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24-07-2017, 01:45 PM

Correction: they'll be evicted WEDNESDAY and it will be shown on Thursday

24-07-2017, 01:46 PM
Oop so 5 in the final then?

24-07-2017, 01:46 PM
Oop so 5 in the final then?

Yep, only 4 eligible to win!

24-07-2017, 01:47 PM
:skull: and we thought hannah and deb would make it to the end, better be a VTW vote

24-07-2017, 01:47 PM
Andrew and Tom exit hopefully :fc:

24-07-2017, 01:47 PM
Why didn't they just put Tom and Hannah up with Charlotte and Isabelle?

I swear if this is the ex-housemates deciding I will scream.

24-07-2017, 01:47 PM

Correction: they'll be evicted TOMORROW and it will be shown on Thursday

Surely if they're evicted tomorrow it'd get shown on Wednesday?

24-07-2017, 01:47 PM

24-07-2017, 01:48 PM
If Andrew isn't eligible to be evicted this is the dumbest ****

24-07-2017, 01:48 PM
what is the point :eyes:

24-07-2017, 01:48 PM
Why?? Stop confusing us!

24-07-2017, 01:48 PM
Surely if they're evicted tomorrow it'd get shown on Wednesday?

Yup my bad :laugh:

24-07-2017, 01:49 PM
So amateur

24-07-2017, 01:49 PM
Really hoping this is Andrew + one other housemate.

24-07-2017, 01:49 PM
Ffs all these back doors are ridiculous

24-07-2017, 01:49 PM
Really hoping this is Andrew + one other housemate.

But it won't :spin:

24-07-2017, 01:49 PM
This is ridiculous!! Only 4 housemates will be eligible to win in the actual final? Whoever finishes 5th in the whole series getting a backdoor eviction and a BOTS interviews is SO unfair

24-07-2017, 01:50 PM
WTF is this mess.

24-07-2017, 01:50 PM
This basically dooms Hannah & Tom, rendering their entire twist... completely pointless

24-07-2017, 01:50 PM
A mess @ another eviction without any crowd or Emma but :clap1: @ a 4-way final

24-07-2017, 01:50 PM
Why are they doing this ? It's no point !

24-07-2017, 01:52 PM
Don't see the point. They'll be interviewing the evictees on finale night anyway so it's not like they'll be saving themselves any time.

24-07-2017, 01:52 PM
Andrew getting a proper eviction, a proper interview, 35k, yet a whole load of actual housemates are just getting backdoored. It's so ridiculous and unfair.

24-07-2017, 01:52 PM
https://twitter.com/tellymix/status/889481323076833280?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Ftellymix%2Fsta tus%2F889481323076833280

idk how to embed

#BBUK BREAKING: Ex housemates return to the house tomorrow

24-07-2017, 01:52 PM
Andrew getting a proper eviction, a proper interview, 35k, yet a whole load of actual housemates are just getting backdoored. It's so ridiculous and unfair.

Charlotte will get a interview on BOTS, with Rylan :hee:

24-07-2017, 01:52 PM
This... This is the worst it has ever Horne
Why??? I literally can't

24-07-2017, 01:53 PM
The fact Andrew gets to be in the final amd leave to a live crowd whilst someone who rightfully should doesn't is so annoying.

24-07-2017, 01:53 PM
Andrew getting a proper eviction, a proper interview, 35k, yet a whole load of actual housemates are just getting backdoored. It's so ridiculous and unfair.

WHO did he have to suck off to get this?

24-07-2017, 01:53 PM
Charlotte will get a interview on BOTS, with Rylan :hee:

Now is not the time!!

24-07-2017, 01:53 PM
Andrew getting a proper eviction, a proper interview, 35k, yet a whole load of actual housemates are just getting backdoored. It's so ridiculous and unfair.

this, so stupid

24-07-2017, 01:54 PM
This is diabolical ****! Han-nuh deserved to make it to the last day! The whole thing they did with her & Tom is meaningless now!

24-07-2017, 01:54 PM
They are meant to be finalists and they're getting shoved out the backdoor
One this week is bad enough (at least it's Charlotte) but why 3
What does that add to the show they'll probably take up finale time interviewing them anyway

24-07-2017, 01:54 PM
Andrew getting a proper eviction, a proper interview, 35k, yet a whole load of actual housemates are just getting backdoored. It's so ridiculous and unfair.

He's done his twist is over
If they are trying to save time for the final evict him the day before

24-07-2017, 01:55 PM
The 3 backdoor evictees will be interviewed on BOTS tomorrow and Thursday, NO live interview

24-07-2017, 01:56 PM
https://twitter.com/tellymix/status/889481323076833280?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Ftellymix%2Fsta tus%2F889481323076833280

idk how to embed

#BBUK BREAKING: Ex housemates return to the house tomorrow

They better not have a say.

Get bloody Andrew booted, leave the rest to the final.

24-07-2017, 01:56 PM
A Deborah/Raph/Isabelle/Kieran final will be one of the best in recent years purely for how close/unpredictable it will be

24-07-2017, 01:56 PM
WHO did he have to suck off to get this?

Cannot confirm nor deny Rylan cheated on poor Dan

24-07-2017, 01:56 PM
The 3 backdoor evictees will be interviewed on BOTS tomorrow and Thursday, NO live interview

Alex and Sam got an interview
Andrew will get an interview
But people who added to the show and were there the whole time don't

Like I said - worst it has ever been

24-07-2017, 01:57 PM
The 3 backdoor evictees will be interviewed on BOTS tomorrow and Thursday, NO live interview


Is Andrew STILL getting his own final interview after ALL this?? If so, Bottom 10 housemate confirmed!

24-07-2017, 01:57 PM
UIUUURGGHHJHHH Just stop with the back door evictions for goodness sake big brother!!

24-07-2017, 01:57 PM
The 3 backdoor evictees will be interviewed on BOTS tomorrow and Thursday, NO live interview


24-07-2017, 01:57 PM
a interview with Rylan can also be very nice for your bb experience i think :hee:

24-07-2017, 01:58 PM
Let them go out the front door, i hate backdoor evictions!!

24-07-2017, 01:58 PM

Is Andrew STILL getting his own final interview after ALL this?? If so, Bottom 10 housemate confirmed!

I mean it's hardly his fault - the produces must really really love him for some reason

24-07-2017, 01:58 PM
But why? What does this accomplish? This is literally so pointless

24-07-2017, 01:58 PM
a interview with Rylan can also be very nice for your bb experience i think :hee:

It won't be live and they all get that
If you were there the whole time and didn't walk or get ejected you deserve a live interview

24-07-2017, 01:59 PM

24-07-2017, 01:59 PM
It's probably because there wouldn't be enough time to evict 7 people and give them all interviews on finale night

24-07-2017, 02:00 PM
I mean even One would be more understandable I suppose
Or just not have this eviction and evict 2 like they did last year

But to put 3 out makes no sense
I would love to see the producers try to explain their thinking process for this

24-07-2017, 02:00 PM
None of them really deserve backdoor evictions so late on, seems a bit unfair. I do like the idea of fewer people in the final though, hopefully no more shared interviews. :fc:

24-07-2017, 02:00 PM
It's probably because there wouldn't be enough time to evict 7 people and give them all interviews on finale night

BB17 did it just fine with 8 though!


You can tell even Rylan is raging

24-07-2017, 02:00 PM
It won't be live and they all get that
If you were there the whole time and didn't walk or get ejected you deserve a live interview

Rylan is a CBB winner, so being interviewed by him must also feel like a honour, more than Emma who hasn't been a former housemate as i can remember ;)

24-07-2017, 02:01 PM
Mess if Rylan didn't even get told
Seems like he'd stand by BB through anything but even he has HATED production this series

24-07-2017, 02:01 PM
That tweet from Rylan means it's probably not true .

24-07-2017, 02:01 PM
It's probably because there wouldn't be enough time to evict 7 people and give them all interviews on finale night

As annoying as they are they could still do joint evictions, it's still a better option than backdoor.

24-07-2017, 02:01 PM
That tweet from Rylan means it's probably not true .

What I was hoping
But he didn't say "not true" or anything

24-07-2017, 02:02 PM
That's really unfair for HMs who lasted that long :/ Clearly they just don't want to pay for another live show

24-07-2017, 02:02 PM
As annoying as they are they could still do double evictions, it's still a better option than backdoor.

As long as the top 3 get their own this works so much better than chucking them all out before the final

24-07-2017, 02:02 PM


24-07-2017, 02:02 PM
This whole thing feels like a total mess and so rushed.

24-07-2017, 02:02 PM
BB17 did it just fine with 8 though!

You can tell even Rylan is raging

Wasn't the BB17 final like 2 hours long though? They didn't have time to even show best bits.

Tbh I don't actually care about this because if it means the Final has a proper ex-housemates parade and best bits montage then I'm all for it.

24-07-2017, 02:02 PM


24-07-2017, 02:03 PM
That tweet from Rylan means it's probably not true .

Big Blagger confirmed it too though...

24-07-2017, 02:03 PM
They could have just said Andrew will leave in the final week, then have him leave today with whoever is evicted then the final would've been the same size it has been for 6 years...

24-07-2017, 02:03 PM
when do VTW lines open..

24-07-2017, 02:03 PM

They shouldn't have put so many housemates in in the first place. Hopefully if it's true, there's no more twists and it's just the two with the least VTW

24-07-2017, 02:04 PM
They could have just said Andrew will leave in the final week, then have him leave today with whoever is evicted then the final would've been the same size it has been for 6 years...

This lol. I actually don't know how they're so stupid

24-07-2017, 02:06 PM
when do VTW lines open..

Honestly who knows
We won't see who is evicted till tomorrow but then isn't some else evicted tomorrow so maybe it's a twist or VTW will be open for an hour
Such a mess

24-07-2017, 02:07 PM
22 HMs in a 54 day series was a mess in the first place
But there's no big issue with 6 in the final and 2 joint interviews

24-07-2017, 02:07 PM
They could have just said Andrew will leave in the final week, then have him leave today with whoever is evicted then the final would've been the same size it has been for 6 years...

Exactly! Its such a mess!

24-07-2017, 02:07 PM

24-07-2017, 02:07 PM
Rylan didn't even know!

24-07-2017, 02:09 PM
The worst part is Andrew now making it to the top 5 for absolutely no reason. This is by far the worst decision they have ever made, and if this isn't decided by opening Vote to Win then cancel it

24-07-2017, 02:10 PM
I'm assuming it'll be vote to win - meaning Hannah will go and it should be Andrew on top of that, but it'll be Hannah/Kieron or Hannah/Deb or Hannah/Tom depending on the edits

24-07-2017, 02:12 PM
Andrew will probably say until the final night, Tom/Hannah and Kieran out?

24-07-2017, 02:13 PM
They already said Andew was in the final though WELP

Is it VTW or VTE?!

VTE will put Hannah in danger and I don't even know who else I don't think anybody else is hated.

VTW would probably evict Hannah and Kieran. Either way Hannah is screwed.

24-07-2017, 02:13 PM
Mess at there only being 1 day to vote for your winner out of the 4 who survive.

24-07-2017, 02:13 PM
This will help either Tom/Kieron in the vote, as that means there will be a vote split between Raph/Issy/Deborah if those 3 make the final 4 with one of Tom/Kieron.

24-07-2017, 02:14 PM
This is just a complete embarrassment

24-07-2017, 02:14 PM
I'm guessing then after the current backdoor eviction is shown tomorrow we'll start voting for the winner, the two with the least amounts (by say 3pm the next day) will be backdoor'd on the Wednesday and then the vote will reopen for us to decide the winner from a final 4?

24-07-2017, 02:15 PM
Is there even any time for VTW now to get them 2 out

24-07-2017, 02:16 PM
I'm guessing then after the current backdoor eviction is shown tomorrow we'll start voting for the winner, the two with the least amounts (by say 3pm the next day) will be backdoor'd on the Wednesday and then the vote will reopen for us to decide the winner from a final 4?

So we'll have from like midnight in Tuesday until 3pm Wednesday and then from midnight on Thursday until the final to vote for the winner? This is stupid in so many ways

24-07-2017, 02:16 PM
Tbf Sam and Alex were evicted through the backdoor in a VTW so praying this is a similar situation. We CANNOT lose Isabelle, Deborah or Raph in a backdoor

24-07-2017, 02:17 PM
If anyone from chavvel 5 reads this, and I know they do after the decision to reveal voting percentages to save Isabelle, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for this decision. No consideration for fans and housemates.

24-07-2017, 02:19 PM
Poor Raph doesn't deserve this mess of a series
In fact most of these HMs don't - they've delivered drama and entertainment that could easily fit into a C4 series but have had their seriws ****ed over by production when it's not

24-07-2017, 02:19 PM

24-07-2017, 02:19 PM
So we'll have from like midnight in Tuesday until 3pm Wednesday and then from midnight on Thursday until the final to vote for the winner? This is stupid in so many ways

Seems the only way and yep, it's stupid.

Andrew should be one of them leaving and the other should be simply the least amount to win by that point.

24-07-2017, 02:23 PM
Second shortest ever series + second most amount of housemates ever + 4 way final + ineligible housemates = MESS

24-07-2017, 02:23 PM
Get Andrew out anyway on Wednesday

Get Tom and Kieran out by public vote of everyone up


24-07-2017, 02:25 PM
I might have even been OK with a single backdoor eviction but why a double?

24-07-2017, 02:25 PM
Get Andrew out anyway on Wednesday

Get Tom and Kieran out by public vote of everyone up


No it's not 'simples' because Hannah and Tom are getting evicted while Andrew makes the final somehow

24-07-2017, 02:25 PM
Get Andrew out anyway on Wednesday

Get Tom and Kieran out by public vote of everyone up


There's only 2 of them to vote spread though whereas we have 4. Statistics are against us

24-07-2017, 02:26 PM
I might have even been OK with a single backdoor eviction but why a double?

I'm hoping it's technically a single and Andrew is the second.... but I don't see it considering they already said he made the final :/

24-07-2017, 02:29 PM
This could be alright if it's VTW, but if it's VTE or even worse - ex-housemates' decision - it would literally be the worst eviction ever.

24-07-2017, 02:31 PM
This is such a mess and such a joke despite what you might think of some of them none of the remaining housemates apart from Andrew and Charlotte as she's most likely gone tonight deserved to evicted in this way after being in there for so long ! Also what was even the point of having a fake double eviction only to then have a real one a few days later !

24-07-2017, 02:31 PM
if i was a betting man and considering the timing of the announcement, i would say they didn't manage to evict who they wanted so they are having another try now :nono:

In all honesty its a way of maximising voting revenue, keep a frenzy going all week with who they consider popular housemates ... seems obvious to me :laugh:

24-07-2017, 02:31 PM
I think the situation has been misread and Andrew and one other will leave

24-07-2017, 02:31 PM
If they'd just have removed andrew and had 6th and 5th leave together there'd be no need for this

24-07-2017, 02:32 PM
Mess at there only being 1 day to vote for your winner out of the 4 who survive.

They might open the VTW lines on Tue or Wed, freeze them then the 2 with the fewest leave by the backdoor.

24-07-2017, 02:33 PM
A fUCJING mess

24-07-2017, 02:33 PM
if i was a betting man and considering the timing of the announcement, i would say they didn't manage to evict who they wanted so they are having another try now :nono:

In all honesty its a way of maximising voting revenue, keep a frenzy going all week with who they consider popular housemates ... seems obvious to me :laugh:

i thought the same thing

24-07-2017, 02:36 PM
They cant get the crowds these days and the ones they get are effin awfull. They are probably sick of the booing and swearing.

24-07-2017, 02:38 PM
This series has descended into a proper mess. What are the production team doing?

If previous housemates decide (and Hannah is evicted by the public first), ex-housemates will probably evict Isabelle due to more of the insiders being evicted than the outsiders. Utter mess. I will be so ********** annoyed if, after the public have voted all series, ex-housemates (that were voted out) are allowed to evict someone. It makes a complete mockery of the show.

Also, STOP with the back door evictions. The only housemates (if any) that should have had these were the 2nd Chance Housemates. And yet we have to endure Andrew until the FINAL, even though he can't win?

Mess. Mess. Mess.

Paula D
24-07-2017, 02:42 PM
WTF, SERIOUSLY??? Just throw Charlotte and Andrew out and we're sorted and ready to go.

This is really upsetting my day now. Especially if ex housemates have anything to do with it. :fist::fist::fist::fist:

24-07-2017, 02:44 PM
The fact Sam and Andrew got to stay longer than they should have but proper HMs won't is ridiculous
And why did they pick the series where so many good HMs are still left to have a 4 person final?

24-07-2017, 02:45 PM
Wonder what the producers plan is here
Do they want Tom out so Keiran can get more votes in the final
Do they want Hannah out so Deborah can win?? Hmm

24-07-2017, 02:46 PM
The fact Sam and Andrew got to stay longer than they should have but proper HMs won't is ridiculous
And why did they pick the series where so many good HMs are still left to have a 4 person final?

It's like they're doing it deliberately.

Isn't it ironic that the day after Love Island dumped 2 people in the second last episode in order to have a 4 way final, BB announce the same thing? :think:

24-07-2017, 02:47 PM
It's like they're doing it deliberately.

Isn't it ironic that the day after Love Island dumped 2 people in the second last episode in order to have a 4 way final, BB announce the same thing? :think:

i hope that BBUK does the week after finale reunion next :D

24-07-2017, 03:03 PM
If they wanted fewer in the final they should have got Sam and Andrew out the day Andrew made Sam a 'dead man walking' and then taken 3 three EVICTEEs out on Friday, rather than 2. Surely more fair? There would have been a cost to the £30K too then! This is madness IMO

24-07-2017, 03:05 PM
At this point it really doesn't matter though does it, there is only one winner, and none of them get a weeks exposure on bots .... so who cares

24-07-2017, 03:05 PM
The fact Sam and Andrew got to stay longer than they should have but proper HMs won't is ridiculous
And why did they pick the series where so many good HMs are still left to have a 4 person final?

Totally agree, and both get exist interviews with Emma... Meanwhile 3 housemates we vote for a given the boot via the back door? They're not really working their audience in a way to keep them happy, rather producing the result every time and manufacturing every element of the series.

24-07-2017, 03:07 PM
Yeah it's obvious this is only happening as they don't want to get through 7 interviews but they could have just tossed Andrew out last week or even this week then just have 6th and 5th place come out together like they've done in previous series !

24-07-2017, 03:10 PM
think another back door eviction is ridiculous but def. would want hannah gone. she, if anyone, deserves back door. dont really have a second choice, well I do but seeing as shes tipped to win wont waste my time

Brother Leon
24-07-2017, 03:12 PM
Just throw Andrew out with whoever goes out from Charlotte and Issy ffs.

24-07-2017, 03:22 PM
Worst case scenario = VTW between ex-HMs
we could lose Issy

Paula D
24-07-2017, 03:23 PM
Worst case scenario = VTW between ex-HMs
we could lose Issy

Absolutely the worst case scenario.

24-07-2017, 03:27 PM
They'll probably keep Andrew in for CBB as well because they don't know what to do with him

24-07-2017, 03:28 PM
They'll probably keep Andrew in for CBB as well because they don't know what to do with him

Chanelle is going on CBB thank you ;)

24-07-2017, 03:28 PM
Absolutely the worst case scenario.

Wouldn't that be her going against Charlotte before that. :shrug:

Paula D
24-07-2017, 03:29 PM
They'll probably keep Andrew in for CBB as well because they don't know what to do with him


Paula D
24-07-2017, 03:30 PM
Wouldn't that be her going against Charlotte before that. :shrug:

Well yeah, but that's not going to happen. :hee:

24-07-2017, 03:35 PM
The 3 backdoor evictees will be interviewed on BOTS tomorrow and Thursday, NO live interview

This is diabolical.

24-07-2017, 03:44 PM
If I were a housemate and finished in 5th place but got a backdoor exit and no live interview with Emma I would sue

24-07-2017, 04:49 PM

Are the only people to get an actual Emma/crowd eviction out the front door.!

24-07-2017, 04:51 PM
It's actually a joke that they don't even get a proper eviction or interview after coming so far

24-07-2017, 04:51 PM
And even Sam's actual eviction happened in the afternoon a few days before

24-07-2017, 04:51 PM
Wouldn't that be her going against Charlotte before that. :shrug:

Issy is still in the house now, and Charlotte is already out of the house now

24-07-2017, 04:51 PM
It's actually a joke that they don't even get a proper eviction or interview after coming so far

They always seem to do this. It should be people at the start who get this treatment if anything.

24-07-2017, 04:52 PM
It's actually a joke that they don't even get a proper eviction or interview after coming so far

They are treating them like **** now. If Raph goes out the backdoor and doesn't get the crowd Eviction, I give up on this show forever.

24-07-2017, 05:15 PM
Is there not someone we can try and email about this (because we know how much they love listening to the fans), or has the show gone too far over the line of parody to bother?

24-07-2017, 05:22 PM
Is there not someone we can try and email about this (because we know how much they love listening to the fans), or has the show gone too far over the line of parody to bother?

ofcom :hee:

24-07-2017, 05:31 PM
If any of Issy, Raph or Deborah get backdoor evicted I'ma riot! :fist:

24-07-2017, 05:32 PM
Even if I didn't like people at this stage I'd still want them to get the full eviction with a crowd. It's the final week ffs!

The only one that should be going out the back, is Andrew.

24-07-2017, 05:37 PM
They'll probabalt manage to make this even worse than it already is and have the double eviction income a twist and not just VTW

24-07-2017, 05:41 PM
And this is how Kieran wins.

24-07-2017, 05:42 PM
And this is how Kieran wins.

He probably will now. Rigging it for the ex on the beach star. Isn't Channel 5 or Endemol linked with MTV?

24-07-2017, 05:44 PM
He probably will now. Rigging it for the ex on the beach star. Isn't Channel 5 or Endemol linked with MTV?

Don't know, but Charlotte is out tomorrow, then it's Hannah's and Tom's turn on Wednesday.
Girls and Facebook mums won't have to split votes between Kieran and Tom, so here we go with a Kieran win as predicted.

Did we all actually think Issy or Deborah was going to take it? Come on guys, this is C5 BB :joker::joker: Don't let hopes fool you.

24-07-2017, 05:45 PM
Don't know, but Charlotte is out tomorrow, then it's Hannah's and Tom's turn on Wednesday.
Girls and Facebook mums won't have to split votes between Kieran and Tom, so here we go with a Kieran win as predicted.

Did we all actually think Issy or Deborah was going to take it? Come on guys, this is C5 BB :joker::joker: Don't let hopes fool you.

This could be the first series I have properly watched where I didn't like the winner and didn't understand why they won.

24-07-2017, 05:47 PM
Don't know, but Charlotte is out tomorrow, then it's Hannah's and Tom's turn on Wednesday.
Girls and Facebook mums won't have to split votes between Kieran and Tom, so here we go with a Kieran win as predicted.

Did we all actually think Issy or Deborah was going to take it? Come on guys, this is C5 BB :joker::joker: Don't let hopes fool you.

This is why I haven't voted in years, waste of money

24-07-2017, 05:50 PM
This could be the first series I have properly watched where I didn't like the winner and didn't understand why they won.

To me BB17 was a disaster. This series was awesome, it was all open for Hughie to win until FB moms got into their feelings and voted (for what reason I don't know)

I still feel the pain and shock when Emma announced Jason as the winner. Super devastated.

So I'm not getting my hopes up this year. Kieran will win and I prefer to deal with it now.

24-07-2017, 05:52 PM
To me BB17 was a disaster. This series was awesome, it was all open for Hughie to win until FB moms got into their feelings and voted (for what reason I don't know)

I still feel the pain and shock when Emma announced Jason as the winner. Super devastated.

So I'm not getting my hopes up this year. Kieran will win and I prefer to deal with it now.

I was happy with Jason's win but I felt a bit angry about Bear's win but to be fair, he did dominate the show.

24-07-2017, 05:53 PM
Don't know, but Charlotte is out tomorrow, then it's Hannah's and Tom's turn on Wednesday.
Girls and Facebook mums won't have to split votes between Kieran and Tom, so here we go with a Kieran win as predicted.

Did we all actually think Issy or Deborah was going to take it? Come on guys, this is C5 BB :joker::joker: Don't let hopes fool you.

So that leaves Raph supporters to overthrow Mr Cardboard! :dance:

24-07-2017, 05:54 PM
I was happy with Jason's win but I felt a bit angry about Bear's win but to be fair, he did dominate the show.

I loved Bear. He was such a wind up merchant :joker:Arthur could have easily won as well if he has stayed.

Macie Lightfoot
24-07-2017, 06:01 PM
Kieran is not winning lol I could see him actually placing as low as 5th. I'm fairly confident Tom will beat him :3

24-07-2017, 06:06 PM
Aslong as Kieran goes its fine

24-07-2017, 06:11 PM
Don't know, but Charlotte is out tomorrow, then it's Hannah's and Tom's turn on Wednesday.
Girls and Facebook mums won't have to split votes between Kieran and Tom, so here we go with a Kieran win as predicted.

Did we all actually think Issy or Deborah was going to take it? Come on guys, this is C5 BB :joker::joker: Don't let hopes fool you.
Honestly I feel the same. It happens every single series, that the fan favourite is doing well and receiving praise online, first in the bettings odds and looks all set to win, and then at the final hurdle a silent majority comes out in full force and ruins the results and gives us a winner that no one expected or wanted.

It's like a curse that we can never seem to break. :laugh:

24-07-2017, 06:13 PM
Welp if this prevents Issy's certain win

24-07-2017, 06:35 PM
Can't they just rid of Andrew if they're struggling for time in the final, I don't think anyone wants to see an Andrew interview anyway

Hopefully the eviction is just least VTW like last year but I wouldn't surprised with some bs like the ex-housemates deciding at this point

24-07-2017, 06:55 PM
Why are they back dooring people! :facepalm:

24-07-2017, 07:03 PM
Would Kieran go if it was a VTW?

24-07-2017, 07:06 PM
Would Kieran go if it was a VTW?

I don't think so.. it will probably be Hannah & Tom (ironically....) but Tom could climb over Kieran with his edit this week.

However, knowing that it's not just a straight out vote to win and it's more a vote to get 4 finalists might influence a different pattern. I would've thought Hannah was a certain for 5th place but now so many people are saying they'll vote for her and Deborah just so they both make top 4 :shrug:

24-07-2017, 07:06 PM
Would Kieran go if it was a VTW?

Before this week I would have said no, but I think Tom may take some of his votes.

I could see Hannah and Kieran going if it's based on VTW.

24-07-2017, 07:08 PM

Correction: they'll be evicted WEDNESDAY and it will be shown on Thursday

It should be Live Late Night

24-07-2017, 07:16 PM
Imo it’ll be Kieran and Tom/Hannah

24-07-2017, 07:25 PM
Would Kieran go if it was a VTW?

I can see Tom getting more votes than him so maybe Kieran would go along with Hannah

TiBB Frontpage Article
24-07-2017, 07:36 PM
James has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

http://pictures.thisisbigbrother.com/userpics/10433/normal_BB_GroupB~11.jpg (http://pictures.thisisbigbrother.com/userpics/10433/BB_GroupB~11.jpg)
Picture from day 49

Two more housemates of the remaining housemates will leave the house by the backdoor after Charlotte or Isabelle are evicted.

Either Charlotte or Isabelle - who were nominated by Tom and Hannah - will be evicted through the back door today, to be revealed in tomorrow night's episode.....

Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/bb18-2017/news-324996/two-more-housemates-to-leave-by-backdoor-on-wednesday-shown-thursday.html

Paula D
24-07-2017, 07:44 PM
We knew that earlier?

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk

24-07-2017, 07:48 PM
**** that.

24-07-2017, 09:16 PM
We've managed with 6 people finales though??

24-07-2017, 09:24 PM
Could give us the best final ever or just mediocre

24-07-2017, 09:32 PM
Raph / Isabelle / Deborah / Tom

- that's what I'd choose, but it feels odd that Tom would be there instead of Kieran...

24-07-2017, 09:34 PM
Theres no way Hannah won't go, its just who is joining her.

24-07-2017, 10:07 PM
So are we presuming that past housemates will decide which two? Surely most would pick Issy cos they never met her

24-07-2017, 10:16 PM
So are we presuming that past housemates will decide which two? Surely most would pick Issy cos they never met her

Only Imran/Sukhy/Arthur didn't (technically Mandy did but she fits in this category)

24-07-2017, 10:17 PM
I doubt that but Rylan will be revealing on BOTS

24-07-2017, 10:17 PM
So are we presuming that past housemates will decide which two? Surely most would pick Issy cos they never met her

****ing hope not. I'm presuming it'll be based on a vote to win.

24-07-2017, 10:18 PM
Only Imran/Sukhy/Arthur didn't (technically Mandy did but she fits in this category)

Oh right, fair. Thats kinda relieving. But she is slightly disadvantaged.

24-07-2017, 10:18 PM
If they don't open VTW until after that eviction is revealed will it be the shortest VTW vote ever?

24-07-2017, 10:19 PM
****ing hope not. I'm presuming it'll be based on a vote to win.

Oh, I'm actually fine(ish) with a backdoor decided by vtw. Probably cos I was expecting the worst though. All backdoors suck.

24-07-2017, 10:19 PM
even at their awful production level, I really doubt they'll do that (ex hm vote), they need the cash for the VTW, doing a double with no public vote is just wrong, some of them haven't even met issy and I love sukhi but if she comes back surely a walker can't pick someone I mean ff

24-07-2017, 10:21 PM
Even if this has the best possible outcome for me I'll still be raging over it
The 6 still there deserve to be finalists they've done the game and survived

24-07-2017, 10:40 PM
Unless they are actually told by BB that they are now in the final, congratulations blah blah then I can't see a problem, as long as it is VTW and the least votes go so it is fair.

Hoping for Hannah and Deborah/Tom/Keiran double.

24-07-2017, 11:53 PM
HANNAH HAS to be booted. Vile selfish cow