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Conversation Between JerseyWins and caprimint
Showing Visitor Messages 491 to 500 of 4575
  1. JerseyWins
    17-08-2020 02:16 PM
    Lmao I’m more of an influenced drinker tbf like on my own / normally I’m good with stopping pretty early before I get too tipsy/drunk but when others I’m around are so into it & pushing for more I’ll get in the mood real quick You’d prob sway me to keep going real good
  2. JerseyWins
    17-08-2020 02:16 PM
    Lol yeah it’s this medicine for colds/fever/headache pain reliever. It was pretty miserable at times but the medicine helped / made it not as bad after a while. Ahhh I did just feel like sleeping & last night’s sleep is what helped the most, feel pretty good now All worth the struggle for another poker win too

    Hella true it sooo depends on who you’re hanging with a lot of the time (what they like gets you in the mood for it) and what you’ve been talking about lately. Your talking about alcohol has had me craving it multiple times

    Yeah I could see you drinking even way more often if you keep walking past / looking at a STOCKED UP shelf of alcohol, it would def get me in the mood more often too, home or not I feel like hostels are more like being out drunk with people while at home it’s more of that chill drunk where you have NOTHING / no one else to worry about?
  3. caprimint
    17-08-2020 07:33 AM
    Aww that sucks </3 Headaches are so annoying bc they're hard to get rid of, usually only goes away for me after sleeping. Is that like some sort of tablet/medicine? Gahhh idk how you played poker feeling like that tho but at least you got a win out of it in the end, ANOTHER day of slaying
  4. JerseyWins
    17-08-2020 05:42 AM
    Gah I'm hella tired (again ) so imma respond tomorrow during my usual slacking morning routine! I had suuuch a headache since early today randomly idk why. Tylenol kinda helped with it but I basically sat through a tournament session for hours while my head was killing me for a lot of that time Still managed a win about ~+$150 and I'm haaappy with that especially because I was down for today until I did well in one of my later tournaments for a $500ish win -> a turnaround from a pretty poor losing Sunday to another winning one WHEW
  5. caprimint
    16-08-2020 06:11 PM
    Ahhh That's the thing, I think that seeing all the alcohol would probs even make me/want to drink more often because it'd just be there whereas if there's nothing good then I don't bother But omg yes it'd be so cool & there are soooo many diff flavours I want to try. Like I've seen WATERMELON and stuff Lol a bit of music and just chilling out should be nice if you were in your own place, it's a different vibe home drinking compared to in a hostel and I really can't decide which I prefer I like both for different reasons I guess tho

    Gahhh yeah I'm not really competitive about anything usually tbh But tbh I think that's true, like I'd rather just get a lil more drunk than you anyway. But maybe I could sway you
  6. caprimint
    16-08-2020 06:11 PM
    Yeah exactly, I always feel that way like when I haven't had either for a while and rn/lately I've been really thinking about/wanting to smoke some weed a lot so that would be good. Plus I was texting one of my ldn friends who smokes quite a bit about it the other day and it kinda got me in the mood too

    Yessss definitely!!! I totally feel that way too... like I literally don't care about what anyone else thinks as long as I'm satisfied personally tbh. But feeling good within yourself is def important. And yeah things change for sure as you get older but it's all good you've still got a way to go till 30 yet
  7. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 05:44 PM
    Idk how long those shelves would last before having to restock tho! But nah I feel like that would be AMAZING for you & you'd even maybe like staring at the shelf and stuff to see your collection? Idk but it does sound nice and maybe home-drinking is ok too but I'd need a better vibe at my own place or something at least personally. Living at a hostel would be NICE for 'home drinking' with all the different people & experiences I think I'd get used to it after that so I see how you love it

    Lmaoooo @ drinking being your most competitive thing I think you got me beat for sure. Like I'd just feel like stopping way before you I just know it
  8. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 05:44 PM
    Yeahhh I was gonna say you'd prob prefer weed right now just because it's been a while / for a change-up. Even for me where I DEF prefer weed there are still times where I'm just more in the mood for alcohol esp after not having it in a while (and it's easier to just drink whenever & not have to go through a whole process like with weed). The simplicity

    Yup & as long as I feel good myself idc too much what anyone else would think & I don't feel like I look or feel BAD or anything. It just feels better in general to be in better shape, like I used to feel GOOD & I was starting to feel GOOD not long ago after months at the gym (and maintaining a bit of a proper diet as well). I feel with age everyone's bodies tend to kinda wear down, metabolism slows, etc. as well tho but still I'm still a few years away from 30 so
  9. caprimint
    16-08-2020 05:21 PM
    Lmao yeah I figured you wouldn't know at all tbf... not sure if this is a good example

    And like tbf I've no idea how many shots that'd even be, maybe 10 or so but idk

    And honestly... I do think I could outdrink you I mean I should be able to with the experience I have in comparison to you too And like... drinking might be the only thing I'm competitive in too ahhh
  10. caprimint
    16-08-2020 05:21 PM
    But still with everything going on rn, try not to bother too much Idk I find that things work out without even trying usually, like it'll just feel right at the time rather than trying to force it (in my experience even recently tbh)

    Yeah it'd be SO much fun And like the idea/vibe of it just sounds so nice to me. Plus there's a bunch of different vodka flavours I want to try out. And YES @ if you finally get around to that home drinking!!! So underrated and gooood that you need to experience too

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