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  1. Did I miss something? (tonight's highlights show)
  2. Jay gets disgusted at Lou.
  3. People actually enjoy watching such a mope?!
  4. Aaron blinking when faye mentioned a new life together.
  5. I don't care who wins as long as it is not tom
  6. Jay Jay stealing the prize money
  7. Marcus : Aaron is thinking about the money
  8. Hopefully...
  9. Jamie East.
  10. Jay was VERY quick off the mark with Alex wasnt he...
  11. And they say romance is dead
  12. Aaron now adopting JJs attitude
  13. Nasty Lauren person
  14. Faye Fayes tabloid interview
  15. Laurens Twitter battering,lol
  16. Aarons striptease
  17. What happened to Aarons 'dignity?
  18. Aaron He's a thinker
  19. Aaron is the Makosi of this series.
  20. Questions: So when Alex doesn't win...
  21. Erm...what happened with Jay/Lou on BOTS?
  22. Even aaron loves alex
  23. Your all being taken for MUGS
  24. Faye Fayes Twitter questions
  25. C5 Airing Finale Countdowns
  26. BB have clearly run out of task ideas...
  27. To those that don't like Aaron...
  28. Alex is given more airtime.
  29. Duvet Divers
  30. Things I am forced to admire in the final 5
  31. Alex Question for her fans
  32. we must evict aaron
  33. Birthday Presents
  34. Catch up!
  35. dose anyone agree that AARON has
  36. Anton GNA - Earthquake Freestyle (Warm Up For Hit Single)
  37. Do you want Brian to present next year?
  38. Help needed
  39. Big Brother 12 - Highlights Discussion Thread (9PM on C5) [6/11/11]
  40. What are your thoughts on Jay and Louise's gifts to Tom and Alex?
  41. Do we have to keep talking about Faye.....
  42. Alex: "I'd love to have been able to do modelling"
  43. The Series
  44. Memo to Alex.
  45. Aaron Please tell me how he is interesting?
  46. Aaron He annoyed me tonight
  47. Aaron Which version will WE see
  48. Alex is the only one in the house who is not kissing ass
  49. Bathrooms!
  50. Faye Faye looking glum on BOTS
  51. can bbbos sink any lower into the gutter
  52. Faye Faye is now on Twitter!
  53. Worth Catching Up or Not?
  54. Alex The real, real, real, real Alex
  55. BB knows that money will cause instant strife!
  56. Aaron Nasty Diary Room about ALL Housemates!
  57. Aaron Interview with Aaron at the auditions
  58. If you were in Alex’s position..
  59. Aaron didn't know about Jay and Louise's plan
  60. BB should be totally evil now...
  61. The official BB page on facebook is a pile of sh!te
  62. Worst outfit the HM's wear?
  63. Has Davina watched?
  64. Question about facebook voting
  65. why Louise should win
  66. I think
  67. What is the most you have ever spent...
  68. Aaron Its so obvious
  69. Aaron is so full of spite and hate..
  70. Present-gate explained
  71. Louise Maybe she really is thick...
  72. Jay's mum
  73. Tom should win by default
  74. Jay Is Jay going off Louise?
  75. Aaron The 'present affair' IS it fair?
  76. Faye Who are Fayes fans supporting now?
  77. Female fetishes weeing (Rebeckah) and pooing (Louise)
  78. Alex the Princess
  79. Alex's hygiene - does she wash her face?
  80. Aaron - not playing the game - brilliant
  81. BBOTs mocking LF and Aaron-bias protestors
  82. Aaron Aaron till the end!! let your voices be heard
  83. Jamie East opinions?
  84. Lessons to be learnt for next year
  85. Louise Ch5 site has her evicted!
  86. Louise Louise is "shadeh" and should be next out! Please post here if you agree!
  87. bb
  88. The Winner: Order of Preference
  89. Top 3 Bottom 3
  90. can Aaron still wini this
  91. Task Winners *SPOILER*
  92. 9 Reasons as to why I think Jay should not win Big Brother 12.
  93. Ideal housemate?
  94. Will the finalists keep their integrity?
  95. Dickhead Song
  96. Alex's car insurance is £3000
  97. Ch5 & ch5HD Big Brother Monday 10PM Discussion 7/11/11
  98. The Irony of manipulation
  99. your favourite Aaron moment
  100. 10 reasons why jay deserves it over aaron
  101. tom deserves way more praise
  102. Well done Faye Again
  103. which housemate would you buy insurance off?
  104. How will Brazier and Frost handle it IF Aaron does win?!
  105. Aaron what annoys me with all this aaron hate
  106. Alex has chosen Aaron to be her slave
  107. Jay was VERY convincing -.-
  108. Jays bootcamp...
  109. HLs completely different from FB Vids
  110. £500 each we spent...
  111. Louise How many times does Louise need to say 500 pounds!
  112. Aaron is right!
  113. Guess who looks like an absolute bastid!!
  114. Louise Louise's true colours in full flight now
  115. Has OKs twitter been hacked?!
  116. Jay Attention Jay Haters
  117. Present-gate - whose side are you on?
  118. Jay Did Jay say he felt like kicking the **** out of Aaron?
  119. Selfish intentions or not, at least Jay & Louise actually got a present
  120. Aaron's chances after tonights show.
  121. £500 watch and shoes???
  122. What is wrong with Jay
  123. face book
  124. Online birthday present poll results
  125. Alex If Alex wins she'll make it four females in a row!
  126. Digital spy are sh*t
  127. Aaron If only you knew :)
  128. Aaron
  129. Aaron Aaron takes part of credit for the gifts
  130. Predict Top 3 Voting Percentage
  131. Alex People say £500 is too much as a present, but are ok with Alex sharing her winnings
  132. Message to all Alex fans
  133. Which is sillier?
  134. Voting Help ( I want to vote for alex!!)
  135. Completely gone off Aaron after tonight.
  136. Will they reveal the voting order in Thursday's eviction?
  137. If Aaron was a female housemate.
  138. Aaron " Just a guy in a pink shirt a crazy kid with a dream "
  139. £500 was stupid BUT...
  140. Are they so short of money that.....
  141. Next Eviction Odds for Thursday Night
  142. Jay Says he wouldnt do BB again for a million pounds
  143. Faye Fayes new interview
  144. This looks promising..
  145. Alex is FAKE
  146. Aaron Aaron's naked pillow fight
  147. Tom How has he made it this far?
  148. Former Alex fans switching to Tom to win
  149. Tom's worried about how the housemates treatment of Aaron is percieved
  150. Jay 'I want to s*** in kettle' - worst bits only on BBOTs
  151. Will Aaron be the only one to get booed on Friday?
  152. what you think of this
  153. Aaron Not Aaron but "Scrooge"
  154. What I am hoping will happen in the next few days
  155. How to do a 'Gone of Aaron thread' (a gift to Alex/ Jay fans)
  156. Aaron Aaron tells it straight
  157. Please tell me I havn't just watched a 30yr old man with principles...
  158. Aaron This will make you look bad...
  159. OK TV dumped by C5
  160. Jay/Lou: last time you had sex, don't do randoms etc
  161. Aaron Why so popular
  162. Faye annoyed with Harry
  163. Louise The Pack mentality V Aaron
  164. Jay tries to make up with Aaron
  165. Aaron Call 090 16 16 17 01
  166. Frankie Cocozza should be in CBB
  167. live feed might be back next year
  168. Can Aaron Win?
  169. What do you think of Louise's new hair cut?
  170. Music for the final House Highlights?
  171. The present - gate vids
  172. If Aaron had wanted to buy a gift...
  173. Music for the final House Highlights?
  174. Latest odds on totespot.com
  175. If Jem had won against Aaron, would she be in final?????
  176. Can someone explain...
  177. Facebook voting
  178. Not enjoyed it on TiBB this series as much.
  179. Ch5 & ch5HD Big Brother Tuesday 10PM Discussion 8/11/11
  180. Aaron OKTV Shocker!
  181. What do you think about Aaron
  182. bit on the side live in the big brother garden
  183. Maisy Maisy!
  184. Big Brother " Who do you want to win " Polls
  185. Jay.
  186. Aaron How will you celebrate when he wins on Friday?
  187. Ch5 Trails
  188. Louise
  189. Don't Ask Aaron Fans
  190. Why is Jay getting away with all these threats?
  191. ...cause violence is really the answer isn't it Jay
  192. Jay Finally, Some Form Of Justice...
  193. What the Viewers see
  194. No Justice
  195. Rebeckah Rebeckah!
  196. Why are jay and louise getting so upset with Aaron sulking?
  197. If this isn't a warning against steroids and their side-effects i don't know what is!
  198. Louise I hope someone teaches Louise how to ....
  199. -towel over head-
  200. Aaron on Louise's idea of Romantic
  201. locking the bedroom
  202. odds
  203. Aaron Puhleeze!
  204. Aaron fans, take no notice....
  205. TiBB Poll - Who do you want to WIN? [Top two poll]
  206. Just took me 30 minutes to vote on the sh!tty BB app.
  207. Aaron miserable, song comes on and dances, then miserable again
  208. Can Aaron get any worse?
  209. song on tonights flashbacks?
  210. Nostradamus Prophecy
  211. Favourite Shopping Task?
  212. Anyone up for watching the first week back again?
  213. please help
  214. Soul's for sale!!
  215. Alex VS Aaron (on DS poll)
  216. A serious question for all Aaron fans
  217. Stepping away from here gives you a better perspective of Aarons popularity
  218. The straw that broke the camels back
  219. Aaron Aarons a " Big Brother Purist"
  220. Who deserves to win?
  221. Aaron Why is he acting like this?
  222. Aaron The reason why Aaron cries when he has his hair cut
  223. Aaron Dancing in front of a miserable Jay
  224. 9PM Tonight
  225. Could this be the most boos ever for 1st and 2nd if jay and aaron make it
  226. Jay Jay's obsession with Aaron
  227. Aaron So far ahead in the Polls?
  228. Aaron I'm turning into Quagmire here!
  229. Chavs Don't Vote...
  230. Why are people blaming Aaron for Jay's mood?
  231. Aaron Aaron Fans vote NOW dont save them.
  232. Why do BB cave into Jay?
  233. Why did Loo dance when Jay was feeling low/ milking the sympathy vote?
  234. Jay's sexual dysphemism: I want to punch her lungs in
  235. BBOTs - suggesting that Aaron has powers to control the house. Yes, really
  236. daily star
  237. BBOTs - Aaron fan hints at Jay's poo in freezer, Emma looks sheepish
  238. Shaaron should be evicted.
  239. I see jays odds have shortened and aarons are going the other way.
  240. Aaron the ultimate housemate?
  241. Aaron Strictly Come Dancing
  242. BBOTs - Hms to watch BBOTs
  243. Tom is so Annoying!
  244. Jay-You've just been Aaron Allarded
  245. Lastnights - BBOTS
  246. The Housemates' Housemate task
  247. Tom He may be a weasel but he's been more entertaining than Loo
  248. The REAL reason why Jay hasn't been kicked out.
  249. Ch5 & ch5HD Big Brother Wednesday 9PM Discussion 9/11/11
  250. Tibb Top 12 ALL TIME Housemates: The Final Result Announced.