View Full Version : Why Aaron Should Win Big Brother

10-11-2011, 05:51 PM

I’ll start off with Alex, the favourite to win. To be honest I find her inoffensive and a worthy second place in this years series. Do I think she should win? Not really. Overall I really don’t think she has contributed enough to the entertainment of this series. The best part that included her was when Big Brother made her have a fake tan, repeatedly. But that wasn’t her that made it funny, it was all Big Brother.
I feel that she is playing up the “dumb blonde” card a bit too much because everybody knows that “dumb” people generally do quite well on Big Brother. On top of that, she hasn’t been involved in a single argument. Some may call that admirable. Me? I believe that she has been keeping her head down and staying inoffensive and “on the fence”. The simple reason for this is that most Big Brother winners fit that exact mould.


Next up we have Tom. By all accounts he should be a favourite to win, he’s fun (maybe a little bit too fun? Not exactly a real person for 64 days straight). However, I think he will be evicted tonight or come 4th tomorrow. Which is a shame as I would like to see him finish in the top 3. As well as being a fun housemate he hasn’t been afraid to speak his mind. It’s just unfortunate that many times he does speak his mind it’s usually ill-informed and based on the facts he can be in the wrong. Although I did love that in the first couple of weeks after an argument between Heaven and Rebeckah, Rebeckah cornered him and tried to get him on her side, and he replied with “don’t get me involved, besides, you’re in the wrong”. Always good to see someone with a backbone in there too.


I forget who our next housemate is… You know… That thing that doesn’t really say much or have much of a brain, she has a pretty face… That thing that has only been stuck on the side of Jay since the start? Oh! Louise.
Let’s make this clear. Louise is a game player. From day one she went straight in the diary room and said “I’m normal”, she’s repeated this over and over. In the first couple of weeks she kept going to the diary room and saying that “I’m normal, I don’t really get on with everyone here because they are not normal”. At this point she is trying to strike up a relationship with the public as “the nice inoffensive girl”. Unfortunately she’s got no personality so that didn’t really work.
But for me, the biggest game playing moment was her whole relationship with Jay. To begin with she didn’t really connect with Jay and she seemed unsure if she wanted the relationship. Did anybody else notice that the same day she properly started a relationship with Jay was TWO HOURS after Jay was saved from his first eviction, and the whole house heard massive cheers for him. She saw that he was popular then latched herself on to him. Even if you don’t agree that she’s a game player, you can surely agree that she is dull, non-entertaining and has no personality whatsoever.


That brings me on to Jay. Firstly with him I will tell you a story about him that wasn’t shown on the main highlights show, but was revealed on the sister show “Bit On The Side” and accepted by multiple housemates after their evictions. Remember that week where Harry ordered all those bananas and not much else? Remember how angry Jay got? Well, Jay got so angry that he decided to take a ****. Not just any old **** though, no, the toilet was too good for Jay. Instead, the wonderful alpha male “Jay McKray” (real name Justin Waggot), decided to take a ****, and put it in the fridge for the other housemates to see him.
Now, why do you suppose that Big Brother didn’t show this? Simple, they wanted him to win, or at least be liked and stay in longer. The reason for this is because he was starting in a relationship. All the producers have been interested in this series has been the romance, which is why there were three couples in the final six and which is why every time something happens that whole episode is about the relationship. It started with Rebeckah and Aden and has been swiftly followed by many others. Why do you think they care so much about relationships? This is because the owner of channel 5 also owns OK!, The Daily Star, and one of the other Daily tabloids. He wants the next ‘showbiz’ couple that he can give a spinoff channel 5 show to and cover in all of his media outlets to sell more.

Maybe you doubt the validity of my story? Well, other than the fact that a) this story was announced weeks ago and b) housemates have verified this – If you look at Tuesdays show Jay said the following: “I can’t do **** all in here, I can’t eat protein, I have a **** diet, I can’t go to the gym, I can’t **** in a kettle when someone pisses me off or beat the crap out of people like I would on the outside”. I’m not sure what more you would need now? He’s obviously been told off by BB when that happened and told not to do it again.

The guy is a bully. All week he’s been saying that he wants to punch the crap out of Aaron. If you have the mentality of “It’s manly to get in to fights etc”, well firstly, you’re a dick, and secondly, where do you draw the line? What if that other person that he decides was looking at him that little bit too weirdly has that problem where the skull is really thin and can crack really easily. One hit, and boom, he’s killed someone. Is that manly? Oh, and yes, it is the same thing.

To make matters worse he is spineless. When Rebeckah lied and told him that Heaven was in the store-room eating all the food, he later found out that Rebeckah was lying. When confronted by Heaven, he played dumb and said to Heaven that Rebeckah hadn’t said anything to him. Simply spineless. He comes across as a “nice Geordie guy”, but really when you REALLY look at the motives and depths of what he does, he’s a spineless, dull, arrogant prick with a serious alpha male complex. He says things like “Can I kick you in the C*unt”, he makes racist jokes on national TV. Let’s say you are “team Jay” and think Aaron is a game player. Is playing a game on a game show a crime? No, assault is though. Jay knows Aaron is his competition so he is trying to make him look like he is the one causing problems, when the only one who has been annoyed at Aaron this week is, funnily enough, Jay. (No matter what the BB editing is trying to make out).


But now, on to my winner. Aaron, the most entertaining housemate of Big Brother 2011, he’s clever, caring, and have you seen his dancing? Anyone who dances like that has to be a top bloke.. *ahem*. Sure, he has had his down points, he could have done with less stropping, but when you are stuck in a house with a load of people you don’t like, with no escape you’re not exactly going to be jumping for joy. That’s not to say he hasn’t been fun, he is able to be a part of the fun of course (I go back to his dancing..). It’s not easy in Big Brother, especially when you are being yourself and real. Not the “I’m normal and real” game that Louise plays, but the REAL real. Because REAL is not perfect.
He has stuck to his principles on everything in that house and he has not been afraid to speak his mind even when it is obvious that the public wouldn’t like it. If he was playing a game, why would he be saying things he knows the public wouldn’t want to hear or like him for? Like the nominations twist recently. I believe he has been himself from start to finish and I don’t buy any of the manipulative rubbish that the production team are trying to make out. I mean sure, there may have been some game playing on his part but a) it’s a game show! and b) they are all guilty of that.
He has just been honest, he is stuck in a house with people that he doesn’t share any interests with and who have minimal IQ and therefore very little stimulating conversation unless you like talking about sex all day every day, or you think World War 2 was in the 60s (thanks Tom!). He has been honest, he doesn’t like these people much apart from a couple like Alex, he hasn’t tried to fake his emotions which is something I really agree with, and he sticks to his principles even when they aren’t always popular which I admire and I try to do this too.
The editing keeps making him out to be moody, but when you’ve been in a house for 60 days of course you are going to want space to yourself, and what is actually wrong with that?

Aaron is the best housemate in there, pure are simple. He has given the most entertainment and without him this series would have been very dull. He has stirred things up in the house, perhaps knowingly, but without him, we would have been watching paint dry, or a repeat of Big Brother 4 where they all got on. Yawn.

I have a cheeky £13 on him winning. Good luck Aaron, you’ll need it…


10-11-2011, 05:59 PM

10-11-2011, 07:06 PM

I’ll start off with Alex, the favourite to win. To be honest I find her inoffensive and a worthy second place in this years series. Do I think she should win? Not really. Overall I really don’t think she has contributed enough to the entertainment of this series. The best part that included her was when Big Brother made her have a fake tan, repeatedly. But that wasn’t her that made it funny, it was all Big Brother.
I feel that she is playing up the “dumb blonde” card a bit too much because everybody knows that “dumb” people generally do quite well on Big Brother. On top of that, she hasn’t been involved in a single argument. Some may call that admirable. Me? I believe that she has been keeping her head down and staying inoffensive and “on the fence”. The simple reason for this is that most Big Brother winners fit that exact mould.


Next up we have Tom. By all accounts he should be a favourite to win, he’s fun (maybe a little bit too fun? Not exactly a real person for 64 days straight). However, I think he will be evicted tonight or come 4th tomorrow. Which is a shame as I would like to see him finish in the top 3. As well as being a fun housemate he hasn’t been afraid to speak his mind. It’s just unfortunate that many times he does speak his mind it’s usually ill-informed and based on the facts he can be in the wrong. Although I did love that in the first couple of weeks after an argument between Heaven and Rebeckah, Rebeckah cornered him and tried to get him on her side, and he replied with “don’t get me involved, besides, you’re in the wrong”. Always good to see someone with a backbone in there too.


I forget who our next housemate is… You know… That thing that doesn’t really say much or have much of a brain, she has a pretty face… That thing that has only been stuck on the side of Jay since the start? Oh! Louise.
Let’s make this clear. Louise is a game player. From day one she went straight in the diary room and said “I’m normal”, she’s repeated this over and over. In the first couple of weeks she kept going to the diary room and saying that “I’m normal, I don’t really get on with everyone here because they are not normal”. At this point she is trying to strike up a relationship with the public as “the nice inoffensive girl”. Unfortunately she’s got no personality so that didn’t really work.
But for me, the biggest game playing moment was her whole relationship with Jay. To begin with she didn’t really connect with Jay and she seemed unsure if she wanted the relationship. Did anybody else notice that the same day she properly started a relationship with Jay was TWO HOURS after Jay was saved from his first eviction, and the whole house heard massive cheers for him. She saw that he was popular then latched herself on to him. Even if you don’t agree that she’s a game player, you can surely agree that she is dull, non-entertaining and has no personality whatsoever.


That brings me on to Jay. Firstly with him I will tell you a story about him that wasn’t shown on the main highlights show, but was revealed on the sister show “Bit On The Side” and accepted by multiple housemates after their evictions. Remember that week where Harry ordered all those bananas and not much else? Remember how angry Jay got? Well, Jay got so angry that he decided to take a ****. Not just any old **** though, no, the toilet was too good for Jay. Instead, the wonderful alpha male “Jay McKray” (real name Justin Waggot), decided to take a ****, and put it in the fridge for the other housemates to see him.
Now, why do you suppose that Big Brother didn’t show this? Simple, they wanted him to win, or at least be liked and stay in longer. The reason for this is because he was starting in a relationship. All the producers have been interested in this series has been the romance, which is why there were three couples in the final six and which is why every time something happens that whole episode is about the relationship. It started with Rebeckah and Aden and has been swiftly followed by many others. Why do you think they care so much about relationships? This is because the owner of channel 5 also owns OK!, The Daily Star, and one of the other Daily tabloids. He wants the next ‘showbiz’ couple that he can give a spinoff channel 5 show to and cover in all of his media outlets to sell more.

Maybe you doubt the validity of my story? Well, other than the fact that a) this story was announced weeks ago and b) housemates have verified this – If you look at Tuesdays show Jay said the following: “I can’t do **** all in here, I can’t eat protein, I have a **** diet, I can’t go to the gym, I can’t **** in a kettle when someone pisses me off or beat the crap out of people like I would on the outside”. I’m not sure what more you would need now? He’s obviously been told off by BB when that happened and told not to do it again.

The guy is a bully. All week he’s been saying that he wants to punch the crap out of Aaron. If you have the mentality of “It’s manly to get in to fights etc”, well firstly, you’re a dick, and secondly, where do you draw the line? What if that other person that he decides was looking at him that little bit too weirdly has that problem where the skull is really thin and can crack really easily. One hit, and boom, he’s killed someone. Is that manly? Oh, and yes, it is the same thing.

To make matters worse he is spineless. When Rebeckah lied and told him that Heaven was in the store-room eating all the food, he later found out that Rebeckah was lying. When confronted by Heaven, he played dumb and said to Heaven that Rebeckah hadn’t said anything to him. Simply spineless. He comes across as a “nice Geordie guy”, but really when you REALLY look at the motives and depths of what he does, he’s a spineless, dull, arrogant prick with a serious alpha male complex. He says things like “Can I kick you in the C*unt”, he makes racist jokes on national TV. Let’s say you are “team Jay” and think Aaron is a game player. Is playing a game on a game show a crime? No, assault is though. Jay knows Aaron is his competition so he is trying to make him look like he is the one causing problems, when the only one who has been annoyed at Aaron this week is, funnily enough, Jay. (No matter what the BB editing is trying to make out).


But now, on to my winner. Aaron, the most entertaining housemate of Big Brother 2011, he’s clever, caring, and have you seen his dancing? Anyone who dances like that has to be a top bloke.. *ahem*. Sure, he has had his down points, he could have done with less stropping, but when you are stuck in a house with a load of people you don’t like, with no escape you’re not exactly going to be jumping for joy. That’s not to say he hasn’t been fun, he is able to be a part of the fun of course (I go back to his dancing..). It’s not easy in Big Brother, especially when you are being yourself and real. Not the “I’m normal and real” game that Louise plays, but the REAL real. Because REAL is not perfect.
He has stuck to his principles on everything in that house and he has not been afraid to speak his mind even when it is obvious that the public wouldn’t like it. If he was playing a game, why would he be saying things he knows the public wouldn’t want to hear or like him for? Like the nominations twist recently. I believe he has been himself from start to finish and I don’t buy any of the manipulative rubbish that the production team are trying to make out. I mean sure, there may have been some game playing on his part but a) it’s a game show! and b) they are all guilty of that.
He has just been honest, he is stuck in a house with people that he doesn’t share any interests with and who have minimal IQ and therefore very little stimulating conversation unless you like talking about sex all day every day, or you think World War 2 was in the 60s (thanks Tom!). He has been honest, he doesn’t like these people much apart from a couple like Alex, he hasn’t tried to fake his emotions which is something I really agree with, and he sticks to his principles even when they aren’t always popular which I admire and I try to do this too.
The editing keeps making him out to be moody, but when you’ve been in a house for 60 days of course you are going to want space to yourself, and what is actually wrong with that?

Aaron is the best housemate in there, pure are simple. He has given the most entertainment and without him this series would have been very dull. He has stirred things up in the house, perhaps knowingly, but without him, we would have been watching paint dry, or a repeat of Big Brother 4 where they all got on. Yawn.

I have a cheeky £13 on him winning. Good luck Aaron, you’ll need it…

Great post once again Novo, absolutely agree with everything you've said.

10-11-2011, 07:15 PM
We have the same preference exactly!


With me strongly disliking both Louise & Jay.

Brother Leon
10-11-2011, 07:17 PM
4 replies..... :)

I would make a 2 lines thread saying Jay should win and get 2 pages minimum ;)

10-11-2011, 07:19 PM
Seriously just go away, Anton did ****, Jays fanclub is ****. Aarons is 5x higher than both, goodbye

10-11-2011, 07:31 PM

totally agree with every word :thumbs2:

Brother Leon
10-11-2011, 07:37 PM
Seriously just go away, Anton did ****, Jays fanclub is ****. Aarons is 5x higher than both, goodbye

Why are you so mad? :joker:

We all got our fave HMs. Are we all supposed to conform and support Aaron?

Get over yourself. :)

10-11-2011, 07:38 PM
I didn't write it by the way just found the article :joker:

10-11-2011, 07:45 PM
Great post.

10-11-2011, 07:48 PM
I didn't write it by the way just found the article :joker:

And there I was thinking you had turned all intelligent on us.

10-11-2011, 07:51 PM
Seriously just go away, Anton did ****, Jays fanclub is ****. Aarons is 5x higher than both, goodbye

Are you always so childish about people liking a different housemate to you?

10-11-2011, 07:54 PM
And there I was thinking you had turned all intelligent on us.

less of that :idc:

10-11-2011, 07:59 PM
And there I was thinking you had turned all intelligent on us.

I was reading it thinking "there is no way he has written this.. must have robbed it off digital spy"

11-11-2011, 01:27 PM
Everything he wrote is 100% accurate