I don't think the Side Show is on YouTube either unfortunately
you'll have to search for it on that site or a similar one, it should be somewhere! There were these weekly VTs Gary and Peter did about different aspects of the game and they were amazing <3
And I actually loved it! I do understand why it's criticised but I honestly think it's probably my favourite C5 series
the final two was the best in BBUK history and also the most deserving (perfect time to have the first all female final two also), Helen along with Aaron is like the only winner that brought the most to their series and so deserved it the most and there were so many car crash moments and housemates
I mean just everything about Steven I found hilarious, the man was a trainwreck <333 Mark
Ashleigh and Danielle <3 Toya <3 Mutha P and her chicken <3333333 Helen <3
I really enjoyed it tbh, what about you?