with anything about them would be ashamed if that was their son,I feel sorry for her though,she must have had a hard time keeping the thug out of trouble:hugesmile:


10-11-2011, 08:52 AM
If either of my sons behaved liked Jay I would disown them - but thankfully I have bought them up better than that. Like mother like son I guess and a sad reflection on our society today.

Lister of Smeg
10-11-2011, 08:53 AM
Jay to win seriously doubt he will tho .

10-11-2011, 09:02 AM
Anyone with anything about them would be ashamed if that was their son,I feel sorry for her though,she must have had a hard time keeping the thug out of trouble:hugesmile:

And any decent mother would defend her son against people sending her tweets about his behaviour. Go ahead and send them to Jay he is a grown man not a young child.

She has every right to send a nasty message back if you are insulting her and thinking it is your right to go onto tweets and harrass her about her grown sons behaviour just because you can't have banter on here and leave it here instead of running to her and others just because they aren't kissing the hms you loves backside! :nono:

10-11-2011, 09:18 AM
erm hes in the house? i will do once hes out if you really want

she goes on a public forum its not harrassment

10-11-2011, 10:13 AM
If either of my sons behaved liked Jay I would disown them - but thankfully I have bought them up better than that. Like mother like son I guess and a sad reflection on our society today.

Disown your own children? I think that's beyond cynical. Jay has issues, but obviously his mother has brought him up to care about others I think that speaks volumes.

10-11-2011, 10:20 AM
Disown your own children? I think that's beyond cynical. Jay has issues, but obviously his mother has brought him up to care about others I think that speaks volumes.

Well that's your view and this is mine we can be different and if that's Jays way of caring about people I'd rather not be one of those others thank you and it does speak volumes but not in a good way imo.

10-11-2011, 11:04 AM
I'm not a massive fan of Jay, but I wouldn't mind if he won.
I'm voting for him, just to make sure that he beats Aaron.
Well worth the money.

10-11-2011, 11:07 AM
I cannot speak as a parent since I am only 19 but I would absolutely hate to have a Brother,(or relation at all), like Jay, who in the public eye has shown such anti social and vulgar,filthy talk and truly awful bad personal habits too.

Roy Mars III
10-11-2011, 11:26 AM
It will be an Aaron and Jay final 2.

10-11-2011, 11:40 AM
Yeah OK whatever (reeks of desperation).

Starting to think does Louise actually know what she's getting into as clearly Jay is one hell of a Mummy's boy if it takes this amount of effort from her for him to win BB - then he certainly isn't a worthy winner!

BTW - what the **** is a radgy? :shrug:

10-11-2011, 11:45 AM
and i also had a tweet off mummy waggott saying i was a bitch when i said id be embarrased if it were my son

yeah lovely woman


Could be worse I suppose.... she could have said she wanted to kick you in the **** - but perhaps she's been warned about using that kind of language so held back. :joker:

But yeah.... she does sound like a lufffly women!

10-11-2011, 11:53 AM
Sounds like you are too.

Oh my heart bleeds for you. Shes probably had a lot more grief from people like you that hurl abuse at her and think its your right not to recieve it back. You insulted her flesh and blood. You got in her space and insulted her.

I too wrote on here about Jay and how his mum must be proud of some of his behaviour. But what I didn't do was run like a cocky so and so thinking I was special and can do what I like then whinge when I get a response i didn't expect.

Learn this if you are prepared to dish it out be prepared to get it back.:nono:

You are clearly not a parent!

I am and I would be ashamed to have brought up something like that! He's disgusting in every sense of the word. Just because he said sorry to someone (who he's been sucking up to since he found out how liked they are on the outside) for the cameras does not cover up the uneducated, sorry arse of a baffoon he is.

BTW - as for his mothers response - ever heard of the saying 'if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen' ? Well this is a prime example so learn it!

10-11-2011, 12:05 PM
Yeah OK whatever (reeks of desperation).

Starting to think does Louise actually know what she's getting into as clearly Jay is one hell of a Mummy's boy if it takes this amount of effort from her for him to win BB - then he certainly isn't a worthy winner!

BTW - what the **** is a radgy? :shrug:

Its like slang for crazy(can mean either crazy good, or crazy bad, depending on the context :laugh: )

Some people use, that means the same kind of thing 'cracker' I believe

10-11-2011, 12:09 PM
And any decent mother would defend her son against people sending her tweets about his behaviour. Go ahead and send them to Jay he is a grown man not a young child.

She has every right to send a nasty message back if you are insulting her and thinking it is your right to go onto tweets and harrass her about her grown sons behaviour just because you can't have banter on here and leave it here instead of running to her and others just because they aren't kissing the hms you loves backside! :nono:

I agree with the essence of your post although maybe not the last part, I think people are taking some pretty cheap shots tbh

10-11-2011, 01:20 PM
You are clearly not a parent!

I am and I would be ashamed to have brought up something like that! He's disgusting in every sense of the word. Just because he said sorry to someone (who he's been sucking up to since he found out how liked they are on the outside) for the cameras does not cover up the uneducated, sorry arse of a baffoon he is.

BTW - as for his mothers response - ever heard of the saying 'if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen' ? Well this is a prime example so learn it!

She is in her own kitchen and when others jump on tweet and start insulting her they are the one that need to learn butt out. Learn that!

10-11-2011, 01:26 PM
Jay winning over Aaron would be absolutely brilliant. Aaron couldn't even act like he was happy with the result like if it was Alex who beat him :joker:

10-11-2011, 01:27 PM
A much better choice than Shaaron the manchild.

10-11-2011, 01:29 PM
anya Rowlands
As Sue said, the response on Twitter and Facebook has been immense tonight. We have over 900 more followers today alone on @realjaymckray, and the support for Team McKray is just getting stronger and stronger. We should be very proud of how he dealt with the Aaron situation today, Jay undoubtedly came across as the peace maker, which is the Jay we know. Lot's of tweets asking what a 'radgy' was, a...nd also several tweets saying that they were Team Aaron, but will now be voting for Jay! It's too close to call at the moment, but with all your support and votes, there is absolutely NO reason why Jay shouldn't take the crown. Let's all pull together and have a final push for him, he deserves it, and with 48 hours to go, it's all to play for.
On behalf of all the admin, thank you so much for all your positive comments, votes and support, it is truly appreciated. xSee More
39 minutes ago

He has got a lot more backing than the forums suggest

How the hell can you say Jay deserves it, would you honestly be proud of him if he was you son :shocked:

10-11-2011, 01:30 PM
He is just as worthy to win as Aaron

10-11-2011, 01:34 PM
Justin will get about 20% of the vote.

10-11-2011, 01:36 PM
He is just as worthy to win as Aaron

If Jay won, and they sold the show to other countrys, what would that say about britain, they'd think we,ve lost the plot

10-11-2011, 01:52 PM
She is in her own kitchen and when others jump on tweet and start insulting her they are the one that need to learn butt out. Learn that!

No not her own kitchen - she's on Twitter ... you know the social networking site open to everyone on earth.... that's everyone's kitchen. Learn that!

10-11-2011, 01:55 PM
How very desperate!

10-11-2011, 01:57 PM
If Jay won, and they sold the show to other countrys, what would that say about britain, they'd think we,ve lost the plot

Now that's what I call a good post. Says it all in a nutshell. Britain should be ashamed if we allow someone like Jay to represent us as a winner in any capacity. Sorry to people who like him, but dear God!

10-11-2011, 01:58 PM
Now that's what I call a good post. Says it all in a nutshell. Britain should be ashamed if we allow someone like Jay to represent us as a winner in any capacity. Sorry to people who like him, but dear God!

LOL, it's not the pride of britain awards.:joker:

10-11-2011, 02:10 PM
LOL, it's not the pride of britain awards.:joker:

You have to admit i'm speaking the truth :xyxwave:

10-11-2011, 02:18 PM
Jay is representing all us forum members and the rest of the public, and he is doing it really well.

10-11-2011, 02:22 PM
LOL, it's not the pride of britain awards.:joker:

In my post I said he shouldn't represent us IN ANY CAPACITY.

He certainly wouldn't be allowed within a mile of Pride of Britain :dance:

He represents all that is wrong in society today.

10-11-2011, 02:27 PM
In my post I said he shouldn't represent us IN ANY CAPACITY.

He certainly wouldn't be allowed within a mile of Pride of Britain :dance:

He represents all that is wrong in society today.

like these things.
1 the weather
2 high taxes
3 traffic and parking is impossible in the city
4 travel fees
5 beans, brown sauce & creamy salad dressing
6 dead end streets and streets that abruptly change name
7 missing your bus stop and having to make your way back
8. damp and mold
9 big brother on all those security cameras
10 heavy influx of immigrants who expect support and services

10-11-2011, 03:09 PM
anyone got the tweets jays mum has been posting about alex??

and jays mum certainly shouldnt be going round calling people bitches, but like mother like son i suppose

10-11-2011, 03:21 PM
No not her own kitchen - she's on Twitter ... you know the social networking site open to everyone on earth.... that's everyone's kitchen. Learn that!

Yes but when you go in and try to tell her how disgusting her son is you are going into her business. Learn that!

the truth
10-11-2011, 03:22 PM
yeah jay great bloke genuine warm hearted tried his best to be a good friend to everyone in the house ...mcray to win

10-11-2011, 04:08 PM
Fat Jays mum is a desperado!

10-11-2011, 04:14 PM
anyone got the tweets jays mum has been posting about alex??

and jays mum certainly shouldnt be going round calling people bitches, but like mother like son i suppose

Most definitely. She even retweeted a tweet saying "Your son is the *********g B*****ks. He should do Aaron in" :crazy:

10-11-2011, 04:16 PM
yeah jay great bloke genuine warm hearted tried his best to be a good friend to everyone in the house ...mcray to win

That bloated, ignorant, knuckle dragging chav shouldn't get anywhere near to winning. :hmph:

10-11-2011, 04:18 PM
He couldn't win a bucket of sand on blackpool beach!

10-11-2011, 05:37 PM
Jay is representing all us forum members and the rest of the public, and he is doing it really well.

your joking . right, he makes Anton look like a choir boy, come back Anton all is forgiven:joker:

the truth
10-11-2011, 05:40 PM
That bloated, ignorant, knuckle dragging chav shouldn't get anywhere near to winning. :hmph:

thats a bit harsh on aaron:blush:

10-11-2011, 05:44 PM
it would be kinda funny if Jay won

10-11-2011, 05:54 PM
Yes but when you go in and try to tell her how disgusting her son is you are going into her business. Learn that!

Oh give over! She said she would be embarrassed if he was her son and that's what she tweeted. So where does the disgusting bit come from? Exaggerate much?

What you fail to understand is that he put himself in the public eye and clearly didn't give a snot about showing all his disgusting nastiness or brag about his womanly accomplishments at all. In fact he revelled in it and still is!

His mother is now using social networking sites etc, so therefore she too has now put herself in the public eye, to brag about how wonderful her son is when everyone can see he's hardly role model material! So she should expect to get feedback like she got.

As a grown women who is trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes about how fantastic, down to earth and great her son is - and then calling someone a bitch is hardly acceptable. If she was the better person and trying to prove the point she clearly is, a simple delete and ignore would suffice. But clearly the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in the Waggott family household!

10-11-2011, 06:48 PM
thankyou marmalite exactly my point

she didnt say oh well i'll be having a word about the freezer incident or anything else gross she just called mea bitch oh sorry was i brought up to be a bitch

you go on twitter be prepared for comments about your son who is on national television

10-11-2011, 06:57 PM
thankyou marmalite exactly my point

she didnt say oh well i'll be having a word about the freezer incident or anything else gross she just called mea bitch oh sorry was i brought up to be a bitch

you go on twitter be prepared for comments about your son who is on national television

If you tweet something negative to a mother about her son you should be prepared for her comment back. Well done Sue.

10-11-2011, 07:52 PM

That brings me on to Jay. Firstly with him I will tell you a story about him that wasn’t shown on the main highlights show, but was revealed on the sister show “Bit On The Side” and accepted by multiple housemates after their evictions. Remember that week where Harry ordered all those bananas and not much else? Remember how angry Jay got? Well, Jay got so angry that he decided to take a ****. Not just any old **** though, no, the toilet was too good for Jay. Instead, the wonderful alpha male “Jay McKray” (real name Justin Waggot), decided to take a ****, and put it in the fridge for the other housemates to see him.
Now, why do you suppose that Big Brother didn’t show this? Simple, they wanted him to win, or at least be liked and stay in longer. The reason for this is because he was starting in a relationship. All the producers have been interested in this series has been the romance, which is why there were three couples in the final six and which is why every time something happens that whole episode is about the relationship. It started with Rebeckah and Aden and has been swiftly followed by many others. Why do you think they care so much about relationships? This is because the owner of channel 5 also owns OK!, The Daily Star, and one of the other Daily tabloids. He wants the next ‘showbiz’ couple that he can give a spinoff channel 5 show to and cover in all of his media outlets to sell more.

Maybe you doubt the validity of my story? Well, other than the fact that a) this story was announced weeks ago and b) housemates have verified this – If you look at Tuesdays show Jay said the following: “I can’t do **** all in here, I can’t eat protein, I have a **** diet, I can’t go to the gym, I can’t **** in a kettle when someone pisses me off or beat the crap out of people like I would on the outside”. I’m not sure what more you would need now? He’s obviously been told off by BB when that happened and told not to do it again.

The guy is a bully. All week he’s been saying that he wants to punch the crap out of Aaron. If you have the mentality of “It’s manly to get in to fights etc”, well firstly, you’re a dick, and secondly, where do you draw the line? What if that other person that he decides was looking at him that little bit too weirdly has that problem where the skull is really thin and can crack really easily. One hit, and boom, he’s killed someone. Is that manly? Oh, and yes, it is the same thing.

To make matters worse he is spineless. When Rebeckah lied and told him that Heaven was in the store-room eating all the food, he later found out that Rebeckah was lying. When confronted by Heaven, he played dumb and said to Heaven that Rebeckah hadn’t said anything to him. Simply spineless. He comes across as a “nice Geordie guy”, but really when you REALLY look at the motives and depths of what he does, he’s a spineless, dull, arrogant prick with a serious alpha male complex. He says things like “Can I kick you in the C*unt”, he makes racist jokes on national TV. Let’s say you are “team Jay” and think Aaron is a game player. Is playing a game on a game show a crime? No, assault is though. Jay knows Aaron is his competition so he is trying to make him look like he is the one causing problems, when the only one who has been annoyed at Aaron this week is, funnily enough, Jay. (No matter what the BB editing is trying to make out).
( taken from DS)

11-11-2011, 01:44 AM
cmon jay! u can do it!

11-11-2011, 01:49 AM
He has got a lot more backing than the forums suggest

It dosen't surprise me at all tbh.

These forums are a very poor show of the wider picture.

This obviously means Jay fans can relax because he is doing fantastically and vote for Alex to win.

11-11-2011, 01:53 AM
Jay? Really? :bored:

I honestly can't comprehend how you decent folk can support him... I think he is my 2nd or 3rd mist hated housemates ever.. he is ****ing disgusting! I don't think I will ever forget eating my dinner, whilst seeing and hearing him take a **** with the toilet doot open... I nearly vomited!

greek alphabet
11-11-2011, 01:56 AM

That brings me on to Jay. Firstly with him I will tell you a story about him that wasn’t shown on the main highlights show, but was revealed on the sister show “Bit On The Side” and accepted by multiple housemates after their evictions. Remember that week where Harry ordered all those bananas and not much else? Remember how angry Jay got? Well, Jay got so angry that he decided to take a ****. Not just any old **** though, no, the toilet was too good for Jay. Instead, the wonderful alpha male “Jay McKray” (real name Justin Waggot), decided to take a ****, and put it in the fridge for the other housemates to see him.
Now, why do you suppose that Big Brother didn’t show this? Simple, they wanted him to win, or at least be liked and stay in longer. The reason for this is because he was starting in a relationship. All the producers have been interested in this series has been the romance, which is why there were three couples in the final six and which is why every time something happens that whole episode is about the relationship. It started with Rebeckah and Aden and has been swiftly followed by many others. Why do you think they care so much about relationships? This is because the owner of channel 5 also owns OK!, The Daily Star, and one of the other Daily tabloids. He wants the next ‘showbiz’ couple that he can give a spinoff channel 5 show to and cover in all of his media outlets to sell more.

Maybe you doubt the validity of my story? Well, other than the fact that a) this story was announced weeks ago and b) housemates have verified this – If you look at Tuesdays show Jay said the following: “I can’t do **** all in here, I can’t eat protein, I have a **** diet, I can’t go to the gym, I can’t **** in a kettle when someone pisses me off or beat the crap out of people like I would on the outside”. I’m not sure what more you would need now? He’s obviously been told off by BB when that happened and told not to do it again.

The guy is a bully. All week he’s been saying that he wants to punch the crap out of Aaron. If you have the mentality of “It’s manly to get in to fights etc”, well firstly, you’re a dick, and secondly, where do you draw the line? What if that other person that he decides was looking at him that little bit too weirdly has that problem where the skull is really thin and can crack really easily. One hit, and boom, he’s killed someone. Is that manly? Oh, and yes, it is the same thing.

To make matters worse he is spineless. When Rebeckah lied and told him that Heaven was in the store-room eating all the food, he later found out that Rebeckah was lying. When confronted by Heaven, he played dumb and said to Heaven that Rebeckah hadn’t said anything to him. Simply spineless. He comes across as a “nice Geordie guy”, but really when you REALLY look at the motives and depths of what he does, he’s a spineless, dull, arrogant prick with a serious alpha male complex. He says things like “Can I kick you in the C*unt”, he makes racist jokes on national TV. Let’s say you are “team Jay” and think Aaron is a game player. Is playing a game on a game show a crime? No, assault is though. Jay knows Aaron is his competition so he is trying to make him look like he is the one causing problems, when the only one who has been annoyed at Aaron this week is, funnily enough, Jay. (No matter what the BB editing is trying to make out).
( taken from DS)

Very sad. You preach about Aaron playing a game, and this is ok, yet you have made accusations against Jay, you have been derogatory about him, yet you fail to say how Aaron has hurt and upset people in the house. But this is ok, as he is playing a game. Is playing a game pushing Jay to the extent, he breaks down because of the stress.

I do find this post hypcritical.

11-11-2011, 01:56 AM
Real down to earth guy, honest! not fake unlike alex or aaron

11-11-2011, 02:08 AM
Very sad. You preach about Aaron playing a game, and this is ok, yet you have made accusations against Jay, you have been derogatory about him, yet you fail to say how Aaron has hurt and upset people in the house. But this is ok, as he is playing a game. Is playing a game pushing Jay to the extent, he breaks down because of the stress.

I do find this post hypcritical.

Aaron isn't perfect but, he's not crass, crude, undignified, thick, classless and downright minging like Jay is.

11-11-2011, 02:10 AM
Jay? Really? :bored:

I honestly can't comprehend how you decent folk can support him... I think he is my 2nd or 3rd mist hated housemates ever.. he is ****ing disgusting! I don't think I will ever forget eating my dinner, whilst seeing and hearing him take a **** with the toilet doot open... I nearly vomited!

And he did it when Faye was in the bath. No manners :bored:

11-11-2011, 02:14 AM
And he did it when Faye was in the bath. No manners :bored:

I don't know how her and Harry managed to take it so well! I would have flipped at him! Disgusting, rude, big lump of thick!

11-11-2011, 02:19 AM
"Ohh way aye, I'm coming out man"

Was hilarious :joker:

11-11-2011, 02:23 AM
hahaha that was very funny

11-11-2011, 02:29 AM

That brings me on to Jay. Firstly with him I will tell you a story about him that wasn’t shown on the main highlights show, but was revealed on the sister show “Bit On The Side” and accepted by multiple housemates after their evictions. Remember that week where Harry ordered all those bananas and not much else? Remember how angry Jay got? Well, Jay got so angry that he decided to take a ****. Not just any old **** though, no, the toilet was too good for Jay. Instead, the wonderful alpha male “Jay McKray” (real name Justin Waggot), decided to take a ****, and put it in the fridge for the other housemates to see him.
Now, why do you suppose that Big Brother didn’t show this? Simple, they wanted him to win, or at least be liked and stay in longer. The reason for this is because he was starting in a relationship. All the producers have been interested in this series has been the romance, which is why there were three couples in the final six and which is why every time something happens that whole episode is about the relationship. It started with Rebeckah and Aden and has been swiftly followed by many others. Why do you think they care so much about relationships? This is because the owner of channel 5 also owns OK!, The Daily Star, and one of the other Daily tabloids. He wants the next ‘showbiz’ couple that he can give a spinoff channel 5 show to and cover in all of his media outlets to sell more.

Maybe you doubt the validity of my story? Well, other than the fact that a) this story was announced weeks ago and b) housemates have verified this – If you look at Tuesdays show Jay said the following: “I can’t do **** all in here, I can’t eat protein, I have a **** diet, I can’t go to the gym, I can’t **** in a kettle when someone pisses me off or beat the crap out of people like I would on the outside”. I’m not sure what more you would need now? He’s obviously been told off by BB when that happened and told not to do it again.

The guy is a bully. All week he’s been saying that he wants to punch the crap out of Aaron. If you have the mentality of “It’s manly to get in to fights etc”, well firstly, you’re a dick, and secondly, where do you draw the line? What if that other person that he decides was looking at him that little bit too weirdly has that problem where the skull is really thin and can crack really easily. One hit, and boom, he’s killed someone. Is that manly? Oh, and yes, it is the same thing.

To make matters worse he is spineless. When Rebeckah lied and told him that Heaven was in the store-room eating all the food, he later found out that Rebeckah was lying. When confronted by Heaven, he played dumb and said to Heaven that Rebeckah hadn’t said anything to him. Simply spineless. He comes across as a “nice Geordie guy”, but really when you REALLY look at the motives and depths of what he does, he’s a spineless, dull, arrogant prick with a serious alpha male complex. He says things like “Can I kick you in the C*unt”, he makes racist jokes on national TV. Let’s say you are “team Jay” and think Aaron is a game player. Is playing a game on a game show a crime? No, assault is though. Jay knows Aaron is his competition so he is trying to make him look like he is the one causing problems, when the only one who has been annoyed at Aaron this week is, funnily enough, Jay. (No matter what the BB editing is trying to make out).
( taken from DS)

Jay for the WIN!!!!!!!!

11-11-2011, 02:30 AM
yes jay mckray! ur in the final day! thats all that matters

11-11-2011, 01:07 PM
anya Rowlands
As Sue said, the response on Twitter and Facebook has been immense tonight. We have over 900 more followers today alone on @realjaymckray, and the support for Team McKray is just getting stronger and stronger. We should be very proud of how he dealt with the Aaron situation today, Jay undoubtedly came across as the peace maker, which is the Jay we know. Lot's of tweets asking what a 'radgy' was, a...nd also several tweets saying that they were Team Aaron, but will now be voting for Jay! It's too close to call at the moment, but with all your support and votes, there is absolutely NO reason why Jay shouldn't take the crown. Let's all pull together and have a final push for him, he deserves it, and with 48 hours to go, it's all to play for.
On behalf of all the admin, thank you so much for all your positive comments, votes and support, it is truly appreciated. xSee More
39 minutes ago

He has got a lot more backing than the forums suggest

If this is anywhere near true, then all it will do is split the 'anti Aaron' vote. Jay has been THIRD in two of the votes against Aaron and others. Why is he going to win now?? I suggest you start throwing votes behind the one person who HAS a chance of stopping Mr. Stroppy......ALEX!

11-11-2011, 01:10 PM
If this is anywhere near true, then all it will do is split the 'anti Aaron' vote. Jay has been THIRD in two of the votes against Aaron and others. Why is he going to win now?? I suggest you start throwing votes behind the one person who HAS a chance of stopping Mr. Stroppy......ALEX!

Or better still, adopt the motto, if you can't beat them join them, and be on the winning team. Team Aaron!

11-11-2011, 01:12 PM
That bloated, ignorant, knuckle dragging chav shouldn't get anywhere near to winning. :hmph:

its not often you are right, but you are WONG again.:joker::joker::joker:

11-11-2011, 01:13 PM
"Ohh way aye, I'm coming out man"

Was hilarious :joker:

I wa a little bit sick in my mouth when he said that.