- I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! Ratings Thread
- TiBB Poll - IAC 2012 - First Impressions?
- favorite celebrity
- Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt want to enter I'm A Celebrity
- I'm A Celebrity 2013: JLS' Marvin wants to join the line up!
- Location of the camp.
- My I'm a Celeb line up for this year
- I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 2013: Rumors thread
- Ant & Dec in Australia for new ‘tougher’ I’m A Celebrity 2013
- I'm A Celeb 2013 Trailer
- are you depressed "i'm a celeb" is starting soon ?
- I'm A Celebrity launch date confirmed: 17th Nov 9pm
- MathewFungal
- Best and worst series?
- Lucy waston will win
- I'm a celeb 2013 line up :(
- I'm A Celebrity 2013 launch line-up confirmed
- I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here 2013 [Press Pictures]
- IAC website up
- IAC: Who is your favourite celebrity? (line-up revealed)
- IAC 2013 Cast Assessment
- The camp pics and three trials announced .
- Who do you think will be the new Gillian, Helen, Sinitta etc.
- Campers had to flee jungle.
- I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here 2013 main chat thread
- IAC Camp Pics
- Campmate Rankings 2013
- will this way to start a "fire" catch on Rebecca ?
- Preview of tonights eating challenge
- TiBB Poll - Who is your favourite I'm a Celebrity contestant? [Week 1]
- Celebrity get me out of here special ideas.
- Joey - another bore playing dumb?
- day 1 - are you liking it ? yes or no ?
- Rebecca being exempt from trials
- Is Hazel a late entry?
- 'I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here': Is it time for a rule change?
- Is Joey putting on an act?
- im starting to think
- Amy looks like...
- Marry, snog,avoid
- has concord landed in the camp
- Two new campmates confirmed and revealed
- Anyone really not like Matthew?
- is Mathew is pure Gentstuff ?
- Who would you rather of been the late entries
- Everyone loves Joey :(
- woman talking about skinny woman again - YAWN
- the cat fight - who won - Amy or Rebecca ?
- Rebecca - manipulative insecure bint
- Who does Amy Willerton remind you of?
- a friday run down a question about Mathew and Klass ?
- is Joey's game up ? yes or no poll
- Annabel explains how she got her ear caught in the car door
- Joey fans target Amy.
- she isn't the girl for him': Sam Faiers warns Amy Willerton to 'back off' from Joey
- Why is Annabel not chosen for the bushtucker trials?
- Rebecca trying to break alfonso
- is Joey now causing boring grief ?
- Contestants fees are...
- rebecca out of quite a few trials due to medical reasons?
- Matthew getting a bit to big for his boots?
- Sam Faiers
- Who do you want out first?
- David is such a kind person
- Anyone else surprised how Kian got the most votes?
- i'm a celeb is the reality tv chief ?
- 'What the hell is she doing in there?' I'm A Celebrity fans vent their fury as Rebec
- Anyone else losing interest?
- Predict the places each celebrity will come?
- I cannot at Lucy's jealousy of amy
- inmuity trail (spoilers)
- Weird IAC for me this year
- Camp saviour -rigged
- Mathews "scab" comment to Kian
- Joey and Kian are immune from the vote off
- Rebecca doing the next trial.
- If they had to nominate like Big Brother?
- Craig revel Horwood not happy with Vincent
- Joey and "bad memory"
- Matthew needs to go
- Alfonzo was right ok Wright agree or disagree poll
- This immunity trial.
- Is Amy being picked on ?
- David takes on the next bushtucker trial (preview)
- This survivor thing...
- #getmathewout
- Lucy Vs Amy
- third savior
- Joey and Amy already smitten with each other before the show ,but she has a boyfriend
- from saturdays show i have my 2 winners
- Who do you want to SAVE? (1st Elimination)
- David is soo kind
- Amy playing sympathy card
- Dropped Right in it!
- Joey's Hair
- the final 3
- crime watch appeal - jungle style
- Amy and Annabel, who is lying?
- Mathew,s professional suicide quest.
- What celebrity do you think would be hard to live with in camp?
- Get Amy Out
- Amy always saved
- Amy to win!
- Lucy Being Gullible
- rebecca read the question wrong
- michael21 officially endorses Amy Willerton
- Laila gone second
- Laila is really mo
- TiBB Poll - I'm a Celebrity - Who is your favourite contestant? [Leila out]
- Vincent - bravery - sweet as a pavlova or is he palaver ?
- IAC 2013: Amy Fan Club <3 [8+ Members]
- I can prove joey is a faker
- Confirmed two leave tonight.
- what could IAC to make the show different next year
- double elimination?
- miserable omg !
- where was Kian
- Al V Lucy
- How great is David?
- Matthew voted out = world indifferent
- Vincent and Mathew out - is it a fix ITV ? bring in ethel skinner
- Matthew Wright slams 'The Joey Essex Show'!
- Apprentice Luisa slams "despicable" Lucy Pargeter
- Bitter rebecca lies about mathew
- Review of steve interesting davis
- Joey Essex and Not Being Able to Tell the Time?
- Why Isn't Will Smith and Uncle Phil in this show?
- are people scared of lucy????!!
- Dingo Dollar Challenge
- David must win yes or no poll
- Joey 5/4 to get a spin off show
- Two people leaving I'M A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here today
- Surf and turf trial preview
- save Alfonso!!!!!
- voting
- Kian tells david off in front of everyone
- Rebecca "we asked her not to speak to al"
- Why is Amy allowed to break the rules
- Best trial of the series so far
- Two celebrities are leaving on friday
- Who has been the biggest SCREAMER of all time!
- well done GB public
- the winning formula for "i'm a celeb" 3 days to final
- IAC this year is flat
- Celebrity Cyclone
- Producers could of caused so much drama
- Im so happy i could ****
- WHO is voting for lucy???
- I'M A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Which celebrity should go next?
- Whats with Lucy
- No way! Huge shock!!!!!
- Just love watching tonight's result(Joey/Amy vid)
- Kian &David for the final please!
- Are the fans speaking up now
- Did David play the royal card?
- are you delighted with Fridays double ?
- Myleene Klass on 'The Wright Stuff' next week !!!
- This year's Final 3 *bye*
- Turntables of terror preview.
- Offensive signatures
- Who do you want to see win I'M A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here?
- yesss finally !!!
- a poem to thank all who voted ps and GM alert and a chance to win a poem from me to
- Gone so fast this series:(
- Rate this Years IAC
- Who you wanna win?
- Jungle finally over
- the winner - well done Kian my final poem
- Teenage girl, 18, racks up £1,158 phone bill voting 2,316 times for Emmerdale star
- the voting percentages being revealed?
- Imagine CBB2013 cast on I'm a celeb this year
- Amy & Joey confirm they are in a relationship.
- Voting Results Revealed...
- Amy on the comedy awards
- the coming out show !
- Your perfect jungle line up!!!
- I'm A Celebrity 2013: +1 -1 Game.
- Rebecca: won't rule out cosmetic surgery
- Joey Essex and Amy Willerton SPLIT