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Conversation Between JerseyWins and caprimint
Showing Visitor Messages 481 to 490 of 4575
  1. caprimint
    18-08-2020 04:26 AM
    Yeah that's why it's so good/nice at night as well because it just helps you to fall asleep naturally. Like tbh I even used to feel that way about cigs as well but I don't really anymore... I mean usually when I smoke it's morning and it does make me feel a bit buzzed/sleepy but that's all. That's true tho, it's more likely in the middle of the day without sleeping for HOURS after I guess Still rarely happens & even while drinking quickly lately I've avoided hangovers Maybe random or getting more used to it

    Yeah I get that. Sometimes it's also good to stop sooner/at the tipsy stage bc it can hit you more AFTER drinking like without you even realising it's going to. I think being drunk is okay ish at home (never when out tho ) but only as long as you pass out or something before feeling too much like **** lol
  2. JerseyWins
    18-08-2020 02:54 AM
    Nnnn I actually had some sense to stop that time before it went out of control & all I was thinking was like "why am I doing this again " I was still pretty frustrated with it but with poker/betting going well it was kinda like whatever. And now I won more than that back since then too Blackjack was up & down but like 4/10 or something like that for a ~$37.50 loss I think actually because I got a blackjack one time (3/2 payout) & then that makes total sense because I remember I stopped right around exactly -$100 with the slots. And yeah I was getting hooked/enjoying the casino games but that time I lost right around -$1000 in a casino session just had me thinking "**** this" lol so I was able to take a proper break from it. Reminded me of bad losses in the past just throwing away a lot of my winnings. Those casino games are DANGEROUS to get hooked to, it's good you stopped roulette too tbh.
  3. JerseyWins
    18-08-2020 02:53 AM
    Makes sense, I do think I'd get that way too over time as well. And lmaooo yeah exactly more of a weed thing too, just so easy to get so chilled out that you can fall asleep anywhere & not think twice. And ahhh maybe slightly / like the hangover's just starting that night but overall not reeeally that I can remember. But lmaooo drinking through a day I can def see that happening before sleeping for the night. Seems awful tho

    Lol true it's hard to control it especially in the moment, I think I'm just good with it / it's easier for me because I tend to drink on the lower side regardless a looot of the time so I'm more at that tipsy state without even having to think about it / when to consider stopping. On that edge between like tipsy & drunk is so good for me & then I don't feel like **** either. If I go too far it's just not the same appeal, like sometimes sure I'm totally down tho if I'm in the mood or having a really fun time with it
  4. caprimint
    17-08-2020 07:47 PM
    Exaaactly, there's too much fun to be had And tbh I did agree with you before that I preferred tipsy but now I def prefer being like between tipsy/drunk but it's hard to get it just right every time lol

    Ahh it's good that you kept it up & eventually won Omg no NOT the casino again At least you matched it back with those winnings but ugh it's so annoying when you lose on those games for sure. Did you go up and down in blackjack or just losses then you stopped?? Lol tbf I'm actually surprised that you hadn't played in this long But yeah it's just way too easy for it to go badly esp if you play on a regular basis like you did at one time. Mess @ the 3rd site still ****ing up as well </3 It just seems sooo unlucky on there and not even worth trying anymore
  5. caprimint
    17-08-2020 07:47 PM
    Lol yeah I think I could easily get through a few bottles in a week tbf Yep def went overboard in hostels and treated it (almost) in the same way as home really because I was so comfortable around friends there/others in general and they're all super chilled places. But it's nice at home being a lil more careless still. Gahh well luckily I've never done it in public but in the bathroom a couple of times Ahhh @ dozing off, that's def me with weed sometimes when I'm super tired But yeah it's horrible feeling sick after drinking Have you ever gotten a hangover like while still drinking/before sleeping tho? Occasionally it happens to me with wine and it's trash

    Yeah totally, like I enjoy drinking alone/or would do it at any time hanging out with anyone but weed is def more debatable & it's like SUCH a different experience with every diff person I smoke it with I get that tho & tbf I don't ever say no to weed either
  6. JerseyWins
    17-08-2020 05:18 PM
    Ugh casino games are just SO frustrating to me now. Like it wasn't even that fun, I tried blackjack for a bit and it didn't go terribly but I lost $50 with $25 per bet. And slots were **** @ only $2/bet - which at the same time even small amts like that can add up quickly for slots. I was just in the mood tho but now I'm re-over casino already. Prob best I didn't win because then I might've gotten more into it again and would've ultimately resulted in a worse loss. Done with it for a while again now. Oh yeah and yesterday I tried that 3rd site yet again and lost YET AGAIN, made a $200 deposit and I now have only $24 in my account already Could've been a bigger winning day between my 2 usual sites. I could be doing sooo much better if not for that site but I just don't get how it's this bad every time
  7. JerseyWins
    17-08-2020 05:18 PM
    Yup so alcohol is just something you'll crave & go for at aaaaaaaany time? While weed is more situational and depending on who you're hanging with or your mood for it etc.? I'd say I'm closer to the opposite but then I also just do either one only when I'm around friends and into it for that particular day

    Yeah I get you & I can tell @ not stopping on your own either ahh Once I go drunk with Stacey I'll never stop at tipsy anymore?

    Yeah & especially since the session started relatively bad and my head was BAAAD earlier in the day I was about to give in and stop for the day but I'm glad I stuck through it now. But oh yeah I think I didn't mention that I tried casino again the other day? It was really brief too and I still managed to lose $137 I think it was exactly so yesterday was essentially winning that money back.
  8. JerseyWins
    17-08-2020 05:18 PM
    Sksk those shelves would be constantly changing for you I'm sure Seems like a friend would come over & then next week it's like a brand new shelf lol. And ah yeah, do you still go overboard at the hostels too and not care about passing out etc.? Like I guess I'd feel similarly as it's "home" but I still might feel sketched out about it with people I don't fuuuully know or trust either. I'm sure at home it's like literally NOTHING to worry about so I can see that being fun and being so ready/down for going OTT with it and just be able to KO right after. Yeah lol I've seen/been with people passing out in public or basically being at that point and it's just not even a good look lmao I've never passed out while out or even at a friend's place (like I'm sure I've dozed off and stuff but not being at that blackout drunk point tho). I kinda love when I just drunkenly pass out as soon as I'm home tho unless I feel sick thru the night/morning then it's awful.
  9. caprimint
    17-08-2020 03:33 PM
    I think so too & I'd probs end up drinking even more overall I'd get through it HELLA quick too but it does sound cool/appealing. Exactly that, sometimes it's super fun to socialise with friends/others and I kinda like having the option of doing that but it's also NICE to be alone, go online and chill out & listen to music etc. And I def go a bit more overboard at home/hostels rather than being out in a pub just because I can which is more fun too Like not here for passing out while out although it did happen once ages ago ahhh

    Lol that makes sense, I think I'm kinda similar in that I'm more likely to keep drinking if others are cus it's fun although I don't stop on my own either Gotta get yourself more on that drunk than tipsy side
  10. caprimint
    17-08-2020 03:33 PM
    Ahh it's good the medicine/sleep helped you feel better Headache with a day of work would not have been fun Like it's bad enough while doing nothing. And I'm sure that win made the effort feel less bad too

    Yeah definitely, like the more I'm around/talk with people who are smoking while in London the more I wanna do it whereas I guess while being home I've thought/cared about it less overall, mostly wanted to again when you've spoken about doing it with friends tbh And I don't blame you @ the craving alcohol

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