View Full Version : BB19
Pages :
- Will there be voting % for BB19?
- Auditions for BB19 open soon...
- Are you applying for BB19?
- BB 2018 auditions are now OPEN!
- BB19 Length
- Is this the end?
- “Original Social Experiment Back”
- BB: Is she still moving to the Maldives?
- Endemol hires new creative director for BB19
- Vegetable Patch & Chickens Possibly Returning
- closed off stairs
- Would you be opposed to them redoing old tasks and twists?
- less is more
- will the eatock eye come back?
- Production for BB19
- Will BB19 rate higher than BB18?
- There are changes coming
- Diary Room Chair ideas...
- Would you miss BOTS if it was axed in the Summer?
- How do you think Channel 5 will save money with Big Brother?
- Application adverts everywhere...
- Love Island late May to late July, BB19 late July to mid September?
- BOTS apparently axed for a new spin off show?
- Predict/ Guess the theme
- With uni/colleges people being aimed at...
- C5 looking for shows to replace Big Brother in 2019
- Do you think BB19 will stick to the social experiment?
- Elders and Millenials?
- Big Brother looking for 'stand out' Northern Ireland contestants
- Big Brother 2018 [BB19] Live Twitter Feed
- Is BB19 using CBB21 eye layout?
- Have callbacks started?
- Endemol have apparently been approached...
- “Reduced order” of Big Brother a possibility from C5
- Would you like to see a BBUS week?
- On the hunt for Scots to enter
- 16 year olds in audience?
- Email I got about auditions
- Smaller House????
- Report: Back To Basics!
- A reminder
- LEAKED: Audio from Channel 5's programming meetings
- Small Predictions - BB19
- BB19: Predicting the Housemates
- eye logo????
- Guess a housemate name - one guess per member.
- CBB22 before BB19?
- Almost halfway through callbacks month
- What type of hm's you want based on past series
- Callback number
- New suggestion theem
- The house??
- BB19 - The Experiment
- The eye
- Reality Stars?
- Major news incoming...
- Will you be watching?
- what could save BB for us?
- Is Big Brother a Positive or Negative influence on society?
- why cant i get polls to work on here
- Is this auditionee on TiBB?
- The most controversial Audition tape
- Things that will definitely happen during BB19’s launch
- Big Brother will not return “in its current form” next year
- What channel could BBUK go to?
- Will you care if Big Brother is axed?
- Other format or Big Brother ideas
- Auditions have started
- Big Brother 19 UK - General Discussion Thread
- EX Housemate auditioned again
- Best pre-series hype?
- Streaming
- Predictions for the eye?
- Freeview ad (has BB theme in it)
- Why no leaks or rumours?
- That Irish shouty guy and the other annoying shouty guy from BOTS
- Will we have another good series?
- Post about auditions
- Big Brother 2018 'rescheduled'
- Wikipedia actually says that BB will start in July
- Mirella Breda stepping down
- Endemol have submitted application to retain house at Elstree for another year
- Longest ever series to start in SEPTEMBER
- If BB were to end this year, would you want a final cbb?
- A Brand New Eye
- A BBUK Would You Rather ...
- Eye Teaser?
- expecting the best series since BB7
- Would c5 BB be more successful if they cast more freaks, less models/stereotypes?
- What is your idea of Back to Basics?
- “First HM Revealed”
- BIG Brother's Big move
- When do you want this years series to start?
- BB19 hints
- What are you more excited for this year, Big Brother or Love Island?
- What’s the lowest and highest possible average ratings BB19 can achieve?
- Launch date theory
- i want sexy girl to win
- With growing success of Love Island...
- The diary room chair... Pic!
- A friend told me it's not coming on until late August
- Who is the most unanimously hated housemate ever?
- Who is the most unanimously loved housemate ever?
- Davina acknowledging Big Brother on the £100k Drop
- Do we need a word with Ben Frow?
- Should the launch be pre-recorded?
- Channel 5 shading themselves...
- Sad about Big Brother
- How to save Big Brother
- Callbacks BB19
- ITV2 chief Paul Mortimer deal's BB a back handed slap regarding Love Islands success
- If BBUK was given to another channel ...
- A mid August Launch
- Report: CBB to air before BBUK in August
- BREAKING: Look at the BB house
- 'Love Island Australia is better than UK version,' say fans after HUGE brawl
- Calculated length of BB 2018
- i want big brother to be on at Halloweener night
- Endemol Shine possibly up for sale – what does this mean for Big Brother?
- Channel 5 Ratings
- okay it’s starting to get depressing
- BB’s most popular viewers are 45 - 54 year olds??
- Links to previous housemates
- Rylan talks about BB
- I've had enough!
- Have you ever rewatched a Big Brother series?
- If they want to be more high brow, lose pink casino
- Launch and first eviction will likely be bumped for Jane McDonald’s show
- How much back to basics?
- Endemol Submits 3 Year BB Planning Application
- Nearly a month until launch and nothing?
- Davina would want to present alongside Emma Willis
- Edemol Renew House Lease for 3 years
- Fans get to go to the house
- Big Brother schedule
- Eye to be revealed in the next few days..
- ITV Emerges As Favorite to Air Big Brother in 2019, Channel 4 Second
- 18 housemates from 18 years of BB - A concept!
- Happy Birthday BB
- Would anyone write Big Brother news articles for this site?
- 38 EYES....Which is your favourite
- Paddypower Removes Big Brother Next Channel Betting Odds
- When you hear "back to basics" what do you hope for?
- I am confused, and I don't like it.
- BB 2nd Round Audition Experience
- Scout a housemate!
- Any chance gogglebox might show BB this year?
- Are We Getting A Lesbian This Year?
- 1984 George Orwell's novel... Back to it's roots!
- guided meditation Celebrity Big Brother: Eye Of The Storm
- Early betting odds for winner
- Hint of the eye design
- Predictions on what the double staircase is all about
- Producers want to cast BB17’s Bernardo and Josh
- Civilian Big Brother
- What do you think they're doing with civilian HMs
- The BB team are abluste B'stards
- A totally different format.
- BB19 to be the last ever and a return to "original social experiment" ?
- delete
- Would a housemate who claims to be the Anti-Christ Be to controversial for BB!
- The BB19 “logo” is incoming..
- September 14th launch?
- Has Big Brother become too vocal?
- BB to be 53 days long
- Eye will be released on Tuesday
- Guess what the new-look house will look like!
- BB 2018 House Layout Design
- New eye in less than a week - ‘nothing like you’ve ever seen before’
- Can somebody tell me how big brother stalk potential housemate’s instagrams?
- No episode on Satuday 15th
- BB19 Sweepstakes Thread
- BB19 Thread Finder/locator
- please for the love of **** reveal the promo during tomorrow’s show
- BB19 Insider Leak (Spoilers) [GENUINE]
- Eye revealed
- Eye meant to look like THE BIG BANG
- BB19 Schedule Thread
- What would make BB19 a perfect series?
- Big Brother 19: Ratings Thread
- Full view of BB EYE 2018
- Promo tonight!
- omg bitch that teaser
- That housemates teaser...
- Housemates being revealed on Monday
- **** in hiding?
- Will a forum member be on the cast?
- Do people who have auditioned get a final no?
- it will be full of tv people again!
- The longest the housemates have been in hiding for years??
- Tibb Members On BB ?
- This forum name should be changed to...
- Housemate reveal tomorrow!!
- win to girl sexy want i
- How excited are you for civilian?
- We make a “crucial decision” tonight
- Judging from the clip we saw
- I am glad we dont know what they look like or their names
- Vote the Scottish lass!
- The oldest housemate is 32
- It feels weird that we have a housemate born in the 21st century
- Thanks for voting!
- A BB6 aesthetic cast???
- What will the game advantage be?
- Which civilian HM are you voting for? [Poll]
- Emma confirmed they have never been on TV
- Emma: "we've had shouts that they're always from RTV shows, that's not happening"
- "most competitive series YET"
- It maybe BBUS format?
- The fast food gal from Glasgow OFFICIAL fanclub!
- The Cleaner from Poland Fanclub
- im just a regular degular girl
- The vegan artist fanclub
- The Spiritual Advisor fanclub [QUEEN OF BRAZIL]
- The Call Centre Worker/Regular Degular Girl Fanclub
- Which of the revealed housemates do you anticipate being a legend
- Sian H. *Game Changing Queen* fan thread/Last evicted BBUK housemate/30+ members
- SPOILER: Some of the housemates are being leaked...
- How can BBUK be competitive?
- We LOVE a Call Center gal
- TiBB Nominations 2018 [Week 4: Riley. wins!]
- NEXT WEEK : No saturday show: And Every night , even Eviction is 10PM
- Loving new line up !!
- What is your thought on what the coin will do or mean!
- Hope the advantage in the game isn’t a final pass
- House predictions?
- Big Brother's Big Build-Up (post your fave moments from past series!)
- Shock no sun bathing in the garden
- Do we think, we have late entry this series?
- Lineup is a mess
- Big Brother 2018 [BB19] Live Twitter Feed
- With so much reality tv on atm do we think BB could regain its role as the king
- New house
- Predict the winner of the poll
- I'm going to be in the Audience!!!!
- New Teaser: 'You will have more control than ever before'
- Your ideal cast size?
- “Only the most competitive housemates will survive the first week”
- The other house
- Why isn't the housemates teaser clip on YouTube?
- The promos tho :love:
- Can this season still be 'back to basics'?
- Launch night audience will have ex housemates in it
- No live feed
- Which channel would you like to air BB20?
- Small Predictions - BB19
- Interview with Rylan about the upcoming series
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