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22-07-2017, 03:36 PM
Ex housemate Rebecca has written a blog containing everything that went on during her stay that we didn't see on TV...

You asked for the secrets of Big Brother, I delivered. This is only my interpretation of everything you didn't see, in no way is it endorsed by BBUK, Channel 5, Endemol or Initial TV.

Thank you for being such supportive fans. It's been a honour and pleasure to be part of BBUK 2017. It emotionally ruined me, made me stronger and was the most unique experience money cannot buy.

The Secrets of Big Brother 2017...

Hannah went around singing 'The Lion King' theme tune for DAYS when we first went in, all day, everyday. Whenever she entered a room. It did our heads in. The celebs came in and told her they never heard her sing. She was gutted and realised it was because the song was copyrighted, so she started making up her own songs to get the airtime.. hence 'Love, Peace and Harmony' was born!

The night I was crying on the stairs was NOT because of Kieran & Marnie. The celebs told me I was being portrayed badly. They said how they could see I didn't want Kieran, but I was being portrayed as a bunny boiler. I was DEVASTATED, because it wasn't true. I was on the stairs crying to be let in to the diary room, so I could kick off at BB, my pride had taken a serious dent. Hence why I sat there saying (to Kieran) 'I have to keep you at a distance' & 'I can't have conversations with you' - because I knew it was all being twisted. They twisted it again and made it look like I was devastated about him & Marnie...

There was a WHOLE secret task! It was on the first eviction day. Citizens and Exiles had to compete for time in the beauty parlour, which also meant time with hairdryers and straighteners... aka - **** got taken, VERY seriously. The task was simple...
We had to wear flags around our waists. There was a board in the garden with our pictures on. The first team to get all the flags of the opposition would win. No physical contact was allowed, and you had to go about your normal business in the house, until a buzzer was sounded. We were only allowed to get flags during buzzer sounds.
The house is full of EXCEPTIONALLY competitive people... bar Arthur, Arthur didn't give a **** and handed over his flag on the first buzzer sound... but that's why we love him.
When the buzzer sounded, war was declared. All the rules went out of the window and we tried to kill each other. We battered each other. Pinned people against walls, wrestled each other to the ground, held people to the ground, ornaments and lights got smashed and personally I ended up with bruising that was still visible on my exit interview. Not to mention glass in my foot from a globe in the garden that Imran smashed.
Big Brother did NOT know what to do with us. We were terrible at finishing tasks. We didn't finish the debate task because it all kicked off, and we paid no attention to their rules on this task. We sat around waiting for over a hour before they let us carry on, just for the sake of it. The task was never aired, we can only assume health and safety lost the will to live and declared it a write off. Citizens won, but it was a close call!

The ONLY times you get outside contact are when you have to speak to a psychologist, security or medics. The psychologist is on call 24/7 and you speak to him in the diary room like you speak to BB. Security you only see if **** is going down, like you get put in isolation - they are the ones bringing you tea, coffee and toast. Or if you go to hospital, you get escorted by them to make sure no one talks to you. Medics turn up when drama happens, Hannah fainted once, Lotan was taken to A&E because he injured his knee doing a back flip, Kayleigh had to go to hospital for a toe nail removed...

You genuinely know NOTHING that is happening... they spring **** on you, constantly, at a seconds notice. Tasks, you get 5 minutes notice, and they happen at all times of day and night.

When housemates get pissed off with BB, they stage protests by taking their microphones out of the batteries. BB bollocks them & everyone's too scared to carry on 😂

The ONLY way to tell the time in the house is by the clock on the cooker.

You work on 'holiday time'. If you want ANYTHING... the psychologist, a chat, paracetamol... you can be waiting HOURS! BB VERY rarely answers the diary room within minutes. I waited 6 hours for paracetamol one day.... I kicked off.

Arthur spent 20 minutes at the bottom of the diary room stairs DEMANDING the program psychologist, and to leave the house because we didn't have dish cloths.

None of the housemates knew why Arthur left. It was the greatest mystery of the house. (Unlike the world being round...) Everyone was gutted though. He had a roller-coaster in there, but he was most people's winner.

Kieran broke his bed in rose cottage by smuggling the large gnome under it.

The gnome task went on for 4 hours...

EVERYTHING in the house is either nailed down or stuck down.

Lotan BY FAR got the most warnings. He does accents and impressions ALL THE TIME. You're not allowed to do that. He got about 10 warnings a day!

Chanelle punched a wall and bruised all her hand during her argument with Sukhvinder about the bread bag...

We accidentally ordered over 300 cans of baked beans on our first shopping order. BB called us back to amend it.. but I wish they would have sent them in!

The bedrooms are colder than f'ing Lapland and the lounge is like Hawaii!!!! Someone needs to sort the air system out!!!

The air system made us all ill... 7 people lost their voice at the beginning.

You get locked in your bedrooms every night so maintenance can fix things, change bulbs and take things away... notice how full the house was of ornaments, cats, and fixtures... but SO much has gone (hedges, the tables outside the kitchen, the figures, even the cake stands on the tables)

We went around for DAYS eating cereal out of tea cups because we couldn't find the bowls... which turned out to be next to the plates.... arthur was even eating out of milk jugs... We all got really annoyed how small the tea cups are, we couldn't have a 'proper' drink... hence why the housemates are now walking round drinking out of jam jars and pyrex jugs...

Economy shopping is WAY better than luxury!!! On economy you don't chose... you just get a selection of food: Mince, chicken, rice, pasta, crisps, digestives... etc... on luxury you get a lot of money, 20 minutes and an iPad with very limited items. People forget basic food, but remember to buy 47 different spices, smoked salmon and Camembert!!

Speaking of shopping... my argument with Hannah over space on the cooking hob... Ellie & I had been on economy shopping that week. Luxury & economy food is NOT separated. Our other housemates ate all our economy food. Except pasta. We didn't even have tomatoes left. Hannah eats digestives by the bucket load, and ate all of ours. We didn't say anything... until all our food had gone, and Hannah refused to let us eat anything from luxury. Everyone was telling her 'but we've ate all Ellie & Rebecca's food, so you have to let them eat ours' - she was cooking the dinner that night and refused to let us eat it. She then also wouldn't move for me to cook our own dinner. Hannah and Joe took all the hob space, and all the pans. I asked them to move, they didn't, they ignored me. Everyone then said again 'just eat the food they're cooking and f them!'... that's when Joe put mushrooms in the food, which he knew I was allergic too. Meaning I couldn't eat the food, they wouldn't let me cook, it was 11pm and we hadn't ate since 11am because we did a task... coincidentally the task where Hannah placed herself in the position as the 'least selfish housemate' ... say no more.

Finally... the 'secret eviction' wasn't such a secret. The girls won time with beauticians during a task earlier that day... the hairdresser said hello to us all and then said 'Oh yeah, let's do your hair for the eviction tonight'...
Some of them include Lotan & Kayleigh going to hospital, outsiders revealing there was a secret eviction, Lotan getting many warnings and Arthur's disappearance... some funny ones too. Definately worth a read!


22-07-2017, 03:37 PM
Hannah is a legend

Hannah went around singing 'The Lion King' theme tune for DAYS when we first went in, all day, everyday. Whenever she entered a room. It did our heads in. The celebs came in and told her they never heard her sing. She was gutted and realised it was because the song was copyrighted, so she started making up her own songs to get the airtime.. hence 'Love, Peace and Harmony' was born!

22-07-2017, 03:45 PM
SCREAMING at a task being written off because they were all ****e at it

22-07-2017, 03:46 PM
MESS I would hate to be locked in the bedroom all night

22-07-2017, 03:47 PM
omg at the beautician revealing the secret eviction

22-07-2017, 03:49 PM
Got the impression Lotan would get warnings if his 'chola impression' was anything to go by, the obnoxious turd.

22-07-2017, 03:52 PM
Not that I believe a word this desperate bitch says, but I wish more HMs would write up their experiences of the show like this

22-07-2017, 03:53 PM

Also Rebecca: "LOTAN GOT THE MOST WARNINGS (which conveniently were never shown)"

22-07-2017, 03:53 PM
Hayden don't say that, we're clearly going to be subject to a 80,000 word dissertation from Raph in a fortnight

22-07-2017, 03:58 PM
Hayden don't say that, we're clearly going to be subject to a 80,000 word dissertation from Raph in a fortnight

Yeah I was gonna say I'm perched for the true version of events from Raph :clap1: :laugh:

22-07-2017, 03:58 PM
Im glad she pointed out that fixtures and fittings have been removed. I thought i was the only one to notice as no one has mentioned it! I wonder why they have taken so much out of the house over the series?

Fetch The Bolt Cutters
22-07-2017, 03:59 PM
Arthur spent 20 minutes at the bottom of the diary room stairs DEMANDING the program psychologist, and to leave the house because we didn't have dish cloths.


22-07-2017, 04:00 PM
As for Arthur leaving, someone must know why he did it. I dont believe she doesn't know.

22-07-2017, 04:00 PM
I find these articles from HMs a very interesting read
Shame it was from this dire pointless HM though

22-07-2017, 04:06 PM
I find these articles from HMs a very interesting read
Shame it was from this dire pointless HM though


22-07-2017, 04:10 PM
Interesting read.

22-07-2017, 04:11 PM
V interesting

22-07-2017, 04:14 PM
An interesting read from the legend herself :love:

22-07-2017, 04:16 PM

Also Rebecca: "LOTAN GOT THE MOST WARNINGS (which conveniently were never shown)"


22-07-2017, 04:27 PM
NOT producers making it the hunger games after a week because they realised its a mess then not showing it

22-07-2017, 04:28 PM
Pretty interesting read. It wouldn't be hard for any of the evicted housemates to just ask Arthur now though why he was evicted/ejected. Someone needs to do it already.

22-07-2017, 04:34 PM
Rebecca proving once again Arthur was the star of the series and best HM

22-07-2017, 04:44 PM
Lotan serving Helen with the multiple unaired warnings

An interesting read from Basic Becky though. I knew the show edits things heavily to suit whatever narrative they want to sell but mess @ them cutting entire tasks out

22-07-2017, 04:55 PM
BYE at the aggressive task

22-07-2017, 04:56 PM
Hayden don't say that, we're clearly going to be subject to a 80,000 word dissertation from Raph in a fortnight

Here for 10,000 of those words being about Sukhvinder

22-07-2017, 08:25 PM
The flag task thing...I can't believe they cut it tbh. And Chanelle punching a wall to. Seems the sort of thing they would be happy to happen :S

22-07-2017, 08:27 PM
****** off Rebecca. Liked her when she was on the show but now she’s trying too hard to be relevant

22-07-2017, 10:40 PM
Rebecca just wants to be in the media now and I think the Lotan thing showed it.

22-07-2017, 10:46 PM
Not Arthur being the house's winner.

22-07-2017, 10:48 PM
We accidentally ordered over 300 cans of baked beans on our first shopping order. BB called us back to amend it.. but I wish they would have sent them in!


22-07-2017, 11:11 PM
tbf Rebecca has studied law, so she'd probably know better than to make up stuff like this because BB would probably sue the arse off her if all this was false, and we've heard about stuff like this before

Rebecca was only evicted around week 3 or 4 wasn't she? Imagine what kind of stories Raph will have to tell when he gets back :joker:

22-07-2017, 11:17 PM

Cackling they should've let this happen

22-07-2017, 11:57 PM
I know we only see 45 minutes out of 24 hours, but I'm shocked at what's left out.

22-07-2017, 11:58 PM

I mean at least were prepared for an apocalypse?

23-07-2017, 09:37 AM
I'm annoyed there isn't even a little clip of the flag task.