Originally Posted by Smithy
There isn’t a single person out there that’s campaigned for these changes
Thats just..not true. It appears to be 'fringe groups' and such mainly, granted. And oddball loner types bombarding companies to change their terms. However, even the likes of stonewall are pushing for 'gender neutral language' . To say its just anti trans stuff made up by the media or whatever is just..false. The media is actually fairly slow on the uptake with this stuff..not too long back there was a situation in the UK same as niamh described in Ireland, where NHS cervical cancer leaflets and such suddenly removed the words woman and female completely. Its now both (as it should be, women AND those wth a cervix) but the answer was apparently to remove women totally. Media were almost silent at the time, as it was a bit suprising. Again, the lack of changes to prostate cancer pages and such was notable.