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Scream 01-08-2012 03:18 AM

So what if Becky is 'happy about being fat'?
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

iRyan 01-08-2012 03:20 AM

He's right though, she doesn't respect her BMI. Insult or not, it's true. It's not like he called her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

Scream 01-08-2012 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by iRyan (Post 5357210)
He's right though, she doesn't respect her BMI. Insult or not, it's true. It's not like he called her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

Yeah but if she said something like he doesn't respect that God made him male then that's not an insult because clearly he doesn't as he wanted to change gender. However it's not like she called him a 'stupid transgendered twat'.

Jords 01-08-2012 03:45 AM

It wouldnt be true to say she respects her BMI.

Shed be classed as obese.

JTM45 01-08-2012 03:49 AM

God is make-believe while a person's BMI is very real.
What Luke said was undeniably true. Becky's even said herself that she doesn't care about being as overweight as she is and isn't bothered what people say about it either.

Also being born in the wrong sex body is a very real medical condition. It's not like Luke just fancies having a male body instead of a female one. His brain is now and always has been that of a man and he just wants to correct a mistake that happened when his chromosomes determined which sex his body would develop as.
It's like saying that someone who's born with a hole in their heart shouldn't have surgery to fix it because it was "God's choice" to make them with a hole in their heart.:hugesmile:

Your hypothetical example is a very poor one!:nono:
Luke's condition has nothing to do with a fictional guy who so very obviously didn't create the Universe or anything in it. That was down to science and the laws of nature!

Becky_Out_NOW 01-08-2012 04:08 AM

Becky has done and said so much in that house that is just "nasty" (as she likes to call other housemates all the time)...that I can understand how Luke A lost his temper and without thinking, said what he said. He was angry, and rightly so. While it may have been insensitive to say, he did not say it to her face, or to her friends in the house. Yes, he has to answer to the public for saying it, and yes, it was a bad thing to say, but Becky has to expect that she can't be the only one in the house to dish it out, and not have to take it too. She had been trash talking Luke A for weeks previous to get "in" with the insiders, and then tells Luke A that she just "sings his praises" about him all the time. I'd have to say this is the first thing Luke A has ever done to her, and it's the worst thing he's ever said or done in the house, for his entire duration thus far. The same cannot be said about Becky. She stirs the pot constantly, spreading the gossip, lighting the fires, and she's even stealing what little food her housemates have to eat, and hoarding it under her bed! Some "friend" she is to her "alliance". I think continually stealing food from all of your housemates is much worse than stating an obvious truth that she does not respect her BMI. Also, while she may have been born on the heavy side, and she may in fact have a slow metabolism, or a problem with her thyroid, or on a medication that made her put on a lot of weight...none of that changes the fact that she refuses to exercise, refuses to eat healthy, and really does absolutely nothing to slow the process of weight gain. In fact, she has stated many times she wants to get bigger, and expressed dissapointment when she learned she had lost some weight in the house. So this is not a girl who is showing to any of her housemates, or the public (until the BMI comment was revealed to her) that she is insecure, remorseful, shy, embarrassed, or ashamed of her weight. Of course we know it was a comment that was hurtful, but her reaction is just a tad overkill, no?

rayheartbliss 01-08-2012 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

i agree completely not just it being towards becky but to anyone.

im not convinced though that she was as upset as she portrayed it to be.
as far as she knows she is still popular in the outside cuz of the cheering she heard last time she was up for eviction, and she knows that luke has given her ammunitions and shes pulling the trigger.

what convinced me of this is when she said something along the lines of "i couldn't be more happier with this weeks eviction" which led me to believe that she thinks the public will turn on luke, therefore she feels the needs to show us a reaction to intensify the situation.

surely she knows that out of all the hms luke is the one who is more than capable to understand and be able to sort the situation out with, yet she concludes it with "I don't want to see him ever again in my life" as if luke has murdered her family.

Ryan57 01-08-2012 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

Luke A did go too far but, Becky has taken the mickey out of herself being fat before. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the sort of joke she'd make about herself.

Angus 01-08-2012 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

Don't give me that rubbish - she's exercised her vile gob to make some really malicious comments about Luke A including saying she wished she had a penis to p*ss on him. That's a direct reference to his gender reassignment. It's a pity his wife didn't tell him, but then she wouldn't want to deliberately upset him, unlike Becky's thick sister who made sure she repeated a remark knowing it would hurt her sister because TRUTH hurts.

As to Becky's weight being remarked on, of course it will be talked about just as people talk about who's fit, or who's unattractive. Becky is fat, no denying that. Fat is an adjective describing appearance. Becky is greedy and is responsible for her own size- she does NOT respect her body or her BMI. Luke made a perfectly factual observation to someone else, and he is allowed to express his opinion.

He should have stood by his right to have an opinion and NOT gone crawling to Becky to apologise, since he had nothing to apologise for. He's right, she is absolutely loving her role as victim, when in fact her fat is self inflicted and
she revels in her role as the stereotypical fat, jolly girl next door, allowing herself to be the butt of Conor and Luke S's jokes just to get some male attention. It's not just her BMI she doesn't respect, it's herself she is disrespecting by crawling around lowlife like Conor and Ashleigh for approval.

optimisticcynic 01-08-2012 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Angus (Post 5357266)
Don't give me that rubbish - she's exercised her vile gob to make some really malicious comments about Luke A including saying she wished she had a penis to p*ss on him. That's a direct reference to his gender reassignment. It's a pity his wife didn't tell him, but then she wouldn't want to deliberately upset him, unlike Becky's thick sister who made sure she repeated a remark knowing it would hurt her sister because TRUTH hurts.

As to Becky's weight being remarked on, of course it will be talked about just as people talk about who's fit, or who's unattractive. Becky is fat, no denying that. Fat is an adjective describing appearance. Becky is greedy and is responsible for her own size- she does NOT respect her body or her BMI. Luke made a perfectly factual observation to someone else, and he is allowed to express his opinion.

He should have stood by his right to have an opinion and NOT gone crawling to Becky to apologise, since he had nothing to apologise for. He's right, she is absolutely loving her role as victim, when in fact her fat is self inflicted and
she revels in her role as the stereotypical fat, jolly girl next door, allowing herself to be the butt of Conor and Luke S's jokes just to get some male attention. It's not just her BMI she doesn't respect, it's herself she is disrespecting by crawling around lowlife like Conor and Ashleigh for approval.

Lovely jubbly!

patsylimerick 01-08-2012 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

It's very simple really. Luke A said that Becky doesn't respect her BMI, which (as Becky might say) 'litrullly' means that she doesn't care about her weight.

And you ask 'so what if she doesn't care about her weight'? Well that's all he's saying - that she doesn't care about her weight.

Not quite sure what part of that you're not getting, to be honest.


Originally Posted by Becky_Out_NOW (Post 5357228)
Becky has done and said so much in that house that is just "nasty" (as she likes to call other housemates all the time)...that I can understand how Luke A lost his temper and without thinking, said what he said. He was angry, and rightly so. While it may have been insensitive to say, he did not say it to her face, or to her friends in the house. Yes, he has to answer to the public for saying it, and yes, it was a bad thing to say, but Becky has to expect that she can't be the only one in the house to dish it out, and not have to take it too. She had been trash talking Luke A for weeks previous to get "in" with the insiders, and then tells Luke A that she just "sings his praises" about him all the time. I'd have to say this is the first thing Luke A has ever done to her, and it's the worst thing he's ever said or done in the house, for his entire duration thus far. The same cannot be said about Becky. She stirs the pot constantly, spreading the gossip, lighting the fires, and she's even stealing what little food her housemates have to eat, and hoarding it under her bed! Some "friend" she is to her "alliance". I think continually stealing food from all of your housemates is much worse than stating an obvious truth that she does not respect her BMI. Also, while she may have been born on the heavy side, and she may in fact have a slow metabolism, or a problem with her thyroid, or on a medication that made her put on a lot of weight...none of that changes the fact that she refuses to exercise, refuses to eat healthy, and really does absolutely nothing to slow the process of weight gain. In fact, she has stated many times she wants to get bigger, and expressed dissapointment when she learned she had lost some weight in the house. So this is not a girl who is showing to any of her housemates, or the public (until the BMI comment was revealed to her) that she is insecure, remorseful, shy, embarrassed, or ashamed of her weight. Of course we know it was a comment that was hurtful, but her reaction is just a tad overkill, no?

:shocked: WOAH!!!!


I agree with you, of course.

rsefitpro2011 01-08-2012 08:21 AM

I agree in that Becky may be more concerned about her size than she is letting on, its understandable to mask how you truly feel sometimes.

I am not a supporter of Beckys. but wether it was a mistake or not Luke A should never have made that BMI comment.

He feels bad and so he should, I like Luke A hes been an honest, nice type of guy, but that particular comment wasn't necessary!

Kizzy 01-08-2012 08:24 AM

Luke shouldn't have gotten upset, he played right into beckys hands, he should have apologised and thats it.
Every one of the 'insiders' have made a rude comment about someone ....
Don't let her play the victim for a second luke!

thesheriff443 01-08-2012 08:26 AM

with her bmi she will be classed as obese and thats a fact.
she has been nasty and rude and has luke pointed out her reaction was not that of someone that was hurt by his comment but someone filled with glee with amunition to shoot luke down and boy did she go for it hoping he will get evicted on the back of it.

halfacrown 01-08-2012 08:41 AM

It wasn't a nice thing to say, but he might just as well have said 'as much as she cares about her health'. It's up to Becky what she weighs but she can't have it both ways. I don't think she is cool about her weight actually, quite the opposite. Neither do I think Luke's comment was that bad, given the context and the bile that's come from Caroline, Coner, Ashleigh and Becky this series.

Bojangles 01-08-2012 08:55 AM

I wonder what her reaction would have been if Conor had said it.She would probably have laughed and that would have been that.She is just being a cow because it was an outsider that said it.

joeysteele 01-08-2012 08:57 AM

Scream, you are right in my view, you have to be careful what you say and how you mean it too.
I think Luke A is being pilloried way too much for this but he did make the comment in a not conciliatory way, he was angry at Becky and referred to her size.
His problem is he didn't jump in and say, I shouldn't have said that,he thought it a huge joke. Therein lies his problem as to his credibility now.

I am at Uni and making that comment as he did as to another Student or some hierarchy at the Uni,if they learned about it, I would be really given a massive dressing down for such a comment.
Just as he should not have any references made in a joking or unpleasant way as to his transition from Female to Male, then definatley neither should he, of all people after all he has gone through, be referring to anyone elses appearance in an unpleasant way either.( He did say that himself too after it came out).

His problem is the way it was revealed,by her Sister at nominations,he is now only showing remorse for saying it because it has come out and he now knows the public have seen it too. had he at least shown remorse for it just after he had said it then his credibility would have been intact.

It is sad but people do now have to be very careful what they say,especially in public, joking is fine on some things but he was far from joking when he made this comment at the time he did and people have seen and heard that and he knows they have now too.

He can't do more than apologise and has done so, however in this situation, Becky is the insulted individual and it's down to her if she accepts his apology,I am not holding my breath on that one however.

Kazanne 01-08-2012 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Angus (Post 5357266)
Don't give me that rubbish - she's exercised her vile gob to make some really malicious comments about Luke A including saying she wished she had a penis to p*ss on him. That's a direct reference to his gender reassignment. It's a pity his wife didn't tell him, but then she wouldn't want to deliberately upset him, unlike Becky's thick sister who made sure she repeated a remark knowing it would hurt her sister because TRUTH hurts.

As to Becky's weight being remarked on, of course it will be talked about just as people talk about who's fit, or who's unattractive. Becky is fat, no denying that. Fat is an adjective describing appearance. Becky is greedy and is responsible for her own size- she does NOT respect her body or her BMI. Luke made a perfectly factual observation to someone else, and he is allowed to express his opinion.

He should have stood by his right to have an opinion and NOT gone crawling to Becky to apologise, since he had nothing to apologise for. He's right, she is absolutely loving her role as victim, when in fact her fat is self inflicted and
she revels in her role as the stereotypical fat, jolly girl next door, allowing herself to be the butt of Conor and Luke S's jokes just to get some male attention. It's not just her BMI she doesn't respect, it's herself she is disrespecting by crawling around lowlife like Conor and Ashleigh for approval.

Spot on Angus:xyxwave:

MrWong 01-08-2012 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by iRyan (Post 5357210)
He's right though, she doesn't respect her BMI. Insult or not, it's true. It's not like he called her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

Or a fat, ugly blob, which is what she called Chris.

sampvt 01-08-2012 09:27 AM

Anyone who gets upset if someone brings their weight or BMI into question, is defo not happy in their own body. Her denial is a defence mechanism and a well worn t shirt for the fat and lazy that weigh our NHS and DSS down with excuses for gluttony and laziness, END OF.

Where else in the world can you sit in a chair in front of a tv and gorge yourself into obesity then ask the rest of the country to pay for your rent and existence while still feeding your fat face. Obesity through normal, non medical problems, should be declared an offence. I have a neighbour who is 25 stone, she gets over £250 per week from DLA and her husband gets carers, they have a new car every three years, she gets her house and tax paid for and they take 3 holidays a year. Neither have worked a day since leaving school. All because she has a medical note saying obestiy is a disease. B.llocks, her disease is she is a fat lazy greedy cow. Enter Becky in 5 years time when her legs wont carry her mass anymore.

Kizzy 01-08-2012 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by MrWong (Post 5357360)
Or a fat, ugly blob, which is what she called Chris.

Yep, dice faced mess!

rusticgal 01-08-2012 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by iRyan (Post 5357210)
He's right though, she doesn't respect her BMI. Insult or not, it's true. It's not like he called her a 'stupid fat bitch'.

She wasnt meant to hear it...he would never have said it to her face. He was talking about her so called 'respect' for him and tried to make a comparison and that comment slipped out.

They have all said things about each other that have not got back. Thats why I think BB should show them all the things they have said about each other and some of them have been equally as cruel....and Becky is as guilty of that as anyone. Then it might all be put in a little more perspective.

chuff me dizzy 01-08-2012 09:53 AM

She has said plenty of nasty ,cutting things about hm8s, if they were shown to who she said them about ,they too would be hurt, I really dont think becky was as upset it about as she made out, shes was struggling to stop herself laughing,then realised she could milk it for camera time

Anthony Hatface 01-08-2012 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bojangles (Post 5357353)
I wonder what her reaction would have been if Conor had said it.She would probably have laughed and that would have been that.She is just being a cow because it was an outsider that said it.

As we have seen, Conor can pretty much say whatever vile invective he likes, show no remorse whatsoever, and still be the best friend of everyone in the in-crowd.

Luke A's regret for the BMI remark was appropriate and still shows him in a better light than the likes of Conor and Caroline (the latter in particular - some of her comments about Adam and Luke A make the BMI comment pale in comparison). There was also an ironic element of karma in it, as Becky must have known she got off very lightly for her pilfering. I suspect if the others HMs knew what sin she was actually "absolving", they would not have considered painting smiles on everyone to be an aqequate recompense.

Jake. 01-08-2012 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

Have to agree with you here. I feel bad for her when she reads up on internet forums, she is in for a shock.

Munchkins 01-08-2012 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Bojangles (Post 5357353)
I wonder what her reaction would have been if Conor had said it.She would probably have laughed and that would have been that.She is just being a cow because it was an outsider that said it.

You are so right... she would have then probably made a joke about her weight and said how happy she is..

Moreen 01-08-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

Why is Luke A wrong? I for one am tired of tip toeing around people who want to be victims when they are nothing of the sort. Luke A was making a comparison about Becky's level of respect and he got it spot on.
I am left wondering why her family and friends are so upset about a comment when they obviously don't care enough to discover the underlying reasons for eating so much.... hiding food under her bed while others don't have any decent food, her mental well being or the consequences to her health.
If "it's not for others to comment over obesity" then no doctors needed for them right? No medical research needed to help them right? No comedians making 'fat' jokes right?
Becky is a nasty piece of work who need more people to tell her like it is.

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." -Gloria Steinem

Big Brother Cartoons uk 01-08-2012 12:08 PM

There was a weird extract a while back where becker was saying insults to herself in the mirror. No one else was in the room and when someone came in she looked embarrassed and stopped. It was very odd. I wonder what the psychologist would make of her saying horrid things to herself?

Marc 01-08-2012 12:10 PM

But she's horrible and has bitched about others behind their backs and has caused them to feel upset too. I don't feel bad for Becky in the slightest. Vile character

Big Brother Cartoons uk 01-08-2012 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Moreen (Post 5357690)
Why is Luke A wrong? I for one am tired of tip toeing around people who want to be victims when they are nothing of the sort. Luke A was making a comparison about Becky's level of respect and he got it spot on.
I am left wondering why her family and friends are so upset about a comment when they obviously don't care enough to discover the underlying reasons for eating so much.... hiding food under her bed while others don't have any decent food, her mental well being or the consequences to her health.
If "it's not for others to comment over obesity" then no doctors needed for them right? No medical research needed to help them right? No comedians making 'fat' jokes right?
Becky is a nasty piece of work who need more people to tell her like it is.

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." -Gloria Steinem

It's a fair point, gps do indeed tell us to respect our Bmi all the time. What's the difference? Also people forget he never said it to her. He said it about her. Yes anything can be aired at anytime but they forget this in the course of a 24 hr day. Becky was not hurt by the comment till her sister revealed it. The person responsible for hurting Bucky is thus her sister. When people stir this is the result. They hurt the people they care about.

InOne 01-08-2012 12:18 PM

The Becky threads are getting quite boring. She really doesn't deserve this much attention :bored:

Black Dagger 01-08-2012 12:24 PM

If she was insecure... I'd get her reaction.

But she's clearly happy about being fat, it's her gimmick, she shovelled burgers into her gob in her VT, she's a mess.

Big Brother Cartoons uk 01-08-2012 12:26 PM

I think we should remember she is still a teenager and cut her some slack. I am no fan but she is a kid, all said and done. Some people take longer to mature.

fitz2k2 01-08-2012 12:28 PM

shes just fake.

Marcus. 01-08-2012 02:43 PM

she happy whithy her weight

Tregard 01-08-2012 03:03 PM

I would be on Becky's side if she hadn't claimed previously that she "Doesn't care what people say about her weight" (Paraphrasing), as far as I'm concerned from saying that she has shown that she is either playing it up now, was playing it up in her VT, or quite possibly, both.

Livia 01-08-2012 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Scream (Post 5357209)
I don't support Becky, think she can be quite malicious and over the top however I think people are being quite stupid.

Just because Becky says she is happy about being fat and doesn't care what people say, it doesn't mean that's how she actually feels or doesn't make it acceptable for people to make rude comments about her weight..

Even if she doesn't care it's not for others to comment so Luke A is in the wrong and I don't see how people can try to stick up for him with, 'yh but becky dunt care she sed tht she is happi bein fat so it dnt matta?xx' It's just stupid.

I think that some of us standing up for him are a little more literate than you're giving us credit for there...

Becky stuffs her face all the time. She's said she's stolen food, eats in secret, has a pocket in her knickers for sweets (ewwwwwww) and is obviously a very greedy girl. She is obsessed with food, but more than that, she positively promotes her sickeningly unhealthy lifestyle. Consequently she is morbidly obese through her own actions. And now no one is allowed to make any kind of mention of the fat issue in case she gets insulted?

Redway 01-08-2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by bigbrother12 (Post 5358306)
she happy whithy her weight

Given the fact that she gets agitated and annoyed every time someone makes a comment on her weight, surely this should tell you that she isn't.

Marcus. 01-08-2012 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Redway (Post 5358980)
Given the fact that she gets agitated and annoyed every time someone makes a comment on her weight, surely this should tell you that she isn't.

well peopel keep saying about her weight in ther house

exoticrosebud 01-08-2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Anthony Hatface (Post 5357444)
As we have seen, Conor can pretty much say whatever vile invective he likes, show no remorse whatsoever, and still be the best friend of everyone in the in-crowd.

Luke A's regret for the BMI remark was appropriate and still shows him in a better light than the likes of Conor and Caroline (the latter in particular - some of her comments about Adam and Luke A make the BMI comment pale in comparison). There was also an ironic element of karma in it, as Becky must have known she got off very lightly for her pilfering. I suspect if the others HMs knew what sin she was actually "absolving", they would not have considered painting smiles on everyone to be an aqequate recompense.

i dont believe hes sorry for one minute....sorry it got out and she found out about it, but not sorry he said it....he could have said a dam sight worse i guess...but if you make remarks about people and they find out you take what comes with it....i should imagine he has had to deal with loads of 'comments' in his maybe he should think twice before trying to be clever.....i dont like him and i dont like all the bloody crying in the diary room...big boys dont cry !!!! get a grip and take it like the man you are trying to be !

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