Celebrity Big Brother 2016 - CBB17: Housemates

Angie Bowie

Christopher Maloney

Danniella Westbrook

Darren Day

David Gest

Gemma Collins

Jeremy McConnell

John Partridge

Jonathan Cheban

Kristina Rihanoff

Megan McKenna

Nancy Dell'Olio

Scotty Timlin

Stephanie Davis

Tiffany Pollard

Winston McKenzie


Daily Update: Day 16, Thursday 21st January Highlight Show

21 Jan, 2016 - 7:58 PM by Josy
Celebrity Big Brother #CBB Daily Update: Day 16

Shown: Tonight, Thursday 21st January, at 9:00pm on Channel 5.

On tonight’s show: This week’s shopping task

Also, on tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side at 11pm on Channel 5, guests include: Ex-housemate Angie Bowie, Bobby Norris and Tina Malone

Key highlights and quotes from tonight’s show:

· For this week’s shopping task, over the next two days housemates will just have to go along with the random, exciting and unusual things that Big Brother puts in the house. Due to medical reasons, Darren and Stephanie are exempt from the first activity.

· Kicking off the task, a techno spinning class has been organised for the housemates in the garden. Housemates are woken up by the spinning instructor, and techno music is played into the house.

· Gemma stays in bed and refuses to take part.

· In the garden, Jeremy, Danniella and Christopher believe that they have failed the first part of the task due to Gemma’s refusal. They are not impressed.

· In the bedroom, Megan is complaining about Stephanie to Scotty T, as she keeps borrowing her tracksuits, “I want to wear my own s*it. I don’t want people thinking we’ve got the same stuff.”

· In the dairy room, Gemma is venting, “I don’t want to be in here anymore. I’m sick of tasks. I’m not going to be taken the p*ss out of, you think it’s funny! I’m even painting my own nails…I’ve not enjoyed one bit of this place. My hair is frazzled; you’ve only got straighteners in here not heated rollers. I’m not going to perform anymore.”

· In the bedroom, Jeremy and Stephanie are pranking their housemates by hiding their shoes.

· Stephanie is being mischievous in the bedroom; she squirts toothpaste into Jeremy’s hair whilst he’s napping.

· Gemma and Tiffany are in the snug. Stephanie comes to join them.

· Jeremy gets up from his bed to discover toothpaste in his hair, he’s not impressed.

· Jeremy tracks down Stephanie in the snug, the pair starts to play-fight and he pushes her in the pool; whilst she’s dressed in Megan’s new tracksuit.

· Gemma explains to Tiffany that she feels Christopher doesn’t like her. Tiffany replies, “This is a game! People are strategising. I wasn’t put here to play kiddie games; it’s not on the agenda of Tiffany ‘New York’ Pollard.”

· Big Brother gathers the housemates in the living area for the next activity. Danniella is exempt due to medical reasons.

· For the next part of the shopping task, Tiffany and Christopher will be just going along with being wildlife presenters, in the jungle TV show set in the task room.

· The pair must read out facts from an auto-cue about the animals they will be handling. Some of the facts are untrue, and the pair also must mention the names of some of their housemates when prompted.

· The first animal that they must talk about is a tarantula. Christopher is terrified but carries through with holding the spider; housemates watch on from the living area.

· The next animal they are asked to talk about is an albino python. Tiffany is shocked and refuses to go near the snake.

· After a while, Tiffany is brave enough to stroke Steve the snake. The pair completes the task.

· In the kitchen, Gemma asks to speak to Christopher as he mentioned her name in the task. The pair goes to the toilet to talk. He tells her not to take it personally, and that he loves her.

· In the bedroom, Megan confronts Stephanie as to why she left her wet tracksuit on the floor, “It’s a p*ss take. It’s disrespectful.” Megan goes onto shout, “No one touch my stuff anymore! No one is respecting my sh*t!”

· Whilst Stephanie is in the diary room, Jeremy starts to fold Stephanie’s clothes. Megan tells him not to do it.

· In the bedroom, Gemma is showing off her flexibility by doing the splits.

· For the next part of this week’s shopping task, Jeremy is delivered a pair of crying baby dolls to look after. Stephanie remarks, “Jez you’re a daddy!” He replies, “Are they ours?!” Jeremy now has to babysit the baby dolls until further notice.

· Danniella discovers that Jeremy’s shoe is hidden in her bed, she is not impressed. John confirms that Stephanie did it.

· Gemma is next to discover that her expensive shoes have gone missing, she is also unimpressed.

· In the bathroom, Christopher explains to Stephanie and Jeremey that Danniella and Gemma have ‘flipped out’ by the pair’s earlier pranks. The pair denies they touched Gemma’s shoes, however own up to the prank they played on Danniella.

· Christopher relays to the housemates in the bedroom, that the pair didn’t touch Gemma’s shoes. He tells Danniella that they responsible for her prank, she is annoyed, “It’s not *****ing funny! She’s got two fellas running round her doing everything for her! She’s doing what she wants, and no one is saying nothing. I’m steaming!”

· Jeremy’s part of the task successfully concluded; he leaves the baby dolls in the diary room.

· Megan and Stephanie clear the air, the pair apologise to each other.

· Danniella goes to the diary room to talk about Stephanie’s messiness, “Someone else made her bed, someone else put her stuff away, I can’t live like this. It’s not on. Jez runs around like he’s p*ssy whipped, tidying up after her. If I speak to her right now I’ll lose it!”

· In the bedroom, housemates are speculating on whether a new person will be entering the house. Stephanie remarks, “I think it could be Sam! He’s a known model.” Gemma shouts, “O my god! Is that your boyfriend? He’s *****ing gorgeous Steph, I can see why you want to marry him.” Stephanie confirms and agrees, “He’s *****ing gorg isn’t he? I’m gonna (marry him).” Jeremy stays quiet in his bed.

· Stephanie leaves the bedroom to go to the diary room.

· After hearing Stephanie talk about her boyfriend, John tells Jeremy, “I don’t get it. She’s saying ‘o he’s lovely’ about her fella, and she’s mugging you off.” Jeremy agrees, “She’s a mind *****.” John advises him ‘to stop it’ with Stephanie.

· In the dairy room, Stephanie is talking to Big Brother, “I’ve just realised everything, I’ve missed Sam so much that I’ve had to block him out completely. Maybe I’ve substituted Jez for Sam as I’ve missed the contact. I don’t want to look like a tease, it’s not like that, I think the world of Jez.” She starts to get upset.

· Stephanie returns to the bedroom, Jeremy doesn’t look happy and tells her to go to bed. Stephanie leaves the bedroom. Megan tells him that she’s been teasing him for the whole time, and that she will go back to her boyfriend. Jeremy looks unimpressed.

· In the bedroom, some of the housemates are talking about Stephanie. Jeremy goes to the diary room to talk about her, and Stephanie tries to listen in from the diary room door.

· Jeremy reveals, “I hate drama. I know it’s a game. I am so over it and bored of it. I’m sure you’ve heard her say ‘what are we gonna do on the outside? Are you gonna wait?’ What the ***** does that mean? If she didn’t have any intentions with me and she has a boyfriend, would she say that? Cos I wouldn’t. It’s too much! My head has melted. I don’t want to speak to her. I just don’t get it. She’s the one who’s not being honest and real.”

· Jeremy leaves the diary room to find Stephanie sitting by the door waiting for him. She asks him for a hug, he tells her no and to chill out. He tells her he wants to be on his own. She starts to get upset.

· Stephanie asks Jeremy again for a hug, he says nothing and walks out to the garden.

Comment posted by: TiBB Frontpage Article
Josy has posted a new TiBB frontpage article.

Celebrity Big Brother #CBB Daily Update: Day 16

Shown: Tonight, Thursday 21st January, at 9:00pm on Channel 5.

On tonight’s show: This week’s shopping task

Also, on tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit On The Side at 11pm on Channel 5, guests include: Ex-housemate Angie Bowie, Bobby Norris and Tina Malone

Key highlights and.....
Excerpt of article quoted above. Read full article here - http://www.thisisbigbrother.com/cele...ight-show.html
Published on: 21 Jan, 2016 - 7:58 PM Comment with Quote

Vote Now!
CBB17 2016 - Who was your *overall favourite* housemate of Celebrity Big Brother 17 2016?
Tiffany Pollard 43.6%
Stephanie Davis 10.6%
Scotty Timlin 7.0%
Megan McKenna 6.9%
Gemma Collins 6.4%
Nancy Dell’Olio 5.9%
Darren Day 5.0%
David Gest 4.0%
Angie Bowie 2.8%
Danniella Westbrook 2.1%
John Partridge 1.6%
Jeremy McConnell 1.6%
Jonathan Cheban 1.1%
Winston McKenzie 0.7%
Kristina Rihanoff 0.6%
Christopher Maloney 0.2%

Total votes: 1956

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