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Old 10-09-2021, 01:24 AM #1
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Default RIG Brother at its finest..

I hear an all-black alliance has conveniently made it to f-6. Off the back of an aussie black winner as well as BB Can, wouldn't you just know that the US had to make sure they not only matched that trendy narrative, but ensure they blew it away by setting up an all-black alliance to steamroll what I hear is the most BORING and PREDICTABLE season of all time. I hear the nonsense is being presented as a "mission"..with all those connected to it absurdly dismissing/ignoring the blatant racism behind it. EMBARRASSING.

With numbers being even in race, ALL involved in this season had the perfect opportunity to promote, encourage and practise equality.. but instead they chose to revel in more disgusting racism. PATHETIC.
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Old 10-09-2021, 03:37 AM #2
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That's cute that you think Allison even acknowledges other countries' versions of BB.
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Old 10-09-2021, 09:13 AM #3
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I'm struggling to see what your problem is, this time. I'm pretty sure you never said any of this when, for the past 20 years, white people have steamrolled until the end every single season. And you complain about steamrolling as if it wasn't the case for the last few seasons. So the problem is that they're black or because they're part of an alliance? I'm confused.
Also, talking about black people succeedding as a "trendy narrative" is gross.

And in case you're still confused about what happened, just listen to what the members of the Cookout have been explaining since the beginning, and also Claire who explained it well to Julie during her exit interview last night. It can't be any clearer than that.

I love this season for so many reasons. First of all, the cast has memorable personalities unlike 85% of BB houseguests so far. I can actually remember who they are and will remember in a few years time.
I am so happy they evicted the useless jocks early on so everybody had a fighting chance. The HGs knew what the public wanted for so long.
Every part has been strong, from the messiness in the beginning to the Cookout finally achieving their goals. What makes it better is that there has been enjoyable blindsides and people having zero clue (or almost) about the Cookout.
I have been waiting for so long to have an alliance that was big but not big enough to get busted, have side deals and all of this without being in the same room together for a long time. And it gets even better when they don't even like each other in that alliance, such as Tiff vs Derek, Tiff vs Ky etc

I am happy they succeeded in their mission. I wish we didn't have two double evictions in a row because now we need to take time to see the Cookout going at each other and it should be so good.

And also, Tiffany is a queen and should be crowned asap but we probably will end up with a Ky or X win Though I am rooting for all of them at this point. And representation matters and we live for it
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Old 10-09-2021, 10:42 AM #4
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If you want to see white people succeed that badly, you have over twenty other seasons to choose from. Pipe down.
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Old 10-09-2021, 11:30 AM #5
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Originally Posted by Ashley. View Post
If you want to see white people succeed that badly, you have over twenty other seasons to choose from. Pipe down.
Yeah and it never was a problem before to some people...until it's black people doing it. I don't get it.
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Old 11-09-2021, 03:59 AM #6
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I don't give a damn about gender nor race. The biggest problem the show always had was not being diverse enough. From previous seasons it's obvious black people had legit complaints for not being repped with even numbers. With that ongoing for many seasons, the game understandably remained skewed in favour of majority race. There wasn't necessarily anything systemically sinister behind there being no black winner.

The BLM movement ran with so much gas that even insular pigs fronting networks couldn't ignore. More power to it when it leads to +changes around the world..Equal ops/reps etc.. The trouble is, when it goes beyond justifiable balance it does nothing but promote D I V I S I O N and RACE WARS. That's ultimately the legacy that this season leaves behind. I hope all those who are stupidly reveling in such an idiotic "message"/"mission" can still celebrate THAT.
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Old 11-09-2021, 11:31 AM #7
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It sounds like you're mad about black people succeeding though.

The legacy of this season is that black people can do well together, not target each other and create a little more of a balance when it comes to people of color making it to the end of the game.
And also, let's not discredit the fact that they are going completely unknown to all of the other HGs, they managed to keep it together while arguing with each other, and had successful side deals too. And pretty much close to no big alliance who steamrolled to the end managed to do that. So let's give credit where credit is due.
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Old 12-09-2021, 02:54 AM #8
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Firstly, don't dare try and insult me by suggesting that absurd alliance is going "UNNOTICED". I heard HGs have been mentioning it for weeks. Since the narrative was already decided pre-game(including the meek, compliant, pushover puppet pawns they all got to step on) it was tails I win heads you lose sitch.

Of course knowing this show as I do, having them all play along with the "secret" nonsense was always likely. And they'll naturally edit it that way for the main show. But the reality is only a retarded dung beetle couldn't see what was happening here.

As far as me being "mad" due to black people succeeding, this is just ridiculous. If anything I'm sad that their victory was FORCED. FORCING it the way they did not only taints their first victory, it makes it extremely hollow. It's like winning a game on cheat mode. Ultimately I find it a damn shame they went down such a racist route and did EXACTLY what their collective have been preaching against for years(which is to target and kick people out based off skin colour) The HYPOCRISY is actually scary..especially as so many are seemingly able to project such sad and divisive behaviour into that of this "complex", wonderful "message"..completely oblivious to the perils of it. Giving a pass to any particular race when it comes to racist displays is sheer lunacy.

To quote one of their most esteemed peers, MLK: "judge a person not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character"..

Too bad all the whites of this season weren't afforded that apparent "luxury". Too bad such a laudable sentence is lost on all members of "the cookout".

Setting decency standards and going on to practice and live by them is what bridges all ethnicity groups. Anyone who can't see "the cookout" is punching against that fine ethos is a bloody fool.
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Old 12-09-2021, 07:07 AM #9
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The HGs started mentionning it but never got the full picture of it and the editors didn't even hide it during the episodes. So wtf are you talking about.

And again, you never said any of the above when white people were steamrolling for the last 20 years and were overlooking black people in the process. So my point still stands entirely.

Just say that you're mad Christian or some other dude was evicted early so we can move on and discuss the real sixth place goddess Tiffany.

Last edited by Captain.Remy; 12-09-2021 at 07:08 AM.
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Old 12-09-2021, 01:46 PM #10
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I agree Pro Sniper.

I get that racism has been a big part of a lot of BBUSA seasons, but at least in other seasons the non-white people were allowed to fight back without being deemed a racist, where as you can tell in this series that the non-black contestants were scared of the racist tag if they dared to try and fight the racist alliance of the season, which then obviously stifles gameplay.

I think that obviously people on here must agree about this to some extent hence why for weeks now nobody has even discussed the Show on here which is highly unusual.

And I am honestly not against having non-white winners, but it should be more like how Tychon's win happened rather than how Xavier's win has been.

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Old 12-09-2021, 01:55 PM #11
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Originally Posted by Captain.Remy View Post
I'm struggling to see what your problem is, this time. I'm pretty sure you never said any of this when, for the past 20 years, white people have steamrolled until the end every single season. And you complain about steamrolling as if it wasn't the case for the last few seasons. So the problem is that they're black or because they're part of an alliance? I'm confused.
Also, talking about black people succeedding as a "trendy narrative" is gross.

And in case you're still confused about what happened, just listen to what the members of the Cookout have been explaining since the beginning, and also Claire who explained it well to Julie during her exit interview last night. It can't be any clearer than that.

I love this season for so many reasons. First of all, the cast has memorable personalities unlike 85% of BB houseguests so far. I can actually remember who they are and will remember in a few years time.
I am so happy they evicted the useless jocks early on so everybody had a fighting chance. The HGs knew what the public wanted for so long.
Every part has been strong, from the messiness in the beginning to the Cookout finally achieving their goals. What makes it better is that there has been enjoyable blindsides and people having zero clue (or almost) about the Cookout.
I have been waiting for so long to have an alliance that was big but not big enough to get busted, have side deals and all of this without being in the same room together for a long time. And it gets even better when they don't even like each other in that alliance, such as Tiff vs Derek, Tiff vs Ky etc

I am happy they succeeded in their mission. I wish we didn't have two double evictions in a row because now we need to take time to see the Cookout going at each other and it should be so good.

And also, Tiffany is a queen and should be crowned asap but we probably will end up with a Ky or X win Though I am rooting for all of them at this point. And representation matters and we live for it
I get what you're saying, but there's two points that I'd like to point out.

1. This alliance has probably made it so that future black contestants will be lucky to get to Jury.

2. As unfair as it is to say, but in your average BBUSA season there's about at most two black contestants, one Asian & one or two Hispanic people, so when racism is sadly existing in the season it's normally against at most 5 contestants (which is bad) but it's not the same as a racist alliance taking down 10 contestants just because they aren't the same race as the Cookout.

Imo the best players should be able to play with any group of people, which sadly the Cookout have failed miserably on that front imo.

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Old 12-09-2021, 01:58 PM #12
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Originally Posted by Pro Sniper View Post
I don't give a damn about gender nor race. The biggest problem the show always had was not being diverse enough. From previous seasons it's obvious black people had legit complaints for not being repped with even numbers. With that ongoing for many seasons, the game understandably remained skewed in favour of majority race. There wasn't necessarily anything systemically sinister behind there being no black winner.

The BLM movement ran with so much gas that even insular pigs fronting networks couldn't ignore. More power to it when it leads to +changes around the world..Equal ops/reps etc.. The trouble is, when it goes beyond justifiable balance it does nothing but promote D I V I S I O N and RACE WARS. That's ultimately the legacy that this season leaves behind. I hope all those who are stupidly reveling in such an idiotic "message"/"mission" can still celebrate THAT.
And this is all correct.

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Old 12-09-2021, 05:15 PM #13
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Originally Posted by Mystic Mock View Post
I get what you're saying, but there's two points that I'd like to point out.

1. This alliance has probably made it so that future black contestants will be lucky to get to Jury.

2. As unfair as it is to say, but in your average BBUSA season there's about at most two black contestants, one Asian & one or two Hispanic people, so when racism is sadly existing in the season it's normally against at most 5 contestants (which is bad) but it's not the same as a racist alliance taking down 10 contestants just because they aren't the same race as the Cookout.

Imo the best players should be able to play with any group of people, which sadly the Cookout have failed miserably on that front imo.
I think on the contrary, more black people would possibly apply and take shots and be daring in a game where they never succeeded before (except CBB2) because The Cookout showed it was possible to be as succesful as another alliance.

True though, the casting team never casted many POC before but still, those people were mostly never going far. If you truly listen to what The Cookout had to say, they did this for a greater purpose than just a game. They knew how important it was to have representation and be as bold as other previous alliances.
And yes, anybody should be able to play with anybody but since it wasn't the case for the last 20 years, let them have their moment and make a big statement. It was important to them and given the reception on social media and forums, I would say they were right. I am hopeful this is the season that will create change for the future.
Also, once again, give credit where credit is due because what they did together from day 1 to now is impressive. But some people would rather overlook that because black people succeeding is "a trendy narrative".

I am enjoying this season a lot. They went completely unnoticed for the most part, they stayed together for a purpose, made clever plans, the whole cast was a good hot mess, they had blindsides etc I am happy with any of them winning (though Azah or Big D winning would be hilarious but hey, we've had our share of questionable winners before)

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Old 13-09-2021, 01:19 AM #14
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Originally Posted by Captain.Remy View Post
I think on the contrary, more black people would possibly apply and take shots and be daring in a game where they never succeeded before (except CBB2) because The Cookout showed it was possible to be as succesful as another alliance.

True though, the casting team never casted many POC before but still, those people were mostly never going far. If you truly listen to what The Cookout had to say, they did this for a greater purpose than just a game. They knew how important it was to have representation and be as bold as other previous alliances.
And yes, anybody should be able to play with anybody but since it wasn't the case for the last 20 years, let them have their moment and make a big statement. It was important to them and given the reception on social media and forums, I would say they were right. I am hopeful this is the season that will create change for the future.
Also, once again, give credit where credit is due because what they did together from day 1 to now is impressive. But some people would rather overlook that because black people succeeding is "a trendy narrative".

I am enjoying this season a lot. They went completely unnoticed for the most part, they stayed together for a purpose, made clever plans, the whole cast was a good hot mess, they had blindsides etc I am happy with any of them winning (though Azah or Big D winning would be hilarious but hey, we've had our share of questionable winners before)
Again I get what you're saying, but to me Derek X not being black shouldn't be a reason to have him be evicted from the house and he truly was a minority in the series as he was the only full Asian in the house this year.

I don't know I think that the Game should be fun for the viewers as well as the contestants, and to me I don't really get a kick out of the fact that the Game has only truly started now at the top 6.

Having said all of that I did like Tiffany before helping Xavier win the season by not trying to get rid of him or any of his close allies, but instead took her number 1 out of the Game away from The Cookout.

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Old 13-09-2021, 05:15 AM #15
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But where was this energy before? Why have you both only now chosen to speak against racism in Big Brother? I haven't seen either of you fight against the cause until this season.

The Cookout, in all of it's flaws, was never an alliance formed to 'bring down white people'. It was an alliance formed to bring together houseguests who share similar cultures and similar grievances and wanted to do something that had never been done before, to give other black people hope and inspiration. As I said before - if this really upsets you, then perhaps this just isn't your season. Rewatch All-Stars or something.

Plus, the people in the house weren't upset by it - so why should you be?
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Old 13-09-2021, 10:11 AM #16
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Originally Posted by Mystic Mock View Post
I agree Pro Sniper.

I get that racism has been a big part of a lot of BBUSA seasons, but at least in other seasons the non-white people were allowed to fight back without being deemed a racist, where as you can tell in this series that the non-black contestants were scared of the racist tag if they dared to try and fight the racist alliance of the season, which then obviously stifles gameplay.

I think that obviously people on here must agree about this to some extent hence why for weeks now nobody has even discussed the Show on here which is highly unusual.

And I am honestly not against having non-white winners, but it should be more like how Tychon's win happened rather than how Xavier's win has been.
Indeed. This sort of open, unapologetic racism has never before been seen on this show..but racism of the same magnitude is being cited as the reason for this one coming into existence.
Originally Posted by Captain.Remy View Post
The HGs started mentionning it but never got the full picture of it and the editors didn't even hide it during the episodes. So wtf are you talking about.

And again, you never said any of the above when white people were steamrolling for the last 20 years and were overlooking black people in the process. So my point still stands entirely.

Just say that you're mad Christian or some other dude was evicted early so we can move on and discuss the real sixth place goddess Tiffany.
Yeah, yeah, they really needed someone to draw a giant picture for them, "the cookout" remained so well "HIDDEN". The big physical black players that were being passed over in favour of clowns like Bratini, Silly Beth, Clowny Claire etc.. it really "kept them all in the dark" right to the very end..

When moronic Moonves asked Silly Beth WHY she believes she was booted over the big physical man who used her as a dishmop, she had to keep a straight face and say she believed they figured her a "bigger threat". Just EMBARRASSING all round. From the core of the blatant racism to all those having the brassneck to justify it all, to all the pathetic puppets like clowny Claire being all "gracious" and "understanding" about it all. FARCICAL and NAUSEATING. But this trash is clearly what CompleteBullShyte believed was needed.

As far as your girl "Queen Tiff" goes, she's unfortunately just another fairly weak, loudmouthed female who got slapped out the game the moment the dominant males decided. And in such an embarrassing, plebeian fashion.

"Queen Tiff"'s game in summary:-

Fancied Kyland but had to watch him ignore her sexual advances and fawn over a white girl instead. Got extremely jealous over that and became OBSESSED with getting that girl out.

Tried to flip the vote a couple times but failed miserably coz she's such an ineffective number in the house.

Got a nice easy HOH handed to her in one of those pathetic "anwser question comps"(where pathetic production can either tell them all the answers, or just pretend every one they give is correct..) so she could finally get rid of Kyland's girl, in the guise of it being "revenge for DX" when it was all the time being driven by her desperate lust for Kyland.

Then has a twist made up for her so she can conveniently compete again for the following HOH..and with everyone throwing it(bar weaklings Azah and Big D) she got gift-wrapped another comp win. Which culminated in fulfilling her desire to fondle Kyland and give him sticky fingers. She honestly thought that sort of desperate smut would have him protect her. But all he did was laugh in her face and kick her out the first chance he got. EMBARRASSING.

Originally Posted by Ashley. View Post
But where was this energy before? Why have you both only now chosen to speak against racism in Big Brother? I haven't seen either of you fight against the cause until this season.

The Cookout, in all of it's flaws, was never an alliance formed to 'bring down white people'. It was an alliance formed to bring together houseguests who share similar cultures and similar grievances and wanted to do something that had never been done before, to give other black people hope and inspiration. As I said before - if this really upsets you, then perhaps this just isn't your season. Rewatch All-Stars or something.

Plus, the people in the house weren't upset by it - so why should you be?
This nonsense doesn't wash. Imagine a bunch of black persons running into a burning building and running past whites(who are closer to safety) just to save blacks who are much further away. If the building collapsed after all the blacks were saved..and all the whites perished, the blacks can't be blamed for the overall death toll, but the conscience decision made to prioritize through colour is what would be more tragic than the tragedy itself.

Like I said, people can dismiss and pander to this crazy racist nonsense all they want...but just remember that IF&WHEN we're at a stage in a future season where an all-white alliance gets formed and they're actively and openly targeting every POC, the EXACT same way we've seen(never before) this alliance do, using tripe like "I'm so sorry, my black friend, I told myself coming into this game that I wouldn't be responsible for a fellow white person leaving this game, so I'm afraid I have to put you on the block".. don't be getting mad over it and calling it racist. After all, black people have set this tone.. a tone that is apparently worthy of being commended and celebrated..
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Old 13-09-2021, 09:09 PM #17
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Originally Posted by Ashley. View Post
But where was this energy before? Why have you both only now chosen to speak against racism in Big Brother? I haven't seen either of you fight against the cause until this season.

The Cookout, in all of it's flaws, was never an alliance formed to 'bring down white people'. It was an alliance formed to bring together houseguests who share similar cultures and similar grievances and wanted to do something that had never been done before, to give other black people hope and inspiration. As I said before - if this really upsets you, then perhaps this just isn't your season. Rewatch All-Stars or something.

Plus, the people in the house weren't upset by it - so why should you be?
Tbf I didn't watch last season that's why I never spoke up about it then.

And in BB15 I did feel sorry for Candace & Howard when they weren't given a fair chance by Aaryn's group.

And in BBUK I've defended loads of black contestants who I've felt were harshly hated by the public.

And how does anybody truly know if a HM was upset by this alliance or not? If any of them were upset about it then they're gonna keep it quiet so as not to come across as bitter.

And I never said that The Cookout was aimed to take out white people, The Cookout was formed to take out anyone that wasn't black, so that includes Derek X in this but conveniently nobody seems to like to talk about how Derek X was disadvantaged in this series.

And to me it's a lazy argument to use the "it's Racist" to be against The Cookout when there's been valid points that me & Pro Sniper have both made on the thread.

Also there's three questions that I'd like to ask Cookout fans in general.

1. Do you like Production Pets?
2. Did you like BB22 All-Stars racist Alliance?
3. Did you like The Brigade who played a sexist Game?

If not then why are you being supportive of The Cookout who are ticking options 1 & 2? I'm not intending this to be confrontational I'm just genuinely curious, because to me I think it's fair to attack all of these prejudiced groups that form on the Show as it's weak gameplay.

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Old 13-09-2021, 09:17 PM #18
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Originally Posted by Pro Sniper View Post
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Old 13-09-2021, 09:28 PM #19
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Originally Posted by Marsh. View Post
That isn't a comment that helps the forum
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Old 13-09-2021, 10:14 PM #20
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Originally Posted by Mystic Mock View Post
Tbf I didn't watch last season that's why I never spoke up about it then.

And in BB15 I did feel sorry for Candace & Howard when they weren't given a fair chance by Aaryn's group.

And in BBUK I've defended loads of black contestants who I've felt were harshly hated by the public.

And how does anybody truly know if a HM was upset by this alliance or not? If any of them were upset about it then they're gonna keep it quiet so as not to come across as bitter.

And I never said that The Cookout was aimed to take out white people, The Cookout was formed to take out anyone that wasn't black, so that includes Derek X in this but conveniently nobody seems to like to talk about how Derek X was disadvantaged in this series.

And to me it's a lazy argument to use the "it's Racist" to be against The Cookout when there's been valid points that me & Pro Sniper have both made on the thread.

Also there's three questions that I'd like to ask Cookout fans in general.

1. Do you like Production Pets?
2. Did you like BB22 All-Stars racist Alliance?
3. Did you like The Brigade who played a sexist Game?

If not then why are you being supportive of The Cookout who are ticking options 1 & 2? I'm not intending this to be confrontational I'm just genuinely curious, because to me I think it's fair to attack all of these prejudiced groups that form on the Show as it's weak gameplay.
I don't like The Cookout, for multiple reasons that you and others have stated - I always have and always will support the underdogs, which in this case was Derek X - the only thing I cannot agree with is that they are racist. The actual racist alliances that you are comparing them to have been shown to hold a direct hatred against people of color (Aaryn, Enzo, Dane, Michie etc.) whereas none of the six displayed anything of the sort.

So yeah, to answer your question, I don't like the alliance at all. But I understand the mission and I understand why they wanted to make it to the end together. That has been the goal of almost every legitimate Big Brother alliance.
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Old 13-09-2021, 10:53 PM #21
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Originally Posted by LeatherTrumpet View Post
That isn't a comment that helps the forum
Mini mod someone else.
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Old 13-09-2021, 11:22 PM #22
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It’s crazy that people think it’s acceptable for them to say they refuse to vote out a black person. Even when there’s 6 black people, 1 mixed person and 1 white person left. If a white person said they refuse to vote out a white person in a house of 7 white people and 1 black person they’d be removed

It is reverse racism. Derek X was the minority in the house anyway and got targeted because he was Asian and not black, poor guy.
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Old 14-09-2021, 12:34 AM #23
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Originally Posted by Ashley. View Post
I don't like The Cookout, for multiple reasons that you and others have stated - I always have and always will support the underdogs, which in this case was Derek X - the only thing I cannot agree with is that they are racist. The actual racist alliances that you are comparing them to have been shown to hold a direct hatred against people of color (Aaryn, Enzo, Dane, Michie etc.) whereas none of the six displayed anything of the sort.

So yeah, to answer your question, I don't like the alliance at all. But I understand the mission and I understand why they wanted to make it to the end together. That has been the goal of almost every legitimate Big Brother alliance.
Fair enough.

I was also a Derek X fan which is why I feel sorry for him even extra because in a season that was being advertised as being "diverse" he was the only Asian man in a Show that's always been heavily racially motivated, so his chances of winning this series were extremely low.

And personally I get The Cookout sticking by each other till Jury, I don't get why some of them have been eliminating close allies and therefore ending their chance to win just because of "the mission" these people came in as individual players and they'll be coming out as individual players, why does Tiffany want to be remembered as the player that could've won the series but instead played Xavier's game for him? I personally like Tiffany the best out of The Cookout and find it extremely frustrating how she took Claire out for this Cookout cause when it wasn't in her best interest to do so.

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Old 14-09-2021, 12:35 AM #24
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But yeah Aaryn's group were vile towards Candace in particular, I'm amazed that their treatment towards her wasn't punished by production.

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Old 14-09-2021, 01:08 AM #25
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Originally Posted by DouglasS View Post
It’s crazy that people think it’s acceptable for them to say they refuse to vote out a black person. Even when there’s 6 black people, 1 mixed person and 1 white person left. If a white person said they refuse to vote out a white person in a house of 7 white people and 1 black person they’d be removed

It is reverse racism. Derek X was the minority in the house anyway and got targeted because he was Asian and not black, poor guy.
Why would they vote out somebody who is in their alliance over somebody who isn't?

Clutching at straws pal
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