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Conversation Between JerseyWins and caprimint
Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 4575
  1. caprimint
    16-08-2020 05:21 PM
    Lol yeah I mean there are very few times I'm not in the mood to get drunk tbf. And yep like tbh a BUNCH of my friends do smoke weed and I'm pretty sure I could smoke it with many people but I'd rather just drink some vodka overall. BUT like now I'd say weed just bc I drink a lot but haven't had weed in months so it really depends But I defffff get why you prefer weed. Yep totally, I mean I don't have to go out/do anything so I think I came home at the right time tbf but uGH all of this is just such a mess as well. I'm ready for it all to be over now

    I gotcha totally & I've been through those phases too. I think it's a lot more obvious for you to see changes yourself though than anybody else, like literally nobody else will notice even though I know it's about how you feel than others lol.
  2. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 04:44 PM
    Alcohol/whiskey shelf sounds LEGIT. If I get my own place I'd do something like that for suuure (but I'd prob mostly just save it for people coming over / house parties / etc. ). Although with my own place I'd def be more open to trying out a day/night of home-drinking with you too. I bet you'd stack up that shelf niiiicely with your vodka choices etc.

    Nice @ double druuunk Yeah like that doesn't even seem bad over 12 hours tbf but then I don't even have a proper estimate of how much 350ml of vodka is. After telling me, I'll just forget again sksk. I drink so casually/sporadically that I never remember a thing about the amts & measurements so you have to convert it to mixed drink glass quantities or something for me to have a better idea lmaooo You prob could outdrink me tho unless you got me really into it. But I also am competitive too
  3. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 04:43 PM
    Yeah just kinda gives me a good energy and I love feeling good in that way, I just go through phases cause of laziness in recent years. Like I was a pretty solid athlete in HS and felt in GOOD shape then so it's depressing feeling like I've put on too much weight now lmaooo. I just feel gross & sort of like legit feeling unhealthy at times & not in the shape I want to be in. Gotta work on another diet too I think. Even tho I don't look THAT different or anything I can also tell when I look in the mirror and I'm finally just like naaah I gotta start getting into some routine again and reverse this ****. You are too sweet tho
  4. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 04:42 PM
    I can tell you're kinda always in the mood. Yeah I'd assume that alcohol >>> weed for you but then again weed can also just be harder to get a hold of. Like I'm lucky my friend has a guy and gets it allllll the time. Weed is more of a smoother & relaxing effect for me that I LOVE and I love going on a trip from it rather than that overly drunk feeling that just kinda makes me feel sick. Ahhhh @ you not even having to wear a mask yet throughout all this. You got like a little home base shelter of protection, that timing for it. You & your parents are in like the best position during a pandemic like this lol
  5. caprimint
    16-08-2020 03:02 PM
    Omg Jersey

    I think I've become better at drinkin though... like before I would be totally ****ed by now (1 bottle of wine and 350ml vodka down within 12 hours~) like tbh I think that isn't bad I know you have ZERO clue of measurements though

    I def think I can drink more tho than I used to. OOP if I could outdrink you
  6. caprimint
    16-08-2020 02:09 PM
    Ahhh I do get you though!!! Like it's just how you feel within yourself and it def feels good to exercise and stuff because I always feel that way too. I've been doing a bit of walking but also I should get back into jogging again tbf but ugh effort. But in seriousness I'm sure you DON'T need to even bother at all.

    Hmmm let's hope so Mess @ just wine though, you REALLY need some other nice drinks. One of my online friends drinks a hella lot and he has like an alcohol/whiskey shelf and it's really made me want to get a bunch of diff vodka flavoured drinks and stuff lol. Like gahhhhh it'd be so cool. But yeah I'm not surprised you're feeling more tired lately too either

    Btw I'm totally like double drunk today. Wine EARLY this morning and now VODKaaaaaaaaa
  7. caprimint
    16-08-2020 02:08 PM
    Lol I know what you mean. Tbh I'm kind of always in the mood to get drunk but don't even usually hang out in big groups bc I don't like it so much, so just usually closer friends. Yeah like I've even gone through phases of enjoying alcohol more AND weed more, but I think ultimately (especially lately) alcohol for sureeee. I just think you can feel more from it yknow? Yep probs gotten used to it by now, my parents HATE wearing masks tho and I think I would too tbh.

    Lol yeah that's true, like I didn't even have this trouble with sleeping in London... I fell asleep really quickly just because I was busy/doing more I think. Now I think it's because I ain't doing much/don't have as much to think about etc. But sleeping as soon as you go to bed is greaaaat, such a vibe
  8. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 06:01 AM
    I don't exactly like cheese flavors on its own but mixed with other things/flavors it's NICE so I'd have to try out some kind of combo

    Ahhh when things start getting back to normal maybe I'll get into more of a drinking phase and then go ahead and try that home drinking finally one night. And as for tonight, I'm literally about to head to sleep.. again getting tired so much earlier these days. + ALL I have is wine at home still anyway But yeah it's kinda late in general but I was getting used to sleeping at 3-4am usually for a bit there. Still, this is kinda prime drinking time for me when I'm out (but I'd have started much earlier than this tbf)
  9. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 06:01 AM
    Hmm yeah when you're just laying there at night and can't sleep it makes sense for your mind to just wander and keep you awake longer. For me it's just when I'm stressing about something that happened or is coming up but these days I literally think I just get to the point where I'm too tired and I fall asleep immediately no matter what's going on in my life or how much is on my mind

    Lmaooo you're cute with that response about working out but nah in my head I gotta do it especially after I've slacked for a while and actually feel myself gaining weight / getting out of shape. Like just NO lol. Laziness is the only thing but I actually like getting in better shape and feeling good in that way, even the process is nice once I finally get back into a routine for it
  10. JerseyWins
    16-08-2020 06:01 AM
    Ahhh pretty funny, that's not a bad thought/superstition type of thing tbf Yeah I'm so here for the sober life with friends like idc to drink too often when I'm alone or just with some closest friends. It's more just with bigger groups that I'm more actually in the mood to actually get drunk. Think it's also partly that majority of my close friends have never been big drinkers so it's always been more of a side / special occasions type thing (more into that weed tho ). And yup these masks and all these ways of being restricted and careful with everything.. blegh, takes time getting used to. With how it was in NJ I feel like I've already gotten used to it tho & it's already gotten so much better now.

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