Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 5]

23 Aug, 2014 - 4:31 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Saturday 23rd August) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Kellie meditates in the Pod while most of the other Housemates are sleeping…except for Frenchy, who is making a lot of noise looking for her beauty products. When she is asked to keep the noise down, Frenchy starts screaming and shouting. An irate Leslie shouts, “Get the ***** out of here!” and she responds by saying, “I don’t care, I’m Frenchy…I don’t give a *****!” Leslie retorts, “You’re the saddest human being I’ve ever met in my life” and Frenchy responds, “I don’t give a ***** bi*ch. I didn’t even know who you were, so shut the ***** up” This prompts Leslie to ask, “Does anybody know who you are?...a ***** is what you are” James then suggests that “Big Brother should get you a kennel, so you can sleep outside like a dog” When Big Brother calls Frenchy to the Diary Room she flashes her boobs as she leaves.

· In the Diary Room, an unrepentant Frenchy tells Big Brother she was “trying to take a bath…I don’t think they’ve seen the crazy Frenchy one. So far, all they’ve seen is the chilled Frenchy. If you try to screw me over, I’m going to ruin your life…Nobody can tell me what to do. If I decide something, I go with it and stick with it forever. I do not care what you’re going to think or say. So, keep talking sh*t about me…It will make me famous”

· James tells Edele that Frenchy “makes my skin crawl” and she says that she will have a word with her. Frenchy joins them and declares that she feels like it will be a “naked day” for her. Edele asks her “what’s going on” and Frenchy suggests that the other Housemates are not being flexible with her. Edele advises that she’s “got to try and fit in or respect” other people’s opinions

· In the bedroom, Kellie observes that Frenchy “has got a selfish approach to life” and Dee agrees saying, “She’s never had to do anything for herself” Leslie says, “That’s a damaged human being…I’ve been through a lot of what she’s been through but I rose above”

· Dee talks to Ricci about Kellie and says “I think she was probably that far away from going last night” adding, “We’re a complete group of strangers and we just accept her as Kellie. She probably finds that weird because she was probably expecting some confrontation”

· In the Diary Room, Kellie tells Big Brother that she’s feeling “a lot better” and admits that she knew it would be a bad day yesterday, from the minute she woke up. She goes on to say, “If you’d have opened the door, I would have run out yesterday, but I’m glad you never”

· Frenchy has revenge on her mind and starts cutting up Leslie’s underwear with a pair of scissors

· In the store room, Frenchy throws spaghetti and rice on the floor and says, “You’re really going to starve now!” After Kellie discovers the mess, Leslie says, “it’s inexcusable” and tells the rest of the Housemates what happened, calling a “group meeting”. Gary remarks, “It’s the Frenchy show!” but Claire retorts, “Not for long!” When confronted, Frenchy denies what she did saying; “I was in the bathroom” Leslie is furious and screams, “You’re a sick bi*ch…I saw! What a sad, sad excuse for a human being…Honey, you’re trash. You’re white trash and sell your pu**y and sell your ti*ties…You’re out!” While she continues to deny any wrong doing, Leslie screams, “I saw you, you stinking French sl*t!” and tells some of the other Housemates, “I’m going to sh*t in her make up case!”

· In the bedroom, Frenchy continues exacting her revenge and pours water on some of the Housemates beds before telling Edele that Leslie has been picking on her. Dee then tries to calm Leslie down after he discovers she has destroyed his clothing. Frenchy comes to the kitchen and riles Leslie so much that he raises his hand as if to hit her and she responds by kicking out in his direction.

· In the bedroom, George jokes that Frenchy should be sent back to America. Stephanie remarks that she doesn’t want her back in America

· Edele tries to speak to Frenchy about her behaviour and advises her not to fight with everybody

· Leslie talks to Gary about Frenchy and says, “I know why she targeted me…it’s my temper…I can count on my fingers, the way I spoke to you yesterday. Five times and since I’ve been in this House, three!”

· Big Brother calls Frenchy to the Diary Room and issues her with a warning for “threatening behaviour” after she kicked out in Leslie’s direction Frenchy assures Big Brother that she won’t cut up anyone else’s clothing

· Leslie is also called to the Diary Room where he asks Big Brother for assurance that he isn’t going to be stabbed. He is also warned by Big Brother over his threatening behaviour towards Frenchy. Leslie apologises and says that he won’t raise his voice or threaten any other Housemates

· Later, Frenchy apologises to the Housemates and says, “I just want to say sorry guys, I freak out…that’s it”

· An emotional Leslie explains that he tells fellow alcoholics that “We cannot afford even righteous anger…here I am going against everything that I teach” He then asks Frenchy if they can talk in the Pod. Before she leaves the room, Frenchy apologies again but James isn’t impressed and says, “I don’t want you to apologise because someone has told you to apologise. It’s very different. That, for me, is not an apology”

· Frenchy joins Leslie in the Pod and apologises for her “a mental breakdown” Leslie says, “My biggest character defect is that when I lose my temper, I lose the ability to edit…that’s not me” They hug and he admits, “This is an intense environment”

· In the garden, some of the Housemates are playing charades. James is acting out a famous film, pointing in various directions. Gary incorrectly guesses the various things that James is pointing to, but eventually guesses the correct title - Point Break

· Later that evening, Big Brother gathers the Housemates and tells them that there will be no eviction. Leslie is then told that the public has decided he is the Star of the Show and that he has been voted the most entertaining. The Housemates are then shown the Celebrity Scrapheap where the least entertaining celebrities will be sent. Leslie is told he must choose two Housemates who he deems to be the least entertaining. Frenchy tries to convince him to choose David but Stephanie encourages him to choose someone who’s been mean to him. Eventually, he chooses Frenchy and Gary, as they are the only two Housemates who he has had fights with. Both Housemates dispute the decision and Gary says, “I’ve had brain surgery, I’m not going outside” After Leslie gives his reasons for choosing the two Housemates, they are told that they will also face eviction but will be joined by other Housemates over the coming days.

· After Gary and Frenchy have left the House, James remarks, “At least the two freakos are in there together. I’m as scared as her as I am of him” Dee observes that he could have said James’ name before they knew about the eviction twist, adding “Credit to him for sticking to his guns” Kellie jokes, “If he’s not here tomorrow, we know Gary’s disposed of him!”

· Big Brother has thrown Leslie a party, to celebrate being Star of the Show. Unbeknownst to the other housemates Leslie must decide on another Housemate he wants to throw on the Celebrity Scrapheap and that he must use the party to decide who is least entertaining. Leslie is carried aloft by his housemates into the party, where Housemates are treated to party food and champagne. Gary and Frenchy are both unimpressed on the scrapheap.

· Leslie is then called to the Diary Room and chooses to send Kellie to the scrapheap. He goes on to give his reasons, which are heard by all the Housemates….except for Kellie who has already stormed into the garden. Ricci goes to check on Kellie who says, “I just want to get out of here”

· In the Celebrity Scrapheap, Kellie cries under her cover and is comforted by Frenchy

· Leslie tells Big Brother that he didn’t realise that the Housemates were listening to his reasons but notes that he “gave a lovely speech” He goes on to say, “Out of all the Housemates, I love Kellie the most”

· Kellie tells Lauren that she wants to go home. Leslie tries to explain the reasoning behind his decision and she responds saying, “I don’t give a sh*t about your speech…you’re a little queen!” Lauren tries to act as mediator but Kellie storms off to the Diary Room and tells Big Brother, “I’d like to go home…If you think I’m going to put myself through highs and lows to give you entertainment value, you’ve got another thing coming.” As Kellie cries, Big Brother says that she is doing a great job and shouldn’t make a rash decision

· James and George are winding Audley up about his boxing career and make a joke about “73 seconds” Audley takes offence and suggests that they are “taking the pi*s” James says, “I’ll do what I want!” and Audley tells them they are being disrespectful and becomes angry. Ricci tries to calm the situation. Big Brother interjects and asks Audley to go to the bedroom immediately. James says, “I’ve got no beef with you, but know one thing, I ain’t scared of you” Big Brother once again asks Audley to go to the bedroom.

Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Saturday 23rd August) highlights and Live show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Kellie meditates in the Pod while most of the other Housemates are sleeping…except for Frenchy, who is making a lot of noise looking for her beauty products. When.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...ate-day-5.html
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 4:31 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

· Kellie meditates in the Pod while most of the other Housemates are sleeping…except for Frenchy, who is making a lot of noise looking for her beauty products. When she is asked to keep the noise down, Frenchy starts screaming and shouting. An irate Leslie shouts, “Get the ***** out of here!” and she responds by saying, “I don’t care, I’m Frenchy…I don’t give a *****!” Leslie retorts, “You’re the saddest human being I’ve ever met in my life” and Frenchy responds, “I don’t give a ***** bi*ch. I didn’t even know who you were, so shut the ***** up” This prompts Leslie to ask, “Does anybody know who you are?...a ***** is what you are” James then suggests that “Big Brother should get you a kennel, so you can sleep outside like a dog” When Big Brother calls Frenchy to the Diary Room she flashes her boobs as she leaves.

· In the Diary Room, an unrepentant Frenchy tells Big Brother she was “trying to take a bath…I don’t think they’ve seen the crazy Frenchy one. So far, all they’ve seen is the chilled Frenchy. If you try to screw me over, I’m going to ruin your life…Nobody can tell me what to do. If I decide something, I go with it and stick with it forever. I do not care what you’re going to think or say. So, keep talking sh*t about me…It will make me famous”

· James tells Edele that Frenchy “makes my skin crawl” and she says that she will have a word with her. Frenchy joins them and declares that she feels like it will be a “naked day” for her. Edele asks her “what’s going on” and Frenchy suggests that the other Housemates are not being flexible with her. Edele advises that she’s “got to try and fit in or respect” other people’s opinions

· In the bedroom, Kellie observes that Frenchy “has got a selfish approach to life” and Dee agrees saying, “She’s never had to do anything for herself” Leslie says, “That’s a damaged human being…I’ve been through a lot of what she’s been through but I rose above”

· Dee talks to Ricci about Kellie and says “I think she was probably that far away from going last night” adding, “We’re a complete group of strangers and we just accept her as Kellie. She probably finds that weird because she was probably expecting some confrontation”

· In the Diary Room, Kellie tells Big Brother that she’s feeling “a lot better” and admits that she knew it would be a bad day yesterday, from the minute she woke up. She goes on to say, “If you’d have opened the door, I would have run out yesterday, but I’m glad you never”

· Frenchy has revenge on her mind and starts cutting up Leslie’s underwear with a pair of scissors

· In the store room, Frenchy throws spaghetti and rice on the floor and says, “You’re really going to starve now!” After Kellie discovers the mess, Leslie says, “it’s inexcusable” and tells the rest of the Housemates what happened, calling a “group meeting”. Gary remarks, “It’s the Frenchy show!” but Claire retorts, “Not for long!” When confronted, Frenchy denies what she did saying; “I was in the bathroom” Leslie is furious and screams, “You’re a sick bi*ch…I saw! What a sad, sad excuse for a human being…Honey, you’re trash. You’re white trash and sell your pu**y and sell your ti*ties…You’re out!” While she continues to deny any wrong doing, Leslie screams, “I saw you, you stinking French sl*t!” and tells some of the other Housemates, “I’m going to sh*t in her make up case!”

· In the bedroom, Frenchy continues exacting her revenge and pours water on some of the Housemates beds before telling Edele that Leslie has been picking on her. Dee then tries to calm Leslie down after he discovers she has destroyed his clothing. Frenchy comes to the kitchen and riles Leslie so much that he raises his hand as if to hit her and she responds by kicking out in his direction.

· In the bedroom, George jokes that Frenchy should be sent back to America. Stephanie remarks that she doesn’t want her back in America

· Edele tries to speak to Frenchy about her behaviour and advises her not to fight with everybody

· Leslie talks to Gary about Frenchy and says, “I know why she targeted me…it’s my temper…I can count on my fingers, the way I spoke to you yesterday. Five times and since I’ve been in this House, three!”

· Big Brother calls Frenchy to the Diary Room and issues her with a warning for “threatening behaviour” after she kicked out in Leslie’s direction Frenchy assures Big Brother that she won’t cut up anyone else’s clothing

· Leslie is also called to the Diary Room where he asks Big Brother for assurance that he isn’t going to be stabbed. He is also warned by Big Brother over his threatening behaviour towards Frenchy. Leslie apologises and says that he won’t raise his voice or threaten any other Housemates

· Later, Frenchy apologises to the Housemates and says, “I just want to say sorry guys, I freak out…that’s it”

· An emotional Leslie explains that he tells fellow alcoholics that “We cannot afford even righteous anger…here I am going against everything that I teach” He then asks Frenchy if they can talk in the Pod. Before she leaves the room, Frenchy apologies again but James isn’t impressed and says, “I don’t want you to apologise because someone has told you to apologise. It’s very different. That, for me, is not an apology”

· Frenchy joins Leslie in the Pod and apologises for her “a mental breakdown” Leslie says, “My biggest character defect is that when I lose my temper, I lose the ability to edit…that’s not me” They hug and he admits, “This is an intense environment”

· In the garden, some of the Housemates are playing charades. James is acting out a famous film, pointing in various directions. Gary incorrectly guesses the various things that James is pointing to, but eventually guesses the correct title - Point Break

· Later that evening, Big Brother gathers the Housemates and tells them that there will be no eviction. Leslie is then told that the public has decided he is the Star of the Show and that he has been voted the most entertaining. The Housemates are then shown the Celebrity Scrapheap where the least entertaining celebrities will be sent. Leslie is told he must choose two Housemates who he deems to be the least entertaining. Frenchy tries to convince him to choose David but Stephanie encourages him to choose someone who’s been mean to him. Eventually, he chooses Frenchy and Gary, as they are the only two Housemates who he has had fights with. Both Housemates dispute the decision and Gary says, “I’ve had brain surgery, I’m not going outside” After Leslie gives his reasons for choosing the two Housemates, they are told that they will also face eviction but will be joined by other Housemates over the coming days.

· After Gary and Frenchy have left the House, James remarks, “At least the two freakos are in there together. I’m as scared as her as I am of him” Dee observes that he could have said James’ name before they knew about the eviction twist, adding “Credit to him for sticking to his guns” Kellie jokes, “If he’s not here tomorrow, we know Gary’s disposed of him!”

· Big Brother has thrown Leslie a party, to celebrate being Star of the Show. Unbeknownst to the other housemates Leslie must decide on another Housemate he wants to throw on the Celebrity Scrapheap and that he must use the party to decide who is least entertaining. Leslie is carried aloft by his housemates into the party, where Housemates are treated to party food and champagne. Gary and Frenchy are both unimpressed on the scrapheap.

· Leslie is then called to the Diary Room and chooses to send Kellie to the scrapheap. He goes on to give his reasons, which are heard by all the Housemates….except for Kellie who has already stormed into the garden. Ricci goes to check on Kellie who says, “I just want to get out of here”

· In the Celebrity Scrapheap, Kellie cries under her cover and is comforted by Frenchy

· Leslie tells Big Brother that he didn’t realise that the Housemates were listening to his reasons but notes that he “gave a lovely speech” He goes on to say, “Out of all the Housemates, I love Kellie the most”

· Kellie tells Lauren that she wants to go home. Leslie tries to explain the reasoning behind his decision and she responds saying, “I don’t give a sh*t about your speech…you’re a little queen!” Lauren tries to act as mediator but Kellie storms off to the Diary Room and tells Big Brother, “I’d like to go home…If you think I’m going to put myself through highs and lows to give you entertainment value, you’ve got another thing coming.” As Kellie cries, Big Brother says that she is doing a great job and shouldn’t make a rash decision

· James and George are winding Audley up about his boxing career and make a joke about “73 seconds” Audley takes offence and suggests that they are “taking the pi*s” James says, “I’ll do what I want!” and Audley tells them they are being disrespectful and becomes angry. Ricci tries to calm the situation. Big Brother interjects and asks Audley to go to the bedroom immediately. James says, “I’ve got no beef with you, but know one thing, I ain’t scared of you” Big Brother once again asks Audley to go to the bedroom.
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 4:32 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
James being a dick to more people
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 4:36 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vanessa
if james was up he would go, i think.
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 4:37 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: reece(:
At least the two freakos are in there together. I’m as scared as her as I am of him

Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 4:57 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
Originally Posted by reece(: View Post
At least the two freakos are in there together. I’m as scared as her as I am of him

Well said Reece
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 4:58 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: reece(:
Originally Posted by Josy View Post
Well said Reece
I'd rather live with those "freakos" than that overbearing arsehole
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 5:00 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vanessa
Originally Posted by reece(: View Post
I'd rather live with those "freakos" than that overbearing arsehole
They're odd, but nice people. I like them.
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 5:01 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: muchadoaboutnothing
I'm always pleased when you post the HLs in advance Josy and so look forward to reading them. It looks like another brilliant HL show tonight but "the two freakos" comment from James has really annoyed me. There are enough mirrors in that house for him to see who the real freak is - Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 8:22 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Rob!
Omfg tonight sounds mental
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 8:38 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Brother Leon
" · James and George are winding Audley up about his boxing career and make a joke about “73 seconds” Audley takes offence and suggests that they are “taking the pi*s” James says, “I’ll do what I want!” and Audley tells them they are being disrespectful and becomes angry. Ricci tries to calm the situation. Big Brother interjects and asks Audley to go to the bedroom immediately. James says, “I’ve got no beef with you, but know one thing, I ain’t scared of you” Big Brother once again asks Audley to go to the bedroom. "

So cringe when people try take the piss out of pro fighters knowing they can't respond without looking bad. It's like when these no mark celebs in the industry start going off on how Mayweather is scared of this and that.
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 8:41 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: reece(:
Hope Audley puts both those tools in their place.
Published on: 23 Aug, 2014 - 8:42 PM Comment with Quote

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Celebrity Big Brother 14 (Summer 2014) - Who was your overall favourite housemate?
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Dee Kelly
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Frenchy Morgan
Gary Busey
George Gilbey
James Jordan
Kellie Maloney
Lauren Goodger
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Ricci Guarnaccio
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