View Full Version : BB18
Pages :
- All members please read - Discuss housemates, not their fans
- Ultimate CBB to launch next summer
- Casting are looking for pairs instead of single housemates for BB18
- Jacqueline McAfferty for Big Brother 2017
- Big Brother 18 Auditions: Looking for pairs
- Auditions now open; officially looking for pairs
- How will pairs even work ?
- How do you think the house layout will change for BB18?
- Would you like to see a civilian All Stars vs New Stars series in the summer?
- Real All Stars this Summer
- Celebrity Big Brother: Summer Legends?
- CBB summer legends a bit meh
- Make the worst possible Summer All-Stars line-up
- Two names linked for CBB in Summer
- how do you think they're going to do the couples theme
- Which All-Star Dynamic Duos Do You Want To See Return?
- How would you like them to do pairs twist
- bigbrother 18 audition dates
- Big Brother Rumored Summer Housemates
- It's an even numbered BB
- Gary Lineker sister in law to appear on Big Brother?
- How long does BB have left?
- Big changes planned to house this Summer
- Playboy twins set to enter to spill beans on many famous men
- Peru Two set for BB Talks
- 'Too Fat To Work' duo to enter the house this summer?
- Civilians vs Celebs to be the theme?
- Bianca Lake deserves a second chance
- Bratavio are in talks
- All stars: UK v International?
- which past him would you pick to team up for big brother pairs?nd
- I'm looking forward to this
- 12bigbrother12 to slap anyone who makes an April Fools troll thread.
- Audition callbacks!!!!
- BB18 House construction pictures
- Nikki Grahame ‘in talks’ to return to Big Brother with Brian Dowling
- Types of Housemates that you'd want in BB18?
- BBUK questions thread
- 2/3 person finals
- A thought
- ALL housemate should return for the final week
- A question
- Million Pound Twist
- Launch will probably be delayed until mid June because of the General Election again
- Rylan teases the new house
- Predict what the eye will look like..
- reinstate AJ!!!!
- What do you think the house will look like?
- Is it time Ch5 did a series with a divide..?
- Apparently no live feed at all and very few online clips this series
- Big Brother 18
- Big Brother 18 - Pre-Series Thread
- BB18 Predictions
- C5 to make first BB18 announcements later this week
- BB18 Sweepstakes Thread
- BB18 Thread locator
- Eye init
- Rate the BB18 eye logo.
- each day we stray further from god's light
- tag urself x
- C5 says BB18 will be a social experiment
- Your Top 10 favorite eyes
- Politics to play a major part?
- Any ideas on what it could be?
- Is anyone excited
- Latest facebook promo
- Do you think Endemol has had enough?
- Do you think they will re-edit the eye?
- First animated teaser
- Facebook teaser
- The eye is a 2.0 version of UK VS USA and also seems weird
- Eye Flash already on TV
- Tellymix snaps some pictures of the garden construction
- Rylan on this Morning
- Does anyone want BB axed
- Someone has claimed they have been selected as a housemate
- Channel 5 are airing a very smiler show atm
- BB8 Alternative Eye (2)
- Someone called Danny Gogo keeps @-ing BBUK with selfies and BBUK related tweets
- Stephen Beer Ooh God :/
- Has anyone warmed to the eye?
- Emma Willis thanks NHS staff for saving her. Emergency surgery.
- Sunday launch
- I hope we get some normal type HMs
- Niall Horan's brother Greg set to become housemate
- Best 'First Week' out of the Channel 5 series?
- I wish this guy auditioned for Big Brother this year..
- Launch confirmed during election week (date TBC next Wednesday, trailer tomorrow?)
- Trailer is released tomorrow
- OH NO! Ex-TOWIE boss joins Big Brother 2017 as executive producer
- Trailer is here
- Guess a housemates name..[game]
- Is it just me getting CH4 vibes?
- ** BB18 ratings Thread **
- mum who sent pal £325 bill for kid’s scuffed shoes ‘in talks to star in Big Brother’
- Start date please
- will we have any rich people this series
- The most 'hated' person...
- Rylan hints this series will be going back to its roots
- Eye Flash Airs
- Presenter pics
- Big Brother 18 starts June 5
- Pair twist to be scrapped?
- BB gets 8:30pm start time
- how much money does Chanel 5 make from BB
- Series currently only billed as 40 episodes
- Big Brother Full House with Rylan
- Backdoor evictions
- Housemates are not even in hiding yet
- BBUK series 18
- Heidi, Amel and Jade are coming!!
- Big Brother is watching … but is anyone watching Big Brother?
- We need Davina type presenting from Emma
- First housemates spotted going into hiding
- Who on TiBB would make good housemates?
- Big Brother is getting extremely revealing
- apparently this two are hms spoilers
- Housemate reveal
- What would be your Ideal Launch Night Twist?
- Why are people so obsessed with people of the street?
- Ex housemates returning again???
- Manifestos
- BBUK - a dying format?
- VTS returns for civilian?
- Big Brother 18 [Summer 2017] tv seclude
- Who are the most under appreciated housemates of all time?
- 8 reasons we love Rylan Clark-Neal
- house pics?
- Looks like fame Hungry Sam Chally is going in
- How many people do you think actually picks up the phone to vote.
- Theories on the pair twist?
- Rylan invites BBCAN's Arisa Cox to appear on BOTS
- WE will vote housemates IN to the house on Monday
- Lords, Ladies & Ladettes
- Twist/Task predictions
- Best and worst taglines?
- Housemates hide in cottages not Hotels
- Best Opening Titles
- BB trolls Trump
- We are getting some news on the series later today
- BB18 will run for 52 days
- I miss openings like this
- BB Announcement at 6 o'clock?
- House pics revealed!
- A Remainer, A Leaver and A Bit Of a Goer
- New house rating?
- BB is heading via the village with birds of a feather
- BB18 cast will be diverse
- ____ is going it alone!
- Do we have any diary room pictures yet?
- Twenty series of BB on Channel 5!
- House layout
- Anybody else?
- For Queens and Country Club Members
- Anyone else loving the dollhouse vibe to the house?
- People who watch BOTH BB & LI
- We are getting news tomorrow
- Breaking news on the new news of the news about BBUK18 news
- No Butcher, No Baker, An Estate Agent and No Candlestick Maker
- Housemates revealed
- News article - Housemate 1 revealed: LC
- News article - Housemate 2 revealed: KM
- Sukhvinder Sukhy Javeed Fan Club 35+ save our Kween Phone: 090 20 44 58 15 Mobile: 6 50 58 15
- News article - Housemates 3 and 4 revealed: S&I
- News article - Housemates 5 and 6 revealed: D&H
- Guess the name of this series' '______ week'
- Kayleigh's Kastle | Demolished
- Deborah Agboola Fanclub ~Welcome to the Third Place Queens club~ (45+ Members)
- ★★★Hannah Agboola Fanclub★★★ (20+)
- D & H have their own vlog channels
- I hate when they announce housemates before the launch.
- Rylan is strangely quiet..
- TiBB Poll - Who is your favourite of the first six revealed housemates?
- Housemates rumours
- BBUK Housemates unveiled
- its series not bloody season
- Is in inevitable that we will get late comers every year now..?
- Why do you think these 6 housemates were revealed?
- Diary Room chair teaser - will be revealed Monday
- MattySlug's #BBUK Series 18 Mini-Review Videos!
- Emmas message
- Education, Education, Eviction
- 'Meet six Big Brother housemates' trailer (video)
- the font bb uses (petty but)
- BBUK Start Date,Time and Theme with Host Emma & Rylan
- Excitement Now vs 3 Weeks Ago
- TIBB Best Civilian BB Series/Season Ranking Poll 2017
- Big Brother 2017 LIVE LAUNCH Discussion Thread: Channel 5 HD 8:30PM
- BB18 BBBOTS Discussion Thread
- Emma Willis pre-show video
- Did anyone else completely forget it was tonight
- Diary Room Chair Revealed
- We will vote in ONE housemate
- rate the new diary room chair
- Vote to EVICT confirmed for BB18
- If it´s these six as the candidates and only one of them enters...?
- Public To Choose A Housemate To Enter In Launch Twist
- BB Simulcast?
- The live feed?
- New housemate leaked
- What's For Launch?
- Housmate 7 & 8
- Chanelle McCleary's Chateau | In Renovation
- (AVOID FOR SPOILERS) 3 EOTB cast in a civilian series
- The Finalist Raph Korine Fanclub [132 Members]
- Our launch night tradition..
- Can someone give me the tea?
- Live Feed Returning?
- Rate the titles
- Official Ellie Young Fan Club 15+ Members
- BB18 Noms/Eviction Prediction Contest
- Andrew's teeth
- Crowd chanting "OFF OFF OFF" and booing Sue before she speaks
- Legend Sue Evans Fan Club! (30+ members)
- ~The Imran Fan Club (15 + Members)~
- Mandy Mutha Mandy's Children (Fanclub) // GET TOM OUT!
- Rebecca Jane fan club - 15+ members
- Launch show is a disaster
- The new Kitchen is in the old bedroom
- Charlotte Keys Fan Club
- Who do you want to be a housemate?
- All 4 candidates will enter
- Apologising for swearing at half 9??
- The BB18 GIF thread
- the bingo indent things are great
- "Stir, Cook and Serve!"
- Crowd chanting "OFF OFF OFF" and booing for Raph?
- Would you be embarrassed if you were Kayleigh?
- Raph is half American and half Japanese
- BB18 Rankings thread
- First cast that's interested me since channel 5 took over
- Get Tom Out
- tarm
- Is Tom eligible to win?
- Choose your fave HM in your profile
- Sue robbed more than Jodi Rollins
- Favourites/Least Favourites based on first impressions?
- how can a dick be insured??
- 2 new housemates later this series?
- Launch night prediction to win
- Trisha Goddard joins BOTS
- 'BOTS Cam'
- TiBB Poll - Who are your favourite and least favourite housemates?[First Impressions]
- Rate the Launch
- BB18 BOTS Discussion Thread
- Raph Facebook Live
- Each couple: Predict who goes first?
- No Scottish or Irish
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