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BB10 Big Brother 10 from 2009 was won by Sophie Reade.

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Old 09-08-2009, 09:47 PM #1
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Default Would it be risky to...

Sense BB10 is the 3rd most boring BB Ever...
And Seeing as Ratings are **** and the show needs a good twist!

Should BB do what happened in BB6 when Vanessa left??

Gather them round the table and nominate who goes immediatly...

Or would it be risky for BB seeing as its Lisa gang against Marcus gang, and theres more of Lisa`s Minions.

So it could lead to a Big Character going who the Public dont want out.

Or is it worth having a twist like that?

Btw...I cant remember alot of what happened in BB6 It seems so long ago, but can anyone tell me why Vanessa and (whoever was up for eviction too) were even up for Eviction??
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:43 PM #2
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:44 PM #3
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I don't think its boring at all! Just leavee them too it and let the public decide.
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:47 PM #4
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I do quite like Big Brother this year. They just don't give them enough alcohol. If the housemates past the shopping budget and got lots of alcohol the house would be a more happier place. When housemates are fueled up on alcohol it's more funnier and entertaining.

However I think that would be awesome, all housemates nominating in front of each other but you'd get more housemates breaking the rules like refusing to nominate.

It would be good though.
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:47 PM #5
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A twist definitely needs to happen (although I have a strong feeling it won't), but I think repeating that twist this year could backfire, and as you said, we could lose a big character.

In BB6 one week the housemates were told that Big Brother would lie to them twice. The first lie was that nominations were optional (when obviously they weren't because nominations are compulsary). Then the second lie was that the housemates who nominated were up for eviction (when really the housemates who DIDN'T were up).

Then on Friday when Davina spoke to the house for the first time she told them who really faced eviction. Then later on she spoke to the house again and revealed the bottom two, Vanessa and Makosi. That's when they then had to choose one to leave.
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Old 09-08-2009, 10:48 PM #6
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Originally posted by pmccaff2009
Sense BB10 is the 3rd most boring BB Ever...
And Seeing as Ratings are **** and the show needs a good twist!

Should BB do what happened in BB6 when Vanessa left??

Gather them round the table and nominate who goes immediatly...

Or would it be risky for BB seeing as its Lisa gang against Marcus gang, and theres more of Lisa`s Minions.

So it could lead to a Big Character going who the Public dont want out.

Or is it worth having a twist like that?

Btw...I cant remember alot of what happened in BB6 It seems so long ago, but can anyone tell me why Vanessa and (whoever was up for eviction too) were even up for Eviction??
because thats when BB played a trick on the hm's for entertainment and BB told 3 lies i think and hm's had to guess whether BB meant it or not , one of these were to do with them "not having to nominate" or somethin and kemal ,anothony , craig etc i think they did nominate like normal but the others didnt so therefore bb automatically put the others up for eviction and then the twist was the hm's had to chose to save one aka makosi or vanessa . it has been a while but yeah i think ive pretty much said it all in a nutshell for ya
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