Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2014 - CBB14: The Housemates
















Daily Update [Day 13]

31 Aug, 2014 - 8:02 PM by Josy
Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Sunday 31st August) highlights show.

Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

* It’s the morning after Leslie’s eviction and the Housemates discover a strange dome has been erected in the garden. Frenchy says that she thinks it’s going to be part of a task and Dee says: ‘Obviously Frenchy.’

* Kellie has a new game plan after being saved from eviction twice, she says to Audley: ‘I can sit back and be quiet or I can be a right bitch and get slung out, so I think I’m going to be a right bitch.’ She adds that the best players are the girls, the way they are playing the boys.

* Ricci has a workout session in the garden.

* James talks to Stephanie about whose cases have been put in the storeroom and Gary hears his name mentioned and interrupts them to find out what they are saying. James tries to explain to Gary that some suitcases are still in the store room but Gary doesn’t understand this and James thinks Gary is being rude. James says: ‘I feel like a baby-sitter.’ He also says: ‘I have to tell you off like a child.’ Gary apologises to James ‘with his heart’ and asks if he can let it go and James says: ‘Even a dog can learn new tricks.’

* Frenchy and Audley are in the bathroom and Frenchy is wearing tiny shorts and remarks she thinks she has ‘lost her bum’. Audley says she has no junk in the trunk.

* James is making up with Gary in the garden and tells him to engage brain before mouth. Gary says: ‘You’re not really there yet for compatible communication.’ James says that he will try to listen. Gary tells James he needs anger management and rage control. James says that he doesn’t need anger management; he needs people to stop pissing him off. Gary says: ‘That’s going to happen anywhere you go.’

* For today’s task, James and Audley will battle it out in a test of endurance. They will both enter the dome and have to annoy each other verbally without using any physical contact. The Housemate who stays in the dome the longest will win immunity from nomination and a party with luxury food for their team. Audley and James have to pick their teams, they choose:



• Before they enter the Dome James and Audley have some time to talk tactics with their team and get some help with the psychological torture they need to use on their opponents in order to make them leave the Dome.

• Audley and James shake hands and are reminded that the competition should remain sportsmanlike and they enter the dome. When entering, James takes off his jacket and Audley winds up him up straight away saying that it’s hard for him to breathe. James bites back saying that for people who didn’t know Audley might remember him now, referring to Audley being knocked out as Audley was lying down.

* Frenchy is taking her role as a cheerleader very seriously and jibes Lauren with her failing of the arachnophobia test and says to Lauren: ‘Shut the ***** up b*tch, you never play the game, you always lose everything.’ Lauren says: ‘That’s very rude Frenchy.’

* James starts by singing and telling Audley to ‘pick on the little dancer.’ James then changes tactics and breaks wind into the enclosed area. Audley pretends that there is a spider in the dome to scare James and later tells him he will give him tickets to his next fight as he knows he has no job and can’t pay for them.

* Edele talks to George about Frenchy’s row with Lauren and she says that Frenchy will turn on her eventually. George says she will turn on everyone and adds: ‘The whole time she is in this house it makes it easier for me to nominate.’ He then realises he has broken the rules by talking about nominations and says sorry to Big Brother.

* Lauren goes to the Diary Room and says: ‘I’ve just been attacked for no reason.’ Laurens says that Frenchy is being loud and overpowering but she didn’t want to sink to her level and that Frenchy is always in her own team.

* Ricci and Edele try to explain to Frenchy that it was the way she delivered her thoughts to Lauren that was rude. Frenchy says she is just being herself and that’s the way she talks. Frenchy says that Lauren doesn’t try or get involved.

* Gary puts his shoes on the table and Edele tells them to take them off. He takes it well and removes them.

* After two hours and thirty nine minutes, Audley and James are still arguing. Audley tells James he is immature. James says that Audley is unintelligent. Gary comes over and says: ‘You guys are really getting to know each other aren’t you? Welcome to earth.’

* Back in the dome, Audley pretends to spoon James and James says: ‘Don’t touch me mate, you’d make a big mistake if you touched me.’

* Gary entertains some of the Housemates by playing himself like a human drum, Edele tells him he has good rhythm.

* Lauren, Dee and Claire are watching the boys in the dome from the bedroom. Lauren says that James is always saying he likes confrontation and Claire says: ‘It’s attention seeking.’ Claire adds that she loves Audley and Lauren says that James won’t give up because he is so stubborn.

* Three hours and fifty two minutes have passed in the dome. James tells Audley that he is always right and that he loves winding Audley up. Audley says: ‘Your level of disrespect is unacceptable.

* After almost five hours Audley and James are tempted by a telephone placed outside the dome, when it starts ringing if one of them go outside and pick it up they will receive a five minute phone call with their wives in the Diary Room but will fail the task. The phone starts to ring and Audley covers his ears and James starts to cry. Neither of them pick it up and when the phone stops ringing Audley says that that part of the task was ‘*****ing cold.’

* The Housemates are told that the test of endurance is now over and that James and Audley can leave the dome and re-join their teams. Because they both successfully demonstrated such endurance they will both be immune from eviction and have won a party and a luxury dinner for both teams. Frenchy says: ‘Good for them, they both deserve it.’

* After a well deserved shower, Audley says to James: ‘It got personal in there but it stays in there.’

* Gary goes to talk to Big Brother and says that both Audley and James showed ‘great harmony to hang in there and have fun with it and be friendly with it.’ He says that Audley shows incredible in his supervision with his spirit. He says: ‘James is getting better on his stamina and his words and he is controlling anger management and he’s in touch with rage control.’ Gary says that he is learning big time from everything Big Brother is getting him to do. He adds: ‘I love having my truth come out and being the true Gary, it’s great.’

* The party starts and the Housemates see that there is an ice sculpture and Claire says that is looks like a wedding. Kellie proposes a toast to both Audley and James and says that it was a ‘tough fight.’

* George and Stephanie are asked to go to the Diary Room and told that they both broke the rules surrounding talking about nominations. The remaining Housemates are told to gather on the sofas so they can watch George and Stephanie in the Diary Room. Stephanie is told that she broke the rules when she said to Edele: ‘If I were to nominate tonight it would be Kellie and Audley, oh **** we’re not supposed to talk about that, sorry, sorry, I was just trying to say I like Gary more.’ George is told that he broke the rules earlier today in his conversation with Edele about Frenchy. They are both told to go to the dome until further notice.

* While in the dome, George jokingly tells Stephanie: ‘You should never have fallen in love with me.’

• Big Brother delivers the rest of the housemates their luxury meal. Whilst everyone else tucks in; Frenchy is not impressed as she thinks her vegetarian lasagne has meat in it. Despite reassurances from Big Brother, she refuses to eat it, saying she doesn’t want to get poisoned. She gets up from the table and throws the dinner in the bin, much to the annoyance of everyone. She throws her plate in the sink next to James and walks off to the sofas in a sulk.

• James tells Edele and Gary that he can’t believe Frenchy’s behaviour over dinner. Gary reckons it will have consequences which he can’t talk about before making an execution gesture across his neck; meaning she could be nominated for it.

* Ricci finally wants some answers from Lauren about how she feels about him. He says that if she wants to wait that’s fine, if she just wants to be friends then that’s fine too but he wants to know. Lauren says that she hates to be put on the spot but says ‘You dress amazing, you’re good looking and you’re a really nice guy but she I want to take it slow and I don’t want to jump into things.’

* George and Stephanie are freed from the dome. George says: ‘We’ve learned our lesson.’ Frenchy approaches George and tells him not to talk about her behind her back again and that he shouldn’t have involved himself in her row with Lauren. She then shouts at Lauren: ‘What’s the deal with you? You need someone to talk for you?’ Lauren defends herself by saying: ‘You’re very loud, there’s no need for it.’ Lauren repeats to her that what she said was out of order and again Frenchy says that’s just the way she talks. Lauren says: ‘Don’t think I’m the weakest one in here, cos I ain’t.’ Lauren tells Frenchy that if she apologises then they will be cool. Frenchy apologises and says that maybe she didn’t use the right words. Lauren tells her if she talks to her like s*it again then she will never have another chance with her. Frenchy says: ‘I don’t need you in my life darling, I don’t need anyone.’

Comment posted by: Josy
* It’s the morning after Leslie’s eviction and the Housemates discover a strange dome has been erected in the garden. Frenchy says that she thinks it’s going to be part of a task and Dee says: ‘Obviously Frenchy.’

* Kellie has a new game plan after being saved from eviction twice, she says to Audley: ‘I can sit back and be quiet or I can be a right bitch and get slung out, so I think I’m going to be a right bitch.’ She adds that the best players are the girls, the way they are playing the boys.

* Ricci has a workout session in the garden.

* James talks to Stephanie about whose cases have been put in the storeroom and Gary hears his name mentioned and interrupts them to find out what they are saying. James tries to explain to Gary that some suitcases are still in the store room but Gary doesn’t understand this and James thinks Gary is being rude. James says: ‘I feel like a baby-sitter.’ He also says: ‘I have to tell you off like a child.’ Gary apologises to James ‘with his heart’ and asks if he can let it go and James says: ‘Even a dog can learn new tricks.’

* Frenchy and Audley are in the bathroom and Frenchy is wearing tiny shorts and remarks she thinks she has ‘lost her bum’. Audley says she has no junk in the trunk.

* James is making up with Gary in the garden and tells him to engage brain before mouth. Gary says: ‘You’re not really there yet for compatible communication.’ James says that he will try to listen. Gary tells James he needs anger management and rage control. James says that he doesn’t need anger management; he needs people to stop pissing him off. Gary says: ‘That’s going to happen anywhere you go.’

* For today’s task, James and Audley will battle it out in a test of endurance. They will both enter the dome and have to annoy each other verbally without using any physical contact. The Housemate who stays in the dome the longest will win immunity from nomination and a party with luxury food for their team. Audley and James have to pick their teams, they choose:



• Before they enter the Dome James and Audley have some time to talk tactics with their team and get some help with the psychological torture they need to use on their opponents in order to make them leave the Dome.

• Audley and James shake hands and are reminded that the competition should remain sportsmanlike and they enter the dome. When entering, James takes off his jacket and Audley winds up him up straight away saying that it’s hard for him to breathe. James bites back saying that for people who didn’t know Audley might remember him now, referring to Audley being knocked out as Audley was lying down.

* Frenchy is taking her role as a cheerleader very seriously and jibes Lauren with her failing of the arachnophobia test and says to Lauren: ‘Shut the ***** up b*tch, you never play the game, you always lose everything.’ Lauren says: ‘That’s very rude Frenchy.’

* James starts by singing and telling Audley to ‘pick on the little dancer.’ James then changes tactics and breaks wind into the enclosed area. Audley pretends that there is a spider in the dome to scare James and later tells him he will give him tickets to his next fight as he knows he has no job and can’t pay for them.

* Edele talks to George about Frenchy’s row with Lauren and she says that Frenchy will turn on her eventually. George says she will turn on everyone and adds: ‘The whole time she is in this house it makes it easier for me to nominate.’ He then realises he has broken the rules by talking about nominations and says sorry to Big Brother.

* Lauren goes to the Diary Room and says: ‘I’ve just been attacked for no reason.’ Laurens says that Frenchy is being loud and overpowering but she didn’t want to sink to her level and that Frenchy is always in her own team.

* Ricci and Edele try to explain to Frenchy that it was the way she delivered her thoughts to Lauren that was rude. Frenchy says she is just being herself and that’s the way she talks. Frenchy says that Lauren doesn’t try or get involved.

* Gary puts his shoes on the table and Edele tells them to take them off. He takes it well and removes them.

* After two hours and thirty nine minutes, Audley and James are still arguing. Audley tells James he is immature. James says that Audley is unintelligent. Gary comes over and says: ‘You guys are really getting to know each other aren’t you? Welcome to earth.’

* Back in the dome, Audley pretends to spoon James and James says: ‘Don’t touch me mate, you’d make a big mistake if you touched me.’

* Gary entertains some of the Housemates by playing himself like a human drum, Edele tells him he has good rhythm.

* Lauren, Dee and Claire are watching the boys in the dome from the bedroom. Lauren says that James is always saying he likes confrontation and Claire says: ‘It’s attention seeking.’ Claire adds that she loves Audley and Lauren says that James won’t give up because he is so stubborn.

* Three hours and fifty two minutes have passed in the dome. James tells Audley that he is always right and that he loves winding Audley up. Audley says: ‘Your level of disrespect is unacceptable.

* After almost five hours Audley and James are tempted by a telephone placed outside the dome, when it starts ringing if one of them go outside and pick it up they will receive a five minute phone call with their wives in the Diary Room but will fail the task. The phone starts to ring and Audley covers his ears and James starts to cry. Neither of them pick it up and when the phone stops ringing Audley says that that part of the task was ‘*****ing cold.’

* The Housemates are told that the test of endurance is now over and that James and Audley can leave the dome and re-join their teams. Because they both successfully demonstrated such endurance they will both be immune from eviction and have won a party and a luxury dinner for both teams. Frenchy says: ‘Good for them, they both deserve it.’

* After a well deserved shower, Audley says to James: ‘It got personal in there but it stays in there.’

* Gary goes to talk to Big Brother and says that both Audley and James showed ‘great harmony to hang in there and have fun with it and be friendly with it.’ He says that Audley shows incredible in his supervision with his spirit. He says: ‘James is getting better on his stamina and his words and he is controlling anger management and he’s in touch with rage control.’ Gary says that he is learning big time from everything Big Brother is getting him to do. He adds: ‘I love having my truth come out and being the true Gary, it’s great.’

* The party starts and the Housemates see that there is an ice sculpture and Claire says that is looks like a wedding. Kellie proposes a toast to both Audley and James and says that it was a ‘tough fight.’

* George and Stephanie are asked to go to the Diary Room and told that they both broke the rules surrounding talking about nominations. The remaining Housemates are told to gather on the sofas so they can watch George and Stephanie in the Diary Room. Stephanie is told that she broke the rules when she said to Edele: ‘If I were to nominate tonight it would be Kellie and Audley, oh **** we’re not supposed to talk about that, sorry, sorry, I was just trying to say I like Gary more.’ George is told that he broke the rules earlier today in his conversation with Edele about Frenchy. They are both told to go to the dome until further notice.

* While in the dome, George jokingly tells Stephanie: ‘You should never have fallen in love with me.’

• Big Brother delivers the rest of the housemates their luxury meal. Whilst everyone else tucks in; Frenchy is not impressed as she thinks her vegetarian lasagne has meat in it. Despite reassurances from Big Brother, she refuses to eat it, saying she doesn’t want to get poisoned. She gets up from the table and throws the dinner in the bin, much to the annoyance of everyone. She throws her plate in the sink next to James and walks off to the sofas in a sulk.

• James tells Edele and Gary that he can’t believe Frenchy’s behaviour over dinner. Gary reckons it will have consequences which he can’t talk about before making an execution gesture across his neck; meaning she could be nominated for it.

* Ricci finally wants some answers from Lauren about how she feels about him. He says that if she wants to wait that’s fine, if she just wants to be friends then that’s fine too but he wants to know. Lauren says that she hates to be put on the spot but says ‘You dress amazing, you’re good looking and you’re a really nice guy but she I want to take it slow and I don’t want to jump into things.’

* George and Stephanie are freed from the dome. George says: ‘We’ve learned our lesson.’ Frenchy approaches George and tells him not to talk about her behind her back again and that he shouldn’t have involved himself in her row with Lauren. She then shouts at Lauren: ‘What’s the deal with you? You need someone to talk for you?’ Lauren defends herself by saying: ‘You’re very loud, there’s no need for it.’ Lauren repeats to her that what she said was out of order and again Frenchy says that’s just the way she talks. Lauren says: ‘Don’t think I’m the weakest one in here, cos I ain’t.’ Lauren tells Frenchy that if she apologises then they will be cool. Frenchy apologises and says that maybe she didn’t use the right words. Lauren tells her if she talks to her like s*it again then she will never have another chance with her. Frenchy says: ‘I don’t need you in my life darling, I don’t need anyone.’
Published on: 31 Aug, 2014 - 8:00 PM Comment with Quote
Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Article contains spoilers from tonight's (Sunday 31st August) highlights show.


Here are the details of what happened in the house yesterday...

* It’s the morning after Leslie’s eviction and the Housemates discover a strange dome has been erected in the garden. Frenchy says that she thinks it’s going to be part of.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...te-day-13.html
Published on: 31 Aug, 2014 - 8:02 PM Comment with Quote

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