- BB17 confirmed
- BB17 Needs
- Would you like to see another May launch next year?
- Guess next years theme!
- I'd love a small water slide in the garden for BB17
- More Donny/Yorkshire Folk for BB17?
- Do you wanna see another May launch?
- Auditions open soon for BB17!
- Big Brother could launch in May AGAIN next year.
- An Idea...
- Big Brother Auditions are open!
- Sarah for BB
- I've applied!!
- who will fill in for emma when she is in labor
- Small Predictions 2016
- I wish it went back to open auditions.
- Legend!
- Kween Karmyn - "Won't Be Having Sex in The Big Brother House Because Her Nan Watches"
- Any applications from TiBB folkles?
- This iconic queen off Blind Date for BB17
- Advert for auditions promises "a large cash prize" - another prize fund change?
- Do you think they'll reveal the HMs before launch again?
- I really think that the producers should go searching in public...
- I've just auditioned (Video)
- Open Auditions are BACK!!!
- Does Channel 5 BB need more late entrants?
- Do you think we will REALLY see changes for BB17?
- When Will BB17 Launch?
- Do you want VTS or VTE?
- Should they be allowed to discuss nominations?
- My BB17 Premonition/Dream
- Can Marcus please stop saying "let rip" ?
- Format Changes BB17
- CONFIRMED: New Exterior and House for BB17
- Is Nikki going back in?
- New eye template coming??
- Have they started work on the new set?
- New eviction set to be INSIDE!
- The Greek God Has Applied !!!
- Odd number vs even number BB's
- Why don't Housemates nominate alphabetically anymore?
- Work begins on the new set!
- Guess The Theme!
- Much more detailed plan of new house
- New Host?
- Big Brother 17 UK Speculations & Theories Thread
- Neekz Fuchsia for BB17!
- Anyone want to join me?
- Would you accept a autumn BB?
- Anyone invited to London/Man auditions yet?
- Small changes you'd like to see in the summer?
- Anna for BB?
- BB17 set to be promo'd more also on different medias?
- X Factor Reject hoping to appear
- Where abouts in Manchester and what time are the audition callback meet ups??
- Big Brother: You Decide
- Big Brother to remain on TV3 in Ireland until 2018
- Tara Babcock For Big Brother Summer 2016?
- I Would Love Her To Be In Big Brother Summer 2016
- Poll: who is your all-time favourite BB or CBB housemate
- New exterior set layout picture!
- Which of these celebrities would you like to see in CBB
- Do you want BBUK to adopt the American format?
- What I wish for in this years big brother...
- Will the housemates be able to vote in the EU Referendum?
- Would you like BBUK to adopt the international housemates twist?
- Would you like a BBUK Casino house/theme?
- Best Big Brother Series
- Nick Samwell-Smith (the boss of Initial and Big Brother showrunner) leaves Endemol.
- 7 suggestions for Big Brother 17?
- Ronnie Pickering For Summer CBB
- Channel 5 say they'll "relaunch" Big Brother.
- Creative audtions
- Happy Birthday Emma Willis!
- BBUK Allstars my line-up
- Will bit on the side be axed too
- New Big Brother extension + eviction stage APPROVED!
- Revamp + C5 Rebrand = Completely new graphics and eye template?
- Ash and Danny are the best Hm's ever
- Channel 5 give Rylan his own chat show
- There's an official remix of the Big Brother theme tune featuring Bros.
- Rylan hints at a 'Brand new Show'
- Proves Inside Stage
- Ofcom reveals Big Brother is the most complained about programme ever
- Big Brother 17 - Construction Timeline [Complete!]
- Little things that you want to change/bring back for BB17?
- Extension to be task arena?
- how would you do at BB?
- How long will BB and CBB last??
- Housemates Will Be Chosen This WEEK- With Rylan's help R.I.P
- When does the new series start of big brother
- Does the olympics effect BB?
- Big Brother to premiere online (nevermind whoops)
- Big Brother to run until at least Christmas in new UK TV experiment (Aprïl füls)
- Words Of Wisdom From Kate
- Would you watch BB17 if?
- If they did the timewarp again...
- Predict housemate names!
- OK: Big Brother to face major changes ahead of the new series
- BBSpy: BB17 to launch in late June
- Reveal Cast few days before Launch or Reveal on Launch
- Will we get a record number of housemates on launch night?
- Nikki: BB17 might be the last Civilian BB
- Would you support the idea of the viewers choosing the housemates?
- if they had to switch up the UK series, which of these scenarios would you rather?
- Possibility of separate bedrooms this year..?
- What would be your intended personality lineup for BB17?
- Predict the names of the contestants?
- Emma Willis: Hosting Big Brother requires "treading a fine line"
- BB getting a few mentions on Radio 1
- Task ideas that you would like to see be done for BB17?
- ..'HUGE' Twist Revealed [spoiler]
- AXE Civilian BB and have longer CBB
- Crowd capicitity to be SMALLER!!!!
- Choose a line up for all stars! But the twist is... US/Canada format!
- Emma Willis 'thinking about QUITTING Big Brother'
- PETITION - If you DON'T want CBB/BBUK mixed
- If BB16 and CBB16 were mixed who would you have wanted to win?
- Would you object to the Celeb/Civ twist if it were international all-stars instead?
- Rip bbuk
- Article - Why Big Brother 2016 shouldn't have celebrity housemates.
- Boob job uni girl, Connor from ex on the beach, selfie sisters and more
- Channel 5 HD is now free-to-air on Feeview/Freesat!
- "Benefits Britain" star Steve Beer accidentally applied for Big Brother USA
- Would you like Nikki Grahame to enter CBB18
- Do you think we'll get the eye in the next week?
- Nikki Grahame wants to bring Big Brother Canada to the UK!
- Emma wants more documentaries, and BB 'for a little while'
- BB7's Glyn and BB16's Joel both fail to make it into Welsh Assembly
- Emma Willis gives birth to baby girl!
- Emma Willis
- Big brother 17 summer 2016 launch?
- Eye Watch 2016 [Eye Spy | Eye Revealed]
- Samantha Harvey For Big Brother
- The Big Brother house makeover.
- Rylan insists that Celebrity Big Brother will follow civilian Big Brother
- Some people like VTS, so how about ...
- Do we need marcus?
- Renee Graziano ''Mob Wives Star'' Confirmed For Big Brother as a Celebrity Player.
- Would having a proper eviction on the launch show work?
- Big Brother 17 Eye REVEALED
- Big brother : Divide & conquer
- Rate the BB17 eye logo
- BBUK17 - Thread Finder
- BB17 - Sweepstakes
- Will we get live feed this series
- Big Brother 17 Ratings Thread
- If you HAD to choose, which rumoured "format change" would you pick?
- Rylan said on This Morning Friday he well tell about Big Brother
- Today i found out..[potential housemate]
- Which format would you like BBUK to have?
- Really hope these new shots of Rylan are BB related..
- Jamie Vardy lookalike for CBB?
- I so want to know .....
- Details about the new series of Big Brother
- Big Blaggger
- New BBUK Presenter Pics
- Live Feed cut back to 30 mins a week.
- More Senior Production Changes
- Big Brother 2016 - Trailer
- Which start date do you want the launch to be on?
- Future housemates from 'Timebomb'?
- How excited are you for BB17?
- Most famous regular BB housemate? (Before they went in)
- A pattern with the CH5 eyes
- Big Brother 2016
- Could we have a link up with BB USA this season?
- Applause BB ticket image teasing house/graphics?
- Which would you prefer?
- What is yin and yang?
- Would you like BB17 to be males vs females?
- Half of line up leaked?
- When will the house pictures be released?
- 2 launches?
- Ronnie turns down BB
- Big Brother to start on the 7th?
- Big Blagger needs you!
- Would you like Helen Wood to enter BB17?
- Do you think we will get voting percentages this series?
- Would you like Makosi to enter bb17?
- What is the thing you're most excited about for the new series?
- Daily Star front page 26/5 - Big Bruv 2-House Shocker
- i want sexy girl to win bb17
- Chloe Mafia for CBB?
- 2 houses this year.
- Two house twist to involve relatives?
- Extended trailer just aired
- Does Rylan hinder or help the show?
- Where is the live feed
- First house picture?
- Do you like the 'Two Houses' idea?
- Rylance promises BB surprise on This Morning
- If there are 2 houses, who would you want to live next door?
- Which house are you most excited to see?
- This is just my idea ....
- Are you fussed about live feed?
- What I think, and would like BB17 to be like
- If they are bringing back housemates again we need Sallie AXL
- Which first evictee would you give another chance?
- Entrance outfits
- Description of the New House Design for BB17
- Terrible promotion again
- Anyone know
- Big Brother UK 17 - General Discussion Thread
- Will there be a "in memory of David Gest" before the launch?
- BOTS set doubled in size!
- House pictures tonight?!
- Should BB be more app interactive?
- Big Brother 17 - Emma and Rylan Interviews
- No more posters and banners
- Anyone going to the Launch Night? Need Help
- Former housemates Joel and Mark to have columns on Realityspy
- The inspiration for this years theme?
- Big Brother being promoted on Snapchat stream
- How many housemates?
- No 7 days to go adverts this year?
- Big Brother 17 [Countdown - 7 Days To Go]
- TV3 advert
- Live Feed or B2B Production?
- I really want them to bring back Head to Head evictions
- Do you watch BOTS?
- House Pictures Tomorrow Morning, Housemates going into Hiding and more...
- Big Secret revealed tonight
- Do you want them to reveal housemates before launch again?
- Which part of the original house are you most looking forward to seeing?
- Thoughts on "the others" twist?
- Whats stopping them finding out
- Will "the others" twist work without getting confusing with no Live Feed?
- Daily star front page - NO SIGN OF HOUSE PICTURES
- Sam Fox for CBB?
- Live Twist on Tuesday 14th June
- Emma & Rylan tweet 3 house pics (+2 bedroom pics)
- Website updated.
- New Big Brother 18 US Pictures (Looking Like Countries Theme)
- How long before one of the housemates clocks the 'others' twist?
- Will BB get its own ident after the 5 rebrand?
- Who could "the others" be?
- Rylan teases a "mixed" cast
- Who do you want "the others" to be?
- Do you like the new design of the house?
- Do you want the house pics for the extension to be revealed before launch?
- Looking at the new pics of the new set the crowd space looks tiny BUT
- New house exterior.. a bit BORING?
- Favourite area in the new house?
- BB17 - Noms/Eviction prediction Thread (SPOILERS!!!)
- BB16 vs. BB17 house
- Article about how the promo was created
- Laura Carter (who had a threesome with Justin Bieber) to enter next week?