Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 6]

24 Aug, 2014 - 3:25 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Sunday 24th August) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

* It’s the day after Leslie put three of his fellow Housemates onto the Celebrity Scrap Heap and up for eviction.

* Leslie talks to Stephanie about the possibility of making up with Kellie. Leslie thinks that Kellie should come to him but Stephanie disagrees and tells him how upset Kellie was the previous night.

* All the Housemates are worried that they haven’t seen Kellie this morning and Edele wonders if she has left the house.

* Kellie is talking to Big Brother in the Diary Room and says that all the other Housemates are rallying round each other and adds: ‘I’ve made such good friends in here.’ Kellie says that it has been good for her to be around girls and that they have taken her as one of them.

* Kellie returns to the house and gets a hug from Dee. Kellie reflects on the previous night and her row with Leslie and says: ‘I can’t believe I was nice to that little twerp.’ Kellie observes that Leslie is a full time actor and know how to play the game. Kellie resolves to kill Leslie with kindness but when she gets the chance to nominate…

* Edele is exercising in the garden and sees Gary have a fall and rushes over to help.

* Kellie and Leslie have a chat and Kellie tells him that she feels that he stabbed her in the back. Leslie says: ‘Oh honey that’s so not true.’ Kellie asks Leslie how he could have said she was the least entertaining and starts to cry. Leslie says: ‘You’re not here for entertainment; you’re here to be Kellie, that’s not entertainment.’ Kellie adds: ‘I could have squashed you so easy but I don’t want to do that.’ Leslie replies: ‘I love you so much, you’re going to be such a pioneer.’

* Dee talks to Ricci about his chances with Lauren, he says he is just a case of having the balls to say something to her. Dee says: ‘You’re not an overly confident person are you?’ Ricci answers: ‘When it someone you like, it’s different.’

* David makes an ice pack for Gary’s knee which he injured during his earlier fall. Gary says that it needs more than ice and David calls him ‘ungrateful.’ Stephanie agrees that he is ungrateful and Gary ask her to be nicer to which she replies: ‘I’m nice to everyone, just not you, because I don’t like you.’ David takes Gary into the bedroom to pack his knee but Gary bats him away saying: ‘I’ve been doing this a long time.’ David says: ‘I’ll leave you to it.’ He calls him a ‘pr**k’ as he walk away.

* James talks to Gary about hygiene issues and tells him that everyone has noticed that he hasn’t had a shower since he came into the house. Gary takes this on board and goes to take a shower.

* Leslie goes to the Diary Room and is asked if this is what he signed up for? Leslie says: ‘No! in my naivety I thought I would be the peace keeper, cut to “Shut your ******ing trap!”’

* Audley makes up with James and James tells him: ‘I think you’re a great guy man.’ James does mention that George honestly has a problem with his name and that he meant no offence either.

* Gary talks Stephanie through his shower and says it was nice but the water was too hot. Stephanie says: ‘That’s why they have it so hot, to kill the germs.’

* After his chat with James, Audley has an idea for George. He tells him from now on he can call him ‘H’. George is relieved and says: ‘It’ll come out when I’m drunk and I don’t want to piss you off.’

* Kellie goes to the Diary Room and is warned by Big Brother about her behaviour with Leslie the previous evening where called him a ‘little queen’ and said that she would knock him spark out. Kellie takes this on board and says: ‘I was very angry and aggressive last night.’

* Claire asks Gary if he was in the film ‘Piranha’. Gary says he was in the first eight minutes which was a relief when he saw the rest of the film. Audley says he would like to be in films and Gary proposes that he and Leslie do ‘Of Mice and Men’.

* After her warning, Kellie apologises to Leslie. Leslie says that his decision to put Kellie on the Celebrity Scrap Heap was a ‘poor decision that had good intentions.’ Kellie says: ‘I had a complete mist on front of me.’ Leslie explains his decision further by saying: ‘If you become some kind of freak show for our entertainment, I couldn’t bear that.’ Kellie replies: ‘Don’t vote me out, I want to stay a bit longer.’

* The three least entertaining Housemates (as decided by the viewers in a previous poll), are Edele, David and Claire. Each must showcase their talents for Leslie to avoid being put on the Celebrity Scrap Heap. First up – Claire, who performs her own take on a soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet, Leslie says: You did magnificently.’ Next is David, whose talent is his physical fitness with a dash of go-go dancer. He grabs Leslie’s collar and says: ‘All you naughty boys, just keep your hands to yourself.’ After a high octane performance, Leslie says: ‘I thought that was brilliant, it was highly charged.’ Lastly Edele revisits her B*witched days and performs their hit ‘C’est La Vie.’ Leslie says of her performance: ‘You had us all on out feet.’ It’s time for Leslie’s judgement and very objectively, he picks David to go on the Celebrity Scrap Heap. Leslie says: ‘That bum, I can’t be around it any longer.’

* David joins the others on the Celebrity Scrap Heap and Kellie calls them: ‘The four Musketeers.’

* Kellie tells Dee that her hormones must be wearing off and her mood is very changeable. Kellie says that she needs to work on her voice and that sometimes it’s OK but does tend to sound more manly when she talks about boxing. Dee says that her voice is deeper than Frank’s ever was.

* Ricci, George and Lauren are chatting about what Lauren finds attractive. She says that George will 100% get a girlfriend because of his personality. She also says that she doesn’t fancy Essex boys anymore and James agrees and says that they are ‘pretty boys.’ She then focuses on Ricci and tells him his body is ‘immense.’ Ricci answers: ‘We are definitely going places.’

* Kellie talks about Leslie and says: ‘He has a very nasty streak.’ Dee agrees and Claire observes that he has never asked her a question about her life. Kellie says that her ex-wife was an Air Stewardess and she said that the worst people were the extra camp people. Kellie also adds that she thinks that Leslie has ‘small man syndrome’ but does say that she suffered from that too when she was Frank.

* Ricci asks Lauren if she has ever been to Paris and she says no. He then says he will take her as Paris is: ‘******ing sick.’ Lauren says she will want to sleep in separate rooms as she thinks Ricci will try it with her otherwise. Ricci exclaims: ‘I like you! I’m going to put that out there.’ He adds that when you meet the right person you know and that he wants to settle down and give his parents grandchildren.

* Ricci further talks about his feelings for Lauren with David. He says: ‘If I’m making myself look a d**k, then I’m doing it.’ David advises him: ‘You’ve said what you’ve said, now relax on it.’

* Frenchy makes a start on her extensive nightly beauty routine.

* James can’t sleep because of Leslie’s loud snoring so goes into the garden to talk to Lauren and asks her if her feelings have changed towards Ricci. He tells her that Ricci knows how to treat a lady and Lauren says: ‘Maybe I should give him a chance.’ James tells her: ‘You could do a lot worse.’

Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Sunday 24th August) highlights show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

* It’s the day after Leslie put three of his fellow Housemates onto the Celebrity Scrap Heap and up for eviction.

* Leslie talks to Stephanie about the possibility of making up.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...date-day-.html
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 3:25 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
* It’s the day after Leslie put three of his fellow Housemates onto the Celebrity Scrap Heap and up for eviction.

* Leslie talks to Stephanie about the possibility of making up with Kellie. Leslie thinks that Kellie should come to him but Stephanie disagrees and tells him how upset Kellie was the previous night.

* All the Housemates are worried that they haven’t seen Kellie this morning and Edele wonders if she has left the house.

* Kellie is talking to Big Brother in the Diary Room and says that all the other Housemates are rallying round each other and adds: ‘I’ve made such good friends in here.’ Kellie says that it has been good for her to be around girls and that they have taken her as one of them.

* Kellie returns to the house and gets a hug from Dee. Kellie reflects on the previous night and her row with Leslie and says: ‘I can’t believe I was nice to that little twerp.’ Kellie observes that Leslie is a full time actor and know how to play the game. Kellie resolves to kill Leslie with kindness but when she gets the chance to nominate…

* Edele is exercising in the garden and sees Gary have a fall and rushes over to help.

* Kellie and Leslie have a chat and Kellie tells him that she feels that he stabbed her in the back. Leslie says: ‘Oh honey that’s so not true.’ Kellie asks Leslie how he could have said she was the least entertaining and starts to cry. Leslie says: ‘You’re not here for entertainment; you’re here to be Kellie, that’s not entertainment.’ Kellie adds: ‘I could have squashed you so easy but I don’t want to do that.’ Leslie replies: ‘I love you so much, you’re going to be such a pioneer.’

* Dee talks to Ricci about his chances with Lauren, he says he is just a case of having the balls to say something to her. Dee says: ‘You’re not an overly confident person are you?’ Ricci answers: ‘When it someone you like, it’s different.’

* David makes an ice pack for Gary’s knee which he injured during his earlier fall. Gary says that it needs more than ice and David calls him ‘ungrateful.’ Stephanie agrees that he is ungrateful and Gary ask her to be nicer to which she replies: ‘I’m nice to everyone, just not you, because I don’t like you.’ David takes Gary into the bedroom to pack his knee but Gary bats him away saying: ‘I’ve been doing this a long time.’ David says: ‘I’ll leave you to it.’ He calls him a ‘pr**k’ as he walk away.

* James talks to Gary about hygiene issues and tells him that everyone has noticed that he hasn’t had a shower since he came into the house. Gary takes this on board and goes to take a shower.

* Leslie goes to the Diary Room and is asked if this is what he signed up for? Leslie says: ‘No! in my naivety I thought I would be the peace keeper, cut to “Shut your ******ing trap!”’

* Audley makes up with James and James tells him: ‘I think you’re a great guy man.’ James does mention that George honestly has a problem with his name and that he meant no offence either.

* Gary talks Stephanie through his shower and says it was nice but the water was too hot. Stephanie says: ‘That’s why they have it so hot, to kill the germs.’

* After his chat with James, Audley has an idea for George. He tells him from now on he can call him ‘H’. George is relieved and says: ‘It’ll come out when I’m drunk and I don’t want to piss you off.’

* Kellie goes to the Diary Room and is warned by Big Brother about her behaviour with Leslie the previous evening where called him a ‘little queen’ and said that she would knock him spark out. Kellie takes this on board and says: ‘I was very angry and aggressive last night.’

* Claire asks Gary if he was in the film ‘Piranha’. Gary says he was in the first eight minutes which was a relief when he saw the rest of the film. Audley says he would like to be in films and Gary proposes that he and Leslie do ‘Of Mice and Men’.

* After her warning, Kellie apologises to Leslie. Leslie says that his decision to put Kellie on the Celebrity Scrap Heap was a ‘poor decision that had good intentions.’ Kellie says: ‘I had a complete mist on front of me.’ Leslie explains his decision further by saying: ‘If you become some kind of freak show for our entertainment, I couldn’t bear that.’ Kellie replies: ‘Don’t vote me out, I want to stay a bit longer.’

* The three least entertaining Housemates (as decided by the viewers in a previous poll), are Edele, David and Claire. Each must showcase their talents for Leslie to avoid being put on the Celebrity Scrap Heap. First up – Claire, who performs her own take on a soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet, Leslie says: You did magnificently.’ Next is David, whose talent is his physical fitness with a dash of go-go dancer. He grabs Leslie’s collar and says: ‘All you naughty boys, just keep your hands to yourself.’ After a high octane performance, Leslie says: ‘I thought that was brilliant, it was highly charged.’ Lastly Edele revisits her B*witched days and performs their hit ‘C’est La Vie.’ Leslie says of her performance: ‘You had us all on out feet.’ It’s time for Leslie’s judgement and very objectively, he picks David to go on the Celebrity Scrap Heap. Leslie says: ‘That bum, I can’t be around it any longer.’

* David joins the others on the Celebrity Scrap Heap and Kellie calls them: ‘The four Musketeers.’

* Kellie tells Dee that her hormones must be wearing off and her mood is very changeable. Kellie says that she needs to work on her voice and that sometimes it’s OK but does tend to sound more manly when she talks about boxing. Dee says that her voice is deeper than Frank’s ever was.

* Ricci, George and Lauren are chatting about what Lauren finds attractive. She says that George will 100% get a girlfriend because of his personality. She also says that she doesn’t fancy Essex boys anymore and James agrees and says that they are ‘pretty boys.’ She then focuses on Ricci and tells him his body is ‘immense.’ Ricci answers: ‘We are definitely going places.’

* Kellie talks about Leslie and says: ‘He has a very nasty streak.’ Dee agrees and Claire observes that he has never asked her a question about her life. Kellie says that her ex-wife was an Air Stewardess and she said that the worst people were the extra camp people. Kellie also adds that she thinks that Leslie has ‘small man syndrome’ but does say that she suffered from that too when she was Frank.

* Ricci asks Lauren if she has ever been to Paris and she says no. He then says he will take her as Paris is: ‘******ing sick.’ Lauren says she will want to sleep in separate rooms as she thinks Ricci will try it with her otherwise. Ricci exclaims: ‘I like you! I’m going to put that out there.’ He adds that when you meet the right person you know and that he wants to settle down and give his parents grandchildren.

* Ricci further talks about his feelings for Lauren with David. He says: ‘If I’m making myself look a d**k, then I’m doing it.’ David advises him: ‘You’ve said what you’ve said, now relax on it.’

* Frenchy makes a start on her extensive nightly beauty routine.

* James can’t sleep because of Leslie’s loud snoring so goes into the garden to talk to Lauren and asks her if her feelings have changed towards Ricci. He tells her that Ricci knows how to treat a lady and Lauren says: ‘Maybe I should give him a chance.’ James tells her: ‘You could do a lot worse.’
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 3:25 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: JoshBB

Originally Posted by Josy View Post
Kellie resolves to kill Leslie

Originally Posted by Josy View Post
..with kindness
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 3:29 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Rob!
Not here for them picking on Gary again
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 3:46 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Josy
Originally Posted by RobInnes View Post
Not here for them picking on Gary again
Yea the guy had just fell over ffs and they still can't help but pick at him.
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 3:46 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: Vicky.
James talks to Gary about hygiene issues and tells him that everyone has noticed that he hasn’t had a shower since he came into the house. Gary takes this on board and goes to take a shower.

'everyone has noticed' eh?

This will make the showering clip more funny IMO, if they decide to show it. This may explain garys manic grin while drying his nether regions in full view of james too
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 4:02 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: muchadoaboutnothing
Originally Posted by Vicky. View Post
James talks to Gary about hygiene issues and tells him that everyone has noticed that he hasn’t had a shower since he came into the house. Gary takes this on board and goes to take a shower.

'everyone has noticed' eh?

This will make the showering clip more funny IMO, if they decide to show it. This may explain garys manic grin while drying his nether regions in full view of james too
Oh I do hope they show that on tonights HL show, it will be sooooooo funny. As for James talking to Gary about hygiene issues and informing him that everyone has noticed. What terrible redicule of Gary from a smarmy horrible person.
Published on: 24 Aug, 2014 - 6:05 PM Comment with Quote

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Celebrity Big Brother 14 (Summer 2014) - Who was your overall favourite housemate?
Audley Harrison
Claire King
David Mcintosh
Dee Kelly
Edele Lynch
Frenchy Morgan
Gary Busey
George Gilbey
James Jordan
Kellie Maloney
Lauren Goodger
Leslie Jordan
Ricci Guarnaccio
Stephanie Pratt

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